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深耕 SocialFi 的 Mask,是如何成为 WEB3 的小腾讯的?
✨ 同样是深耕社交领域,同样用大范围投资,完成自己的生态布局,再加上创始团队脱胎自腾讯。

Mask Network @realMaskNetwork 的种种行事风格,很难不让那个人联想到 WEB2 领域的社交巨头 — 腾讯,所以 Mask 也常常被大家亲切地称为 “币圈小腾讯”。

我们今天来分析一下, $MASK 是如何通过一步步经营,成为如今的 WEB3 小腾讯的 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

1️⃣ 生态布局
Mask Network 的切入点,在于构建 Web 2.0 与 Web 3.0 之间的桥梁、提供加密社交信息和货币交易等功能,打通WEB2和WEB3,将WEB2庞大的用户基数,平滑的带入WEB3新世界。

于此同时,通过其生态投资基金Bonfire Union,去投资去诸多中心化社交网络和基础设施,来完善其Social赛道相关的的生态布局,顺带一提,Mask已经支持并投资了超过120个项目,包括一些快速增长的Web3项目。

2️⃣ Mask Network 核心功能

1/ 去中心化应用集成:
Mask Network 通过浏览器扩展或插件,在传统网络平台上叠加去中心化功能。这使得用户可以在使用像 Twitter、Facebook 这样的平台时,直接访问去中心化应用

2/ 加强的隐私和安全性:
Mask Network 提供加密消息功能,确保用户间的通信安全和数据隐私。此外,该平台还提供了去中心化身份管理工具,使用户能够在保持匿名和安全的同时,控制自己的数字身份

3/ 社交平台内的 DeFi 访问:
Mask Network 将去中心化金融 (DeFi) 工具直接集成到社交媒体平台中,使用户可以在不离开他们喜欢的社交界面的情况下,轻松参与 DeFi 服务、访问去中心化交易所或进行代币交换

4/ 区块链互操作性:
Mask Network 支持与多个区块链的互操作性,使用户可以无缝地与多个去中心化应用和加密货币进行交互。通过这种互操作性,用户可以在使用 Mask Network 的统一界面时,无缝地进行交易和参与多个区块链生态系统​

5/ 社区驱动的开发:
Mask Network 鼓励社区参与和开发者参与,以持续改进和创新生态系统。社区反馈和贡献在增强 Mask Network 功能和用户体验方面发挥着重要作用,促进了一个协作的开发环境

3️⃣ 与V神对于Social的愿景不谋而合
Vitalik Buterin曾经多次表明,他非常看好WEB3 SocialFi赛道,此外 V神 和 Mask Network 的创始人 Suji Yan 关系匪浅。

推动 SocialFi 赛道的发展,也是他们的共同的目标,特别是在以太坊生态之中:

V神 和 Suji Yan 的关系:
V神和 Mask Network 的创始人 Suji Yan 关系良好,两人经常进行交流和对话。例如,他们在 2022 年进行了一次炉边夜谈。

V神 对 Mask Network 的支持:
V神多次表达对 Mask Network 产品的支持。在 2020 年,当 Mask Network 还处于初创阶段时,V神就对其红包产品表示了支持 。四年后,V神再次为 Mask Network 的新产品 Firefly 喊单,该产品随后经历了爆炸性增长 。

SocialFi 赛道的发展:
目前,SocialFi 赛道的发展潜力巨大,Farcaster 的估值已达 10 亿美元,而 Lens 的估值为 4.5 亿美元。V神经常使用 Mask Network 旗下的产品 Firefly @thefireflyapp SocialFi 赛道的兴趣和支持 。

V神和 Suji Yan 的共同目标是推动 SocialFi 赛道的发展,并通过此赛道让以太坊生态系统重振雄风。他们希望通过不断的产品创新和迭代,将 SocialFi 赛道带向新的高度,最终实现整个赛道的正式起飞 。

✨ 万事俱备,只欠东风
不差钱,不差热度,V神和 Mask Network 的创始人 Suji Yan 之间的良好关系,以及他们对 SocialFi 赛道的共同承诺,预示着这一领域未来的爆炸性增长和发展潜力。
Mask 作为 Social 领域深耕的正规军,前途无可限量。

#socialfi $ETH #MASK
April crypto calendar #BitcoinHalvingDrama #CryptoApril #Cryptocalender #Dogecoin‬⁩ $BTC $ETH $BNB #Altcoins👀🚀
Token unlocking in April
Token unlocking in April
Ali Mohamed
🚨 Major Crypto Token Unlocks Alert for April! 🚨

➡️ $DYDX : $110M on April 1st
➡️ $SUI: $124M on April 3rd
➡️ $EEFI: $10M on April 4th
➡️ $DYM: $25M on April 6th
➡️ $GMT: $38M on April 9th
➡️ $CGPT: $15M on April 10th
➡️ $APT: $428M on April 12th
➡️ $NGL: $35M on April 12th
➡️ $SEI: $110M on April 15th
➡️ $ZBC: $11M on April 15th
➡️ $STRK: $141M on April 15th
➡️ $UNI: $111M on April 16th
➡️ $ARB: $153M on April 16th
➡️ $LMWR: $23M on April 16th
➡️ $AXS: $172M on April 17th
➡️ $MANTA: $81M on April 18th
➡️ $ALT: $63M on April 25th
➡️ $RON: $152M on April 27th
➡️ $AXL: $55M on April 28th
Unveiling the Potential of #TIA
Introduce TIA Coin as a promising cryptocurrency that has gained traction in the digital asset landscape. Highlight its unique features and what sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies.
Understanding TIA Coin:

Provide a detailed explanation of what TIA Coin is, its underlying technology, and the principles it operates on.
Discuss the history of TIA Coin, including its inception, development milestones, and any significant events that have shaped its journey.
Key Features and Benefits:

Outline the distinctive features and functionalities of TIA Coin that make it an attractive investment or utility token.
Explore the benefits of using TIA Coin, such as security, efficiency, low transaction fees, and potential for scalability.
Use Cases and Applications:

Examine the various use cases of TIA Coin across different industries and sectors, highlighting its versatility and potential for widespread adoption.
Discuss real-world applications where TIA Coin is being utilized or has the potential to revolutionize existing systems.
Market Analysis and Performance:

Provide an overview of TIA Coin's market performance, including its price history, market capitalization, trading volume, and price volatility.
Analyze the factors influencing TIA Coin's price movements and its positioning within the broader cryptocurrency market.
Regulatory Considerations and Risks:

Address any regulatory challenges or compliance issues that TIA Coin may face in different jurisdictions.
Discuss potential risks associated with investing in or using TIA Coin, such as market volatility, security vulnerabilities, or regulatory uncertainty.
Future Outlook and Growth Potential:

Offer insights into the future prospects of TIA Coin, including potential opportunities for growth, challenges to overcome, and emerging trends in the cryptocurrency space.
Discuss the long-term vision and roadmap for # #RIA Coin and how it aims to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.
Summarize the key points discussed in the article and emphasize the significance of TIA Coin in shaping the future of decentralized finance and digital currencies. Encourage further research and exploration into TIA Coin for investors, developers, and enthusiasts alike.
It can be thought that crypto can make a big breakthrough after the halving.
Excellent analysis.
Excellent analysis.
M-M Crypto Signals
TIA/USDT is currently forming a symmetrical triangle pattern on the 4-hour time frame. Consider buying TIA Coin in spot and holding it for 1 week to 15 days, as it is likely to experience significant upward movement soon. I am personally planning to buy TIA Coin in spot.
Binance News
Galaxy Digital Reports Significant Turnaround with $296 Million Net Income in 2023
According to PANews, Galaxy Digital has reported a significant turnaround in its financial performance, with a net income of $296 million in 2023, compared to a loss of $1 billion in the previous year. The company attributes this positive change to the substantial fluctuations in digital asset prices, increased market volatility, and growth in trading volumes since the fourth quarter of 2023.

Galaxy Digital's improved financial results highlight the impact of market conditions on the company's operations. The firm's ability to capitalize on the changing landscape of digital assets and adapt to the evolving market dynamics has contributed to its success in 2023. This turnaround demonstrates the potential for growth and profitability in the digital asset industry, as companies like Galaxy Digital continue to navigate the complex and rapidly changing market environment.
Binance News
Galaxy Discloses $27 Million Celestia Net Position and $41 Million Locked Tokens in Year-End Financial Report
According to PANews, Galaxy has disclosed a net position of $27 million in Celestia (TIA) and $41 million in locked tokens in its year-end financial report. The information was reported by The Block Pro.

The disclosure of the Celestia net position and locked tokens highlights the company's investments in the cryptocurrency space. The year-end financial report provides insight into the company's financial performance and its involvement in the digital asset market.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow and evolve, companies like Galaxy are increasingly investing in digital assets and blockchain technology. The disclosure of the Celestia net position and locked tokens is a testament to the company's commitment to the industry and its belief in the potential of digital assets.
Binance News
Fidelity Seeks to Allow Ethereum Fund Traders to Stake Assets
According to CoinDesk, Fidelity aims to give traders of its potential Fidelity Ethereum Fund the ability to stake some of the assets. The asset manager filed to launch an ethereum exchange-traded fund (ETF) in November, with other potential issuers including BlackRock, Ark Invest, and Grayscale. In an amendment with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Fidelity wrote that it may stake a portion of the Fund's assets through one or more trusted staking providers, which may include an affiliate of the Sponsor.

Following the news, Lido, the staking protocol supported on the Ethereum network, saw a 9% increase in price to $2.64 before falling back slightly. However, experts currently see a slim chance that such an ETF will be approved by the SEC before the next deadline of May 23.
The Voyager
#$ETHFI Now with #ETHFI set for launch in a few hours, I've got to admit, this is a big one, big enough to make a few Millionaire's/Billionaires, yes you heard me correctly, Millionaire's/ Billionaires, withing the space of just hours, just by it's association with $ETH . it sounds stupid right, but it is, what it is. Please note, this is not Financial Advice. #HotTrends #The.Clairvoyant #The.Voyager #Rising.Tide
ChainGPT AI News
Revolutionizing Blockchain and AI: Injective and InQubeta
The competition for developer attention in the blockchain space is intense, especially with the emergence of Layer 2 solutions and the recent SEC ruling on Bitcoin ETF. Injective Labs, creators of the high-speed Injective Protocol, have introduced inEVM, their own Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Layer 2 roll-up. InQubeta (QUBE), a new blockchain ICO player, is also gaining traction for its support of AI tech startups. Injective's inEVM promises true interoperability across major blockchains like Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana, catering to Ethereum developers with fast speeds and low fees. InQubeta, on the other hand, offers a unique approach by allowing AI startups to tokenize investment opportunities as NFTs, attracting significant investor interest. Both projects show promise in their respective fields, with Injective focusing on blockchain development efficiency and InQubeta revolutionizing AI startup funding through NFTs. Read more AI-generated news on:
Binance News
Injective Partners With AltLayer To Develop Re-Staking Security Framework For InEVM
According to Foresight News, Injective has announced a partnership with AltLayer to create a re-staking security framework for inEVM. The various aspects of inEVM have been customized to meet the needs of complex applications, including a highly scalable execution layer and a modular DA layer.
The indicator a bull run will again be #INJ
The indicator a bull run will again be #INJ

unfortunatly we broke back into the acumulation range , however we are still making higher low's so this could be one of the last times to acumulate #Injective🔥 before the moon mission🚀🤑

#TrendingTopic: #HotTrends #INJBullrun
Lido DAO Token Is Predicted to Reach $ 3.80 By Mar 21, 2024
Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. The information provided is for general purposes only. No information, materials, services and other content provided on this page constitute a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or any financial, investment, or other advice. Seek independent professional consultation in the form of legal, financial, and fiscal advice before making any investment decision.

Lido DAO Token is down -3.13% today against the US Dollar

LDO/BTC decreased by -2.17% today

Lido DAO Token is currently trading 25.51% below our prediction on Mar 21, 2024

Lido DAO Token dropped -12.11% in the last month and is up 12.96% since 1 year ago

Lido DAO Token price $ 2.83 Lido DAO Token prediction $ 3.80 (29.82%) Sentiment Bearish Fear & Greed index 81 (Extreme Greed) Key support levels $ 2.79, $ 2.62, $ 2.41 Key resistance levels $ 3.16, $ 3.37, $ 3.53

LDO price is expected to rise by 29.82% in the next 5 days according to our Lido DAO Token price prediction

Lido DAO Token price today is trading at $ 2.83 after losing -3.13% in the last 24 hours. The coin underperformed the cryptocurrency market, as the total crypto market cap decreased by -4.71% in the same time period. LDO performed poorly against BTC today and recorded a -2.17% loss against the world’s largest cryptocurrency.

According to our Lido DAO Token price prediction, LDO is expected to reach a price of $ 3.80 by Mar 21, 2024. This would represent a 29.82% price increase for LDO in the next 5 days.

LDO Price Prediction Chart

Buy/Sell Lido DAO Token

What has been going on with Lido DAO Token in the last 30 days

Lido DAO Token has been displaying a negative trend recently, as the coin lost -12.11% in the last 30-days. The medium-term trend for Lido DAO Token has been bullish, with LDO increasing by 34.02% in the last 3 months. The long-term picture for Lido DAO Token has been positive, as LDO is currently displaying a 12.96% 1-year price change. On this day last year, LDO was trading at $ 2.51.

Lido DAO Token reached its all-time high price on Aug 20, 2021, when the price of LDO peaked at $ 7.28. The current LDO cycle high is $ 4.00, while the cycle low is at $ 0.404540. LDO has been displaying low volatility recently – the 1-month volatility of the coin is at 4.13. Lido DAO Token recorded 12 green days in the last 30 days.

Lido DAO Token technical analysis for today - Mar 16, 2024

The sentiment in the Lido DAO Token markets is currently Bearish, and the Fear & Greed index is reading Extreme Greed. The most important support levels to watch are $ 2.79, $ 2.62 and $ 2.41, while $ 3.16, $ 3.37 and $ 3.53 are the key resistance levels.

Bearish sentiment for Lido DAO Token

11 indicators are currently signaling a bullish prediction for Lido DAO Token, while 17 indicators are showing a bearish forecast. With 61% of indicators favoring a negative prediction. This results in an overall Bearish sentiment for Lido DAO Token.

Crypto market is currently experiencing Extreme Greed

Currently, the Fear & Greed index is at 81 (Extreme Greed), which signals that investors have a positive outlook on the market. The Fear & Greed index is a measure of sentiment among cryptocurrency investors. A “Greed” reading suggests that investors are currently optimistic about the cryptocurrency market, but can also be an indication that the market is overvalued. A “Fear” reading, on the other hand, signals that investors are currently hesitant about the cryptocurrency market, which potentially represents a buying opportunity.

Lido DAO Token moving averages & oscillators

Let’s take a look at what some of the most important technical indicators are signaling. We’ll be going through key moving averages and oscillators that will allow us to get a better idea of how Lido DAO Token is positioned in the market right now.

Period Daily Simple Daily Exponential Weekly Simple Weekly Exponential MA3 $ 2.93 (SELL) $ 3.26 (SELL) - - MA5 $ 3.08 (SELL) $ 3.18 (SELL) - - MA10 $ 3.23 (SELL) $ 3.01 (SELL) - - MA21 $ 3.32 (SELL) $ 2.77 (BUY) $ 4.91 (SELL) $ 2.61 (BUY) MA50 $ 3.12 (SELL) $ 2.45 (BUY) $ 0.642591 (BUY) $ 2.25 (BUY) MA100 $ 2.94 (SELL) $ 2.19 (BUY) $ 0.057313 (BUY) $ 1.58 (BUY) MA200 $ 2.52 (BUY) $ 2.05 (BUY) - -

Period Value Action RSI (14) 39.07 NEUTRAL Stoch RSI (14) 14.77 BUY Stochastic Fast (14) 33.59 NEUTRAL Commodity Channel Index (20) -66.67 NEUTRAL Average Directional Index (14) 10.84 NEUTRAL Awesome Oscillator (5, 34) 0.05 NEUTRAL Momentum (10) -0.09 SELL MACD (12, 26) -0.02 NEUTRAL Williams Percent Range (14) -66.41 NEUTRAL Ultimate Oscillator (7, 14, 28) 46.40 NEUTRAL VWMA (10) 3.33 SELL Hull Moving Average (9) 3.34 SELL Ichimoku Cloud B/L (9, 26, 52, 26) 3.30 NEUTRAL

The Relative Strength Index (RSI 14) is a widely used indicator that helps inform investors whether an asset is currently overbought or oversold. The RSI 14 for Lido DAO Token is at 39.07, suggesting that LDO is currently neutral.

The 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA 50) takes into account the closing price of Lido DAO Token over the last 50 days. Currently, Lido DAO Token is trading below the SMA 50 trendline, which is a bearish signal.

Meanwhile, the 200-day Simple Moving Average (SMA 200) is a long-term trendline that’s calculated by taking an average of the LDO closing price for the last 200 days. LDO is now trading below the SMA 200, signaling that the market is currently bearish.

The bottom line about this Lido DAO Token prediction

After considering the above factors, we can conclude that the current forecast for Lido DAO Token price prediction is Bearish. LDO would have to increase by 29.82% to hit our $ 3.80 target within the next five days. Moving forward, it will be important to monitor the LDO market sentiment, the key support and resistance levels, and other metrics. However, we have to keep in mind that the cryptocurrency markets are unpredictable, and even the largest crypto assets display a lot of price volatility. For long-term Lido DAO Token price predictions click here.

Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. The information provided is for general purposes only. No information, materials, services and other content provided on this page constitute a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or any financial, investment, or other advice. Seek independent professional consultation in the form of legal, financial, and fiscal advice before making any investment decision.
Eclipse Labs宣布融资,为什么TIA和DYM涨了?
昨晚,将以太坊安全性,Solana 高性能与 Celestia DA 三者叙事相结合的首个 SVM Layer2 Eclipse Labs 完成 5000 万美元 A 轮融资,由 Placeholder 和 Hack VC 共同领投。2022 年 9 月,Eclipse Labs 完成了 1500 万美元 Pre-Seed 轮和种子轮融资。新一轮融资将为 Eclipse Labs 提供资金供增长、人力资源和研究方面的支出。

Eclipse 是模块化概念中一直被看好的优质项目,随着融资消息公布,TIA、DYM 等已经有代币的模块化项目也有了明显的市场反应。


今早,模块化赛道项目价格迎来一波普涨,其中 TIA 突破 18 美元,24 小时涨幅达 14%;DYM 短时突破 8 美元,24 小时涨幅 6%。

TIA 在这轮周期中被市场称为「加密金铲子」,TIA 质押者过去数月已获得 DYM、ALT、SAGA 等优质项目空投,而 DYM 作为「银铲子」,也被市场认为可以通过质押持续获得未来新项目的空投。

相关阅读:《新周期的 (3,3)?TIA 质押领空投模式的「庞氏预期」》

3 月 6 日,灰度宣布推出动态收入基金(GDIF),通过质押加密货币来赚取收入,新基金最初将支持九种区块链资产,其中就有 Celestia(TIA),该基金旨在每季度以美元形式分配奖励。

Dymension 社区在 2 月 29 日发布新提案,表示将通过自动化分发 DYM 代币给特定流动性池的提供者,启动第一轮自动化做市商 (AMM) 流动性激励计划。3 月 4 日,Dymension 宣布推出 RollApp 草案,将 RollApps 引入主网。

Eclipse 宣布融资,市场传闻 TIA 质押或有空投

Eclipse 由 Citadel 前定量研究人员、Airbnb 前软件工程师 Neel Somani 和 Zebec 协议创始人 Sam Thapaliya 于 2022 年成立。其主网架构将利用以太坊作为结算层,运行 Solana 虚拟机(SVM)作为执行环境,将数据发布至 Celestia 实现可扩展的数据可用性(DA),并使用 RISC Zero 完成 ZK 欺诈证明。

Eclipse 团队已经加入了 Celestia 的 Modular Fellows 计划,并与 Celestia 的基金会进行了代币交换。Eclipse 还获得了来自 Solana 基金会的开发赠款,以支持 Solana Virtual Machine 驱动的 Rollup。

可以说,Eclipse 是目前模块化区块链中的「顶级配置」,当它推出时,Eclipse 将具有 Solana 的速度、以太坊的安全性和 Celestia 的效率。

Eclipse 测试网于 2023 年 12 月 14 日上线,官方团队称会将在 Eclipse 上部署的前 1000 名开发人员地址列入白名单,以便获得纪念性 NFT,但该 NFT 将会随 Eclipse 主网上线时被删除。

鉴于 Eclipse 的主网结构配置,市场也传闻质押 TIA 将会获得 Eclipse 空投,但目前该消息并未被团队官方证实。此前,TIA 质押者已经收获了 DYM、ALT 等项目的空投奖励,这也带起了加密质押获利风潮,Eclipse 能否延续 TIA「金铲子」的称号,我们拭目以待。
Money inflows to CEX and things remain bullish until BTC remains stable under 58k.
Money inflows to CEX and things remain bullish until BTC remains stable under 58k.
Binance News
USDT Interest Rates Surge on Multiple CEX Platforms
According to BlockBeats, on February 27, USDT interest rates for current financial products on multiple CEX platforms experienced a significant increase just before the market rose. Among them, Binance's annualized interest rate is currently at 27.69%, Bybit's annualized interest rate is at 21.43%, and OKX's annualized interest rate once soared to 60% but has now fallen back to 13.06%.

This surge in interest rates indicates a growing demand for USDT on these platforms, which could be attributed to the recent market fluctuations. As investors seek stable assets amidst market volatility, USDT has become an attractive option due to its peg to the US dollar. The increased demand for USDT has led to higher interest rates on these platforms, making it more appealing for investors to hold and earn interest on their USDT holdings.

It is essential for investors to monitor these interest rates and market trends to make informed decisions about their investments in USDT and other cryptocurrencies. As the market continues to evolve, it is crucial to stay updated on the latest developments and trends to maximize potential returns and minimize risks.
#ETC the moon boy's rocket is primed...provided BTC plays nicely and ETH/BTC rises
#ETC the moon boy's rocket is primed...provided BTC plays nicely and ETH/BTC rises
Ethereum Classic Is Predicted to Reach $ 29.19 By Mar 01, 2024
Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. The information provided is for general purposes only. No information, materials, services and other content provided on this page constitute a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or any financial, investment, or other advice. Seek independent professional consultation in the form of legal, financial, and fiscal advice before making any investment decision.

Ethereum Classic is up 4.51% today against the US Dollar

ETC/BTC increased by 3.82% today

Ethereum Classic is currently trading 7.35% below our prediction on Mar 01, 2024

Ethereum Classic gained 13.97% in the last month and is up 28.64% since 1 year ago

Ethereum Classic price $ 27.04 Ethereum Classic prediction $ 29.19 (11.46%) Sentiment Bullish Fear & Greed index 74 (Greed) Key support levels $ 25.48, $ 24.82, $ 24.46 Key resistance levels $ 26.51, $ 26.87, $ 27.53

ETC price is expected to rise by 11.46% in the next 5 days according to our Ethereum Classic price prediction

Ethereum Classic price today is trading at $ 27.04 after gaining 4.51% in the last 24 hours. The coin outperformed the cryptocurrency market, as the total crypto market cap increased by 4.70% in the same time period. ETC performed well against BTC today and recorded a 3.82% gain against the world’s largest cryptocurrency.

According to our Ethereum Classic price prediction, ETC is expected to reach a price of $ 29.19 by Mar 01, 2024. This would represent a 11.46% price increase for ETC in the next 5 days.

ETC Price Prediction Chart

Buy/Sell Ethereum Classic

What has been going on with Ethereum Classic in the last 30 days

Ethereum Classic has been displaying a positive trend recently, as the coin gained 13.97% in the last 30-days. The medium-term trend for Ethereum Classic has been bullish, with ETC increasing by 46.20% in the last 3 months. The long-term picture for Ethereum Classic has been positive, as ETC is currently displaying a 28.64% 1-year price change. On this day last year, ETC was trading at $ 21.02.

Ethereum Classic reached its all-time high price on May 06, 2021, when the price of ETC peaked at $ 165.75. The current ETC cycle high is $ 45.11, while the cycle low is at $ 12.63. ETC has been displaying low volatility recently – the 1-month volatility of the coin is at 4.25. Ethereum Classic recorded 18 green days in the last 30 days.

Ethereum Classic technical analysis for today - Feb 25, 2024

The sentiment in the Ethereum Classic markets is currently Bullish, and the Fear & Greed index is reading Greed. The most important support levels to watch are $ 25.48, $ 24.82 and $ 24.46, while $ 26.51, $ 26.87 and $ 27.53 are the key resistance levels.

Bullish sentiment for Ethereum Classic

28 indicators are currently signaling a bullish prediction for Ethereum Classic, while 3 indicators are showing a bearish forecast. With 90% of indicators favoring a positive prediction. This results in an overall Bullish sentiment for Ethereum Classic.

Crypto market is currently experiencing Greed

Currently, the Fear & Greed index is at 74 (Greed), which signals that investors have a positive outlook on the market. The Fear & Greed index is a measure of sentiment among cryptocurrency investors. A “Greed” reading suggests that investors are currently optimistic about the cryptocurrency market, but can also be an indication that the market is overvalued. A “Fear” reading, on the other hand, signals that investors are currently hesitant about the cryptocurrency market, which potentially represents a buying opportunity.

Ethereum Classic moving averages & oscillators

Let’s take a look at what some of the most important technical indicators are signaling. We’ll be going through key moving averages and oscillators that will allow us to get a better idea of how Ethereum Classic is positioned in the market right now.

Period Daily Simple Daily Exponential Weekly Simple Weekly Exponential MA3 $ 25.28 (BUY) $ 25.60 (BUY) - - MA5 $ 25.03 (BUY) $ 24.96 (BUY) - - MA10 $ 25.48 (BUY) $ 23.72 (BUY) - - MA21 $ 25.66 (BUY) $ 22.16 (BUY) $ 36.43 (SELL) $ 21.01 (BUY) MA50 $ 24.90 (BUY) $ 20.22 (BUY) $ 19.04 (BUY) $ 20.46 (BUY) MA100 $ 22.63 (BUY) $ 18.85 (BUY) $ 5.73 (BUY) $ 22.16 (BUY) MA200 $ 20.02 (BUY) $ 18.46 (BUY) $ 20.62 (BUY) $ 20.81 (BUY)

Period Value Action RSI (14) 53.01 NEUTRAL Stoch RSI (14) 0.00 BUY Stochastic Fast (14) 11.31 BUY Commodity Channel Index (20) -66.67 NEUTRAL Average Directional Index (14) 22.03 NEUTRAL Awesome Oscillator (5, 34) 1.12 NEUTRAL Momentum (10) -0.77 NEUTRAL MACD (12, 26) -0.16 NEUTRAL Williams Percent Range (14) -88.69 BUY Ultimate Oscillator (7, 14, 28) 56.08 NEUTRAL VWMA (10) 26.57 SELL Hull Moving Average (9) 26.56 SELL Ichimoku Cloud B/L (9, 26, 52, 26) 25.46 NEUTRAL

The Relative Strength Index (RSI 14) is a widely used indicator that helps inform investors whether an asset is currently overbought or oversold. The RSI 14 for Ethereum Classic is at 53.01, suggesting that ETC is currently neutral.

The 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA 50) takes into account the closing price of Ethereum Classic over the last 50 days. Currently, Ethereum Classic is trading below the SMA 50 trendline, which is a bearish signal.

Meanwhile, the 200-day Simple Moving Average (SMA 200) is a long-term trendline that’s calculated by taking an average of the ETC closing price for the last 200 days. ETC is now trading below the SMA 200, signaling that the market is currently bearish.

The bottom line about this Ethereum Classic prediction

After considering the above factors, we can conclude that the current forecast for Ethereum Classic price prediction is Bullish. ETC would have to increase by 11.46% to hit our $ 29.19 target within the next five days. Moving forward, it will be important to monitor the ETC market sentiment, the key support and resistance levels, and other metrics. However, we have to keep in mind that the cryptocurrency markets are unpredictable, and even the largest crypto assets display a lot of price volatility. For long-term Ethereum Classic price predictions click here.

Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. The information provided is for general purposes only. No information, materials, services and other content provided on this page constitute a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or any financial, investment, or other advice. Seek independent professional consultation in the form of legal, financial, and fiscal advice before making any investment decision.
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Congratulations for Old Holders .🎉
Who see my content .

🧐 Analysis
DYDX has been accumulating for 665 days, indicating a potential buildup of bullish momentum. The Superguppy indicator on the weekly chart is turning bullish, suggesting a shift in sentiment.

👀 Entry Point
Look for a breakout above the $3.8 supply zone as a signal to enter a long position, anticipating the start of a rally.

✈️ Targets

Set mid-term target at $7.45, with long-term targets at $17.9 and $25. Consider these levels as potential exit points or areas to adjust positions.

💼 Position Sizing

Allocate only 2% of your wallet to this trade, especially considering the volatility of futures trading. This conservative approach helps manage risk effectively.

⚖️ Risk Management

Adhere to the 3-5% wallet size rule for risk management. For instance, if your wallet size is $100, limit your exposure to $3-5 in the signal trade. This helps mitigate potential losses.

📈 Trading Style

This setup is ideal for swing traders who are willing to hold positions for the anticipated rally, rather than scalpers looking for short-term gains.

🔔 : Final Note

Remember, trading is a profitable business when approached with discipline and a well-defined strategy. Avoid treating it as gambling and prioritize sound risk management practices.

Happy trading! 🚀✨

Coin : dydx
Position : long
Leverage :10x
Already 10% up from my call
But it will go high to 4$
#Write2Earn #strk #TrendingTopic $DYDX
SEC Institutes Proceedings on Grayscale Spot Ether ETF, Pushing Deadline
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has pushed its decision on whether to approve or disapprove of a spot Ether (ETH) exchange-traded fund from Grayscale Investments, opening the application to public comments.

In a Jan. 25 notice, the SEC said it would institute proceedings to determine whether to approve or disapprove a proposed rule change that would allow NYSE Arca to list and trade the Grayscale Ethereum Trust shares. Opening the proposed investment vehicle to public comment will push the deadline for a decision by an additional 35 days upon publication in the Federal Register.

“Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and arguments regarding whether the proposed rule change should be approved or disapproved,” said the SEC.

Related: BlackRock SEC approval record at 576-1 post-BTC ETF nod — Is Ether ETF next?

The SEC notice came 15 days after the commission approved listings for shares of spot Bitcoin (BTC) ETFs on U.S. exchanges for the first time, including an offering from the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust. Since its launch, GBTC outflows have been among the highest of the 11 approved spot BTC ETFs, reaching roughly $4.4 billion over nine trading days.

Grayscale first filed with the SEC to convert shares of its Grayscale Ethereum Trust into a spot Ether ETF in October, adding its name to the list of companies awaiting a decision from the regulator. On Jan. 25, the SEC pushed a decision on BlackRock’s spot Ethereum ETF to March, with many experts speculating the commission could take the maximum allowable 240 days to decide.

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Rollups, Corporate Demand, and Bitcoin-tied Solutions Among 2024’s Crypto Business Trends
Crypto businesses are looking forward to less turbulent times after a long crypto winter, with institutional demand and growing Bitcoin adoption helping to drive innovation in the crypto space. Trends to look for this year include scalability and compliance solutions, industry participants told Cointelegraph. 

Transaction speeds and costs are challenges for both the Ethereum and the Bitcoin networks. Not by chance, rollup projects are expected to be in high demand in 2024, said Axelar’s CEO Sergey Gorbunov. He believes rollup development kits are "something to watch in 2024."

“We’re beginning to see abstraction for the Web3 developer that is similar to what consumer-facing developers in SaaS enjoy,” explained Gorbunov about the growing offer of tools for developers working on blockchain scaling solutions.

Rollups are a type of layer-2 blockchain designed to improve scalability. They combine multiple transactions into a single batch outside the main blockchain (off-chain). This significantly reduces the amount of data that needs to be processed and stored on the main chain (on-chain), resulting in faster and cheaper transactions.

According to Gorbunov, projects currently “moving to scale across this landscape include DeFi innovators like Frax and Lido – and leading DEXs like dYdX, PancakeSwap and Uniswap.”

Decentralized infrastructure is another area expected to grow over the next few months. “Decentralizing frontends and backends is a critical issue, including when it comes to decentralized web-hosting and cloud-storage systems,” said Frank Hu, chief operating officer of ByteTrade Lab.

Behind these trends is the increasing involvement of institutional investors and traditional corporations within the crypto space. According to a November survey by Coinbase, 64% of current institutional crypto investors expected to increase their allocations in the next three years, and 45% of investors without crypto allocations planned to start investing within the same period.

Institutional investors seek exposure to crypto through a range of products. Source: Coinbase 2023 Institutional Survey

Sandra Carter, chief operating officer of Unstoppable Domains, sees projects offering interoperability between Web2 and Web3 as a potential growth area. “There are so many people, brands, and organizations in Web2 that are yet to move over to Web3 or even know about it. They need to take those first steps, and [crypto] businesses will make that easier and more accessible because they know that there is so much value locked up in Web2 that Web3 can unleash,” she noted.

The approval of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) will also serve as a business driver in 2024. According to Mauricio di Bartolomeo from lending protocol Ledn, variations of Bitcoin ETF, such as leveraged and short ETFs, are expected to flood the market over the next few months. The hype surrounding the cryptocurrency is also predicted to boost its use as collateral on crypto loans.

Furthermore, one of the crypto industry’s foundations is also being disrupted — social media platforms. “Crypto has always been driven by social media,” said the co-founder of DSCVR, Juan Bruce, who believes it is only a matter of time before decentralized social media platforms find the product-market fit that will replace the traditional ones. 

“Teams, including ours, are building social platforms that aren’t just on chain but enable crypto transactions in a social context for users and projects,” Bruce told Cointelegraph. 

Growth prospects, however, are not immune to challenges. Carter believes the regulatory landscape will still play a significant risk for crypto businesses in 2024.

“There are so many variables when it comes to regulations, and while there are victories and signs of hope [such as Ripple’s and Grayscale’s court victories], there are specific individuals who are dead-set on stopping crypto from entering the mainstream. The U.S. wants to be competitive in blockchain technology, but regulators are doing their utmost to prevent or control that as best they can.”

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