🔴AGLD Cryptocurrency Project📉📈🚀
Adventure Gold follows the approach that the original Loot NFT game hoped for, by building community on top of Loot as a form of endorsement. While the simplicity and uniqueness of Loot itself inspired the Web3 community to come up with several derivative projects based on its code, Adventure Gold itself aims to be used as a digital currency and have users vote on future game credits or future minting based on the highest Loot and AGLD adoption.
A multi-tasking group consisting of Papper and other “reputable community members who love Loot” can execute contractual permissions, such as issuing resolutions and other governance proposals.
The rapid development of Loot and Adventure Gold and the hype surrounding the project have also led to a uniquely volatile trading environment, fueled by the decision of powerful exchanges like FTX to list AGLD just 30 hours after its launch.