CZ is free to speak out:

Will continue to invest in blockchain/decentralized technology, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology

CZ posted on the X platform that the food tastes great and it is a luxury to eat more than one piece of fruit a day. I want to thank everyone for their support. It means a lot to me and keeps me strong in my darkest moments. Some quick updates/thoughts

Giggle Academy is progressing well and will be a big part of my life in the next few years

Will continue to invest in blockchain/decentralized technology, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology. I am a long-term investor who cares about impact, not returns

I will also invest more time and money in charity (and education). I have some rough ideas

Still writing my book. I think I'm about 2/3 done. Writing a book is much more laborious than I expected, but I'll stick with it