I have a background goal that I strive for - to achieve a stable income of 350 dollars a day

Stable for me means at least every day for 1 year. Right now, it's happening randomly, with zero stability

In rubles, that's a million a month or about 35k a day

It may seem decent to achieve this goal, but looking at transactions in crypto and seeing how people move 8-15 million dollars back and forth - you start to think

A conditional billion rubles is about 10 million dollars. If you earn steadily 35k a day and don't spend a single penny, it will take 78 years to earn 1 billion rubles. CARL!

And yet, most people don't even earn 5k a day

So what to do about it? It seems that a stable 35k rubles a day (a million a month) is a worthy goal, but in reality, it amounts to nothing

Thinking needs to change radically 😵‍💫