Dr. Yu Jianing's Viewpoints: "Those who fail well win, and those who hold long win"
● Bear markets foster deep thinking, while bull markets are the season for theories to blossom and bear fruit.
● The value of Web 3.0 education lies in reducing information disparity, increasing cognitive gaps, consolidating knowledge into cognition, and turning cognition into dividends.
● I firmly believe that "those who fail well win, and those who hold long win"; in a highly volatile market, a robust asset allocation method can better help us capture the enormous dividends of long-term trends.
● The three stages of the digital asset bull market are "retail speculative bull market," "institutional allocation bull market," and "national reserve bull market."
● The new market narrative for 2024 revolves around "the securitization of tokens" and "the tokenization of securities."
● The core of asset allocation lies in diversification and rebalancing, which means allocating different types of assets, but this diversification is not unlimited and must be based on a deep understanding of the assets.