#“圣诞老人行情”再现 $BTC
In the cryptocurrency trading world, the game is about surviving longer. Those who are greedy, blind, and have a high gambling tendency are destined to lose more than they win, and will inevitably face liquidation. Time and again, they will stop-loss and cut their losses; no amount of principal is enough for your losses. Furthermore, no one can earn continuously, but at least one can steadily make profits. Don't always think about getting rich overnight; wealth comes from taking profits when it's good, securing them, and accumulating them over time! Most of my apprentices enjoy a prosperous life of feasting and drinking, thanks to mutual trust and integrity! You are not earning from me, and I’m not trying to earn from you; we are both making money from the market and the 'dog' fund, understand? In the end, I still say: Continuous profit, continuous updates, stable operations, and no liquidation strategies! Quick in and out! Strict position management! Keep it up.