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371 Posts
If you want to go to College, start #trading . You'll learn - the value of patience - how your mind works - what is in your control - how failure is humbling - how to manage your #money - how to control your emotion Everything you didn't learn in college. #crypto2023 #BTC
If you want to go to College, start #trading .

You'll learn

- the value of patience
- how your mind works
- what is in your control
- how failure is humbling
- how to manage your #money
- how to control your emotion

Everything you didn't learn in college.

#crypto2023 #BTC
Multicoin Capital lost 91.4% last year Hedge fund Multicoin Capital suffered a 91.4% loss in 2022. The annual letter said that the losses were caused by unstable market conditions and the collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange. #fundraising #funding #capital #money
Multicoin Capital lost 91.4% last year

Hedge fund Multicoin Capital suffered a 91.4% loss in 2022. The annual letter said that the losses were caused by unstable market conditions and the collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange.

#fundraising #funding #capital #money
🇮🇩 ACH Alchemy Pay received a licensed from the central bank of Indonesia to carry out money transfer #ach #indonesia #money
🇮🇩 ACH Alchemy Pay received a licensed from the central bank of Indonesia to carry out money transfer
#ach #indonesia #money
Why we have to buy digital assets ?👉A digital asset is any asset that exists in a digital form and includes a right to use. Some of the most popular examples are digital assets related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.  Digital asset are very secure for your future. 👉The decision to buy digital assets will depend on a variety of factors, including personal interests, financial goals, and individual risk tolerance. As with any investment, it's important to do your research and make informed decisions before putting your money into any digital asset. Some digital assets:- 1.Cryptocurrency:-crypto2023, BTC, BNB e.t.c. 2.NFTs (non-fungible tokens): -These are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific piece of digital content, such as artwork, music, or video. 3.Digital art:- This is art created digitally, often using tools like Photoshop, 3D modeling software, or digital painting programs. You can sell your art as NFT. 4.Domain names:-These are unique names that are used to identify websites on the internet. Some domain names can be valuable digital assets, particularly if they are short, easy to remember, and relevant to a particular industry or topic. 5.Digital real estate:- This refers to virtual land, buildings, or other properties that exist in online environments like virtual reality or video games. Ownership of digital real estate can be represented by NFTs or other digital tokens. In upcoming future, digital assets have to be high value. If you have #money or #Invertor you can invest in digital assets. #crypto2023 #Binance #ETH

Why we have to buy digital assets ?

👉A digital asset is any asset that exists in a digital form and includes a right to use. Some of the most popular examples are digital assets related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. 

Digital asset are very secure for your future.

👉The decision to buy digital assets will depend on a variety of factors, including personal interests, financial goals, and individual risk tolerance. As with any investment, it's important to do your research and make informed decisions before putting your money into any digital asset.

Some digital assets:-

1.Cryptocurrency:-crypto2023, BTC, BNB e.t.c.

2.NFTs (non-fungible tokens): -These are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific piece of digital content, such as artwork, music, or video.

3.Digital art:- This is art created digitally, often using tools like Photoshop, 3D modeling software, or digital painting programs. You can sell your art as NFT.

4.Domain names:-These are unique names that are used to identify websites on the internet. Some domain names can be valuable digital assets, particularly if they are short, easy to remember, and relevant to a particular industry or topic.

5.Digital real estate:- This refers to virtual land, buildings, or other properties that exist in online environments like virtual reality or video games. Ownership of digital real estate can be represented by NFTs or other digital tokens.

In upcoming future, digital assets have to be high value.

If you have #money or #Invertor you can invest in digital assets.

#crypto2023 #Binance #ETH

Learn to make a clear distinction between income-rich and asset-rich: Often, the more money you make the more money you spend; that’s why more money doesn’t make you rich — assets make you rich! #money #bitcoin #BNB #BTC #investing
Learn to make a clear distinction between income-rich and asset-rich:

Often, the more money you make the more money you spend; that’s why more money doesn’t make you rich — assets make you rich!

#money #bitcoin #BNB #BTC #investing
The Evolution of Money: From Bartering to BitcoinSince it serves as a means of exchanging goods and services, money is a crucial component of human society. Throughout human history, the idea of money has undergone a major metamorphosis as it has adapted to fit the shifting demands of civilizations. In this article, we’ll look at the history of money, from the first examples of trading until the invention of Bitcoin, the first decentralized digital currency. Bartering: Where Did Money Come From? The first exchanges of commodities and services took place when humans bartered with one another in prehistoric times. Bartering is the direct trade of products or services without the use of a middleman like money. For instance, a blacksmith may exchange a sword for a quantity of grain or a farmer might exchange a basket of apples for a deer hide. Although bartering was a successful method of exchange for goods and services, there were some restrictions. It wasn’t easy to locate someone who wanted what you had to offer and had something you wanted in exchange, for one thing, because not all products were of equal value. Additionally, trading needed a double coincidence of wants, which implied that both parties had to desire what the other had to offer concurrently. Bartering became time-consuming and ineffective as a result. Metal Coins: The Original Form of Money Early civilizations started using metal coins as a medium of commerce to get beyond the limits of bartering. Around 700 BCE, the first metal coins were produced in Lydia (present-day Turkey), and they were made of electrum, a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver. As the usage of metal coins grew over time, various civilizations started to mint their own coins with distinctive patterns, symbols, and inscriptions to set them apart from those of other civilizations. Compared to bartering, using metal coins had a number of benefits. Coins made trading goods and services easier because they were portable and simple to transfer. Coins were a perfect store of value since they were made of valuable metals and had intrinsic value. Finally, the weight and purity of coins were regulated, making them more dependable and practical to use than bartering. Paper Money: Fractional Reserve Banking’s Ascent Paper money first appeared as societies expanded and the need for money grew. Known as “flying money,” paper money was originally utilized in China during the Tang period (618–907 CE). Because it was lighter and simpler to carry than metal coins, paper money was more practical than coins made of metal, but a valuable good like gold or silver did not back it. Paper money was instead backed by the issuing authority’s pledge to swap it for a set number of metal coins. Fractional reserve banking, in which banks would issue more paper money than they held in metal coins in reserve, was made possible by the usage of paper money. Banks were able to boost the money supply thanks to fractional reserve banking, which in turn promoted trade and economic expansion. However, there were drawbacks to using paper money as well. For starters, inflation resulted from the expansion of the money supply as the value of the currency in circulation decreased over time. Paper money was also easy to counterfeit, which reduced public confidence in the currency. Many nations later switched to a gold standard, where the paper money was backed by a set quantity of gold kept in reserve, to allay these worries. Electronic money: a modern concept The introduction of computers and the internet has brought about yet another change in how we use money. The term “electronic money,” usually referred to as “digital money,” describes currency that is available in digital form and may be sent electronically. Due to the absence of tangible checks or currency, this form of money has improved efficiency and convenience in financial transactions. The credit card, which eliminated the need for carrying currency when making purchases, was among the first types of electronic money. With the advent of electronic funds transfer (EFT) systems, money could be moved between bank accounts without requiring a trip to the bank or the use of a cheque. New electronic payment methods like PayPal, which allowed users to send and receive money via the internet, were introduced with the development of the internet. E-commerce expanded as a result of the ease with which consumers could now purchase and sell products and services online thanks to PayPal and other online payment systems. Electronic money was convenient, but it still relied on centralized organizations to oversee and safeguard transactions, including banks and payment processors. The risk of fraud and the potential for government involvement were just two of the difficulties brought on by this centralization. Bitcoin: The Start of Decentralized Digital Currency The first decentralized digital currency, known as Bitcoin, was launched in 2009 by an unidentified person or group of individuals operating under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Peer-to-peer technology, such as Bitcoin, enables safe, direct-value transactions between people without the use of middlemen. Utilizing blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger that keeps track of all Bitcoin transactions is one of Bitcoin’s fundamental inventions. This ledger is kept up to date by a network of computers and makes sure that transactions are safe and unchangeable. With a limited number of 21 million coins, Bitcoin is also intended to be deflationary, which aids in preserving its value over time. People now have more power over their own finances thanks to the disruption caused by bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to the established financial system. Traditional financial systems cannot match the level of anonymity and security provided by cryptocurrencies, which are also free from government meddling or regulation. Conclusion The shifting demands of human society have influenced how money has evolved. Money has evolved to fulfill the demands of its users, from the earliest forms of trading through the arrival of decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin. Although the direction of money is unclear, it is evident that the trend toward decentralization and increased financial independence will continue to influence the financial environment. #BTC #money #evolution #bitcoin

The Evolution of Money: From Bartering to Bitcoin

Since it serves as a means of exchanging goods and services, money is a crucial component of human society. Throughout human history, the idea of money has undergone a major metamorphosis as it has adapted to fit the shifting demands of civilizations. In this article, we’ll look at the history of money, from the first examples of trading until the invention of Bitcoin, the first decentralized digital currency.

Bartering: Where Did Money Come From?

The first exchanges of commodities and services took place when humans bartered with one another in prehistoric times. Bartering is the direct trade of products or services without the use of a middleman like money. For instance, a blacksmith may exchange a sword for a quantity of grain or a farmer might exchange a basket of apples for a deer hide.

Although bartering was a successful method of exchange for goods and services, there were some restrictions. It wasn’t easy to locate someone who wanted what you had to offer and had something you wanted in exchange, for one thing, because not all products were of equal value. Additionally, trading needed a double coincidence of wants, which implied that both parties had to desire what the other had to offer concurrently. Bartering became time-consuming and ineffective as a result.

Metal Coins: The Original Form of Money

Early civilizations started using metal coins as a medium of commerce to get beyond the limits of bartering. Around 700 BCE, the first metal coins were produced in Lydia (present-day Turkey), and they were made of electrum, a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver. As the usage of metal coins grew over time, various civilizations started to mint their own coins with distinctive patterns, symbols, and inscriptions to set them apart from those of other civilizations.

Compared to bartering, using metal coins had a number of benefits. Coins made trading goods and services easier because they were portable and simple to transfer. Coins were a perfect store of value since they were made of valuable metals and had intrinsic value. Finally, the weight and purity of coins were regulated, making them more dependable and practical to use than bartering.

Paper Money: Fractional Reserve Banking’s Ascent

Paper money first appeared as societies expanded and the need for money grew. Known as “flying money,” paper money was originally utilized in China during the Tang period (618–907 CE). Because it was lighter and simpler to carry than metal coins, paper money was more practical than coins made of metal, but a valuable good like gold or silver did not back it. Paper money was instead backed by the issuing authority’s pledge to swap it for a set number of metal coins.

Fractional reserve banking, in which banks would issue more paper money than they held in metal coins in reserve, was made possible by the usage of paper money. Banks were able to boost the money supply thanks to fractional reserve banking, which in turn promoted trade and economic expansion.

However, there were drawbacks to using paper money as well. For starters, inflation resulted from the expansion of the money supply as the value of the currency in circulation decreased over time. Paper money was also easy to counterfeit, which reduced public confidence in the currency. Many nations later switched to a gold standard, where the paper money was backed by a set quantity of gold kept in reserve, to allay these worries.

Electronic money: a modern concept

The introduction of computers and the internet has brought about yet another change in how we use money. The term “electronic money,” usually referred to as “digital money,” describes currency that is available in digital form and may be sent electronically. Due to the absence of tangible checks or currency, this form of money has improved efficiency and convenience in financial transactions.

The credit card, which eliminated the need for carrying currency when making purchases, was among the first types of electronic money. With the advent of electronic funds transfer (EFT) systems, money could be moved between bank accounts without requiring a trip to the bank or the use of a cheque.

New electronic payment methods like PayPal, which allowed users to send and receive money via the internet, were introduced with the development of the internet. E-commerce expanded as a result of the ease with which consumers could now purchase and sell products and services online thanks to PayPal and other online payment systems.

Electronic money was convenient, but it still relied on centralized organizations to oversee and safeguard transactions, including banks and payment processors. The risk of fraud and the potential for government involvement were just two of the difficulties brought on by this centralization.

Bitcoin: The Start of Decentralized Digital Currency

The first decentralized digital currency, known as Bitcoin, was launched in 2009 by an unidentified person or group of individuals operating under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Peer-to-peer technology, such as Bitcoin, enables safe, direct-value transactions between people without the use of middlemen.

Utilizing blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger that keeps track of all Bitcoin transactions is one of Bitcoin’s fundamental inventions. This ledger is kept up to date by a network of computers and makes sure that transactions are safe and unchangeable. With a limited number of 21 million coins, Bitcoin is also intended to be deflationary, which aids in preserving its value over time.

People now have more power over their own finances thanks to the disruption caused by bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to the established financial system. Traditional financial systems cannot match the level of anonymity and security provided by cryptocurrencies, which are also free from government meddling or regulation.


The shifting demands of human society have influenced how money has evolved. Money has evolved to fulfill the demands of its users, from the earliest forms of trading through the arrival of decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin. Although the direction of money is unclear, it is evident that the trend toward decentralization and increased financial independence will continue to influence the financial environment.

#BTC #money #evolution #bitcoin
India's #cbdc a game changer. Reason behind this #crypto one of them is that it can be cross-linked to make payments in rupees, something the Indian government has been exploring with Russia as it looks to buy discounted oil. #indianrupee #cryptotrading #money 👍
India's #cbdc a game changer.

Reason behind this #crypto

one of them is that it can be cross-linked to make payments in rupees, something the Indian government has been exploring with Russia as it looks to buy discounted oil.

#indianrupee #cryptotrading #money 👍
20 Lessons From The Psychology Of Money20 Lessons From The Psychology Of Money book: Lesson 1: Our Worldview Is Limited What we experience is just a tiny part of what’s happening worldwide. But it shapes how we see things 80% of the time. This is especially true regarding money because our experiences shape our attitudes and beliefs. If we recognize that our experiences are limited, we can be more open to new ideas and perspectives. Lesson 2: Luck Vs. Risk. Knowing the difference between luck and risk is essential when making financial decisions. Sometimes, bad luck can mess up a good decision, and sometimes, good luck can make a wrong decision look good. Understanding the difference between luck and risk can help you make better decisions and avoid unnecessary risks. Lesson 3: Knowing When Enough Is Enough. Most of us have enough to live on, but we always want more. We should recognize when we have enough and be content with it. Lesson 4: Don’t Risk What’s Important. Things like our reputation, freedom, family, friends, and happiness are never worth risking. Lesson 5: The Magic Of Compound Interest. Compound interest can be a powerful tool when used correctly. You can create wealth by putting money into low-cost index funds over time. Lesson 6: Plan For The Worst. Having emergency funds and planning for the worst is essential. Setting aside six months to a year’s living expenses can help weather any storm. Lesson 7: Take Control Of Your Finances Taking control of your finances, you are in charge of your financial destiny. You should do what’s right for you, even if everyone else does something different. Lesson 8: Freedom Is Key. Building freedom in your life is essential. Even if you love your job, you should focus on building freedom because things can change quickly. Lesson 9: Nobody Cares About Your Stuff. We often think material things will impress others, but no one cares. It’s liberating to realize that we don’t need to impress anyone. Lesson 10: Be Wealthy, Not Flashy True wealth is measured by freedom, not how much money you spend. You should focus on building wealth to live life on your terms. Lesson 11: The Importance Of Time Time is one of the most valuable things we have. The earlier we start saving and investing, the more time we have to grow our wealth. Lesson 12: Understand Your Biases We all have biases that can affect our financial decisions. Recognizing these biases and working to overcome them can help us make better choices. Lesson 13: Money Is A Means To An End Money is just a tool to help us achieve our goals. It’s not the end goal in itself. Focus on what you want and use the money to get there. Lesson 14: It’s Not About Timing The Market Trying to predict the market is a losing game. Instead, focus on profitable long-term investment strategies and avoid getting caught up emotionally in short-term market fluctuations. Lesson 15: Don’t Follow The Herd Just because everyone else is doing something doesn’t mean it’s right for you. Avoid the herd mentality and make financial decisions based on your goals and values. Lesson 16: The Value Of Simplicity Simple financial strategies are often the most effective. Avoid overly complicated investments or strategies that are difficult to understand. Lesson 17: Make Peace With Risk Risk is a natural part of investing. Instead of avoiding it, learn to manage and accept it. Don’t let fear of risk prevent you from achieving your financial goals. Lesson 18: Invest In Yourself Investing in yourself, whether it’s through education, personal development, or health, is one of the best investments you can make. Lesson 19: Learn From Mistakes We all make mistakes, but the key is to learn from them. Analyze your financial mistakes and use them as a learning opportunity to make better decisions in the future. Lesson 20: Stay Humble No matter how successful you become, always stay humble. Be grateful for what you have; remember, there’s always more to learn. #money #airdrop #Binance #crypto2023 #BTC 🔥 LIKE ❤️ FOLLOW 🙏 COMMENT⌨️ SHARE🔗

20 Lessons From The Psychology Of Money

20 Lessons From The Psychology Of Money book:

Lesson 1: Our Worldview Is Limited What we experience is just a tiny part of what’s happening worldwide. But it shapes how we see things 80% of the time. This is especially true regarding money because our experiences shape our attitudes and beliefs. If we recognize that our experiences are limited, we can be more open to new ideas and perspectives.

Lesson 2: Luck Vs. Risk. Knowing the difference between luck and risk is essential when making financial decisions. Sometimes, bad luck can mess up a good decision, and sometimes, good luck can make a wrong decision look good. Understanding the difference between luck and risk can help you make better decisions and avoid unnecessary risks.

Lesson 3: Knowing When Enough Is Enough. Most of us have enough to live on, but we always want more. We should recognize when we have enough and be content with it.

Lesson 4: Don’t Risk What’s Important. Things like our reputation, freedom, family, friends, and happiness are never worth risking.

Lesson 5: The Magic Of Compound Interest. Compound interest can be a powerful tool when used correctly. You can create wealth by putting money into low-cost index funds over time.

Lesson 6: Plan For The Worst. Having emergency funds and planning for the worst is essential. Setting aside six months to a year’s living expenses can help weather any storm.

Lesson 7: Take Control Of Your Finances Taking control of your finances, you are in charge of your financial destiny. You should do what’s right for you, even if everyone else does something different.

Lesson 8: Freedom Is Key. Building freedom in your life is essential. Even if you love your job, you should focus on building freedom because things can change quickly.

Lesson 9: Nobody Cares About Your Stuff. We often think material things will impress others, but no one cares. It’s liberating to realize that we don’t need to impress anyone.

Lesson 10: Be Wealthy, Not Flashy True wealth is measured by freedom, not how much money you spend. You should focus on building wealth to live life on your terms.

Lesson 11: The Importance Of Time Time is one of the most valuable things we have. The earlier we start saving and investing, the more time we have to grow our wealth.

Lesson 12: Understand Your Biases We all have biases that can affect our financial decisions. Recognizing these biases and working to overcome them can help us make better choices.

Lesson 13: Money Is A Means To An End Money is just a tool to help us achieve our goals. It’s not the end goal in itself. Focus on what you want and use the money to get there.

Lesson 14: It’s Not About Timing The Market Trying to predict the market is a losing game. Instead, focus on profitable long-term investment strategies and avoid getting caught up emotionally in short-term market fluctuations.

Lesson 15: Don’t Follow The Herd Just because everyone else is doing something doesn’t mean it’s right for you. Avoid the herd mentality and make financial decisions based on your goals and values.

Lesson 16: The Value Of Simplicity Simple financial strategies are often the most effective. Avoid overly complicated investments or strategies that are difficult to understand.

Lesson 17: Make Peace With Risk Risk is a natural part of investing. Instead of avoiding it, learn to manage and accept it. Don’t let fear of risk prevent you from achieving your financial goals.

Lesson 18: Invest In Yourself Investing in yourself, whether it’s through education, personal development, or health, is one of the best investments you can make.

Lesson 19: Learn From Mistakes We all make mistakes, but the key is to learn from them. Analyze your financial mistakes and use them as a learning opportunity to make better decisions in the future.

Lesson 20: Stay Humble No matter how successful you become, always stay humble. Be grateful for what you have; remember, there’s always more to learn.

#money #airdrop #Binance #crypto2023 #BTC


Will paper money disappear from the world?The future of paper money hinges on the ongoing evolution of payment technologies, economic trends, and societal preferences. While digital transactions and electronic currencies are on the rise, paper money persists due to its tangible nature and widespread acceptance. The pace of transitioning to a cashless society differs across regions, influenced by factors such as infrastructure development, financial inclusion, and cultural considerations. Regulatory frameworks and security concerns also play pivotal roles in shaping the trajectory of paper money. Ultimately, a complete disappearance of paper currency is a complex and gradual process influenced by a multitude of factors.#crypto #money #world

Will paper money disappear from the world?

The future of paper money hinges on the ongoing evolution of payment technologies, economic trends, and societal preferences. While digital transactions and electronic currencies are on the rise, paper money persists due to its tangible nature and widespread acceptance. The pace of transitioning to a cashless society differs across regions, influenced by factors such as infrastructure development, financial inclusion, and cultural considerations. Regulatory frameworks and security concerns also play pivotal roles in shaping the trajectory of paper money. Ultimately, a complete disappearance of paper currency is a complex and gradual process influenced by a multitude of factors.#crypto #money #world
Money is an item that is used as payment for various goods and services ;however, this means that money’s main value can only be found after it is spent. Along with this, money has caused plenty of conflicts ranging from personal feuds to world wars. I believe this means that money itself has never brought anyone happiness. For example, in the myth, King Midas and the Golden Touch, an ancient Greek king named Midas is given a single wish for whatever he desires by Dionysus for saving his adoptive father. Struck with delight at the thought of this, he wishes that everything he touches will turn into gold, but shortly after he realizes that this ability is actually a curse because he cannot control it and he cannot enjoy anything with his new wealth due the fact that his touch will ruin anything he has. I believe that this is a perfect example of my message because it demonstrates how meaningless money truly is in terms of happiness as seen through the despair that King Midas goes through when he tries to do the most basic of things such as eating or drinking, and it all fails due to his gold touch. The story …show more content… Bitcoin, an electronic currency, is currently one of the most valuable forms of money that can be obtained, yet maintaining the entire bitcoin network requires an absurd amount of electricity and resources. This electricity is all used for the sole purpose of creating and exchanging money that doesn’t even exist for various real world items with value. Bitcoin demonstrates what occurs when you take the concept of money and take it to the extreme with large groups of people arguing over something that is not only has an entirely self defined value, but is also a large drain on the Earth’s resources. #money #crypto
Money is an item that is used as payment for various goods and services ;however, this means that money’s main value can only be found after it is spent. Along with this, money has caused plenty of conflicts ranging from personal feuds to world wars. I believe this means that money itself has never brought anyone happiness. For example, in the myth, King Midas and the Golden Touch, an ancient Greek king named Midas is given a single wish for whatever he desires by Dionysus for saving his adoptive father. Struck with delight at the thought of this, he wishes that everything he touches will turn into gold, but shortly after he realizes that this ability is actually a curse because he cannot control it and he cannot enjoy anything with his new wealth due the fact that his touch will ruin anything he has. I believe that this is a perfect example of my message because it demonstrates how meaningless money truly is in terms of happiness as seen through the despair that King Midas goes through when he tries to do the most basic of things such as eating or drinking, and it all fails due to his gold touch. The story …show more content…

Bitcoin, an electronic currency, is currently one of the most valuable forms of money that can be obtained, yet maintaining the entire bitcoin network requires an absurd amount of electricity and resources. This electricity is all used for the sole purpose of creating and exchanging money that doesn’t even exist for various real world items with value. Bitcoin demonstrates what occurs when you take the concept of money and take it to the extreme with large groups of people arguing over something that is not only has an entirely self defined value, but is also a large drain on the Earth’s resources.

#money #crypto
Ronin listing soon on binance So i see a lot of people talking about ronin’s sudden pullback and all i see from my analysis is a continuation of an up trend (higher highs and higher lows) for it to change trend (downtrend) it should break the 2.4 point (previous higher high)at the moment there is nothing to tell us 100% that it will pump hard with its listing on binance but I don’t think it will dump hard either! Of course this is not financial advice you can do as you please and of course Always do your own research (DYOR) As said before be careful with newly listed coins !! #Write2Earn #RONIN #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell #money
Ronin listing soon on binance

So i see a lot of people talking about ronin’s sudden pullback and all i see from my analysis is a continuation of an up trend (higher highs and higher lows) for it to change trend (downtrend) it should break the 2.4 point (previous higher high)at the moment there is nothing to tell us 100% that it will pump hard with its listing on binance but I don’t think it will dump hard either!
Of course this is not financial advice you can do as you please and of course Always do your own research (DYOR)
As said before be careful with newly listed coins !!
#Write2Earn #RONIN #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell #money
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