According to Coincu, a Hong Kong lawmaker has proposed integrating Bitcoin purchases into the city's licensed exchanges as part of the revived investment immigration program. This move signifies a progressive stance toward the utilization of cryptocurrencies in high-stakes financial ventures.

After an eight-year hiatus, Hong Kong is set to reinvigorate its investment immigration program, with an entry threshold of approximately US$3.84 million. The proposal to include Bitcoin in the program adds a layer of innovation to traditional investment avenues and could attract high-net-worth individuals seeking to leverage the potential benefits of cryptocurrency within a licensed exchange framework.

The proposal aligns with Hong Kong's reputation as a financial hub and demonstrates a willingness to embrace the future of finance through the integration of decentralized digital currencies. With the entry threshold set at approximately US$3.84 million, the revived investment immigration program positions Hong Kong as an attractive destination for affluent individuals seeking financial stability and a forward-looking approach to wealth management. The global financial community will be closely watching how this potential inclusion of Bitcoin shapes the dynamics of investment immigration in Hong Kong.