⚡️ News of the year! In the evening, Musk posted a mysterious tweet: "The sandy camel jumps across the blockchain," and Durov replied mysteriously: "The quieter you go, the further you'll get 🚀"... Did you also feel this tension? 🤯

Secret sources claim that the "DuMask Token" is already set to explode the market. 👀🚀 A token that combines the best cybersecurity of Telegram and Musk's charismatic chaos. Coming soon:

🔸 Absolutely insane NFTs featuring Musk as an ancient Roman emperor

🔸 Payments to Mars via Telegram Bots

🔸 And, of course, 24/7 access to your memes!

💬 Heated debates are already blazing in the comments, and analysts are scratching their heads: What was that? A joke? A new world order? Or just a coffee break? 😱

But just IMAGINE: 1 DuMask is now — 0.000001$, and in a year — you on a yacht 🛥️.

👉 While everyone is waiting, we advise keeping your ears open in Telegram channels (just in case...).

⚠️ IMPORTANT: This is nonsense, made up for fun and has no meaning! 🥲 But admit it, wouldn’t it be cool?

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