These are some of the coins that have been accumulating funds on Anan in the past six months. Of course, there are many more that I have not put in the table. Let's find a few coins to illustrate.

AXL seems to have started today, but I studied it half a month in advance and put it in the online table. We can see that it has been accumulating a lot of funds on HTX from July 23 to January 24, preparing for the subsequent pull-up.

Let's take a look at DYM, which has also been accumulating funds for 3-4 months. It is estimated that it will explode soon.

These things have been accumulated and studied slowly in the past six months. Whoever pays more will get more later. When you observe and study them every day, you will have the confidence to chase them when they start.

#SCR开盘 #多军的反击 #9月美国CPI实现6连降