The past two days marked the first violent deleveraging of the bull market. There will be more in the future, but such opportunities are rare. In a bull market, one should not easily think about liquidating positions. Did those who liquidated their positions two days ago manage to buy back? Or today, if the price rebounds, would they dare to re-enter? Each significant rise in a bull market requires such a cleansing. This is necessary to facilitate the next round of increases. The purpose is to level the average price of everyone's holdings. If I bought Bitcoin at 10,000, I'm definitely not in a hurry to buy it at 20,000. But if I bought it at 10,000 and it's now at 40,000, I would consider selling. Therefore, when the price is at 20,000, it's necessary to wash everyone's holdings to the average price. Those who can't get off the ride are diamond hands, and during the next rally, we don't need to worry about their selling pressure being too large. When the next surge occurs, most people won't sell, and a lot of external funds can then come in, leading to a continual rise. The logic is roughly like this, so holding onto coins and holding good coins is crucial. Everyone has bought hundredfold or tenfold coins, but in the end, they didn't make much profit because they didn't hold on. The reason is frequent position swapping, not knowing whether the coins they're holding are good or not, and not doing research. Spending time and effort on this over the past three months can lead to income for the next 5 to even 10 years. Review frequently, learn more; nobody can always be right, but what we should do is to minimize mistakes on the same issue.