The incident happened in Hangzhou! The server was attacked by a ransomware virus, and the other party demanded 20,000 USDT!

Shangcheng Internet Police received a report from a company in the jurisdiction that the company's related servers were attacked by a ransomware virus, causing all the company's systems to fail to operate normally, and the other party demanded 20,000 USDT (Tether).

The police immediately formed a technical attack team to conduct an investigation. The task force conducted a detailed inspection of the attacked server, extracted the Trojan program for analysis, and conducted multi-dimensional research and judgment on the virtual currency address used by the suspect for ransom, and successfully locked in two criminal suspects. The task force successfully arrested Han and Qi in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and arrested two other criminal suspects in the same case, Li and Hao, in Beijing the next day. So far, all four criminal suspects of the gang have been arrested.

All four members of the gang have relevant qualifications in network security and have experience working for large network technology companies. They confessed to the fact that they were responsible for writing the ransomware version, optimizing the program with ChatGPT, conducting vulnerability scanning, infiltrating to obtain permissions, implanting the ransomware, and extorting money.

Ransomware attacks are one of the hacker-type criminal methods that are closely related to the daily production and life of the majority of netizens and enterprises. Hackers spread ransomware through e-mail, instant messaging tools, etc., threatening to encrypt user files, destroy user computer functions, and publish or delete user sensitive data, forcing users to pay ransom and extort money.

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The picture and text are unrelated: Show you the ransomware