Do not believe what some people say in the financial circle, especially some traders who post their trading records every day and end up with simulated positions. Once their true nature is revealed in practice, they are no essentially different from novices, especially those who are good at talking. 90% of traders have no real knowledge and rely on words. Recently, a trader who claimed to have ten years of trading experience operated for three days. On the last day, he returned the customer's principal to zero and said that he would find a way to pay the compensation. , now I basically can’t contact anyone during the day, and I can only contact them at night. When I contacted them, they said they were thinking of a way, and when I asked what channels there were, they hesitated and had no plan. I guess it was just like this in the past, and nothing was done in the end, but Maybe it won’t work this time. If you lose your customers’ money, you won’t have a better time if you don’t take responsibility. You probably won’t be able to stay in the financial industry. After all, if a person doesn’t take responsibility for his own actions, his path will only get worse. Narrower