Binance Square
Mr Ken
Success always starts with risks
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Tรดi ฤ‘รฃ nhแบญn ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc thรดng bรกo chiแบฟn thแบฏng tuแบงn 3 trรชn Binance Square Vietnam. Bแบกn cลฉng cรณ thแปƒ lร  ngฦฐแปi chiแบฟn thแบฏng tiแบฟp theo, hรฃy tham gia, theo dรตi vร  chia thรดng tin tแปซ @Binance_Vietnam . #Write2Earn! #Write2Win
Tรดi ฤ‘รฃ nhแบญn ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc thรดng bรกo chiแบฟn thแบฏng tuแบงn 3 trรชn Binance Square Vietnam.

Bแบกn cลฉng cรณ thแปƒ lร  ngฦฐแปi chiแบฟn thแบฏng tiแบฟp theo, hรฃy tham gia, theo dรตi vร  chia thรดng tin tแปซ @Binance Vietnam .

#Write2Earn! #Write2Win
Tแบญp chแบฅp nhแบญn thua lแป— แปŸ mแปฉc cรณ thแปƒ, bแบกn sแบฝ tแปฑ tin ฤ‘แบทt TL/SL , khoแบฃn ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ cแปงa bแบกn trong thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Futures sแบฝ an toร n hฦกn. ฤแปซng ฤ‘แปƒ lแป‡nh tแปฑ do rแป“i cแป‘ gแบฏn gแป“ng lแป‡nh hoแบทc cแป‘ gแบฏn DCA trong thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Futures nร y. Nแบฟu bแบกn ฤ‘แบทt lแป‡nh cรณ tรญnh kฤฉ luแบญt thรฌ thua lแป— รญt vแป›i tiรชu chรญ " thua kรจo nร y thรฌ bร y keo khรกc", khรดng ฤ‘แปƒ bแป‹ thanh lรฝ toร n bแป™ tร i khoแบฃn. Hรฃy tรฌm hiแปƒu kฤฉ trฦฐแป›c khi bฦฐแป›c vร o thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ฤ‘แบงy rลฉi ro FUTURES. #BinanceTournament #BinanceTurns7 #Write2Win
Tแบญp chแบฅp nhแบญn thua lแป— แปŸ mแปฉc cรณ thแปƒ, bแบกn sแบฝ tแปฑ tin ฤ‘แบทt TL/SL , khoแบฃn ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ cแปงa bแบกn trong thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Futures sแบฝ an toร n hฦกn. ฤแปซng ฤ‘แปƒ lแป‡nh tแปฑ do rแป“i cแป‘ gแบฏn gแป“ng lแป‡nh hoแบทc cแป‘ gแบฏn DCA trong thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Futures nร y.

Nแบฟu bแบกn ฤ‘แบทt lแป‡nh cรณ tรญnh kฤฉ luแบญt thรฌ thua lแป— รญt vแป›i tiรชu chรญ " thua kรจo nร y thรฌ bร y keo khรกc", khรดng ฤ‘แปƒ bแป‹ thanh lรฝ toร n bแป™ tร i khoแบฃn.

Hรฃy tรฌm hiแปƒu kฤฉ trฦฐแป›c khi bฦฐแป›c vร o thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ฤ‘แบงy rลฉi ro FUTURES.

#BinanceTournament #BinanceTurns7

Mr Ken
Lร m cรกch nร o ฤ‘แปƒ quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro tแป‘t hฦกn khi giao dแป‹ch Futures?
Khi giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) cรณ rแปงi ro cao vร  bแบกn nรชn tรฌm hiแปƒu kแปน trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia, quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro lร  mแป™t phแบงn quan trแปng ฤ‘แปƒ ฤ‘แบฃm bแบฃo an toร n khoแบฃn ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ cแปงa bแบกn khi tham gia bแบฅt kแปณ dแบกng giao dแป‹ch nร o, ฤ‘แบทc biแป‡t lร  giao dแป‹ch Futures. Dฦฐแป›i ฤ‘รขy lร  mแป™t sแป‘ cรกch bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ รกp dแปฅng:
Nghiรชn cแปฉu kแปน lฦฐแปกng: Trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia giao dแป‹ch futures, hรฃy nghiรชn cแปฉu thแป‹ trฦฐแปng, hiแปƒu rรต vแป loแบกi hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng bแบกn muแป‘n giao dแป‹ch vร  cรกc yแบฟu tแป‘ แบฃnh hฦฐแปŸng.Xรกc ฤ‘แป‹nh mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป—: ฤแบทt mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป— cแปฅ thแปƒ trฦฐแป›c khi mแปŸ vแป‹ thแบฟ. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp bแบกn quแบฃn lรฝ tแป‘t hฦกn vร  trรกnh bแป‹ cuแป‘n theo cแบฃm xรบc.Sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— (stop-loss): ฤแบทt lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— ฤ‘แปƒ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng bรกn hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng khi giรก ฤ‘i ngฦฐแปฃc hฦฐแป›ng bแบกn. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu thiแป‡t hแบกi trong trฦฐแปng hแปฃp thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khรดng phรกt triแปƒn theo dแปฑ ฤ‘oรกn.Diversify vแป‹ thแบฟ: Khรดng ฤ‘แบทt toร n bแป™ vแป‘n vร o mแป™t loแบกi hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng. Phรขn tรกn vแป‹ thแบฟ giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu rแปงi ro.Hiแปƒu vแป margin vร  leverage: Futures thฦฐแปng sแปญ dแปฅng margin, cho phรฉp bแบกn giao dแป‹ch vแป›i sแป‘ vแป‘n vฦฐแปฃt quรก sแป‘ tiแปn bแบกn cรณ. Tuy nhiรชn, sแปญ dแปฅng leverage cแบงn thแบญn trแปng, vรฌ nรณ cรณ thแปƒ tฤƒng rแปงi ro.Theo dรตi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng vร  tin tแปฉc: Theo dรตi thฦฐแปng xuyรชn ฤ‘แปƒ phรกt hiแป‡n sแป›m cรกc biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng vร  tin tแปฉc cรณ thแปƒ แบฃnh hฦฐแปŸng ฤ‘แบฟn thแป‹ trฦฐแปng.
Cรดng cแปฅ kiแปƒm soรกt rลฉi ro cรณ trong thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Futures:
Lแป‡nh TP/SL (Take Profit/Stop Loss) trong giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) lร  mแป™t cรกch ฤ‘แปƒ bแบกn thiแบฟt lแบญp ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n cho viแป‡c chแป‘t lแปi hoแบทc cแบฏt lแป—. Hรฃy cรนng tรฌm hiแปƒu chi tiแบฟt:
1.ฤแบทt Lแป‡nh TP/SL Limit (Lแป‡nh chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc):
Khi bแบกn ฤ‘แบทt lแป‡nh Limit, bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ ฤ‘แป“ng thแปi thiแบฟt lแบญp lแป‡nh Take Profit (chแป‘t lแปi) vร  lแป‡nh Stop Loss (cแบฏt lแป—).Nhแบฅp vร o [Limit], nhแบญp giรก vร  khแป‘i lฦฐแปฃng lแป‡nh, sau ฤ‘รณ ฤ‘รกnh dแบฅu vร o hแป™p bรชn cแบกnh [TP/SL].Lแป‡nh TP/SL sแบฝ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng thแปฑc hiแป‡n khi giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ฤ‘แบกt ฤ‘แบฟn mแปฉc giรก kรญch hoแบกt.Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ tรนy chแป‰nh giรก TP/SL dแปฑa trรชn giรก gแบงn nhแบฅt hoแบทc giรก ฤ‘รกnh dแบฅu.
2.Loแบกi lแป‡nh hแป— trแปฃ chแปฉc nฤƒng TP/SL:
Chแปฉc nฤƒng TP/SL hแป— trแปฃ cรกc lแป‡nh Limit, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market vร  Post Only (trแปซ lแป‡nh Trailing Stop).Binance Futures hแป— trแปฃ hai loแบกi chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc: One-Triggers-a-One-Cancels-the-Other (OTOCO) vร  One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO).Trong lแป‡nh OTOCO, nแบฟu lแป‡nh chรญnh ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc khแป›p hoแบทc khแป›p mแป™t phแบงn, lแป‡nh phแปฅ (TP hoแบทc SL) sแบฝ cรณ hiแป‡u lแปฑc. Nแบฟu lแป‡nh TP ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc khแป›p, lแป‡nh SL sแบฝ bแป‹ hแปงy vร  ngฦฐแปฃc lแบกi.
3.Tฤƒng hoแบทc giแบฃm vแป‹ thแบฟ cรณ kรญch hoแบกt TP/SL ฤ‘รณng tแบฅt cแบฃ cรกc vแป‹ thแบฟ:
Tแบฅt cแบฃ vแป‹ thแบฟ sแบฝ bแป‹ ฤ‘รณng sau khi tฤƒng hoแบทc giแบฃm vแป‹ thแบฟ. Xem lแป‡nh trong mแปฅc [Lแป‡nh ฤ‘ang mแปŸ] - [ฤรณng vแป‹ thแบฟ].
4.ฤแบทt nhiแปu TP/SL cho lแป‡nh:
Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ ฤ‘แบทt nhiแปu lแป‡nh chแป‘t lแปi vร  cแบฏt lแป— cho mแป—i vแป‹ thแบฟ Long hoแบทc Short.
Lฦฐu รฝ rแบฑng cรกc lแป‡nh TP/SL sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc thแปฑc hiแป‡n theo thแปฉ tแปฑ ฤ‘รฃ ฤ‘แบทt cho ฤ‘แบฟn khi quy mรด tรญch lลฉy cแปงa chรบng ฤ‘รกp แปฉng cรนng mแป™t quy mรด nhฦฐ vแป‹ thแบฟ chรญnh.
5.Xem TP/SL chฦฐa khแป›p:
Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ nhแบฅp vร o [Xem] trong mแปฅc [TP/SL] trรชn lแป‡nh chรญnh ฤ‘แปƒ xem TP/SL chฦฐa khแป›p.
Lแป‡nh Stop Market trong giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) tฦฐฦกng tแปฑ nhฦฐ lแป‡nh Stop Limit, sแปญ dแปฅng giรก dแปซng ฤ‘แปƒ kรญch hoแบกt giao dแป‹ch. ฤรขy lร  mแป™t lแป‡nh ฤ‘รณng vแป‹ thแบฟ theo giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ngay tแปฉc khแบฏc khi bแบกn cแบงn chแป‘t lแปi ngay hay cแบฏt lแป— ngay thay vรฌ chแป khแป›p lแป‡nh TP/SL Limit.
Ngoร i ra cรฒn cรณ lแป‡nh Trailing Stop trong giao dแป‹ch Futures, ฤ‘รขy lร  cรดng cแปฅ hแปฏu รญch giรบp bแบกn quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro vร  bแบฃo vแป‡ lแปฃi nhuแบญn.
Vรญ dแปฅ khi bแบกn ฤ‘แบทt 1 lแป‡nh LONG vร  ฤ‘แบทt Trailing Stop 2%, khi giรก tฤƒng hฦกn 2% so vแป›i giรก ban ฤ‘แบงu, lแป‡nh Trailing Stop sแบฝ tuรขn theo giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng theo hฦฐแป›ng cรณ lแปฃi cho bแบกn vร  nแบฟu giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng theo hฦฐแป›ng ngฦฐแปฃc lแบกi vร  giแบฃm xuแป‘ng dฦฐแป›i giรก Trailing Stop, lแป‡nh bรกn sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc kรญch hoแบกt vร  giao dแป‹ch sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc ฤ‘รณng.
ฤรณ lร  nhแปฏng lรฝ thuyแบฟt kฤฉ thuแบญt mร  bแบกn cแบงn nghiรชn cแปฉu vร  nแบฏm kฤฉ trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia giao dแป‹ch Futures ฤ‘แบงy rลฉi ro, trรชn thแบญt tแบฟ khi tham gia vร o giao dแป‹ch futures bแบกn dแป… bแป‹ FOMO vร  dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn thua lแป—.
Lร m thแบฟ nร o ฤ‘แปƒ trรกnh FOMO khi giao dแป‹ch?
Luรดn giแปฏ tรญnh kแป‰ luแบญt trong mแป—i khoแบฃn ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ trรกnh bแป‹ tรขm lรฝ FOMO (viแบฟt tแบฏt cแปงa โ€œFear of Missing Outโ€) : lร  mแป™t khรกi niแป‡m tรขm lรฝ phแป• biแบฟn trong lฤฉnh vแปฑc ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vร  tร i chรญnh. Nรณ รกm chแป‰ cแบฃm giรกc lo lแบฏng hoแบทc cแบฅp bรกch khi bแบกn tin rแบฑng mรฌnh ฤ‘ang bแป lแปก mแป™t cฦก hแป™i quan trแปng, trแบฃi nghiแป‡m hay sแปฑ kiแป‡n cรณ thแปƒ lร m cuแป™c ฤ‘แปi bแบกn trแปŸ nรชn tแป‘t hฦกn. Khi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ฤ‘ang tฤƒng trฦฐแปŸng vร  bแบกn cแบฃm thแบฅy cแบงn phแบฃi ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ ฤ‘แปƒ khรดng bแป lแปก cฦก hแป™i kiแบฟm lแปi, FOMO cรณ thแปƒ dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn cรกc quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vแป™i vร ng, gรขy rแปงi ro tร i chรญnh. ฤแปƒ trรกnh FOMO, hรฃy luรดn nghiรชn cแปฉu kแปน lฦฐแปกng trฦฐแป›c khi ฤ‘ฦฐa ra quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vร  sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— ฤ‘แปƒ quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro.
Ngoร i ra bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ thแบฅy thuแบญt ngแปฏ Cool down trong giao dแป‹ch futures, ฤ‘รขy khรดng phแบฃi lร  thuแบญt ngแปฏ chรญnh thแป‘ng, nhฦฐng cรณ mแป™t sแป‘ khรกi niแป‡m liรชn quan ฤ‘แบฟn quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro vร  tแป‘i ฦฐu hรณa chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc giao dแป‹ch. Dฦฐแป›i ฤ‘รขy lร  mแป™t sแป‘ khรญa cแบกnh liรชn quan:
Tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng giแบฃm ฤ‘รฒn bแบฉy (ADL): ฤรขy lร  cฦก chแบฟ thanh lรฝ bแบฏt buแป™c ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc รกp dแปฅng khi ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khแบฏc nghiแป‡t hoแบทc bแบฅt khแบฃ khรกng dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn quแปน phรฒng rแปงi ro khรดng ฤ‘แปง hoแบทc giแบฃm nhanh chรณng. ADL giรบp kiแปƒm soรกt rแปงi ro tแป•ng thแปƒ cแปงa nแปn tแบฃng.Phรกt triแปƒn phฦฐฦกng thแปฉc giao dแป‹ch cแปงa bแบกn: Mแป—i trader cรณ mแป™t cรกch thแปฉc giao dแป‹ch โ€œฤ‘แป™c nhแบฅtโ€ vแป›i phฦฐฦกng phรกp luแบญn riรชng biแป‡t, giแป›i hแบกn rแปงi ro riรชng vร  khung thแปi gian riรชng. Tแบฅt cแบฃ nhแปฏng trader thร nh cรดng thฦฐแปng chuแบฉn bแป‹ cho mรฌnh mแป™t phฦฐฦกng phรกp ฤ‘แปƒ phรขn tรญch thแป‹ trฦฐแปng - tแปซ giao dแป‹ch trong ngร y ฤ‘แบฟn giao dแป‹ch dร i hแบกn. Hรฃy xรกc ฤ‘แป‹nh cho mรฌnh mแป™t phฦฐฦกng phรกp giao dแป‹ch cแปฅ thแปƒ vร  rรต rร ng.Quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro: ฤแบทt mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป— cแปฅ thแปƒ trฦฐแป›c khi mแปŸ vแป‹ thแบฟ. Sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— (stop-loss) ฤ‘แปƒ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng bรกn hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng khi giรก ฤ‘i ngฦฐแปฃc hฦฐแป›ng bแบกn. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu thiแป‡t hแบกi trong trฦฐแปng hแปฃp thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khรดng phรกt triแปƒn theo dแปฑ ฤ‘oรกn.
ฤรขy lร  bร i viแบฟt chแป‰ mang tรญnh tham khแบฃo ฤ‘แปƒ nghiรชn cแปฉu trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia giao dแป‹ch Futures. Chรบc bแบกn thร nh cรดng.
#Write2Win #Futures #BinanceTournament #fomo #stoploss
Lร m cรกch nร o ฤ‘แปƒ quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro tแป‘t hฦกn khi giao dแป‹ch Futures?Khi giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) cรณ rแปงi ro cao vร  bแบกn nรชn tรฌm hiแปƒu kแปน trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia, quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro lร  mแป™t phแบงn quan trแปng ฤ‘แปƒ ฤ‘แบฃm bแบฃo an toร n khoแบฃn ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ cแปงa bแบกn khi tham gia bแบฅt kแปณ dแบกng giao dแป‹ch nร o, ฤ‘แบทc biแป‡t lร  giao dแป‹ch Futures. Dฦฐแป›i ฤ‘รขy lร  mแป™t sแป‘ cรกch bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ รกp dแปฅng: Nghiรชn cแปฉu kแปน lฦฐแปกng: Trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia giao dแป‹ch futures, hรฃy nghiรชn cแปฉu thแป‹ trฦฐแปng, hiแปƒu rรต vแป loแบกi hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng bแบกn muแป‘n giao dแป‹ch vร  cรกc yแบฟu tแป‘ แบฃnh hฦฐแปŸng.Xรกc ฤ‘แป‹nh mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป—: ฤแบทt mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป— cแปฅ thแปƒ trฦฐแป›c khi mแปŸ vแป‹ thแบฟ. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp bแบกn quแบฃn lรฝ tแป‘t hฦกn vร  trรกnh bแป‹ cuแป‘n theo cแบฃm xรบc.Sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— (stop-loss): ฤแบทt lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— ฤ‘แปƒ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng bรกn hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng khi giรก ฤ‘i ngฦฐแปฃc hฦฐแป›ng bแบกn. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu thiแป‡t hแบกi trong trฦฐแปng hแปฃp thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khรดng phรกt triแปƒn theo dแปฑ ฤ‘oรกn.Diversify vแป‹ thแบฟ: Khรดng ฤ‘แบทt toร n bแป™ vแป‘n vร o mแป™t loแบกi hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng. Phรขn tรกn vแป‹ thแบฟ giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu rแปงi ro.Hiแปƒu vแป margin vร  leverage: Futures thฦฐแปng sแปญ dแปฅng margin, cho phรฉp bแบกn giao dแป‹ch vแป›i sแป‘ vแป‘n vฦฐแปฃt quรก sแป‘ tiแปn bแบกn cรณ. Tuy nhiรชn, sแปญ dแปฅng leverage cแบงn thแบญn trแปng, vรฌ nรณ cรณ thแปƒ tฤƒng rแปงi ro.Theo dรตi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng vร  tin tแปฉc: Theo dรตi thฦฐแปng xuyรชn ฤ‘แปƒ phรกt hiแป‡n sแป›m cรกc biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng vร  tin tแปฉc cรณ thแปƒ แบฃnh hฦฐแปŸng ฤ‘แบฟn thแป‹ trฦฐแปng. Cรดng cแปฅ kiแปƒm soรกt rลฉi ro cรณ trong thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Futures: Lแป‡nh TP/SL (Take Profit/Stop Loss) trong giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) lร  mแป™t cรกch ฤ‘แปƒ bแบกn thiแบฟt lแบญp ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n cho viแป‡c chแป‘t lแปi hoแบทc cแบฏt lแป—. Hรฃy cรนng tรฌm hiแปƒu chi tiแบฟt: 1.ฤแบทt Lแป‡nh TP/SL Limit (Lแป‡nh chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc): Khi bแบกn ฤ‘แบทt lแป‡nh Limit, bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ ฤ‘แป“ng thแปi thiแบฟt lแบญp lแป‡nh Take Profit (chแป‘t lแปi) vร  lแป‡nh Stop Loss (cแบฏt lแป—).Nhแบฅp vร o [Limit], nhแบญp giรก vร  khแป‘i lฦฐแปฃng lแป‡nh, sau ฤ‘รณ ฤ‘รกnh dแบฅu vร o hแป™p bรชn cแบกnh [TP/SL].Lแป‡nh TP/SL sแบฝ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng thแปฑc hiแป‡n khi giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ฤ‘แบกt ฤ‘แบฟn mแปฉc giรก kรญch hoแบกt.Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ tรนy chแป‰nh giรก TP/SL dแปฑa trรชn giรก gแบงn nhแบฅt hoแบทc giรก ฤ‘รกnh dแบฅu. 2.Loแบกi lแป‡nh hแป— trแปฃ chแปฉc nฤƒng TP/SL: Chแปฉc nฤƒng TP/SL hแป— trแปฃ cรกc lแป‡nh Limit, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market vร  Post Only (trแปซ lแป‡nh Trailing Stop).Binance Futures hแป— trแปฃ hai loแบกi chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc: One-Triggers-a-One-Cancels-the-Other (OTOCO) vร  One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO).Trong lแป‡nh OTOCO, nแบฟu lแป‡nh chรญnh ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc khแป›p hoแบทc khแป›p mแป™t phแบงn, lแป‡nh phแปฅ (TP hoแบทc SL) sแบฝ cรณ hiแป‡u lแปฑc. Nแบฟu lแป‡nh TP ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc khแป›p, lแป‡nh SL sแบฝ bแป‹ hแปงy vร  ngฦฐแปฃc lแบกi. 3.Tฤƒng hoแบทc giแบฃm vแป‹ thแบฟ cรณ kรญch hoแบกt TP/SL ฤ‘รณng tแบฅt cแบฃ cรกc vแป‹ thแบฟ: Tแบฅt cแบฃ vแป‹ thแบฟ sแบฝ bแป‹ ฤ‘รณng sau khi tฤƒng hoแบทc giแบฃm vแป‹ thแบฟ. Xem lแป‡nh trong mแปฅc [Lแป‡nh ฤ‘ang mแปŸ] - [ฤรณng vแป‹ thแบฟ]. 4.ฤแบทt nhiแปu TP/SL cho lแป‡nh: Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ ฤ‘แบทt nhiแปu lแป‡nh chแป‘t lแปi vร  cแบฏt lแป— cho mแป—i vแป‹ thแบฟ Long hoแบทc Short. Lฦฐu รฝ rแบฑng cรกc lแป‡nh TP/SL sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc thแปฑc hiแป‡n theo thแปฉ tแปฑ ฤ‘รฃ ฤ‘แบทt cho ฤ‘แบฟn khi quy mรด tรญch lลฉy cแปงa chรบng ฤ‘รกp แปฉng cรนng mแป™t quy mรด nhฦฐ vแป‹ thแบฟ chรญnh. 5.Xem TP/SL chฦฐa khแป›p: Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ nhแบฅp vร o [Xem] trong mแปฅc [TP/SL] trรชn lแป‡nh chรญnh ฤ‘แปƒ xem TP/SL chฦฐa khแป›p. Lแป‡nh Stop Market trong giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) tฦฐฦกng tแปฑ nhฦฐ lแป‡nh Stop Limit, sแปญ dแปฅng giรก dแปซng ฤ‘แปƒ kรญch hoแบกt giao dแป‹ch. ฤรขy lร  mแป™t lแป‡nh ฤ‘รณng vแป‹ thแบฟ theo giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ngay tแปฉc khแบฏc khi bแบกn cแบงn chแป‘t lแปi ngay hay cแบฏt lแป— ngay thay vรฌ chแป khแป›p lแป‡nh TP/SL Limit. Ngoร i ra cรฒn cรณ lแป‡nh Trailing Stop trong giao dแป‹ch Futures, ฤ‘รขy lร  cรดng cแปฅ hแปฏu รญch giรบp bแบกn quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro vร  bแบฃo vแป‡ lแปฃi nhuแบญn. Vรญ dแปฅ khi bแบกn ฤ‘แบทt 1 lแป‡nh LONG vร  ฤ‘แบทt Trailing Stop 2%, khi giรก tฤƒng hฦกn 2% so vแป›i giรก ban ฤ‘แบงu, lแป‡nh Trailing Stop sแบฝ tuรขn theo giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng theo hฦฐแป›ng cรณ lแปฃi cho bแบกn vร  nแบฟu giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng theo hฦฐแป›ng ngฦฐแปฃc lแบกi vร  giแบฃm xuแป‘ng dฦฐแป›i giรก Trailing Stop, lแป‡nh bรกn sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc kรญch hoแบกt vร  giao dแป‹ch sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc ฤ‘รณng. ฤรณ lร  nhแปฏng lรฝ thuyแบฟt kฤฉ thuแบญt mร  bแบกn cแบงn nghiรชn cแปฉu vร  nแบฏm kฤฉ trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia giao dแป‹ch Futures ฤ‘แบงy rลฉi ro, trรชn thแบญt tแบฟ khi tham gia vร o giao dแป‹ch futures bแบกn dแป… bแป‹ FOMO vร  dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn thua lแป—. Lร m thแบฟ nร o ฤ‘แปƒ trรกnh FOMO khi giao dแป‹ch? Luรดn giแปฏ tรญnh kแป‰ luแบญt trong mแป—i khoแบฃn ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ trรกnh bแป‹ tรขm lรฝ FOMO (viแบฟt tแบฏt cแปงa โ€œFear of Missing Outโ€) : lร  mแป™t khรกi niแป‡m tรขm lรฝ phแป• biแบฟn trong lฤฉnh vแปฑc ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vร  tร i chรญnh. Nรณ รกm chแป‰ cแบฃm giรกc lo lแบฏng hoแบทc cแบฅp bรกch khi bแบกn tin rแบฑng mรฌnh ฤ‘ang bแป lแปก mแป™t cฦก hแป™i quan trแปng, trแบฃi nghiแป‡m hay sแปฑ kiแป‡n cรณ thแปƒ lร m cuแป™c ฤ‘แปi bแบกn trแปŸ nรชn tแป‘t hฦกn. Khi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ฤ‘ang tฤƒng trฦฐแปŸng vร  bแบกn cแบฃm thแบฅy cแบงn phแบฃi ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ ฤ‘แปƒ khรดng bแป lแปก cฦก hแป™i kiแบฟm lแปi, FOMO cรณ thแปƒ dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn cรกc quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vแป™i vร ng, gรขy rแปงi ro tร i chรญnh. ฤแปƒ trรกnh FOMO, hรฃy luรดn nghiรชn cแปฉu kแปน lฦฐแปกng trฦฐแป›c khi ฤ‘ฦฐa ra quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vร  sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— ฤ‘แปƒ quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro. Ngoร i ra bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ thแบฅy thuแบญt ngแปฏ Cool down trong giao dแป‹ch futures, ฤ‘รขy khรดng phแบฃi lร  thuแบญt ngแปฏ chรญnh thแป‘ng, nhฦฐng cรณ mแป™t sแป‘ khรกi niแป‡m liรชn quan ฤ‘แบฟn quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro vร  tแป‘i ฦฐu hรณa chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc giao dแป‹ch. Dฦฐแป›i ฤ‘รขy lร  mแป™t sแป‘ khรญa cแบกnh liรชn quan: Tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng giแบฃm ฤ‘รฒn bแบฉy (ADL): ฤรขy lร  cฦก chแบฟ thanh lรฝ bแบฏt buแป™c ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc รกp dแปฅng khi ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khแบฏc nghiแป‡t hoแบทc bแบฅt khแบฃ khรกng dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn quแปน phรฒng rแปงi ro khรดng ฤ‘แปง hoแบทc giแบฃm nhanh chรณng. ADL giรบp kiแปƒm soรกt rแปงi ro tแป•ng thแปƒ cแปงa nแปn tแบฃng.Phรกt triแปƒn phฦฐฦกng thแปฉc giao dแป‹ch cแปงa bแบกn: Mแป—i trader cรณ mแป™t cรกch thแปฉc giao dแป‹ch โ€œฤ‘แป™c nhแบฅtโ€ vแป›i phฦฐฦกng phรกp luแบญn riรชng biแป‡t, giแป›i hแบกn rแปงi ro riรชng vร  khung thแปi gian riรชng. Tแบฅt cแบฃ nhแปฏng trader thร nh cรดng thฦฐแปng chuแบฉn bแป‹ cho mรฌnh mแป™t phฦฐฦกng phรกp ฤ‘แปƒ phรขn tรญch thแป‹ trฦฐแปng - tแปซ giao dแป‹ch trong ngร y ฤ‘แบฟn giao dแป‹ch dร i hแบกn. Hรฃy xรกc ฤ‘แป‹nh cho mรฌnh mแป™t phฦฐฦกng phรกp giao dแป‹ch cแปฅ thแปƒ vร  rรต rร ng.Quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro: ฤแบทt mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป— cแปฅ thแปƒ trฦฐแป›c khi mแปŸ vแป‹ thแบฟ. Sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— (stop-loss) ฤ‘แปƒ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng bรกn hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng khi giรก ฤ‘i ngฦฐแปฃc hฦฐแป›ng bแบกn. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu thiแป‡t hแบกi trong trฦฐแปng hแปฃp thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khรดng phรกt triแปƒn theo dแปฑ ฤ‘oรกn. ฤรขy lร  bร i viแบฟt chแป‰ mang tรญnh tham khแบฃo ฤ‘แปƒ nghiรชn cแปฉu trฦฐแป›c khi [tham gia giao dแป‹ch Futures]( Chรบc bแบกn thร nh cรดng. #Write2Win #Futures #BinanceTournament #fomo #stoploss

Lร m cรกch nร o ฤ‘แปƒ quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro tแป‘t hฦกn khi giao dแป‹ch Futures?

Khi giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) cรณ rแปงi ro cao vร  bแบกn nรชn tรฌm hiแปƒu kแปน trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia, quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro lร  mแป™t phแบงn quan trแปng ฤ‘แปƒ ฤ‘แบฃm bแบฃo an toร n khoแบฃn ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ cแปงa bแบกn khi tham gia bแบฅt kแปณ dแบกng giao dแป‹ch nร o, ฤ‘แบทc biแป‡t lร  giao dแป‹ch Futures. Dฦฐแป›i ฤ‘รขy lร  mแป™t sแป‘ cรกch bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ รกp dแปฅng:
Nghiรชn cแปฉu kแปน lฦฐแปกng: Trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia giao dแป‹ch futures, hรฃy nghiรชn cแปฉu thแป‹ trฦฐแปng, hiแปƒu rรต vแป loแบกi hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng bแบกn muแป‘n giao dแป‹ch vร  cรกc yแบฟu tแป‘ แบฃnh hฦฐแปŸng.Xรกc ฤ‘แป‹nh mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป—: ฤแบทt mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป— cแปฅ thแปƒ trฦฐแป›c khi mแปŸ vแป‹ thแบฟ. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp bแบกn quแบฃn lรฝ tแป‘t hฦกn vร  trรกnh bแป‹ cuแป‘n theo cแบฃm xรบc.Sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— (stop-loss): ฤแบทt lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— ฤ‘แปƒ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng bรกn hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng khi giรก ฤ‘i ngฦฐแปฃc hฦฐแป›ng bแบกn. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu thiแป‡t hแบกi trong trฦฐแปng hแปฃp thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khรดng phรกt triแปƒn theo dแปฑ ฤ‘oรกn.Diversify vแป‹ thแบฟ: Khรดng ฤ‘แบทt toร n bแป™ vแป‘n vร o mแป™t loแบกi hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng. Phรขn tรกn vแป‹ thแบฟ giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu rแปงi ro.Hiแปƒu vแป margin vร  leverage: Futures thฦฐแปng sแปญ dแปฅng margin, cho phรฉp bแบกn giao dแป‹ch vแป›i sแป‘ vแป‘n vฦฐแปฃt quรก sแป‘ tiแปn bแบกn cรณ. Tuy nhiรชn, sแปญ dแปฅng leverage cแบงn thแบญn trแปng, vรฌ nรณ cรณ thแปƒ tฤƒng rแปงi ro.Theo dรตi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng vร  tin tแปฉc: Theo dรตi thฦฐแปng xuyรชn ฤ‘แปƒ phรกt hiแป‡n sแป›m cรกc biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng vร  tin tแปฉc cรณ thแปƒ แบฃnh hฦฐแปŸng ฤ‘แบฟn thแป‹ trฦฐแปng.
Cรดng cแปฅ kiแปƒm soรกt rลฉi ro cรณ trong thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Futures:
Lแป‡nh TP/SL (Take Profit/Stop Loss) trong giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) lร  mแป™t cรกch ฤ‘แปƒ bแบกn thiแบฟt lแบญp ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n cho viแป‡c chแป‘t lแปi hoแบทc cแบฏt lแป—. Hรฃy cรนng tรฌm hiแปƒu chi tiแบฟt:
1.ฤแบทt Lแป‡nh TP/SL Limit (Lแป‡nh chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc):
Khi bแบกn ฤ‘แบทt lแป‡nh Limit, bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ ฤ‘แป“ng thแปi thiแบฟt lแบญp lแป‡nh Take Profit (chแป‘t lแปi) vร  lแป‡nh Stop Loss (cแบฏt lแป—).Nhแบฅp vร o [Limit], nhแบญp giรก vร  khแป‘i lฦฐแปฃng lแป‡nh, sau ฤ‘รณ ฤ‘รกnh dแบฅu vร o hแป™p bรชn cแบกnh [TP/SL].Lแป‡nh TP/SL sแบฝ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng thแปฑc hiแป‡n khi giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ฤ‘แบกt ฤ‘แบฟn mแปฉc giรก kรญch hoแบกt.Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ tรนy chแป‰nh giรก TP/SL dแปฑa trรชn giรก gแบงn nhแบฅt hoแบทc giรก ฤ‘รกnh dแบฅu.
2.Loแบกi lแป‡nh hแป— trแปฃ chแปฉc nฤƒng TP/SL:
Chแปฉc nฤƒng TP/SL hแป— trแปฃ cรกc lแป‡nh Limit, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market vร  Post Only (trแปซ lแป‡nh Trailing Stop).Binance Futures hแป— trแปฃ hai loแบกi chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc: One-Triggers-a-One-Cancels-the-Other (OTOCO) vร  One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO).Trong lแป‡nh OTOCO, nแบฟu lแป‡nh chรญnh ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc khแป›p hoแบทc khแป›p mแป™t phแบงn, lแป‡nh phแปฅ (TP hoแบทc SL) sแบฝ cรณ hiแป‡u lแปฑc. Nแบฟu lแป‡nh TP ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc khแป›p, lแป‡nh SL sแบฝ bแป‹ hแปงy vร  ngฦฐแปฃc lแบกi.
3.Tฤƒng hoแบทc giแบฃm vแป‹ thแบฟ cรณ kรญch hoแบกt TP/SL ฤ‘รณng tแบฅt cแบฃ cรกc vแป‹ thแบฟ:
Tแบฅt cแบฃ vแป‹ thแบฟ sแบฝ bแป‹ ฤ‘รณng sau khi tฤƒng hoแบทc giแบฃm vแป‹ thแบฟ. Xem lแป‡nh trong mแปฅc [Lแป‡nh ฤ‘ang mแปŸ] - [ฤรณng vแป‹ thแบฟ].
4.ฤแบทt nhiแปu TP/SL cho lแป‡nh:
Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ ฤ‘แบทt nhiแปu lแป‡nh chแป‘t lแปi vร  cแบฏt lแป— cho mแป—i vแป‹ thแบฟ Long hoแบทc Short.
Lฦฐu รฝ rแบฑng cรกc lแป‡nh TP/SL sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc thแปฑc hiแป‡n theo thแปฉ tแปฑ ฤ‘รฃ ฤ‘แบทt cho ฤ‘แบฟn khi quy mรด tรญch lลฉy cแปงa chรบng ฤ‘รกp แปฉng cรนng mแป™t quy mรด nhฦฐ vแป‹ thแบฟ chรญnh.
5.Xem TP/SL chฦฐa khแป›p:
Bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ nhแบฅp vร o [Xem] trong mแปฅc [TP/SL] trรชn lแป‡nh chรญnh ฤ‘แปƒ xem TP/SL chฦฐa khแป›p.
Lแป‡nh Stop Market trong giao dแป‹ch hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng tฦฐฦกng lai (futures) tฦฐฦกng tแปฑ nhฦฐ lแป‡nh Stop Limit, sแปญ dแปฅng giรก dแปซng ฤ‘แปƒ kรญch hoแบกt giao dแป‹ch. ฤรขy lร  mแป™t lแป‡nh ฤ‘รณng vแป‹ thแบฟ theo giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ngay tแปฉc khแบฏc khi bแบกn cแบงn chแป‘t lแปi ngay hay cแบฏt lแป— ngay thay vรฌ chแป khแป›p lแป‡nh TP/SL Limit.
Ngoร i ra cรฒn cรณ lแป‡nh Trailing Stop trong giao dแป‹ch Futures, ฤ‘รขy lร  cรดng cแปฅ hแปฏu รญch giรบp bแบกn quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro vร  bแบฃo vแป‡ lแปฃi nhuแบญn.
Vรญ dแปฅ khi bแบกn ฤ‘แบทt 1 lแป‡nh LONG vร  ฤ‘แบทt Trailing Stop 2%, khi giรก tฤƒng hฦกn 2% so vแป›i giรก ban ฤ‘แบงu, lแป‡nh Trailing Stop sแบฝ tuรขn theo giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng theo hฦฐแป›ng cรณ lแปฃi cho bแบกn vร  nแบฟu giรก thแป‹ trฦฐแปng biแบฟn ฤ‘แป™ng theo hฦฐแป›ng ngฦฐแปฃc lแบกi vร  giแบฃm xuแป‘ng dฦฐแป›i giรก Trailing Stop, lแป‡nh bรกn sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc kรญch hoแบกt vร  giao dแป‹ch sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc ฤ‘รณng.
ฤรณ lร  nhแปฏng lรฝ thuyแบฟt kฤฉ thuแบญt mร  bแบกn cแบงn nghiรชn cแปฉu vร  nแบฏm kฤฉ trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia giao dแป‹ch Futures ฤ‘แบงy rลฉi ro, trรชn thแบญt tแบฟ khi tham gia vร o giao dแป‹ch futures bแบกn dแป… bแป‹ FOMO vร  dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn thua lแป—.
Lร m thแบฟ nร o ฤ‘แปƒ trรกnh FOMO khi giao dแป‹ch?
Luรดn giแปฏ tรญnh kแป‰ luแบญt trong mแป—i khoแบฃn ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ trรกnh bแป‹ tรขm lรฝ FOMO (viแบฟt tแบฏt cแปงa โ€œFear of Missing Outโ€) : lร  mแป™t khรกi niแป‡m tรขm lรฝ phแป• biแบฟn trong lฤฉnh vแปฑc ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vร  tร i chรญnh. Nรณ รกm chแป‰ cแบฃm giรกc lo lแบฏng hoแบทc cแบฅp bรกch khi bแบกn tin rแบฑng mรฌnh ฤ‘ang bแป lแปก mแป™t cฦก hแป™i quan trแปng, trแบฃi nghiแป‡m hay sแปฑ kiแป‡n cรณ thแปƒ lร m cuแป™c ฤ‘แปi bแบกn trแปŸ nรชn tแป‘t hฦกn. Khi thแป‹ trฦฐแปng ฤ‘ang tฤƒng trฦฐแปŸng vร  bแบกn cแบฃm thแบฅy cแบงn phแบฃi ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ ฤ‘แปƒ khรดng bแป lแปก cฦก hแป™i kiแบฟm lแปi, FOMO cรณ thแปƒ dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn cรกc quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vแป™i vร ng, gรขy rแปงi ro tร i chรญnh. ฤแปƒ trรกnh FOMO, hรฃy luรดn nghiรชn cแปฉu kแปน lฦฐแปกng trฦฐแป›c khi ฤ‘ฦฐa ra quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ vร  sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— ฤ‘แปƒ quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro.
Ngoร i ra bแบกn cรณ thแปƒ thแบฅy thuแบญt ngแปฏ Cool down trong giao dแป‹ch futures, ฤ‘รขy khรดng phแบฃi lร  thuแบญt ngแปฏ chรญnh thแป‘ng, nhฦฐng cรณ mแป™t sแป‘ khรกi niแป‡m liรชn quan ฤ‘แบฟn quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro vร  tแป‘i ฦฐu hรณa chiแบฟn lฦฐแปฃc giao dแป‹ch. Dฦฐแป›i ฤ‘รขy lร  mแป™t sแป‘ khรญa cแบกnh liรชn quan:
Tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng giแบฃm ฤ‘รฒn bแบฉy (ADL): ฤรขy lร  cฦก chแบฟ thanh lรฝ bแบฏt buแป™c ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc รกp dแปฅng khi ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khแบฏc nghiแป‡t hoแบทc bแบฅt khแบฃ khรกng dแบซn ฤ‘แบฟn quแปน phรฒng rแปงi ro khรดng ฤ‘แปง hoแบทc giแบฃm nhanh chรณng. ADL giรบp kiแปƒm soรกt rแปงi ro tแป•ng thแปƒ cแปงa nแปn tแบฃng.Phรกt triแปƒn phฦฐฦกng thแปฉc giao dแป‹ch cแปงa bแบกn: Mแป—i trader cรณ mแป™t cรกch thแปฉc giao dแป‹ch โ€œฤ‘แป™c nhแบฅtโ€ vแป›i phฦฐฦกng phรกp luแบญn riรชng biแป‡t, giแป›i hแบกn rแปงi ro riรชng vร  khung thแปi gian riรชng. Tแบฅt cแบฃ nhแปฏng trader thร nh cรดng thฦฐแปng chuแบฉn bแป‹ cho mรฌnh mแป™t phฦฐฦกng phรกp ฤ‘แปƒ phรขn tรญch thแป‹ trฦฐแปng - tแปซ giao dแป‹ch trong ngร y ฤ‘แบฟn giao dแป‹ch dร i hแบกn. Hรฃy xรกc ฤ‘แป‹nh cho mรฌnh mแป™t phฦฐฦกng phรกp giao dแป‹ch cแปฅ thแปƒ vร  rรต rร ng.Quแบฃn lรฝ rแปงi ro: ฤแบทt mแปฅc tiรชu lแปi vร  lแป— cแปฅ thแปƒ trฦฐแป›c khi mแปŸ vแป‹ thแบฟ. Sแปญ dแปฅng lแป‡nh cแบฏt lแป— (stop-loss) ฤ‘แปƒ tแปฑ ฤ‘แป™ng bรกn hแปฃp ฤ‘แป“ng khi giรก ฤ‘i ngฦฐแปฃc hฦฐแป›ng bแบกn. ฤiแปu nร y giรบp giแบฃm thiแปƒu thiแป‡t hแบกi trong trฦฐแปng hแปฃp thแป‹ trฦฐแปng khรดng phรกt triแปƒn theo dแปฑ ฤ‘oรกn.
ฤรขy lร  bร i viแบฟt chแป‰ mang tรญnh tham khแบฃo ฤ‘แปƒ nghiรชn cแปฉu trฦฐแป›c khi tham gia giao dแป‹ch Futures. Chรบc bแบกn thร nh cรดng.
#Write2Win #Futures #BinanceTournament #fomo #stoploss
Hรฃy bแบฏt ฤ‘แบงu chia sแบป ฤ‘ฤƒng bร i cแปงa bแบกn tแบกi Binance Square vร  cแบญp nhแบญt cรกc thรดng tin vแป tiแปn ฤ‘iแป‡n tแปญ tแบกi ฤ‘รขy. Bแบฏt ฤ‘แบงu thรดi nร o. #Write2Win #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #squareVietNam
Hรฃy bแบฏt ฤ‘แบงu chia sแบป ฤ‘ฤƒng bร i cแปงa bแบกn tแบกi Binance Square vร  cแบญp nhแบญt cรกc thรดng tin vแป tiแปn ฤ‘iแป‡n tแปญ tแบกi ฤ‘รขy. Bแบฏt ฤ‘แบงu thรดi nร o.
#Write2Win #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #squareVietNam
Binance Vietnam
#Write2Win - Viแบฟt ฤ‘แปƒ kiแบฟm tiแปn ฤ‘รฃ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc nรขng cแบฅp thรชm thฦฐแปŸng, chแป‰ dร nh riรชng cho creator Viแป‡t!
Giแป ฤ‘รขy, chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh Viแบฟt ฤ‘แปƒ kiแบฟm tiแปn ฤ‘รฃ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc nรขng cแบฅp thรชm thฦฐแปŸng, chแป‰ dร nh riรชng cho creator Viแป‡t!
Sรกng tแบกo nแป™i dung theo chแปง ฤ‘แป ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc quy ฤ‘แป‹nh mแป—i tuแบงn vร  top 3 nhร  sรกng tแบกo cรณ nแป™i dung chแบฅt lฦฐแปฃng nhแบฅt sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc nhแบญn thฦฐแปŸng $50 bแบฑng voucher token (ฤ‘แป•i thร nh token ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc)!
Mแป—i tuแบงn chรบng tรดi ra mแป™t chแปง ฤ‘แป thแบฃo luแบญn vร  sแบฝ tแบทng 50 FDUSD bแบฑng voucher token (cรณ thแปƒ ฤ‘แป•i thร nh tiแปn) cho 3 creator cรณ bร i viแบฟt ฤ‘แบกt tฦฐฦกng tรกc cao nhแบฅt mแป—i tuแบงn!
Thแปi gian: 19.06.2024 - 24.07.2024
[[XEM HฦฏแปšNG DแบชN CHI TIแบพT แปž ฤร‚Y]](

Quy ฤ‘แป‹nh chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh
Bฦฐแป›c 1: Follow kรชnh Binance Vietnam trรชn SquareBฦฐแป›c 2: Share post nร y (trรชn Square hoแบทc nแปn tแบฃng bแบฅt kแปณ)Bฦฐแป›c 3: Sรกng tแบกo nแป™i dung. Vร o thแปฉ 2 mแป—i tuแบงn, chรบng tรดi sแบฝ cรดng bแป‘ mแป™t chแปง ฤ‘แป mแป›i cแปงa tuแบงn vร  cรกc creator cแบงn tแบกo bร i viแบฟt hoแบทc bร i ฤ‘ฤƒng ฤ‘รกp แปฉng ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc tiรชu chรญ nhฦฐ dฦฐแป›i ฤ‘รขy! (xem LINK Nร€Y ฤ‘แปƒ truy cแบญp ฤ‘แบงy ฤ‘แปง)
4. TUแบฆN THแปจ Tฦฏ: 14.07.2024-20.07.2024
Chแปง ฤ‘แป : TOP 5 ฤ‘แป“ng crypto ฤ‘รกng ฤ‘แปƒ cรขn nhแบฏc trong nฤƒm 2024
Cรกc nแป™i dung cแบงn quan tรขm:
ฤฦฐa ra nhแปฏng ฤ‘แป“ng coin mร  bแบกn nghฤฉ xแปฉng ฤ‘รกng cรขn nhแบฏc ฤ‘แปƒ ฤ‘ฦฐa vร o danh mแปฅc ฤ‘แบงu tฦฐ cho nฤƒm 2024 ฤ‘แปƒ kiแบฟm lแปฃi nhuแบญn.ย Bร i viแบฟt cรณ thแปƒ chia sแบป thรชm vแป chuyแปƒn ฤ‘แป™ng cแปงa thแป‹ trฦฐแปng hiแป‡n tแบกi, vร  dแปฑ ฤ‘oรกn giรก trong thรกng tแป›i.ฤแปซng quรชn kรจm cแบฃnh bรกo rแปงi ro vร  lแปi khuyรชn ngฦฐแปi ฤ‘แปc cรขn nhแบฏc DYOR แปŸ cuแป‘i bร i nhรฉ!
Cรกc tiรชu chรญ cแบงn ฤ‘รกp แปฉngย 
Sแป‘ chแปฏ tแป‘i thiแปƒu: > 600 chแปฏย 
Cรกc ฤ‘ฦฐแปng link cแบงn thรชm trong bร i viแบฟtCรกc ฤ‘ฦฐแปng link vแป trang coin bแบกn muแป‘n ฤ‘แป cแบญp trรชn Binance.Vรญ dแปฅ: BTC:ยย ย HOแบถC link vแป trang Giรก [coin] (vรญ dแปฅ: Giรก BTC:ย cแบงn thรชm trong bร i viแบฟt: #Write2Win

TUแบฆN THแปจ 3: 04.07.2024 - 10.07.2024 [ฤรƒ KแบพT THรšC - ฤANG Tแป”NG KแบพT KแบพT QUแบข]

Cรดng bแป‘ kแบฟt quแบฃ vร  trao thฦฐแปŸng
Ngร y cรดng bแป‘ kแบฟt quแบฃ dแปฑ kiแบฟn cแปงa cรกc tuแบงnTuแบงn 1: dแปฑ kiแบฟn ngร y 28.06.2024. Danh sรกch chiแบฟn thแบฏng: @LinhCrypto @Thรกi Hร  ฤรขy @Wว” CryptoTuแบงn 2: 08.07.2024. Danh sรกch chiแบฟn thแบฏng: @Vy Million @Viet Nam Crypto Trading @Quang Hai JKzTuแบงn 3: dแปฑ kiแบฟn ngร y 16.07.2024Tuแบงn 4: dแปฑ kiแบฟn ngร y 24.07.2024Danh sรกch cแปงa ngฦฐแปi thแบฏng cuแป™c hร ng tuแบงn sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc cรดng bแป‘ trรชn trang Binance Vietnam Square vร  cแบฃ trรชn trang chแปง cแปงa chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh.Phแบงn thฦฐแปŸng sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc phรขn bแป• vร o tร i khoแบฃn Binance theo hแป“ sฦก Square bแบกn dรนng ฤ‘แปƒ ฤ‘ฤƒng bร i. Phแบงn thฦฐแปŸng sแบฝ lร  token voucher FDUSD (cรณ thแปƒ ฤ‘แป•i thร nh FDUSD ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc). Phแบงn thฦฐแปŸng sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc phรขn bแป• vร o tร i khoแบฃn cแปงa bแบกn trong vรฒng 30 ngร y lร m viแป‡c.Lฦฐu รฝ: ฤ‘แปƒ tแบกo cฦก hแป™i cho nhiแปu nhร  sรกng tแบกo ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc tham gia vร  nhแบญn thฦฐแปŸng, mแป—i ngฦฐแปi tham gia chแป‰ cรณ cฦก hแป™i ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc chiแบฟn thแบฏng 1 lแบงn. Nแบฟu bแบกn ฤ‘รฃ lร  ngฦฐแปi chiแบฟn thแบฏng cแปงa tuแบงn 1 thรฌ khรดng thแปƒ lร  ngฦฐแปi chiแบฟn thแบฏng cแปงa cรกc tuแบงn sau ฤ‘รณ nแปฏa!
ฤiแปu kiแป‡n vร  ฤ‘iแปu khoแบฃn:
Chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh nร y cรณ thแปƒ khรดng ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc cung cแบฅp tแบกi khu vแปฑc cแปงa bแบกn. Chแป‰ nhแปฏng nhร  sรกng tแบกo Binance Square ฤ‘รฃ hoร n tแบฅt xรกc minh tร i khoแบฃn, hoร n tแบฅt thiแบฟt lแบญp hแป“ sฦก cแปงa hแป trรชn Binance Square (vรญ dแปฅ: hรฌnh ฤ‘แบกi diแป‡n, nickname).Chแป‰ nhแปฏng bร i ฤ‘ฤƒng ฤ‘แบกt ฤ‘แปง tiรชu chรญ ฤ‘รฃ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc quy ฤ‘แป‹nh แปŸ thรดng bรกo nร y mแป›i ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc tรญnh lร  cรกc nแป™i dung ฤ‘แปง ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n.Chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh sแบฝ diแป…n ra trong bแป‘n tuแบงn, mแป—i tuแบงn cรณ mแป™t chแปง ฤ‘แป vร  3 ngฦฐแปi thแบฏng cuแป™c nร y. Mแป—i ngฦฐแปi tham gia sแบฝ chแป‰ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc thแบฏng cuแป™c mแป™t lแบงn.Nhแปฏng nแป™i dung ฤ‘รฃ ฤ‘ฤƒng rแป“i bแป‹ xรณa trong Thแปi gian diแป…n ra chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh sแบฝ khรดng giรบp nhร  sรกng tแบกo Binance Square nhแบญn ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc phแบงn thฦฐแปŸng tแปซ chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh nร y.ย Phแบงn thฦฐแปŸng sแบฝ ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc phรขn bแป• bแบฑng voucher token FDUSD vร  trong vรฒng 30 ngร y kแปƒ tแปซ ngร y thรดng bรกo ngฦฐแปi chiแบฟn thแบฏng.Cรกc tร i khoแบฃn phแปฅ hoแบทc tร i khoแบฃn ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc ฤ‘ฤƒng kรฝ hร ng loแบกt bแบฅt hแปฃp phรกp sแบฝ khรดng ฤ‘แปง ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n ฤ‘แปƒ tham gia hoแบทc nhแบญn bแบฅt kแปณ phแบงn thฦฐแปŸng nร o.ย Binance cรณ quyแปn hแปงy tฦฐ cรกch tham gia chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh nร y cแปงa ngฦฐแปi dรนng nแบฟu tร i khoแบฃn cแปงa hแป cรณ liรชn quan ฤ‘แบฟn bแบฅt kแปณ hร nh vi nร o vi phแบกm Nguyรชn tแบฏc quแบฃn lรฝ cแป™ng ฤ‘แป“ng cแปงa Binance Square hoแบทc ฤiแปu khoแบฃn vร  ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n cแปงa nแปn tแบฃng cแป™ng ฤ‘แป“ng Binance Square.Thรดng bรกo vแป quyแปn riรชng tฦฐ cแปงa Binance sแบฝ รกp dแปฅng cho dแปฏ liแป‡u cรก nhรขn ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc thu thแบญp trong chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh nร y.Binance cรณ toร n quyแปn quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh ฤ‘iแปu chแป‰nh hoแบทc thay ฤ‘แป•i hoแบทc hแปงy bแป thรดng bรกo nร y bแบฅt kแปณ lรบc nร o vร /hoแบทc vรฌ bแบฅt kแปณ lรฝ do gรฌ mร  khรดng cแบงn thรดng bรกo trฦฐแป›c, bao gแป“m nhฦฐng khรดng giแป›i hแบกn แปŸ viแป‡c: hแปงy, gia hแบกn, chแบฅm dแปฉt hoแบทc tแบกm ngฦฐng hoแบกt ฤ‘แป™ng ฦฐu ฤ‘รฃi, cรกc ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n vร  ฤ‘iแปu khoแบฃn, sแป‘ ngฦฐแปi chiแบฟn thแบฏng, thแปi gian thแปฑc hiแป‡n vร  tแบฅt cแบฃ ngฦฐแปi tham gia phแบฃi tuรขn theo cรกc sแปญa ฤ‘แป•i nร y.Binance bแบฃo lฦฐu quyแปn quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh kแบฟt quแบฃ cuแป‘i cรนng cแปงa Chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh nร y.Cรกc ฤ‘iแปu khoแบฃn vร  ฤ‘iแปu kiแป‡n bแป• sung cแปงa chฦฐฦกng trรฌnh cรณ tแบกi ฤ‘รขy.
Talk about $NOT #NOT๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ price alert, I see there is an Airdrop event for NOT tokens at OKX exchange, a huge number of users are hunting for the treasure of NOT rewards by trading NOT pairs (including spot and Future). Current price 0.018720 {future}(NOTUSDT) I have seen a significant price change. If you still hold NOTCOIN then enjoy the price increase again. I'm also trading NOT hard. This is not financial investment advice, you should decide for yourself. #BinanceTournament #altcoins #Top_Gainers
Talk about $NOT

#NOT๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ price alert, I see there is an Airdrop event for NOT tokens at OKX exchange, a huge number of users are hunting for the treasure of NOT rewards by trading NOT pairs (including spot and Future). Current price 0.018720

I have seen a significant price change. If you still hold NOTCOIN then enjoy the price increase again.

I'm also trading NOT hard. This is not financial investment advice, you should decide for yourself.

#BinanceTournament #altcoins #Top_Gainers
Talking about $IO Many people ask me if the IO token can increase in price to $10 this week (current price 5,843). I am not an expert in market analysis so how can I answer? {spot}(IOUSDT) But according to my prediction, based on what I know, this week IO is unlikely to increase by $10, maybe #IO will increase its price to $7.x and fall. Because old investor psychology is afraid of projects increasing prices too quickly to attract cash flow and then falling miserably, it will take at least next week for us to have a more general view. about this IO Token. I still don't dare to risk investing in IO right now, maybe I will miss out on the bargains from IO, but that's okay, there are still many opportunities to invest, the game is still long so you don't have to worry about losing the opportunity. Don't be too hasty, it can cause you to lose money. This is not financial investment advice, you should decide for yourself. Wishing you luck in bringing in a lot of money. #IOprediction #Binance200M #TopCoins
Talking about $IO

Many people ask me if the IO token can increase in price to $10 this week (current price 5,843). I am not an expert in market analysis so how can I answer?

But according to my prediction, based on what I know, this week IO is unlikely to increase by $10, maybe #IO will increase its price to $7.x and fall.

Because old investor psychology is afraid of projects increasing prices too quickly to attract cash flow and then falling miserably, it will take at least next week for us to have a more general view. about this IO Token.

I still don't dare to risk investing in IO right now, maybe I will miss out on the bargains from IO, but that's okay, there are still many opportunities to invest, the game is still long so you don't have to worry about losing the opportunity. Don't be too hasty, it can cause you to lose money.

This is not financial investment advice, you should decide for yourself.

Wishing you luck in bringing in a lot of money.

#IOprediction #Binance200M #TopCoins
$PEPE vแบซn lร  token nแป•i trแป™i nhแบฅt tแบกi thแปi ฤ‘iแปƒm nร y, chรบ แบฟch xanh vแบซn nhแบฃy tแปซng nhแป‹p cao thแบฅp dรน cho cรณ แบฃnh hฦฐแปŸng tแปซ giรก $BTC mแบฅy ngร y nay. {spot}(PEPEUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) Mแบฅy ngร y trฦฐแป›c tรดi thแบฅy cรณ nhiแปu ngฦฐแปi bแบฃo vร o PEPE lรบc nร y lร  chแบฟt, nhฦฐng tรดi khรดng quรก lo lแบฏng vแป ฤ‘iแปu ฤ‘รณ, thรฌ trฦฐแปng thรฌ cรณ lรบc tฤƒng lรบc giแบฃm lร  bรฌnh thฦฐแปng, quan trแปng lร  chรบng ta cรณ niแปm tin vร o nhแปฏng gรฌ chรบng ta lแปฑa chแปn. Nhฦฐ bร i trฦฐแป›c tรดi ฤ‘รฃ nรณi, #PEPE tฤƒng giรก tรดi bรกn, giแบฃm giรก tรดi mua hoแบทc DCA. Vแป›i thแป‹ trฦฐฦกแปng SPOT thรฌ bแบกn khรดng phแบฃi sแปฃ bแป‹ thanh lรฝ tร i khoแบฃn, Vแป›i tiรชu chรญ " chฦฐa bรกn thรฌ chฦฐa lแป— " . Tรดi vแบซn giao dich PEPE cแบทp vแป›i $FDUSD ฤ‘แปƒ khรดng phแบฃi mแบฅt phรญ. PEPE vแบซn lร  cรกi gรฌ ฤ‘รณ rแบฅt phแปฉc tแบกp, hรฃy cรขn nhแบฏc vแป›i quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh cแปงa bแบกn. #TrendingBinance #BinanceWorldChampionship2024
$PEPE vแบซn lร  token nแป•i trแป™i nhแบฅt tแบกi thแปi ฤ‘iแปƒm nร y, chรบ แบฟch xanh vแบซn nhแบฃy tแปซng nhแป‹p cao thแบฅp dรน cho cรณ แบฃnh hฦฐแปŸng tแปซ giรก $BTC mแบฅy ngร y nay.

Mแบฅy ngร y trฦฐแป›c tรดi thแบฅy cรณ nhiแปu ngฦฐแปi bแบฃo vร o PEPE lรบc nร y lร  chแบฟt, nhฦฐng tรดi khรดng quรก lo lแบฏng vแป ฤ‘iแปu ฤ‘รณ, thรฌ trฦฐแปng thรฌ cรณ lรบc tฤƒng lรบc giแบฃm lร  bรฌnh thฦฐแปng, quan trแปng lร  chรบng ta cรณ niแปm tin vร o nhแปฏng gรฌ chรบng ta lแปฑa chแปn.

Nhฦฐ bร i trฦฐแป›c tรดi ฤ‘รฃ nรณi, #PEPE tฤƒng giรก tรดi bรกn, giแบฃm giรก tรดi mua hoแบทc DCA. Vแป›i thแป‹ trฦฐฦกแปng SPOT thรฌ bแบกn khรดng phแบฃi sแปฃ bแป‹ thanh lรฝ tร i khoแบฃn, Vแป›i tiรชu chรญ " chฦฐa bรกn thรฌ chฦฐa lแป— " .

Tรดi vแบซn giao dich PEPE cแบทp vแป›i $FDUSD ฤ‘แปƒ khรดng phแบฃi mแบฅt phรญ.

PEPE vแบซn lร  cรกi gรฌ ฤ‘รณ rแบฅt phแปฉc tแบกp, hรฃy cรขn nhแบฏc vแป›i quyแบฟt ฤ‘แป‹nh cแปงa bแบกn.

#TrendingBinance #BinanceWorldChampionship2024
$PEPE nแบฟu bแบกn nghฤฉ PEPE ฤ‘ang trong giai ฤ‘oแบกn rแป›t giรก thรฌ thแบญt tiแบฟc nรณ ฤ‘ang phแปฅc hแป“i trแปŸ lแบกi sau 2 ngร y cuแป‘i tuแบงn ฤ‘en tแป‘i. {spot}(PEPEUSDT) Tรดi biแบฟt thแป‹ trฦฐแปng cรณ lรบc giแบฃm vร  cลฉng sแบฝ cรณ lรบc tฤƒng, vร  thแบญt tiแบฟc tรดi giแปฏ vแป‹ thแบฟ PEPE khรดng ฤ‘แบนp lแบฏm, nhฦฐng mแปi thแปฉ ฤ‘แปu khแบฃ quan, tรญn hiแป‡u phแปฅc hแป“i ฤ‘ang diแป…n ra vร  tรดi thแบฅy lแปฃi nhuแบญn ฤ‘ang แปŸ trฦฐแป›c mแบฏt. Tรดi vแบซn ฤ‘ang giao dแป‹ch #PEPE vร  tin tฦฐแปŸng nรณ sแบฝ mang lแปฃi nhuแบญn cho tรดi. Nแบฟu bแบกn tin vร o PEPE thรฌ chรบng ta cแปงng nhau giแปฏ cho PEPE bay lรชn mแบทt trฤƒng nร o, kkkk... Sแบฝ cรณ ngฦฐแปi thแบฏc mแบฏc tแบกi sao tรดi lแบกi chแปn cแบทp giao dแป‹ch PEPE/FDUSD , tรดi chแปn cแบทp giao dแป‹ch nร y vรฌ hiแป‡n tแบกi giao dแป‹ch vแป›i FDUSD khรดng bแป‹ tรญnh phรญ giao dแป‹ch. Bแบกn thแปญ nghฤฉ xem nแบฟu bแบกn giao dแป‹ch liรชn tแปฅc vแป›i khแป‘i lฦฐแปฃng lแป›n thรฌ sแป‘ phรญ cแปงa bแบกn bแป‹ mแบฅt cho mแป—i lแป‡nh mua vร  bรกn lร  khรก ฤ‘รกng kแปƒ. Viแป‡c chuyแปƒn ฤ‘แป•i tแปซ $USDT sang $FDUSD khรก dแป… dร ng vร  nแบฟu bแบกn tinh รฝ thรฌ cรณ thแปƒ dรนng chรญnh PEPE ฤ‘แปƒ chuyแปƒn ฤ‘แป•i USDT thร nh FDUSD. Tรดi ฤ‘ang giao dแป‹ch trรชn thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Spot nรชn tรขm lรฝ cลฉng khรก thoแบฃi mรกi. Vแป›i tรขm lรฝ " chฦฐa bรกn chฦฐa lแป— " vร  " giแปฏ ฤ‘แบฟn cuแป‘i cรนng " nรชn ฤ‘แปซng ai bแบฃo sao tรดi khรดng cแบฏt lแป— nhรฉ. Trฦฐแปng hแปฃp giรก giแบฃm sรขu thรฌ tรดi sแบฝ mua thรชm tแบกo vแป‹ thแบฟ mแป›i (DCA) . Nแบฟu bแบกn cลฉng nhฦฐ tรดi, cรณ thแปƒ chia sแบฝ dฦฐแป›i phแบงn bรฌnh luแบญn nhรฉ.
$PEPE nแบฟu bแบกn nghฤฉ PEPE ฤ‘ang trong giai ฤ‘oแบกn rแป›t giรก thรฌ thแบญt tiแบฟc nรณ ฤ‘ang phแปฅc hแป“i trแปŸ lแบกi sau 2 ngร y cuแป‘i tuแบงn ฤ‘en tแป‘i.

Tรดi biแบฟt thแป‹ trฦฐแปng cรณ lรบc giแบฃm vร  cลฉng sแบฝ cรณ lรบc tฤƒng, vร  thแบญt tiแบฟc tรดi giแปฏ vแป‹ thแบฟ PEPE khรดng ฤ‘แบนp lแบฏm, nhฦฐng mแปi thแปฉ ฤ‘แปu khแบฃ quan, tรญn hiแป‡u phแปฅc hแป“i ฤ‘ang diแป…n ra vร  tรดi thแบฅy lแปฃi nhuแบญn ฤ‘ang แปŸ trฦฐแป›c mแบฏt.

Tรดi vแบซn ฤ‘ang giao dแป‹ch #PEPE vร  tin tฦฐแปŸng nรณ sแบฝ mang lแปฃi nhuแบญn cho tรดi.

Nแบฟu bแบกn tin vร o PEPE thรฌ chรบng ta cแปงng nhau giแปฏ cho PEPE bay lรชn mแบทt trฤƒng nร o, kkkk...

Sแบฝ cรณ ngฦฐแปi thแบฏc mแบฏc tแบกi sao tรดi lแบกi chแปn cแบทp giao dแป‹ch PEPE/FDUSD , tรดi chแปn cแบทp giao dแป‹ch nร y vรฌ hiแป‡n tแบกi giao dแป‹ch vแป›i FDUSD khรดng bแป‹ tรญnh phรญ giao dแป‹ch.

Bแบกn thแปญ nghฤฉ xem nแบฟu bแบกn giao dแป‹ch liรชn tแปฅc vแป›i khแป‘i lฦฐแปฃng lแป›n thรฌ sแป‘ phรญ cแปงa bแบกn bแป‹ mแบฅt cho mแป—i lแป‡nh mua vร  bรกn lร  khรก ฤ‘รกng kแปƒ.

Viแป‡c chuyแปƒn ฤ‘แป•i tแปซ $USDT sang $FDUSD khรก dแป… dร ng vร  nแบฟu bแบกn tinh รฝ thรฌ cรณ thแปƒ dรนng chรญnh PEPE ฤ‘แปƒ chuyแปƒn ฤ‘แป•i USDT thร nh FDUSD.

Tรดi ฤ‘ang giao dแป‹ch trรชn thแป‹ trฦฐแปng Spot nรชn tรขm lรฝ cลฉng khรก thoแบฃi mรกi. Vแป›i tรขm lรฝ " chฦฐa bรกn chฦฐa lแป— " vร  " giแปฏ ฤ‘แบฟn cuแป‘i cรนng " nรชn ฤ‘แปซng ai bแบฃo sao tรดi khรดng cแบฏt lแป— nhรฉ.

Trฦฐแปng hแปฃp giรก giแบฃm sรขu thรฌ tรดi sแบฝ mua thรชm tแบกo vแป‹ thแบฟ mแป›i (DCA) .

Nแบฟu bแบกn cลฉng nhฦฐ tรดi, cรณ thแปƒ chia sแบฝ dฦฐแป›i phแบงn bรฌnh luแบญn nhรฉ.
#BinanceLaunchPool๐Ÿ”ฅ Chรบng ta lแบกi cรณ thรชm mแป™t dแปฑ รกn lรชn sร n Binance , nแบฟu bแบกn ฤ‘ang giแปฏ $BNB hay $FDUSD nhร n rแป—i thรฌ ฤ‘แปซng quรชn tham gia ngay vร o khai thรกc #IO trรชn Lauchpool nhรฉ. Lฦฐu รฝ lร  nแบฟu bแบกn mua #BNB ฤ‘แปƒ khai thรกc IO lรบc nร y cรณ thแปƒ lร m bแบกn thua lแป— vรฌ BNB ฤ‘ang cรณ giรก cao. Hรฃy dรนng FDUSD ฤ‘แปƒ tham gia khai thรกc nแบฟu bแบกn khรดng cรณ sแบตn bnb nhรฉ . Kแบฟ hoแบกch Lauchpool IO sแบฝ diแป…n ra trong 4 ngร y ฤ‘แบฟn 11/6/2024. Chรบc bแบกn thu ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc nhiแปu IO nhรฉ. #TrendingBinance #BinanceSquareFamily
#BinanceLaunchPool๐Ÿ”ฅ Chรบng ta lแบกi cรณ thรชm mแป™t dแปฑ รกn lรชn sร n Binance , nแบฟu bแบกn ฤ‘ang giแปฏ $BNB hay $FDUSD nhร n rแป—i thรฌ ฤ‘แปซng quรชn tham gia ngay vร o khai thรกc #IO trรชn Lauchpool nhรฉ.

Lฦฐu รฝ lร  nแบฟu bแบกn mua #BNB ฤ‘แปƒ khai thรกc IO lรบc nร y cรณ thแปƒ lร m bแบกn thua lแป— vรฌ BNB ฤ‘ang cรณ giรก cao. Hรฃy dรนng FDUSD ฤ‘แปƒ tham gia khai thรกc nแบฟu bแบกn khรดng cรณ sแบตn bnb nhรฉ .

Kแบฟ hoแบกch Lauchpool IO sแบฝ diแป…n ra trong 4 ngร y ฤ‘แบฟn 11/6/2024.

Chรบc bแบกn thu ฤ‘ฦฐแปฃc nhiแปu IO nhรฉ.

#TrendingBinance #BinanceSquareFamily
Have you noticed the GAMEMING token trend these days? Yesterday it was $NOT and today it was $ALICE Surveying the GAMEMING system, I see that everything is starting to increase in price strongly, which gaming cryptocurrency are you holding? Enjoy and don't lose the opportunity to make a profit. I'm continuing with ALICE , NOT and $GALA . Still talking about the market, there are times when the market goes up and there are times when the market goes down. Take advantage of the ups and downs to make a profit. #Top_Gainers #trendinggame #Uptrend {spot}(NOTUSDT) {spot}(ALICEUSDT) {spot}(GALAUSDT)
Have you noticed the GAMEMING token trend these days? Yesterday it was $NOT and today it was $ALICE

Surveying the GAMEMING system, I see that everything is starting to increase in price strongly, which gaming cryptocurrency are you holding? Enjoy and don't lose the opportunity to make a profit.

I'm continuing with ALICE , NOT and $GALA .

Still talking about the market, there are times when the market goes up and there are times when the market goes down. Take advantage of the ups and downs to make a profit.

#Top_Gainers #trendinggame #Uptrend

Still $NOT , yesterday we saw another price pump of #NOT๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ up to now, NOT has increased x6.5 times from the bottom of 0.004523 to 0.029400. Congratulations to NOT holders who have made a profit from NOT investment. I have also taken profit and am still watching to re-enter. Currently I haven't seen any new complaints about NOT COIN, haha. #PUMP! #TopCoins {future}(NOTUSDT)
Still $NOT , yesterday we saw another price pump of #NOT๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ up to now, NOT has increased x6.5 times from the bottom of 0.004523 to 0.029400.

Congratulations to NOT holders who have made a profit from NOT investment. I have also taken profit and am still watching to re-enter.

Currently I haven't seen any new complaints about NOT COIN, haha.

#PUMP! #TopCoins
How can $ENA understand more about the trend of this cryptocurrency? Please follow the market developments along with the ENA Token unlocking periods. Each unlocking of a certain cryptocurrency will increase the supply, and of course the market will fluctuate, possibly the price will increase sharply before the unlocking and decrease sharply after the unlocking. #ENA will unlock 1.48B on June 2, 2024. Please pay attention and monitor market fluctuations to earn the best profits. And of course, the market sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down, so you shouldn't worry too much if you miss an opportunity to take profits. Please be patient and wait for another opportunity. Be calm and wise to lock in your profits. Good luck with your ENA holdings. Current ENA price: 0.904$ย  #unclocktoken #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #unclock {spot}(ENAUSDT)
How can $ENA understand more about the trend of this cryptocurrency?

Please follow the market developments along with the ENA Token unlocking periods.

Each unlocking of a certain cryptocurrency will increase the supply, and of course the market will fluctuate, possibly the price will increase sharply before the unlocking and decrease sharply after the unlocking.

#ENA will unlock 1.48B on June 2, 2024. Please pay attention and monitor market fluctuations to earn the best profits.

And of course, the market sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down, so you shouldn't worry too much if you miss an opportunity to take profits. Please be patient and wait for another opportunity.

Be calm and wise to lock in your profits. Good luck with your ENA holdings.

Current ENA price: 0.904$ย 

#unclocktoken #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #unclock
It's $NOT again, today it reached a peak of 0.012772. The day before yesterday, after seeing the profit, I closed it. And today there is a bit of regret, but it's okay, I will wait for a new opportunity instead of opening a new buy order right now with #NOT The market sometimes increases and sometimes decreases. The game is still there. Please be patient if you accidentally liquidate the NOT amount you have. And now I will return to the MEME, $DOGE - $PEPE - PEOPLE system. Good luck with your investment #TopCoins #altcoins #binance {future}(NOTUSDT)
It's $NOT again, today it reached a peak of 0.012772. The day before yesterday, after seeing the profit, I closed it. And today there is a bit of regret, but it's okay, I will wait for a new opportunity instead of opening a new buy order right now with #NOT

The market sometimes increases and sometimes decreases. The game is still there. Please be patient if you accidentally liquidate the NOT amount you have.

And now I will return to the MEME, $DOGE - $PEPE - PEOPLE system.

Good luck with your investment

#TopCoins #altcoins #binance
$NOT as you have seen, when this currency has continuously declined since its announcement, many investors holding #NOT have complained that they lost money and were deceived. But in the past two days, NOT has been pumped up in price again, but there are still many people complaining that they regret not keeping NOT longer or even not daring to invest in it when NOT's price dropped to 0.0047. I don't know what else to do other than create positive information to make you feel more secure. Sometimes the market will decrease and sometimes it will increase and vice versa, so don't worry too much about your investment, unless you are participating in the Margin market or the Future market. Good luck with what you're holding. #TrendingBinance #altcoins
$NOT as you have seen, when this currency has continuously declined since its announcement, many investors holding #NOT have complained that they lost money and were deceived.

But in the past two days, NOT has been pumped up in price again, but there are still many people complaining that they regret not keeping NOT longer or even not daring to invest in it when NOT's price dropped to 0.0047.

I don't know what else to do other than create positive information to make you feel more secure.

Sometimes the market will decrease and sometimes it will increase and vice versa, so don't worry too much about your investment, unless you are participating in the Margin market or the Future market.

Good luck with what you're holding.

#TrendingBinance #altcoins
I'm starting to get interested in #turbo a MEME cryptocurrency that is very strong and is predicted to have more potential than PEPE. Recently you can track on web3 wallet the value of Turbo Coin has increased by 1000 time. ** Note that web3 wallets have a lot of fake products, you need to be wise when researching to avoid risks. ********************* #web3 , #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #TURBO/USDT
I'm starting to get interested in #turbo a MEME cryptocurrency that is very strong and is predicted to have more potential than PEPE. Recently you can track on web3 wallet the value of Turbo Coin has increased by 1000 time.

** Note that web3 wallets have a lot of fake products, you need to be wise when researching to avoid risks.

#web3 , #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #TURBO/USDT
I have a suggestion for those who are playing #WODL try finding the answer below to see if it helps. ๐Ÿ‘‰ 8 Letter HARDWARE - Platform - Exchange - Offering - EXPECTED - ORDINALS - STRATEGY - Internet - CHAMPION ๐Ÿ‘‰ 7 Letter Balance - Project - Support - Funding - Collect - Content - Airdrop - Develop - Control - Account - License - NETWORK - DIGITAL - MIGRATE - CULTURE - PURPOSE - JOURNEY - CONVERT - REWARDS ๐Ÿ‘‰ 6 Letter Commit - Launch - Studio - wallet - Native - Unlock - MARKET - VOLUME - REWARD - FUTURE - ACTION - HEIGHT - LEDGER - DEMAND - SUPPLY - SOCIAL - GROWTH - LEGACY ๐Ÿ‘‰ 5 Letter Token - Raise - Value - Play - BLOCK - EVENT - PRICE - CYCLE - SOLVE - GROUP - TABLE - SHARE - SERVE - NEEDS - TRUST ๐Ÿ‘‰ 4 Letter Sale - Lock - Risk - NODE - DATA - MINT - FOUR - MINE - USER - TOOL - FOMO - HELP - FIAT ๐Ÿ‘‰ 3 Letter PAY - CAP - FEE - LOG - NEW ๐Ÿ˜ Have fun. Click follow me to receive positive information #altcoins #bitcoinโ˜€๏ธ #BinanceSquareFamily
I have a suggestion for those who are playing #WODL try finding the answer below to see if it helps.

๐Ÿ‘‰ 8 Letter
HARDWARE - Platform - Exchange - Offering - EXPECTED - ORDINALS - STRATEGY - Internet - CHAMPION

๐Ÿ‘‰ 7 Letter
Balance - Project - Support - Funding - Collect - Content - Airdrop - Develop - Control - Account - License - NETWORK - DIGITAL - MIGRATE - CULTURE - PURPOSE - JOURNEY - CONVERT - REWARDS

๐Ÿ‘‰ 6 Letter
Commit - Launch - Studio - wallet - Native - Unlock - MARKET - VOLUME - REWARD - FUTURE - ACTION - HEIGHT - LEDGER - DEMAND - SUPPLY - SOCIAL - GROWTH - LEGACY

๐Ÿ‘‰ 5 Letter

๐Ÿ‘‰ 4 Letter
Sale - Lock - Risk - NODE - DATA - MINT - FOUR - MINE - USER - TOOL - FOMO - HELP - FIAT

๐Ÿ‘‰ 3 Letter

๐Ÿ˜ Have fun. Click follow me to receive positive information

#altcoins #bitcoinโ˜€๏ธ #BinanceSquareFamily
What's happening with $Pyth over the past two days, as a large amount of Pyth Tokens have been unlocked? A few days ago on May 15, 2024 I saw a price drop of $AEVO , when the AEVO token was unlocked. Based on AEVO's method, I tried to place a SHORT PYTH order to trade FUTURE at the price of 0.4478 on May 20, 2024. Initially, I won 100% with this order, when I thought that Pyth would like AEVO, will drop in price. If it fails, it does the opposite. Pyth came back bullish and destroyed my SHORT order. It's interesting with this market. Although I suffered a loss yesterday, it had no effect because I only tried to experience Future trading with the mentality of understanding the trend. From there I realized that no matter what cryptocurrency, you will never know how it will go, so it's best to invest wisely and not participate in the Future trading market. because it's too risky. When trading Futures, if you think you will earn 10, 20, or 1,000 times your current account, that is a bad idea. Futures trading will swallow all your investments if you are greedy or want to make money quickly. First, you must be good at calculation and judgment before trying to participate in the Future market. Back to Pyth, I have practiced tracking the TOken unlocking timelines to keep up with the up and down trends, some are correct and some you don't expect. Going through the timeline, I saw many people commenting that Pyth lied about the unlocking time to distract the market (before AEVO had a large amount of tokens unlocked, a price push up occurred). , and after unlocking the tokens, the price drops dramatically, you can profit if you grasp the trend). But no matter what, I don't have much risk with Pyth. This article is only about my experience of testing futures trading when I think I can identify the trend of a certain Token before unlocking time. This is not an article calling for or encouraging you to invest, please do your own research. #TrendingTopicb #TrendingBinance #BinanceSquareVietnam
What's happening with $Pyth over the past two days, as a large amount of Pyth Tokens have been unlocked?

A few days ago on May 15, 2024 I saw a price drop of $AEVO , when the AEVO token was unlocked. Based on AEVO's method, I tried to place a SHORT PYTH order to trade FUTURE at the price of 0.4478 on May 20, 2024. Initially, I won 100% with this order, when I thought that Pyth would like AEVO, will drop in price. If it fails, it does the opposite.

Pyth came back bullish and destroyed my SHORT order. It's interesting with this market. Although I suffered a loss yesterday, it had no effect because I only tried to experience Future trading with the mentality of understanding the trend.
From there I realized that no matter what cryptocurrency, you will never know how it will go, so it's best to invest wisely and not participate in the Future trading market. because it's too risky.

When trading Futures, if you think you will earn 10, 20, or 1,000 times your current account, that is a bad idea.

Futures trading will swallow all your investments if you are greedy or want to make money quickly. First, you must be good at calculation and judgment before trying to participate in the Future market.

Back to Pyth, I have practiced tracking the TOken unlocking timelines to keep up with the up and down trends, some are correct and some you don't expect. Going through the timeline, I saw many people commenting that Pyth lied about the unlocking time to distract the market (before AEVO had a large amount of tokens unlocked, a price push up occurred). , and after unlocking the tokens, the price drops dramatically, you can profit if you grasp the trend).

But no matter what, I don't have much risk with Pyth. This article is only about my experience of testing futures trading when I think I can identify the trend of a certain Token before unlocking time.

This is not an article calling for or encouraging you to invest, please do your own research.

#TrendingTopicb #TrendingBinance #BinanceSquareVietnam
I often scroll through the timeline and see many people complaining about their losing investments in $NOT or $ENA and any other cryptocurrency. As far as I can see, NOT and ENA are two new cryptocurrencies that were recently updated to the exchange. Of course, the market always has price changes from the number of people participating in it, you don't need to worry too much. If you buy NOT or ENA in a high price position and you lose money, don't worry yourself, think of a position you want and place an order, then don't think anything about it. it too. Let's return to normal life and do the most normal things. You must remember that your investment in a cryptocurrency, if you have not liquidated it, is not really a loss. Unless you are participating in a margin loan or Future trading, I recommend that you do not participate in these two types of transactions if you are not good at calculation and judgment. The rule of the cryptocurrency investment game is that it's all about play, you have to take responsibility for your investment decisions, no one can force you, so why do you have to make things difficult for yourself? my decision. I have an investment in #ENA and #NOT, even though I am losing money at the current price, but I don't blame it, because it was my decision, I have placed the order ready, when the price reaches the target I will make a profit or wait. My ENA is at 0.7xx My NOT is at 0.006xxx This article is not investment advice, just wants to help people who are feeling disappointed think more positively. Let's look at holding $BTC for motivation. #TrendingInvestments #toptrending
I often scroll through the timeline and see many people complaining about their losing investments in $NOT or $ENA and any other cryptocurrency. As far as I can see, NOT and ENA are two new cryptocurrencies that were recently updated to the exchange. Of course, the market always has price changes from the number of people participating in it, you don't need to worry too much.

If you buy NOT or ENA in a high price position and you lose money, don't worry yourself, think of a position you want and place an order, then don't think anything about it. it too. Let's return to normal life and do the most normal things. You must remember that your investment in a cryptocurrency, if you have not liquidated it, is not really a loss. Unless you are participating in a margin loan or Future trading, I recommend that you do not participate in these two types of transactions if you are not good at calculation and judgment.

The rule of the cryptocurrency investment game is that it's all about play, you have to take responsibility for your investment decisions, no one can force you, so why do you have to make things difficult for yourself? my decision.

I have an investment in #ENA and #NOT, even though I am losing money at the current price, but I don't blame it, because it was my decision, I have placed the order ready, when the price reaches the target I will make a profit or wait.
My ENA is at 0.7xx
My NOT is at 0.006xxx

This article is not investment advice, just wants to help people who are feeling disappointed think more positively. Let's look at holding $BTC for motivation.

#TrendingInvestments #toptrending
On April 18, 2024, Binance announced the transfer of all assets including USDT, TUSD, $BTC and $BNB in the SAFU insurance fund to 1 billion $USDC . All Binance assets in the SAFU fund are converted to #USDCโœ… to reinforce reliability and stability at $1 billion. What is happening ? Why stablecoin USDC and not stablecoin USDT that Binance once supported? Even though everything is transparent and clear, don't ignore this signal from Binance, whether stablecoin USDT is not safe enough, or something bad is about to happen to stablecoin USDT, so Binance should go. 1 step ahead? Let me know your thoughts below. #bitcoinhalving #toptranding #BinanceSquareVietnam
On April 18, 2024, Binance announced the transfer of all assets including USDT, TUSD, $BTC and $BNB in the SAFU insurance fund to 1 billion $USDC .

All Binance assets in the SAFU fund are converted to #USDCโœ… to reinforce reliability and stability at $1 billion.

What is happening ? Why stablecoin USDC and not stablecoin USDT that Binance once supported?

Even though everything is transparent and clear, don't ignore this signal from Binance, whether stablecoin USDT is not safe enough, or something bad is about to happen to stablecoin USDT, so Binance should go. 1 step ahead?

Let me know your thoughts below.

#bitcoinhalving #toptranding #BinanceSquareVietnam
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