They were all ordinary people, in a certain county of the Greater Liangshan in Southwest China, a collective of a certain branch of a certain small team celebrated the New Year. They can recite their own family tree in their language, even memorizing it for dozens of generations, or even over a hundred generations, spanning thousands of years, crossing dynasties, maintaining connections. But is this right or wrong? This is a question of anthropology, sociology, and philosophy. What is the significance of reciting these? First, it is a memory of one's biological information history, distributed brain storage and memory. But does this have meaning? If remembering biological history is meaningless, then what is the significance of remembering national history, party history, ethnic history, and human history? Second, it seems that animals do not remember this either. They are very free, self-liberating. Cows, horses, and sheep do not remember this; they get confused in just two generations and do not recognize each other, even in one generation, leading to incest, each flying away. Now some young people can't even recall their grandfather's name, let alone their great-grandfather's, and some don't even recognize their biological parents. This is called freedom, individuality, modern society, and even parents go along with their children, looking at their children's faces, calling it respect for individuality... Each recites their family tree, facing the account book, with the majority memory as the standard, 51%, which may be the most primitive idea of a blockchain node, where any force cannot be deleted, cannot be changed, permanent, objective...