Our industry has entered a pivotal phase of development where regulatory compliance is now critical for user experience, business success, and responsible growth. Binance has been at the forefront of this transition. In an unprecedented move within the blockchain space, Binance acknowledged its past shortcomings in November 2023, emphasizing the importance of robust compliance controls despite the industry's nascent state.**

Learning Hard Lessons

Binance faced historical issues head-on, understanding that regulatory compliance isn't optional but essential. This admission allowed us to set a pathway for the entire industry, inviting peers to learn from our mistakes to avoid similar pitfalls. We believe setting compliance standards is one part of the equation; the other is ensuring that major players in the space step up their compliance game. While Binance has made significant strides, we observe that the industry still has a way to go in this regard.

Compliance Evolution as a Team Effort

Over the years, Binance has heavily invested in bolstering its compliance and security programs. Our aim has always been to establish Binance as the gold standard in the industry, creating a culture of compliance, security, and transparency. Key enhancements included:

- Expanding AML Detection and Analytics: We have developed robust in-house anti-money laundering (AML) detection and analytics capabilities, which include both on-chain and off-chain monitoring.
- Improving KYC Protocols: Enhanced identity verification protocols were implemented, supplemented by top-tier third-party vendors.
- Strengthening Market Surveillance: Our ability to monitor and detect suspicious market activities has been significantly improved.
- Building a Leading Financial Crime Compliance Unit: This unit assists global law enforcement in cryptocurrency-related investigations and shares expertise to combat financial crimes.

Our efforts have yielded positive results, as evidenced by the decreasing estimates of illicit activity within the industry.

A Call to Industry Peers

Despite Binance's extensive efforts, we acknowledge that collective action is needed to elevate the entire industry. Our "rising tide lifts all boats" philosophy calls for other major players to act collectively in building trust, adopting responsible practices, and enhancing compliance. Initiatives such as proposing a unified trust-building framework and open-sourcing our proof-of-reserves (PoR) system code are geared towards industry-wide participation.

Boat or Tide?

The metaphor of a "rising tide" suggests that collective positive change benefits all industry participants. However, it's crucial to identify who should drive this change. Binance is not the tide; the tide is the collective effort of the entire industry, with users being the boats that benefit from these efforts.

Unfortunately, some industry peers continue to lag, overlooking issues like wash trading, inadequate surveillance, transaction monitoring, and compliance with sanctions. Even if they escape immediate regulatory scrutiny, the long-term effects of lax practices will harm user trust and business viability.

A Call to Action

My message to industry peers is clear: Learn from Binance’s mistakes instead of making your own, which could be far costlier. Be proactive in driving compliance and be the tide that lifts the industry. Full compliance is essential for sustained growth and achieving our shared goal of advancing financial freedom and improving lives. So, let's collectively aim to be the tide that lifts all boats.