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Binance Charity to donate up to $1 million in BNB to registered users in the Flood-Impacted cities in Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil In response to the devastation caused by the recent floods and heavy rains in the Southern Region of Brazil, Binance Charity will donate up to US$ 1 million in BNB token vouchers to registered Binance users identified as living in the areas affected by the tragedy.  Identification of the users will be based on Proof of Address (POA) completed on or before May 6, 2024, in Rio Grande do Sul cities which have been significantly impacted by heavy rains. Users who have completed POA before this date in the state will each receive $80 USD in BNB token vouchers in their Rewards HUb. We recognize that many users in the affected cities may not have yet completed POA. Therefore, for any existing user who completes POA after May 7, 2024  and before June 6, 2024, we will issue $25 USD in BNB token vouchers to their accounts. The funds will start reaching users on May 9, 2024.  In the aftermath of natural disasters, people often lose access to traditional banking at the exact moment when extra funds are needed to help cover medical supplies, food, and other essential needs. Crypto transfers are now increasingly being used to deliver financial aid to disaster victims as they provide fast, low-cost, borderless, and transparent transactions. In these difficult times, Binance stands by our users, and we will continue to work on additional ways to help our community in Brazil. In the past, Binance Charity has also provided support to users in countries including Ukraine, Turkey, Libya, Morocco, Taiwan and Italy. For more information, please visit our FAQ page. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC #altcoins #BlackRock #Binancecharity $BNB

Binance Charity to donate up to $1 million in BNB to registered users in the Flood-Impacted cities in Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil

In response to the devastation caused by the recent floods and heavy rains in the Southern Region of Brazil, Binance Charity will donate up to US$ 1 million in BNB token vouchers to registered Binance users identified as living in the areas affected by the tragedy. 

Identification of the users will be based on Proof of Address (POA) completed on or before May 6, 2024, in Rio Grande do Sul cities which have been significantly impacted by heavy rains. Users who have completed POA before this date in the state will each receive $80 USD in BNB token vouchers in their Rewards HUb.

We recognize that many users in the affected cities may not have yet completed POA. Therefore, for any existing user who completes POA after May 7, 2024  and before June 6, 2024, we will issue $25 USD in BNB token vouchers to their accounts.

The funds will start reaching users on May 9, 2024. 

In the aftermath of natural disasters, people often lose access to traditional banking at the exact moment when extra funds are needed to help cover medical supplies, food, and other essential needs.

Crypto transfers are now increasingly being used to deliver financial aid to disaster victims as they provide fast, low-cost, borderless, and transparent transactions.

In these difficult times, Binance stands by our users, and we will continue to work on additional ways to help our community in Brazil. In the past, Binance Charity has also provided support to users in countries including Ukraine, Turkey, Libya, Morocco, Taiwan and Italy.

For more information, please visit our FAQ page.

#CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC #altcoins #BlackRock #Binancecharity


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