📊 Coinbase: The last two bull markets lasted 3.5 years. 1.5 years have passed since the beginning of this year. However, in the last two bull markets prices increased by 113x and 19x
Now there was a voiceover, one of the speakers was a person from the Notcoin team.
A couple of points from the voicemail:
- The team’s expectations for user growth were exceeded 10 times - Foreign users covered - Not all mechanics have been implemented in the tapalka yet due to the load on the servers - Bugs are gradually being eliminated, rockets will give the same number of coins that everyone understands - Clickers and farms will not be canceled - The next phase is listings and further application - The date of listings and on which specific exchanges are not disclosed - There will be applications, but they won’t disclose what exactly
✔#Optimismhas surpassed#Arbitrumin the number of transactions per day
On July 27, the number of daily transactions on the Optimism second-level Ethereum network reached 944,000, surpassing Arbitrum in terms of indicators.
Meni aleumettik jelly#thekulumbetarkyly taba vlasyz
Hong Kong's Financial Secretary wrote an article saying that#HongKongwill adopt a "proper regulation" and "promote development" strategy for Web3. The article also states that the world is competing to see who can create the largest space for#Web3innovation.