Don't open positions frequently when playing contracts. Only by taking steady steps can you make money!

In contract trading, frequent opening of positions is a big mistake made by many people. Frequent operations will not only make you miss the big market, but also make your judgment less and less accurate, and eventually lead to losses.

Frequent opening of positions makes you easily carried away by market fluctuations. The market is volatile, and short-term ups and downs are common. If you rush to open a new position because of a little fluctuation, you will often be confused by the market in front of you and ignore the big trend. Constantly opening and closing positions may result in frequent stop losses, not making money but also losing handling fees.

Frequent opening of positions affects judgment. Every time you open a position, you need to make a market judgment, and each judgment consumes energy. After multiple operations, your judgment will be affected and become less and less accurate. At the beginning, you may still be able to analyze calmly, but the more operations you make, the more easily your emotions will be affected, and you may become impatient or even make impulsive decisions.

Frequent operations increase risks. Every time you open a position, it is a new risk exposure. You may ignore potential risks in pursuit of short-term interests, and as a result, not only did you not make money, but you lost your principal.

Therefore, you must be steady when playing contract trading, and do not open positions frequently. Waiting for the general trend to be clear before taking action is much more effective than constantly chasing ups and downs. Few but precise operations are the key to making money with contracts.

Remember, don't be impatient when playing contracts, blindly opening positions will only increase your losses. Stay patient and seize high-probability opportunities, so that you can be invincible in this market.

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