The market trend in October is expected to show a pattern of first decline and then rise, opening the curtain for the second half of the bull market.

For those who are temporarily trapped, it is crucial to keep a calm mind. After a long period of rise, the market generally expects a correction, which may be the best reason to adjust and clean up those unstable long positions.

The market will not only rise but not fall, nor will it only fall but not rise. After a period of rise, a correction is normal.

The following 3 reasons determine the bullish trend:

1. We are in a period of interest rate cuts/global quantitative easing.

2. The current cost of big pie holders is high and the profit is not much.

3. The Canadian currency is supported by governments including the United States and Japan.

After the conflict between Israel and Iran is resolved, it will still fluctuate upward.

I reviewed the trend of non-agricultural data at the beginning of each month from April to October. April, June, and August were all downward corrections. May, July, and September first stepped back and then reversed. Now it is October. Whether it is the implementation of the interest rate cut or the approaching general election in November, there is not much time left for institutions to clean up the market. The definite upward trend in October is irreversible.

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