12.27 Ethereum Volatility Reminder

If we can't reach the average short price around 3750, don't chase the shorts. There are too many small-level shorts, and if we don't clear them out, it's unlikely we will see a waterfall.

The reason there hasn't been a live stream in the past two days is that I've been focusing on the data, and I will come chat with everyone in the early morning.

There are many shorts that need to be cleared at 3720. If we go down directly now, the subsequent rebound cycle will be longer, so I personally believe that regardless of how the market is pushed down, it should oscillate upwards at this position for better harvesting later.

Ethereum can at most touch around 3280, and it still needs to go upwards.

Note: Do not follow the trades with all your capital; just follow with a portion of your capital. Losses can't be avoided, but it's not yet the position to short in a swing trade.

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