Making $1 million in the cryptocurrency market may sound like an unattainable goal, but with long-term investing and a strategic approach, this goal can become more achievable. The following is a simple but effective method that requires patience and execution to achieve your cryptocurrency investment goals.

1. Fixed investment + optional investment

  • Prepare capital: First, you need to prepare 100,000 to 200,000 yuan in principal, which will serve as the basis of your investment.

  • Regular Investing: Divide your capital into regular and selected investments. Regular investing is the core of this strategy. You can invest a portion of your funds into the market on a weekly or monthly basis. The benefit of regular investing is that it helps you spread your risk and allows you to benefit from the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

  • Large position allocation: Invest most of the funds (about 70%) in Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), the two largest and most mature cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. These cryptocurrencies generally have high liquidity and relatively low risk.

  • Small position selection: The remaining 30% of funds can be used to select some new coins with good fundamentals, narratives, and financial support. When selecting new coins, pay special attention to the background, technology, team, and market potential of the project. These small position investments may bring higher returns, but also come with greater risks.

  • Waiting and Patience: Once you have established your position, you need to wait. The cryptocurrency market may experience fluctuations, but the long-term goal of this strategy is to wait for 1-2 investment cycles to achieve the goal of 1 million.

2. Execution and discipline

The success of this investment method lies in execution and discipline. You need to invest regularly, not be swayed by market sentiment, not do short-term swing trading, but stick to your position for the long term.

3. Risk Management

Although this approach is relatively conservative, you still need to manage your risk carefully. Make sure your investments won't affect your financial life, and consider using a stop-loss strategy to limit potential losses.

4. Keep learning

The cryptocurrency market is an ever-evolving space, so it is vital to continue to learn and track market dynamics. Understanding new cryptocurrency projects and market trends will help you better adjust your portfolio.

In conclusion, making $1 million in the cryptocurrency market may take time, but through regular and selective investment strategies, combined with patience, execution and risk management, you have a chance to achieve this goal. Remember that the market is volatile and investing involves risk, so always proceed with caution and do adequate research and planning.