Fixed Rate Loans
Borrow and Supply with Your Chosen Fixed Interest Rate
Borrow Market
Supply Market
Borrow Rate (Fixed)
Min Borrow Amount
Borrowable Amount
How Do Fixed Rate Loans Work?
As a Borrower
As a Supplier
01. Order Placing
Place a Borrow Order or select an existing order from the Borrow Market.
02. Select Collateral
Select collateral asset(s) from the list of your spot wallet assets. The Loan-to-Value (LTV) should be lower than the Initial LTV.
03. Confirm Order
Confirm the order details, including the estimated interest, terms, Margin Call LTV, etc. Your collateral assets will be frozen in your spot wallet once the order is placed.
04. Order Matched
Once the order is matched, your collateral assets will be transferred under Binance's custody. You will receive the borrowed assets minus the pre-calculated interest in your spot wallet. Please monitor the LTV closely to avoid liquidation.
05. Repayment
Repay on or before the expiry date to avoid penalties. Note: A 3-times interest penalty accrues every hour during the first 24 hours after the loan order expires. Thereafter, collateral assets will be liquidated to repay the loan order.
Fixed Rate Loans Advantages
Stable and Predictable Costs for Borrowers
Lock in a fixed APR for a set duration, eliminating fluctuations and unexpected costs.
Efficient Automated Process
Enjoy a fast, easy, and automated borrowing and lending experience with auto-repay and auto-renew options available.
Attractive Fixed APR for Suppliers
Supply your assets for a customizable and fixed APR.
Multi-Asset Collateral
Borrowers can set multiple assets as collateral to reduce the risk of liquidation.
Trusted Management
Binance manages collateral and supplied assets, providing a secure and reliable environment. Supplier's assets are principal protected (in token amount)
Fixed Rate Loans Collateral Ratio
The size of the haircut for each collateral asset is largely based on the liquidity of the underlying asset. Collateral ratio and tier are calculated by each individual asset.
Collateral Assets
Tier (USD)
Collateral Ratio
Upcoming Collateral Ratio Update
Please note that the updated collateral ratio will take effect at UTC+0 00:00:00
Collateral Assets
Tier (USD)
Collateral Ratio
Frequently Asked Questions

What types of loans does Binance Fixed Rate Loans support?
Currently, Binance Fixed Rate Loans only supports stablecoins with 30-day fixed term. Please refer to the product page for the latest information.
What are the Borrow/Supply interest rates?
You can set the interest rates of the borrow/supply order according to your needs. For more information please refer to Fixed Rate Loan FAQ.
Is there a borrow or supply limit per order?
Yes, currently the minimum amount per borrow or supply order is $50,000 equivalent of stablecoins. The maximum borrow amount per user is subject to the amount of the Borrower’s collateral value and the borrow cap of different coins in Fixed Rate Loans.
The maximum supply amount per user is subject to the Supplier’s available assets in the spot wallet and the supply cap of different coins in Fixed Rate Loans. Please refer to the product page for the latest information.
Can I modify or cancel my orders after they have been placed?
If your order has already been matched, it cannot be edited or canceled. However, if your order hasn't been matched, you can still modify or cancel your order from Loan > Pending Orders.
Please note that if you use the split order feature for your supply order, you cannot modify the split orders that are matched already. Unmatched parts of the order can still be modified or canceled.
What happens if my loan repayment is overdue?
The Borrower has to repay the loan in full before the expiry date. A 3-times interest late fee will be automatically incurred, accruing on an hourly basis for the duration of the 24 hour grace period following the expiry date, where the loan order is not repaid in full before the expiry date. Where the loan order is not repaid in full 24 hours following the expiry date, the collateral assets will be automatically liquidated to repay the loan order and the payable late fee.
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