Today's funds 351 U, October 6, 2024

It's so hard to make a decision. Yesterday, I bought WLD in the afternoon with a high contract. WLD rose to 1.9 at its highest and my funds reached 370U. Compared with the low point of 193U, I felt relieved. But once I was greedy, my WLD holdings followed the rise and fall of BTC, and my funds also followed the roller coaster.

As the saying goes, if you walk along the river, you will get your feet wet. If BTC falls, my funds will be liquidated. Now I hold FTM, which is an old coin I hold. I have a better understanding of the coin nature after more operations, but the key to victory or defeat still depends on the face of BTC. The key for me now should not be to see how much I can earn, but to keep myself from losing money. Now FTM is neither profitable nor losing, I should reduce my position, because my position is too heavy, almost ten times, and it is torture to hold a position. Life and death will be liquidated in an instant. If it is in an extreme market, I will be liquidated before I finish writing my diary. It is really difficult to make a decision. With greed, sometimes I want to do it all at once, but now it is more correct to keep myself alive. It is really difficult to make a decision. One mistake will make me zero. I can't make a mistake even once.

Now I am not at the same level as people with 10,000 U funds. Different people have different lives. Now I have to thank God if I can earn 10 U. The coin I hold must rise by several points to earn 10 U.

I have to recognize this fact. Although FTM is strong today, BTC is sideways. My current qualifications can only make 1U, 10U, 100U or dozens of U.

Don't be greedy, keep a low leverage, save your life, and leave it to luck.