This is why the price of Stellar (XLM) has increased more than 5 times from the bottom
The price of Stellar (XLM) has risen more than 5 times from the bottom thanks to several important fundamental factors. First, partnerships with major companies such as Mastercard and Franklin Templeton have brought new credibility to Stellar, enhancing the value of this token. Mastercard uses Stellar's blockchain technology in its Crypto Credential solution, while Franklin Templeton plans to use Stellar to manage a large asset block worth $1.7 trillion, generating significant interest from the market.
Second, market sentiment is currently very optimistic, with the Fear & Greed Index showing "Extreme Greed." This is a sign that investors are anticipating further growth for XLM. XLM has also increased by 63% over the past year and is currently trading above long-term moving averages, indicating the positive strength of the trend.
Finally, forecasts for Stellar in the short and medium term are also very positive. If market conditions remain favorable and more strategic partnerships are established, the possibility of XLM continuing to rise higher in the future is entirely feasible, with some analyses predicting that the price could reach around $0.6–$0.8 in the medium term.