Every time the market rises a little, some people start shouting "the bull market is back", and when it falls, they say the bull is gone, but I really don't understand what these people think. Does a slight rise mean that the bull market has arrived? In fact, both bull and bear markets have ups and downs, but the magnitude and frequency of the rise and fall are different.

Bull markets will also have stages of adjustment and callback, and bear markets will also have rebounds and rises. It's like a marathon. It's impossible for the road to be flat. There will always be ups and downs. The key is how you grasp the direction and recognize the true trend of the market, rather than being led by the short-term fluctuations in front of you.

If you judge that the market has entered a bull market based on the increase in a certain day, it would be too hasty. Mature investors know that the rise and fall of the market cannot be determined by one or two days alone. It is necessary to combine the long-term trend and observe the general trend.

Therefore, don't rush in just because the market suddenly rises, and don't panic and sell because the market falls a little. Real masters are often people who treat each fluctuation calmly and make rational judgments, rather than being swayed by emotions and short-term fluctuations.