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"Psychology of a Market Cycle." It shows a cycle of investor emotions and behaviors as they correlate with the market's performance over time, beginning with "Disbelief" and moving through "Hope," "Optimism," "Belief," "Thrill," and reaching "Euphoria" at the peak. After this peak, it indicates a downward trend through "Complacency," "Anxiety," "Denial," "Panic," "Capitulation," "Anger," and finally "Depression," before the cycle repeats. The graph suggests that there are optimal times to buy and sell: the "Buy Zone" during the "Depression" phase, and the "Sell Zone" at the peak of "Euphoria." This is a common concept in trading psychology, emphasizing how emotions can drive market cycles. #PsychologyinTrading #psychology #psychologynews
"Psychology of a Market Cycle." It shows a cycle of investor emotions and behaviors as they correlate with the market's performance over time, beginning with "Disbelief" and moving through "Hope," "Optimism," "Belief," "Thrill," and reaching "Euphoria" at the peak. After this peak, it indicates a downward trend through "Complacency," "Anxiety," "Denial," "Panic," "Capitulation," "Anger," and finally "Depression," before the cycle repeats. The graph suggests that there are optimal times to buy and sell: the "Buy Zone" during the "Depression" phase, and the "Sell Zone" at the peak of "Euphoria." This is a common concept in trading psychology, emphasizing how emotions can drive market cycles.
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5 Ways To Recover The Loss Of Someone Close To YouBeing abandoned forever by those closest and dearest is something that everyone will definitely experience. However, sometimes this happens suddenly and brings up a lot of feelings. Feelings of sadness, anger, destruction, disappointment and other mixed feelings. This feeling is normal for everyone who has just lost. However, if these feelings start to interfere with daily activities and last for a long time. So we need to pay more attention to ourselves, because if we leave it alone it can cause psychological disorders such as depression, PTSD and other disorders. There are several ways to recover feelings and circumstances after loss: 1. Acknowledge my feelings. Try to admit my feelings of sadness. It's okay to feel sad, to grieve. Sadness is a very natural response when we lose someone we love. Don't deny these feelings, because it will make it more difficult for us to recover. 2. Give yourself time to be sad. Try giving yourself time to be sad. For example, listening to sad songs, playing back sounds, videos or photos. Again, don't try to forget that memory, don't deny it. Because it will make it even more difficult to recover. 3. Ask for support when you are sad because you have lost someone. The thing that we are definitely afraid of is that we feel alone and lonely. When we need someone to talk to, try telling someone. This can ease the feeling of sadness that is felt.4. Make future plans When we feel sad, we may be able to cheer ourselves up by doing things that usually make us happy. For example, like walking, watching or other things. 5. Forgive yourself when you lose a loved one. Sometimes there are still unfinished feelings. There are feelings of guilt, there are feelings of anger and other feelings. Try to forgive yourself, acknowledge those feelings and forgive yourself. Try hugging yourself and saying that I have forgiven everything. This can make you feel calmer and lighter. #psychology #PsychologyinTrading #psychologyupdate $USDC

5 Ways To Recover The Loss Of Someone Close To You

Being abandoned forever by those closest and dearest is something that everyone will definitely experience. However, sometimes this happens suddenly and brings up a lot of feelings. Feelings of sadness, anger, destruction, disappointment and other mixed feelings. This feeling is normal for everyone who has just lost. However, if these feelings start to interfere with daily activities and last for a long time. So we need to pay more attention to ourselves, because if we leave it alone it can cause psychological disorders such as depression, PTSD and other disorders. There are several ways to recover feelings and circumstances after loss: 1. Acknowledge my feelings. Try to admit my feelings of sadness. It's okay to feel sad, to grieve. Sadness is a very natural response when we lose someone we love. Don't deny these feelings, because it will make it more difficult for us to recover. 2. Give yourself time to be sad. Try giving yourself time to be sad. For example, listening to sad songs, playing back sounds, videos or photos. Again, don't try to forget that memory, don't deny it. Because it will make it even more difficult to recover. 3. Ask for support when you are sad because you have lost someone. The thing that we are definitely afraid of is that we feel alone and lonely. When we need someone to talk to, try telling someone. This can ease the feeling of sadness that is felt.4. Make future plans When we feel sad, we may be able to cheer ourselves up by doing things that usually make us happy. For example, like walking, watching or other things. 5. Forgive yourself when you lose a loved one. Sometimes there are still unfinished feelings. There are feelings of guilt, there are feelings of anger and other feelings. Try to forgive yourself, acknowledge those feelings and forgive yourself. Try hugging yourself and saying that I have forgiven everything. This can make you feel calmer and lighter. #psychology #PsychologyinTrading #psychologyupdate $USDC
Observing trends beyond the short term while trading futures is only possible with low leverage. 📉 In other words, it is only possible when the leverage is around x2-x3. 📊 If you set the leverage to x5 or more, you must trade while taking profits through day trading. 💹 I think the 1W chart is an important chart for checking trends in spot trading. 📈 Therefore, unless it is day trading, I think it is better to trade according to the trend of the 1W chart. 🔄 However, for actual trading, it is recommended to look at the 1D chart. 📅 This is because you can check the detailed split transaction points. ⚖️ I believe that winning or losing in trading is determined by how stable your psychological state is. 🧘‍♂️ Therefore, no matter how low the price you purchase, as the price rises, your psychological state may become excited or anxious, so split trading is necessary to stabilize this psychological state. 💼 If it takes a long time to stabilize your psychological state, you may end up making erroneous transactions, so you should try to stabilize your psychological state as quickly as possible. ⏰ What we can do now is how to stabilize our psychological state from around December 20th to around December 25th, when BTC's next period of volatility begins. 🗓️🚀 $BTC #Bitcoin/USDT. #DayTradingTips #PsychologyinTrading #NFP #BinanceWish
Observing trends beyond the short term while trading futures is only possible with low leverage. 📉

In other words, it is only possible when the leverage is around x2-x3. 📊

If you set the leverage to x5 or more, you must trade while taking profits through day trading. 💹

I think the 1W chart is an important chart for checking trends in spot trading. 📈

Therefore, unless it is day trading, I think it is better to trade according to the trend of the 1W chart. 🔄

However, for actual trading, it is recommended to look at the 1D chart. 📅

This is because you can check the detailed split transaction points. ⚖️

I believe that winning or losing in trading is determined by how stable your psychological state is. 🧘‍♂️

Therefore, no matter how low the price you purchase, as the price rises, your psychological state may become excited or anxious, so split trading is necessary to stabilize this psychological state. 💼

If it takes a long time to stabilize your psychological state, you may end up making erroneous transactions, so you should try to stabilize your psychological state as quickly as possible. ⏰
What we can do now is how to stabilize our psychological state from around December 20th to around December 25th, when BTC's next period of volatility begins. 🗓️🚀


#Bitcoin/USDT. #DayTradingTips #PsychologyinTrading #NFP #BinanceWish
🚀 Quick BTC Check-in: Currently testing support at around $43,300, and it might stretch its legs a bit. Indicators hint at a need for a breather, but here's the twist – I've got the confirmation for a drop. 📉💨 💹 Spike? Oh, that's just another opportunity to beef up the position for a smooth ride to $37,400. 🎢📉 🔍 Support levels on my radar: If the current support at $43,400-$43,200 breaks below and closes, the next pit stop is $41,900 - $41,650. 📊 The gap between USDT and USDC increased together. 📈 In particular, the gap in USDC has risen by more than 24.98B, showing a short-term upward trend. 💸 Funds flowing in through USDC are likely to have a short-term impact on the coin market because the USDC market is not as active as the USDT market. 🔄 However, since BTC and ETH trading pairs exist in the USDC market, you can see that the possibility of purchasing BTC or ETH has increased. 📈 It is important to trade in accordance with the movements of institutions and forces. 🎄✨ Merry Christmas to all fellow crypto explorers! 🚀 #BTC #TradingAdvice $BTC #PsychologyinTrading
🚀 Quick BTC Check-in: Currently testing support at around $43,300, and it might stretch its legs a bit. Indicators hint at a need for a breather, but here's the twist – I've got the confirmation for a drop. 📉💨

💹 Spike? Oh, that's just another opportunity to beef up the position for a smooth ride to $37,400. 🎢📉

🔍 Support levels on my radar: If the current support at $43,400-$43,200 breaks below and closes, the next pit stop is $41,900 - $41,650.

📊 The gap between USDT and USDC increased together.

📈 In particular, the gap in USDC has risen by more than 24.98B, showing a short-term upward trend.

💸 Funds flowing in through USDC are likely to have a short-term impact on the coin market because the USDC market is not as active as the USDT market.

🔄 However, since BTC and ETH trading pairs exist in the USDC market, you can see that the possibility of purchasing BTC or ETH has increased.

📈 It is important to trade in accordance with the movements of institutions and forces.

🎄✨ Merry Christmas to all fellow crypto explorers! 🚀

#BTC #TradingAdvice $BTC #PsychologyinTrading
4 Cara Mengekspresikan Emosi Yang Sehat.Rasa marah merupakan salah satu emosi yang pasti dirasakan oleh manusia. Rasa marah merupakan perasaan yang terkadang sulit untuk kita kontrol. Bahkan saat kita tidak bisa mengontrol rasa marah, bisa terjadi hal-hal yang cenderung negatif atau merugikan kita. Misalnya bisa menimbulkan reaksi fisik dan psikologis. Selain itu kita bisa melukai diri ataupun melukai lingkungan di sekitar kita. 
Hal tersebut membuat kita penting untuk dapat mengekpresikan rasa marah kita dengan lebih sehat. 
Ada 4 cara untuk mengekpresika rasa marah dengan sehat : 
1. Tenangkan diri terlebih dahulu
Saat kita sedang marah, hal pertama yang kita lakukan adalah menenangkan diri terlebih dahulu. Coba melakukan teknik relaksasi ringan. Selain itu saat kita sedang marah dan dalam posisi berdiri, coba terlebih dahulu kita duduk dan menenangkan diri.
2. Memvalidasi perasaan
 Saat kita sedang marah, coba kita akui perasaan kita. Akui perasaan bahwa kita memang sedang marah dan rasa marah yang kita rasakan itu adalah perasaan yang memang tidak apa-apa untuk dirasakan.
3. Membuat jurnal
 Coba tuangkan perasaan marah kita dengan menulis. Dengan cara menulis bisa menurunkan perasaan marah yang memuncak. Hasil dari tulisan kita juga dapat dipakai dan dibaca kembali dikemudian hari, agar kita dapat lebih memahami diri kita. 
4. Bercerita kepada orang terdekat
Berceritalah kepada orang terdekat dan juga orang yang kamu percaya. Bercerita kepada orang lain bisa meredakan rasa marahmu. Bahkan, saat marah kita cenderung tidak dapat berpikir jernih, dengan bercerita diharapkan kamu akan mendapatkan sudut pandang yang lain. Selain itu, teman bercerita biasanya akan mengerti dan memahami apa yang sedang kamu rasakan.Jika di kaitkan ketika kita trading, maka ilmu ini bisa setidaknya sedikit membantu mengendalikan emosi, agar tidak terlalu banyak trading, atau agar tidak merusak barang, atau agar tidak membuat orang orang di sekitar kita tidak nyaman.Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat, tetap sehat, dan bahagia selalu 🧚🏻‍♂️#PsychologyinTrading #psychology $USDC

4 Cara Mengekspresikan Emosi Yang Sehat.

Rasa marah merupakan salah satu emosi yang pasti dirasakan oleh manusia. Rasa marah merupakan perasaan yang terkadang sulit untuk kita kontrol. Bahkan saat kita tidak bisa mengontrol rasa marah, bisa terjadi hal-hal yang cenderung negatif atau merugikan kita. Misalnya bisa menimbulkan reaksi fisik dan psikologis. Selain itu kita bisa melukai diri ataupun melukai lingkungan di sekitar kita. 
Hal tersebut membuat kita penting untuk dapat mengekpresikan rasa marah kita dengan lebih sehat. 
Ada 4 cara untuk mengekpresika rasa marah dengan sehat : 
1. Tenangkan diri terlebih dahulu
Saat kita sedang marah, hal pertama yang kita lakukan adalah menenangkan diri terlebih dahulu. Coba melakukan teknik relaksasi ringan. Selain itu saat kita sedang marah dan dalam posisi berdiri, coba terlebih dahulu kita duduk dan menenangkan diri.
2. Memvalidasi perasaan
 Saat kita sedang marah, coba kita akui perasaan kita. Akui perasaan bahwa kita memang sedang marah dan rasa marah yang kita rasakan itu adalah perasaan yang memang tidak apa-apa untuk dirasakan.
3. Membuat jurnal
 Coba tuangkan perasaan marah kita dengan menulis. Dengan cara menulis bisa menurunkan perasaan marah yang memuncak. Hasil dari tulisan kita juga dapat dipakai dan dibaca kembali dikemudian hari, agar kita dapat lebih memahami diri kita. 
4. Bercerita kepada orang terdekat
Berceritalah kepada orang terdekat dan juga orang yang kamu percaya. Bercerita kepada orang lain bisa meredakan rasa marahmu. Bahkan, saat marah kita cenderung tidak dapat berpikir jernih, dengan bercerita diharapkan kamu akan mendapatkan sudut pandang yang lain. Selain itu, teman bercerita biasanya akan mengerti dan memahami apa yang sedang kamu rasakan.Jika di kaitkan ketika kita trading, maka ilmu ini bisa setidaknya sedikit membantu mengendalikan emosi, agar tidak terlalu banyak trading, atau agar tidak merusak barang, atau agar tidak membuat orang orang di sekitar kita tidak nyaman.Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat, tetap sehat, dan bahagia selalu 🧚🏻‍♂️#PsychologyinTrading #psychology $USDC
Trading DNA: Are You Born for Market Success?Impact of Personality Traits on Trading Success:Understanding your personality traits can significantly influence your success as a trader. Leveraging the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), which categorizes individuals into 16 distinct types based on specific traits, provides valuable insights into how these traits align with trading styles.1. Introversion (I) vs. Extraversion (E): - Introverted traders often excel in solitary roles, focusing on tasks like computer-based analysis. - Extroverts, however, can thrive in social aspects, beneficial for projects involving networking.Introversion (I) vs. Extraversion (E):2. Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): - Sensing personalities favor concrete facts, suitable for meticulous research and data-driven decisions. - Intuitive traders excel in synthesizing data creatively, making them adept at understanding the broader market picture.Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N):3. Feeling (F) vs. Thinking (T): - Traders with a thinking personality often exhibit level-headed decision-making based on logical reasoning. - Feeling individuals may trade successfully but need awareness of emotional influences on their decisions.Feeling (F) vs. Thinking (T):4. Perceiving (P) vs. Judging (J): - Judging personalities prefer structure, excelling in technical analysis with a respect for rules. - Perceiving individuals, while adaptable, may need to manage impulsivity and react effectively to unexpected market movements.Perceiving (P) vs. Judging (J):Trading Personality TypeISTJ (Conservatist):- Role: Pragmatic Analyst - Approach: Adopt a methodical approach to trading, focusing on detailed research. Dive into the intricacies of projects with a meticulous eye for detail. Prioritize in-depth research over market sentiments. Your patient, disciplined, and risk-averse nature suits a well-defined plan, emphasizing long-term value and stable investments.ISFJ (Guardian):- Role: HODLer and Protector - Approach: Embody the spirit of a guardian in the crypto community. Safeguard projects promising a better future for crypto. Hold the line and remain a steadfast ally to causes you champion. Your risk-averse and patient nature aligns well with HODLing strategies. As a crypto superhero, navigate the market with determination and an unshakeable faith in your chosen projects.INFJ (Proponent):- Role: Visionary Advocate - Approach: Dive into the crypto space for intrinsic value rather than quick gains. Let your intuitive thinking and long-term vision guide you. Resist the temptation of get-rich-quick schemes. Trust your gut feeling, as it acts as your inner crypto compass navigating through the noise and chaos. Your ability to envision the future sets you apart as a crypto dreamer with a focus on lasting impact.INTJ (Strategist):- Role: Tactical Visionary - Approach: Navigate the cryptoverse with precision and foresight. Use your analytical skills to detect technical innovations and spot upcoming trends. Maintain independence in decision-making, avoiding herd mentality. When challenges arise, take a step back, evaluate the broader picture, and make strategic moves like a chess grandmaster. Your smart money approach positions you as a forward-thinking strategist in the crypto space.ISTP (Trailblazer):- Role: Crypto Pioneer and Early Adopter - Approach: Leverage your geeky and curious nature to explore crypto trading tools like APIs, bots, and AI-powered strategies. Embrace disruptive technologies and be an early adopter. Your adventurous spirit and competitive nature ensure setbacks won't deter you. Keep pushing boundaries, knowing that a treasure trove of opportunities awaits on the next turn.ISFP (Explorer):- Role: Creative Portfolio Alchemist - Approach: Embrace your uniqueness as a crypto trader. Connect with your inner emotions to seek projects aligned with your personal values. Approach your portfolio as a canvas for creative expression, carefully curated with artistic flair. If ever feeling in a rut, think outside the box and let your creativity guide you through the diverse opportunities in the crypto space.INFP (Negotiator):- Role: Visionary Idealist - Approach: Navigate the crypto world with a value-centric and visionary mindset. Balance creativity and idealism in your investment decisions. Your authentic perspective is your biggest asset. Focus on projects that resonate with your principles, and let your foresight guide you through market fluctuations. Remember, in the world of crypto, your unique approach can lead to long-term success.INTP (Philosopher):- Role: Analytical Innovator - Approach: Venture into the intricate workings of the crypto market with curiosity. Constantly research new projects and seek opportunities to get in early. Contribute to the community by asking critical questions and sharing insights. Your relentless pursuit of knowledge and unique perspective adds value to the crypto space. Embrace your role as a thoughtful and analytical thinker in the crypto community.ESTP (Entrepreneur):- Role: Adaptable Risk-Taker - Approach: Thrive on the adrenaline rush and double-digit intraday volatility of the crypto trading world. Embrace a fearless and competitive spirit. Master day trading with quick decision-making and an ability to adapt to short-term market swings. While staying cool under pressure, ensure you're equipped with the right crypto tools to navigate potential downsides.ESFP (Jetsetter):- Role: Social Dynamo Trader - Approach: Embrace the vibrant life of the crypto party. Leverage your social network for trading insights. Navigate the dynamic crypto market with a flair for excitement, drawn to projects that catch your eye. Your dynamic circle of friends can be a valuable support system in the crypto community. Stay engaged in meetups, conferences, and lively social media interactions to remain at the heart of the action.ENFP (Crusader):- Role: Visionary Advocate - Approach: Champion crypto causes with charisma and imagination. Share grand visions of the crypto future and sprinkle enchantment into everyday life. Embrace creativity and innovation, lifting others up even in challenging moments. Balance passion with financial strategy and authenticity in your unique perspective.ENTP (Revolutionist):- Role: Fearless Disruptor - Approach: Fearlessly challenge the norm in the crypto world, envision groundbreaking changes, and prioritize decentralized technology. Embrace curiosity, knowledge-sharing, and playful banter. While pushing boundaries, add a touch of empathy to connect with others in the crypto community.ESTJ (Administrator):- Role: Strategic Organizer - Approach: Lead with a strong moral compass, bringing order to the crypto landscape. Serve as a pillar of tradition and structure. As an effective decision-maker and strategic planner, set high standards. While leaning toward the safe side, be vigilant in adapting to sudden market shifts when necessary.ESFJ (Ambassador):- Role: Social Impact Seeker - Approach: Champion projects with a real social impact, driven by warm and engaging conversations. Believe in the strength of the community to bring about meaningful change. Act as the glue that holds everyone together. While decisions may be sentiment-driven, leverage pertinacity for its own kind of magic in crypto trading.ENFJ (Pioneer):- Role: Empathetic Market Leader - Approach: Use empathy and keen insights to shed light on market cues. Be a trader who relies heavily on market intelligence and data-driven analysis. While being invested in each trade, remember to step back for a fresh perspective. Your voice of integrity can make a significant impact in the crypto world.ENTJ (Commander):- Role: Strategic Leader - Approach: Turn challenges into stepping stones with unwavering determination. Consider emotional feedback from the market as a strength but be mindful of its double-edged nature. Dive into the community buzz to balance strategic decision-making with awareness of market sentiments. Your strategic, fact-driven approach positions you for crypto greatness.Note: These personalities are adapted from the MBTI framework and are conceptualized within the context of crypto trading.Article written by Ansar Iqbal (PhD Scholar in Behavioral Finance) Founder of Trading_Heights#PsychologyinTrading #psychology #etf Trading Heights

Trading DNA: Are You Born for Market Success?

Impact of Personality Traits on Trading Success:Understanding your personality traits can significantly influence your success as a trader. Leveraging the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), which categorizes individuals into 16 distinct types based on specific traits, provides valuable insights into how these traits align with trading styles.1. Introversion (I) vs. Extraversion (E): - Introverted traders often excel in solitary roles, focusing on tasks like computer-based analysis. - Extroverts, however, can thrive in social aspects, beneficial for projects involving networking.Introversion (I) vs. Extraversion (E):2. Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): - Sensing personalities favor concrete facts, suitable for meticulous research and data-driven decisions. - Intuitive traders excel in synthesizing data creatively, making them adept at understanding the broader market picture.Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N):3. Feeling (F) vs. Thinking (T): - Traders with a thinking personality often exhibit level-headed decision-making based on logical reasoning. - Feeling individuals may trade successfully but need awareness of emotional influences on their decisions.Feeling (F) vs. Thinking (T):4. Perceiving (P) vs. Judging (J): - Judging personalities prefer structure, excelling in technical analysis with a respect for rules. - Perceiving individuals, while adaptable, may need to manage impulsivity and react effectively to unexpected market movements.Perceiving (P) vs. Judging (J):Trading Personality TypeISTJ (Conservatist):- Role: Pragmatic Analyst - Approach: Adopt a methodical approach to trading, focusing on detailed research. Dive into the intricacies of projects with a meticulous eye for detail. Prioritize in-depth research over market sentiments. Your patient, disciplined, and risk-averse nature suits a well-defined plan, emphasizing long-term value and stable investments.ISFJ (Guardian):- Role: HODLer and Protector - Approach: Embody the spirit of a guardian in the crypto community. Safeguard projects promising a better future for crypto. Hold the line and remain a steadfast ally to causes you champion. Your risk-averse and patient nature aligns well with HODLing strategies. As a crypto superhero, navigate the market with determination and an unshakeable faith in your chosen projects.INFJ (Proponent):- Role: Visionary Advocate - Approach: Dive into the crypto space for intrinsic value rather than quick gains. Let your intuitive thinking and long-term vision guide you. Resist the temptation of get-rich-quick schemes. Trust your gut feeling, as it acts as your inner crypto compass navigating through the noise and chaos. Your ability to envision the future sets you apart as a crypto dreamer with a focus on lasting impact.INTJ (Strategist):- Role: Tactical Visionary - Approach: Navigate the cryptoverse with precision and foresight. Use your analytical skills to detect technical innovations and spot upcoming trends. Maintain independence in decision-making, avoiding herd mentality. When challenges arise, take a step back, evaluate the broader picture, and make strategic moves like a chess grandmaster. Your smart money approach positions you as a forward-thinking strategist in the crypto space.ISTP (Trailblazer):- Role: Crypto Pioneer and Early Adopter - Approach: Leverage your geeky and curious nature to explore crypto trading tools like APIs, bots, and AI-powered strategies. Embrace disruptive technologies and be an early adopter. Your adventurous spirit and competitive nature ensure setbacks won't deter you. Keep pushing boundaries, knowing that a treasure trove of opportunities awaits on the next turn.ISFP (Explorer):- Role: Creative Portfolio Alchemist - Approach: Embrace your uniqueness as a crypto trader. Connect with your inner emotions to seek projects aligned with your personal values. Approach your portfolio as a canvas for creative expression, carefully curated with artistic flair. If ever feeling in a rut, think outside the box and let your creativity guide you through the diverse opportunities in the crypto space.INFP (Negotiator):- Role: Visionary Idealist - Approach: Navigate the crypto world with a value-centric and visionary mindset. Balance creativity and idealism in your investment decisions. Your authentic perspective is your biggest asset. Focus on projects that resonate with your principles, and let your foresight guide you through market fluctuations. Remember, in the world of crypto, your unique approach can lead to long-term success.INTP (Philosopher):- Role: Analytical Innovator - Approach: Venture into the intricate workings of the crypto market with curiosity. Constantly research new projects and seek opportunities to get in early. Contribute to the community by asking critical questions and sharing insights. Your relentless pursuit of knowledge and unique perspective adds value to the crypto space. Embrace your role as a thoughtful and analytical thinker in the crypto community.ESTP (Entrepreneur):- Role: Adaptable Risk-Taker - Approach: Thrive on the adrenaline rush and double-digit intraday volatility of the crypto trading world. Embrace a fearless and competitive spirit. Master day trading with quick decision-making and an ability to adapt to short-term market swings. While staying cool under pressure, ensure you're equipped with the right crypto tools to navigate potential downsides.ESFP (Jetsetter):- Role: Social Dynamo Trader - Approach: Embrace the vibrant life of the crypto party. Leverage your social network for trading insights. Navigate the dynamic crypto market with a flair for excitement, drawn to projects that catch your eye. Your dynamic circle of friends can be a valuable support system in the crypto community. Stay engaged in meetups, conferences, and lively social media interactions to remain at the heart of the action.ENFP (Crusader):- Role: Visionary Advocate - Approach: Champion crypto causes with charisma and imagination. Share grand visions of the crypto future and sprinkle enchantment into everyday life. Embrace creativity and innovation, lifting others up even in challenging moments. Balance passion with financial strategy and authenticity in your unique perspective.ENTP (Revolutionist):- Role: Fearless Disruptor - Approach: Fearlessly challenge the norm in the crypto world, envision groundbreaking changes, and prioritize decentralized technology. Embrace curiosity, knowledge-sharing, and playful banter. While pushing boundaries, add a touch of empathy to connect with others in the crypto community.ESTJ (Administrator):- Role: Strategic Organizer - Approach: Lead with a strong moral compass, bringing order to the crypto landscape. Serve as a pillar of tradition and structure. As an effective decision-maker and strategic planner, set high standards. While leaning toward the safe side, be vigilant in adapting to sudden market shifts when necessary.ESFJ (Ambassador):- Role: Social Impact Seeker - Approach: Champion projects with a real social impact, driven by warm and engaging conversations. Believe in the strength of the community to bring about meaningful change. Act as the glue that holds everyone together. While decisions may be sentiment-driven, leverage pertinacity for its own kind of magic in crypto trading.ENFJ (Pioneer):- Role: Empathetic Market Leader - Approach: Use empathy and keen insights to shed light on market cues. Be a trader who relies heavily on market intelligence and data-driven analysis. While being invested in each trade, remember to step back for a fresh perspective. Your voice of integrity can make a significant impact in the crypto world.ENTJ (Commander):- Role: Strategic Leader - Approach: Turn challenges into stepping stones with unwavering determination. Consider emotional feedback from the market as a strength but be mindful of its double-edged nature. Dive into the community buzz to balance strategic decision-making with awareness of market sentiments. Your strategic, fact-driven approach positions you for crypto greatness.Note: These personalities are adapted from the MBTI framework and are conceptualized within the context of crypto trading.Article written by Ansar Iqbal (PhD Scholar in Behavioral Finance) Founder of Trading_Heights#PsychologyinTrading #psychology #etf Trading Heights
Wallet Size in Crypto Trading ‼️In the vast and dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency trading, the size of your wallet is not just a numerical value; it becomes a crucial determinant of your trading approach and success. Let's delve into the nuances with a professional perspective.🌐 Starting Small: The Psychology of Limited Funds - Leverage Temptation: With a modest amount like $1 to $10, there's often a temptation to employ high leverage in pursuit of maximizing profits. Unfortunately, this mindset can lead to significant losses.📈 New Entrants' Dilemma: - Chasing Maximum Profits: Beginners in the market might be enticed by screenshots showcasing impressive profits of 100%, 500%, and beyond. In this phase, individuals might opt for high leverage, even with more substantial funds like $100 or $200, but the crucial aspect of sound psychology is often absent.💡 The Crypto Market's Lesson: Paying the Fee for Knowledge - Trading as an Investment: The crypto market demands a fee from traders, not just in terms of transaction costs but as an investment in learning. Paying this fee yields invaluable returns: experience, psychological resilience, and the ability to attract profits.🧠 Wallet Size vs. Psychology: Striking the Balance - The Real Game-Changer: While the size of your wallet undeniably matters, the true game-changer is psychology. A cool, composed mindset, coupled with a focus on gaining experience, is key to navigating the complexities of crypto trading.🔐 Trade Safely: Focus on Top Coins like BTC & ETH - Stability Over Flashy Gains: Instead of succumbing to the allure of extreme profits, opt for stability and safety. Trading on top coins like BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Ethereum) provides a more secure path to consistent profits.🔄 Share Your Journey: Fostering a Community of Experience - Building a Knowledge Base: Encourage a community of traders to share their experiences. Learning from one another's successes and challenges contributes to a collective knowledge base that benefits all participants.Conclusion: A Journey of Wisdom and SuccessIn the intricate world of crypto trading, the size of your wallet serves as a compass, guiding your decisions. However, the compass alone is not enough; the direction you choose, guided by a sound psychological approach, determines your success. Embrace the lessons the crypto market offers, pay the fee for invaluable knowledge, and trade with wisdom. 🚀💼 #CryptoTradingTip #Wallet #PsychologyinTrading #TradingWins #Binance $BTC $ETH $BNB

Wallet Size in Crypto Trading ‼️

In the vast and dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency trading, the size of your wallet is not just a numerical value; it becomes a crucial determinant of your trading approach and success. Let's delve into the nuances with a professional perspective.🌐 Starting Small: The Psychology of Limited Funds - Leverage Temptation: With a modest amount like $1 to $10, there's often a temptation to employ high leverage in pursuit of maximizing profits. Unfortunately, this mindset can lead to significant losses.📈 New Entrants' Dilemma: - Chasing Maximum Profits: Beginners in the market might be enticed by screenshots showcasing impressive profits of 100%, 500%, and beyond. In this phase, individuals might opt for high leverage, even with more substantial funds like $100 or $200, but the crucial aspect of sound psychology is often absent.💡 The Crypto Market's Lesson: Paying the Fee for Knowledge - Trading as an Investment: The crypto market demands a fee from traders, not just in terms of transaction costs but as an investment in learning. Paying this fee yields invaluable returns: experience, psychological resilience, and the ability to attract profits.🧠 Wallet Size vs. Psychology: Striking the Balance - The Real Game-Changer: While the size of your wallet undeniably matters, the true game-changer is psychology. A cool, composed mindset, coupled with a focus on gaining experience, is key to navigating the complexities of crypto trading.🔐 Trade Safely: Focus on Top Coins like BTC & ETH - Stability Over Flashy Gains: Instead of succumbing to the allure of extreme profits, opt for stability and safety. Trading on top coins like BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Ethereum) provides a more secure path to consistent profits.🔄 Share Your Journey: Fostering a Community of Experience - Building a Knowledge Base: Encourage a community of traders to share their experiences. Learning from one another's successes and challenges contributes to a collective knowledge base that benefits all participants.Conclusion: A Journey of Wisdom and SuccessIn the intricate world of crypto trading, the size of your wallet serves as a compass, guiding your decisions. However, the compass alone is not enough; the direction you choose, guided by a sound psychological approach, determines your success. Embrace the lessons the crypto market offers, pay the fee for invaluable knowledge, and trade with wisdom. 🚀💼 #CryptoTradingTip #Wallet #PsychologyinTrading #TradingWins #Binance $BTC $ETH $BNB
📆 "As the volatility period passes (around December 18-25), it is necessary to check if there is any movement outside the 39845.44-45135.66 range. 📊 💪 The 43160.0-43823.59 section is a psychological resistance zone and corresponds to the section where split sales will be made for the rise so far. 🚀 📈 Even if large volatility (-20% to +20%) occurs when selling in installments, it is important to sell at a proportion that does not cause psychological disturbance. 🛑 The second resistance range is the 44200.0-47600.0 range, so if it receives support in this range and rises, it is expected to rise to around 59370.07, the HA-High indicator point on the 1W chart. 🤔 Therefore, even if you split and sell in the psychological resistance zone and then rise, you can respond depending on whether you receive support or resistance in the secondary resistance zone. 🚀 When the HA-High indicator on the 1W chart is touched, a full-fledged upward trend is expected to begin because the HA-High indicator has been touched on all time frame charts (1M, 1W, 1D). 📉 Even if it rises like this and touches the HA-High indicator on the 1W chart and falls, it is likely to touch the HA-High indicator on the 1M chart again, so be careful about shaking it. ⚠️ If it falls from the psychological resistance range of 43160.0-43823.59, that is, if it falls below 39845.44, a new HA-High indicator on the 1W chart is expected to be created. 📈 If that happens, if the price is maintained near the HA-High indicator on the 1M chart, a full-fledged upward trend is expected to begin. 💰 The basis for this is that it is believed that funds are continuously flowing into the coin market through USDT. 📉 For an altcoin bull market to begin, BTC dominance must fall below 50 and remain there." #NFP #BTC #BinanceWish #INSIGHT #PsychologyinTrading $BTC
📆 "As the volatility period passes (around December 18-25), it is necessary to check if there is any movement outside the 39845.44-45135.66 range. 📊

💪 The 43160.0-43823.59 section is a psychological resistance zone and corresponds to the section where split sales will be made for the rise so far. 🚀

📈 Even if large volatility (-20% to +20%) occurs when selling in installments, it is important to sell at a proportion that does not cause psychological disturbance.

🛑 The second resistance range is the 44200.0-47600.0 range, so if it receives support in this range and rises, it is expected to rise to around 59370.07, the HA-High indicator point on the 1W chart.

🤔 Therefore, even if you split and sell in the psychological resistance zone and then rise, you can respond depending on whether you receive support or resistance in the secondary resistance zone.

🚀 When the HA-High indicator on the 1W chart is touched, a full-fledged upward trend is expected to begin because the HA-High indicator has been touched on all time frame charts (1M, 1W, 1D).

📉 Even if it rises like this and touches the HA-High indicator on the 1W chart and falls, it is likely to touch the HA-High indicator on the 1M chart again, so be careful about shaking it.

⚠️ If it falls from the psychological resistance range of 43160.0-43823.59, that is, if it falls below 39845.44, a new HA-High indicator on the 1W chart is expected to be created.

📈 If that happens, if the price is maintained near the HA-High indicator on the 1M chart, a full-fledged upward trend is expected to begin.

💰 The basis for this is that it is believed that funds are continuously flowing into the coin market through USDT.

📉 For an altcoin bull market to begin, BTC dominance must fall below 50 and remain there."

#NFP #BTC #BinanceWish #INSIGHT #PsychologyinTrading $BTC
See original
4 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety.#GrowandHeal Anxiety itself is an intense and continuous feeling of worry or fear that is related to everyday situations. This feeling of anxiety is usually felt about things that are not certain to happen. There are 4 tips for dealing with anxiety: 1. Relaxation, using simple relaxation techniques can reduce feelings of anxiety. For example, doing meditation techniques, relaxing muscles, listening to calming music and others. 2. After relaxing, the next step is to validate our feelings by admitting that the anxious feelings we feel are real. This is the first step to improving the anxiety we feel. 3. Then thirdly, reconsider the thoughts that are the reason for the anxiety we feel. This helps us to decipher and find out the origin and triggers of the anxiety we feel. 4. The last thing is to focus on what actions we will take to deal with anxiety. This can make us aware of our limits, know what our priorities are and can act according to our abilities. Anxiety itself is a natural feeling felt by humans. However, if this feeling is felt excessively, this feeling can haunt the mind and interfere with daily activities. When this feeling of anxiety feels out of control, what we can do is tell a story to a trusted person, closest person or professional to release the burden we feel. That's all for this article, I hope it is useful for readers of this article. Stay healthy! 💃 #psychology #PsychologyinTrading #psychologynews #psychologyupdate #binancecreator

4 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety.

#GrowandHeal Anxiety itself is an intense and continuous feeling of worry or fear that is related to everyday situations. This feeling of anxiety is usually felt about things that are not certain to happen. There are 4 tips for dealing with anxiety: 1. Relaxation, using simple relaxation techniques can reduce feelings of anxiety. For example, doing meditation techniques, relaxing muscles, listening to calming music and others. 2. After relaxing, the next step is to validate our feelings by admitting that the anxious feelings we feel are real. This is the first step to improving the anxiety we feel. 3. Then thirdly, reconsider the thoughts that are the reason for the anxiety we feel. This helps us to decipher and find out the origin and triggers of the anxiety we feel. 4. The last thing is to focus on what actions we will take to deal with anxiety. This can make us aware of our limits, know what our priorities are and can act according to our abilities. Anxiety itself is a natural feeling felt by humans. However, if this feeling is felt excessively, this feeling can haunt the mind and interfere with daily activities. When this feeling of anxiety feels out of control, what we can do is tell a story to a trusted person, closest person or professional to release the burden we feel. That's all for this article, I hope it is useful for readers of this article. Stay healthy! 💃 #psychology #PsychologyinTrading #psychologynews #psychologyupdate #binancecreator
One of the best approaches to trading is to have it in mind that your placed trade CAN go against you. And so, risk management is crucial. But there is another way....You can actually take advantage of the situation when your placed trade is going in the opposite direction. Yes, there is indeed a way. At the appropriate time I shall share that with you. Happy trading y'all. #RISK_MANAGE #tradesafely #PsychologyOfTrading #psychologytrading #PsychologyinTrading
One of the best approaches to trading is to have it in mind that your placed trade CAN go against you. And so, risk management is crucial. But there is another way....You can actually take advantage of the situation when your placed trade is going in the opposite direction. Yes, there is indeed a way. At the appropriate time I shall share that with you. Happy trading y'all. #RISK_MANAGE #tradesafely #PsychologyOfTrading #psychologytrading #PsychologyinTrading
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