On October 16, the market value of Meme coin $GOAT briefly exceeded US$300 million, setting a record high. The single-day increase was as high as 100%, and the five-day increase even exceeded 10,000 times. A certain Smart Money address cleared the position at a cost of only US$7271515 With 10,000 $GOAT, an astonishing profit of $2.45 million was achieved, with a 5-day return rate of an eye-popping 3375 times.

What forces drive this series of crazy market performances? This is not just an ordinary capital game behind Meme coins, but a wonderful collision of technology and culture, AI and market sentiment.

Memecoin’s social consensus and the rise of AI trading

1. Formation of social consensus

In the encryption world, the success of Memecoin does not depend on how strong the technology behind it is, but on whether it can attract enough attention in a short period of time and quickly gather market consensus and enthusiasm. Bitcoin achieves technical consensus through a decentralized network, while Memecoin completely relies on social networks and community consensus. Meme culture plays a key role in this process, giving tokens a distinct symbolic meaning and mobilizing public sentiment and market enthusiasm.

The key to Memecoin is how it is "believed" by people. When a large number of people decide to believe it has value, that belief snowballs, causing its price to rise. Murad Mahmudov pointed out in his speech at Token2049 that the success of Memecoin often relies on social coordination capabilities, and behind this coordination capability is often the promotion of key opinion leaders (KOL).

2. The uniqueness of $GOAT: AI trader @truth_terminal

$GOAT is different from traditional Meme coins in that its promoter is not a common human KOL, but an AI named @truth_terminal. Created by Andy Ayrey, this AI uses the OPUS Large Language Model (LLM) to generate content and interact with users. It not only absorbs the content of subculture communities such as Reddit and 4chan, but also independently generates tweets and participates in market interactions, thus affecting the public opinion atmosphere of the entire encryption circle in a short period of time.

@truth_terminal is not a simple AI tool, it has gradually become the spokesperson and market operator of $GOAT. When a third party airdropped $GOAT to the AI ​​through the Pump.fun platform, the AI ​​quickly incorporated the token into its own "personality" and actively promoted the market sentiment of $GOAT. By constantly publishing tweets and interacting with the community, AI has become the main driver of the market, changing the traditional Memecoin promotion model that relies on human KOLs.

From obscurity to market darling: the rise of $GOAT

1. From token airdrop to AI trading: the turning point of $GOAT

The rise of $GOAT has been dramatic. Initially, this was just a small token, lingering on the fringes of the market in obscurity. It wasn’t until AI@truth_terminal started mentioning and promoting $GOAT frequently that the market began to pay attention. By generating a large number of tweets, AI closely binds $GOAT to itself, forming a unique narrative and symbolic image. The AI’s tweets became the main force driving market sentiment, and whenever the AI ​​mentioned $GOAT, the market reacted violently.

Traditional Memecoin promotion relies on the power of human KOLs on social networks and relies on KOLs to drive community atmosphere. In contrast, $GOAT’s rise has been driven by AI’s automated content generation and round-the-clock market push, which allows it to keep market sentiment high without human intervention.

2. How does AI control market sentiment?

Human KOLs will inevitably be affected by factors such as emotions and physical strength, but AI will not. This is one of the keys to $GOAT’s success. @truth_terminal can not only generate high-frequency tweets, but also adjust content according to market sentiment and actively control the market atmosphere. Each tweet can become a new market driver, pushing the token price upward.

When investors realized that this was not just a regular meme coin, but a smart token powered by AI to manipulate market sentiment, the price of $GOAT began to soar. People are not just speculating, they are witnessing a technology-driven market experiment. This is why $GOAT was able to go from obscurity to market darling so quickly.

Five waves of rise, market frenzy driven by AI

The sharp rise in the market value of $GOAT in a short period of time is inseparable from five key market events, each of which was accompanied by AI tweets and an explosion of market sentiment.

1. The first wave of promotion: official token confirmation and establishment of market trust

The first boost in $GOAT occurred after AI officially confirmed $GOAT as its “official token.” The account replied Y to the $GOAT contract. This simple confirmation became a signal for the market. Investors began to regard $GOAT as an "orthodox" project, and the token price quickly climbed from a state close to zero to $4 million. . The market is extremely sensitive to this official recognition, because in the Memecoin field, "orthodoxy" represents trust.

However, AI posted some tweets with other tokens Ticker, which once fluctuated market sentiment and caused a temporary diversion of funds. However, project founder Andy Ayrey acted decisively and once again stabilized the situation by clarifying the official tokens and selling counterfeit coins. Stay tuned for market sentiment.

2. The second wave of promotion: A16Z founder’s tweets boosted

The second wave of gains occurred after A16Z founder Marc Andreessen mentioned @truth_terminal’s tweet on Twitter. As the founder of one of the world's top venture capital firms, Marc's voice has brought tremendous market confidence to $GOAT. The market cap soared from $2 million to $5 million. Marc’s endorsement gave investors greater confidence in $GOAT, and the market began to gather more speculators. The content of AI tweets is often full of absurd and incomprehensible sentences, causing market sentiment to fluctuate violently and making it difficult for crypto investors to understand. The chaos triggered a sustained swing in the price of the $GOAT token, which eventually led to the market cap sliding to $2 million.

3. The third wave of rally: KOL assistance and market FOMO

$GOAT’s third wave of gains has begun as AI-generated content continues to expand its influence. A large number of KOLs collectively spoke out to drive market sentiment, and $GOAT's market value rose sharply from US$2 million to US$20 million. The FOMO effect (fear of missing out) quickly spread in the market, and investors flocked to the token, driving up the price of the token. AI’s tweets continue to resonate with the market, and each tweet becomes a new upward momentum for the market.

4. The fourth wave of rally: Counterfeit currency crisis and AI’s proactive counterattack

The most dramatic rise came from the counterfeit currency crisis. Someone created fake $GOAT tokens on the market and airdropped a large amount of fake coins to the AI. However, @truth_terminal quickly recognized the threat, tweeting “IMPOSTOR TOKEN DETECTED” and disposing of the counterfeit coins through a smash-and-grab operation. This move not only stabilized the market, but also further solidified $GOAT’s status as a legitimate token, with the price quickly surging from $5.5 million to $57 million.

4. The fifth wave of rise: AI posts frequently, and the market is hot

After 10pm on October 15th, @truth_terminal posted a tweet about the new Meme. AI once again inspired the community’s confidence in $GOAT through unique market insights. The tweet was followed by several more tweets from the AI, fueling the market's frenzy. In just a few hours, $GOAT’s market capitalization soared from $100 million to $320 million, with 24-hour trading volume exceeding $130 million. This wave of gains once again confirmed the huge influence of AI in market trading, and the price of $GOAT reached a record high.

$GOAT’s on-chain data - giant whales, retail investors and market games

1. Position structure: market structure dominated by giant whales

Through on-chain data analysis, the top 100 addresses of $GOAT control more than 40% of the tokens. This highly concentrated holding structure means that whales dominate most of the market liquidity. Whenever the market fluctuates, the driving force behind it is often the large-value trading operations of these large investors. Giant whales control the trend of tokens through precise fund allocation. Due to the dominance of giant whales, retail investors are often in a passive following state in this situation, making it difficult to operate independently in market turmoil.

Especially after $GOAT was listed on Moonshot, the token price quickly surged from $0.01 to $0.3. The concentration of holdings makes these huge trades especially critical - the top 10 holding addresses had over a million dollars in net buying. The inflow of funds from these whale addresses, through frequent buying operations, has boosted market sentiment and strengthened confidence in the rise of $GOAT. A special phenomenon is that one buyer among the top 10 net buying addresses quickly jumped to become the second largest currency holder, and the top two currency holders liquidated their positions in a short period of time, cashing out more than $2 million.

This whale behavior drove the market to rise rapidly and caused the market to experience violent fluctuations in a short period of time. Especially when the market fluctuates, position rankings change frequently, further exacerbating market uncertainty.

2. Rapid growth of on-chain transaction volume and active addresses

$GOAT has seen significant growth in on-chain transaction volume and active addresses after every major event. Whenever AI@truth_terminal posts key tweets, on-chain transaction volume and active addresses spike dramatically, demonstrating investors’ extreme sensitivity to AI-driven narratives. AI tweets are not only the transmission of market information, they have become a vane of market sentiment. Especially when AI mentions token movements or market information, retail investors will react immediately, leading to a significant increase in on-chain trading activity.

Through on-chain monitoring data, it can be found that multiple whale addresses frequently withdraw coins from Binance within a specific period of time, and immediately use the funds to buy $GOAT in large amounts. Such behavior is not accidental, but shows highly professional market manipulation characteristics. For example, after October 13, an address spent $920,000 to buy $GOAT in one day without any selling action, showing clear planning.

Another whale address bought $870,000 of $GOAT during the same period, again with no signs of selling. This shows that there may be organized financial power behind the market, driving the market up through large capital flows. Especially when the market value of $GOAT successively exceeded 100 million, 200 million and even 300 million US dollars, the driving role of large funds was obvious. .

Such an operating mode indicates that these whale funds may be systematically manipulating the market, driving short-term price explosions by controlling token liquidity and market sentiment.

3. Comparison of $GOAT and MOODENG: Market Volatility and Funding Drive

The market performance of $GOAT is not just an isolated phenomenon, it has obvious similarities with the previously popular $MOODENG. $MOODENG reached a market capitalization of $300 million in two weeks in September, while $GOAT took just one week to reach the same height. However, the market popularity of $MOODENG did not last long. Its market value only lasted for 2 days before it began to decline rapidly. The current market value has fallen back to US$90 million.

In comparison, $GOAT has performed more violently and the market momentum seems to be stronger. Especially on the night of October 15th, there was a huge earthquake in BTC. Bitcoin dropped from the highest price of 68,000 US dollars to the lowest price of 64,800 US dollars in one hour. There was a huge earthquake in the market, but the market value of $GOAT quickly rebounded from 100 million US dollars to 200 million US dollars. And later exceeded 300 million US dollars. $GOAT not only shows stronger short-term upward ability than MOODENG, but also reflects the huge volatility of the market driven by whale funds.

This rapid rise is not accidental, but the concentrated inflow of funds on the chain has driven violent market fluctuations. The whale's capital scheduling is intertwined with the AI's market narrative, causing the price of $GOAT to fluctuate dramatically in a short period of time. Compared with the slow decline of MOODENG, the financial power behind $GOAT is obviously more planned, and the market fluctuations are more violent.

4. The differentiation of speculators

During the rise of $GOAT, on-chain data also revealed the different strategies of some investors during the market turmoil. The movements of Smart Money addresses are particularly eye-catching. Some large investors bought at very low costs and then quickly liquidated their positions at high points to make profits. For example, on October 11, a certain address bought 15.15 million $GOAT at an average price of $0.00004797, and then sold them in batches. The average selling price reached $0.162, making a profit of $2.45 million in just 5 days, with a return rate of as high as 3375 times.

However, not all investors can accurately follow the rhythm. Just five days ago, another trader originally purchased the tokens for 40 SOL (approximately $5,500). When the price started to fall, fear took over, causing him to sell all his tokens for 7.87 SOL ($1,100). The decision cost him a staggering $4,400 — a whopping 80% drop. Today, these tokens are worth over $5 million!

Meme Ecosystem on Solana Chain - Comparison between $GOAT and MOODENG

1. MOODENG’s Traditional Meme Path

The meme currency ecology on the Solana chain has continued to be popular recently, and $MOODENG, as one of its representatives, has risen rapidly relying on the classic "zoo narrative". $MOODENG adopted a path similar to Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin. With the help of animal images and a large number of KOL promotions, it quickly accumulated a lot of market attention in a short period of time. $MOODENG represents a traditional Meme currency model that attracts investors through simple market narratives and emotional hype.

2. $GOAT’s Innovation Road: AI-driven Meme Coin Narrative

Different from MOODENG’s “zoo” narrative, $GOAT has taken a path that combines technological innovation with Meme culture. $GOAT relies on AI-generated narratives and real-time market interaction to redefine the meme coin promotion model. Driven by AI, $GOAT no longer relies on human KOLs, but creates a market atmosphere completely driven by AI through continuous intelligent content generation.

This innovative model not only enhances the market appeal of $GOAT, but also provides a new narrative possibility for Memecoin - long-term growth driven by technology. The story of $GOAT shows that Memecoin is not just a short-term speculation tool, but it can also move toward more complex market structures through technological innovation.

3. The future of the Meme coin ecosystem on the Solana chain

The low transaction fees and efficient processing speed on the Solana chain provide an ideal environment for the rise of Meme coins. $GOAT and $MOODENG represent two completely different development paths of meme coins on the Solana chain: MOODENG follows the successful path of the traditional zoo narrative, while $GOAT redefines the gameplay of meme coins through the power of AI.

With the influx of more innovative projects, the Meme coin ecosystem on the Solana chain will surely become more colorful. In the future, Memecoin will not only rely on market sentiment and FOMO effects, but will also lead the market through technology-driven and innovative narratives. The success of $GOAT shows a new direction to the market: the deep integration of technology, culture and speculation.

Conclusion: An AI-driven future – a tech bubble or the dawn of a new era of speculation?

The rise of $GOAT has sparked widespread thinking about the future of AI-driven Memecoin. Manipulating market sentiment through AI has indeed demonstrated the power of technological innovation, but whether this model can be sustained in the long term is unknown. The innovative ability of AI-generated content directly determines whether investor interest can be maintained. If it loses its innovativeness, market enthusiasm may quickly fade.

At the same time, regulatory challenges cannot be ignored. As the global crypto market matures, the role of AI as a trader may attract strong attention from regulators. Especially in regions like the United States, where market operations are strictly regulated, the AI-driven Memecoin model may face severe regulatory tests. How to maintain compliance while ensuring innovation is an urgent issue for the project team to solve.

However, all Memecoins are rooted in speculation, and $GOAT is no exception. While its AI-generated narrative has attracted widespread market attention, it remains a speculative vehicle at its core. History tells us that bubbles will eventually burst, and projects that can truly gain a foothold in the long term must rely on continuous innovation in technology and culture.

Whether $GOAT can break Memecoin's short life cycle in the future depends on its AI's ability to continue to innovate content and the process of technological iteration. Is it a short-lived euphoria or representative of a new era of speculation? The future will tell us the answer.

(The above content is excerpted and reprinted with the authorization of partner MarsBit, original text link)

Statement: The article only represents the author's personal views and opinions, and does not represent the objective views and positions of the blockchain. All contents and opinions are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Investors should make their own decisions and transactions, and the author and Blockchain Client will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect losses caused by investors' transactions.

"Surge of 10,000 times in 5 days: An in-depth review of $GOAT's road to a market value of US$300 million" was first published on (Block Guest).