Have you ever thought that the money we use every day is just an illusion? A system created to keep us in an economic cycle where we pay more and get less.
Fiat money, unlinked to real assets, exists only because of society's trust. But how long can this house of cards last?
What is fiat money?
Fiat money is something that is worth exactly as much as the elites decide. Its value is not backed by gold or other assets, but is based on trust in governments and central banks.
But how does this system work? It's simple:
1. The illusion of security:
People think that by keeping cash or money in accounts (NBU), they are protecting their assets. But the reality is that their value decreases daily due to inflation.
2. Subjectivity of the exchange rate:
The exchange rate of fiat money is not an objective measure, but a result of political manipulations and market games. It directly depends on the moods of central banks, which change interest rates like levers to control our lives.
Who benefits from fiat?
You will be surprised, but it is not people at all. The main beneficiaries of the fiat system are banks and elites.
Banks as parasites of the system:
They do not produce goods, do not create jobs. Their main task is to redistribute money, profiting from interest and commissions.
The elites that hold the power:
The fiat system works in the interest of a small group that controls the economy. They take advantage of the system's opacity to reap superprofits while ordinary people lose their money due to inflation and rising taxes.
How does this financial bubble work?
Every product you buy consists of layers of markup:
Production costs.
Logistics and transportation.
Markup from sellers.
This "pie of value" grows with each stage until the product gets into the hands of the consumer. And the higher the central bank's interest rate, the bigger this "pie" becomes. In the end, you pay for a system that does not work in your interests.
Cryptocurrency: a tool of fairness.
Cryptocurrencies are not just an alternative, they are a revolution. They are breaking the monopoly of the elites and returning control over money to the people.
Transparency: Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain. Manipulations become impossible.
Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies do not depend on central banks. They are uncontrollable by elites.
Fairness: The absence of intermediaries makes the system fair and accessible.
Example: how TCP-MARKET changes the game rules
Let's look at TCP-MARKET, which already offers a working model of the future:
TCPcredit (TCPcr): This is a debt obligation equivalent to 1 USDT. Transparency and stability are its main features.
TCPcent (TCPct): "Fuel" for the system. This token minimizes costs and works in the interests of the real economy.
TCP-MARKET shows how to build an economy where money works for people, not for the system.
Why is this important?
The fiat money system has long turned into a tool for controlling the masses. But we have a chance to change this. Cryptocurrencies are not just money, they are freedom.
Friends, the world is changing. And it is up to us to choose which financial system we will adopt.
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