Online Comment: If England was never born, the ages would remain as a long night. Rule of Law: On June 15, 1215, the 'Magna Carta' was issued, establishing the principle of 'the king under the law.' Freedom: In 1644, 'A Treatise on the Liberty of the Press' was published, marking the origin of freedom of speech. Democracy: In October 1689, following the Glorious Revolution, the 'Bill of Rights' was enacted, which is the origin of modern democracy. Equality: In 1689, the 'Toleration Act' was passed, marking the origin of equality for all individuals. Separation of Powers: In 1690, Locke's 'Two Treatises of Government' was published, serving as the origin of the 'separation of powers.' Transparency: In 1693, the public disclosure system for civil servants' property was implemented, marking the origin of public access to official property. Free Market: In 1776, Adam Smith's 'The Wealth of Nations' was published, making it the world's first market economy country. Guarantee: On December 15, 1791, the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (right to bear arms) was enacted to protect the First Amendment (right to freedom of speech). England advanced the 'human' race towards modern civilization.