Dear friends, good evening. Yesterday, I gave several important intervals, 95200, 96400 and 97200 for Cake, which have now been moved out one after another. Because Cake has been consolidating recently, the daily line also closed above 3300. The day was also mainly pulled up, from the highest pull-up of 3330, and the pin was close to the 3520 pressure range mentioned yesterday around 10:30 pm.

The trend of Cake has been sawing upward on the day, and there were buys during the rebound at 9 am, 1 pm and 4 pm, which helped the upward movement again. Around 9:45 pm, the indicators began to be under pressure because the unemployment data was negative. After the announcement, the market began to fall, and the pin fell below 96000, and then rebounded to a new high, reaching the third important position mentioned yesterday, 97200.

Regarding the market outlook, there have been large fluctuations in recent days. After breaking through 97000, it has broken through and liquidated a large number of shorts. At present, it may retreat for a while as the profit-taking plates leave the market. But it has already broken and may be liquidated again, and it will continue for half a period. The order is not important. The space above and below has been opened and the necessary structure will be there.

Currently, the big cake is moving around 95200-98588, selling high and buying low around the range, the two cakes are synchronized, and the block is placed at 3440-3540. The one-hour center of Ethereum is in the range of 3340-3440, and the overall center fluctuates around 3400. If the center turns to the bottom, it will need to retreat for a period of time to synchronize with the big cake. The big cake is likely to fluctuate during the period, and it is good to move around the box.

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