Today's funds 501 U, October 10, 2024

Many people look down on me for making a few Us, saying that I am brushing my winning rate. With this amount of funds, if I buy spot and the current market price rises by 1 point, I can only make 5U. If I do contracts more than ten times a day, I can make 8U9U each time. If you have never done it, you will not know how difficult it is.

Many people say that I make profits by leading contracts, but no one follows orders to make any profits.

I have been writing a diary for a year. I have been being true to myself, regardless of success or failure. The problem is that some people really believe the rumors about me, and there are still many people who believe.

There is a movie "Keep You Safe". The girl donated millions, but was bullied by pornographic rumors and forced to move her grave. There is a line in the movie, "When a woman is rumored to be a hostess, whether she is or not, she is already one."

How I long for my future success. I want to use my success to smash the rumors. This is a world where winners take all.

Many people say that I am narcissistic, arrogant, and presumptuous. In fact, I am very humble when I am proud of making tens of thousands of U, but I am very arrogant when I am broke. When everyone is not optimistic about you, and you yourself are not optimistic about yourself, what hope is there?

Come on, genius boy!