Yesterday, many friends asked me in the background, why do you buy#GOLDand#QQQin the long-term allocation table?

#QQQ Nasdaq 100 Index ETF is anchored by the top 100 technology companies in the United States. We must believe that every round of technological revolution mostly takes place in the West, and this round of#AIparadigm must be led by the United States. Bet on #AI, bet on#targetedtherapy, bet on#spaceexploration, and invest in #QQQ!

#GOLD Look at the picture below. The annualized return on investment of gold in the past 15 years is about 8.2%. The US dollar is currently in a period of interest rate cuts. Although interest rate cuts do not mean that gold will definitely rise, in the past 100 years, there have been 4 increases and 3 decreases. However, combined with the turbulent global geopolitical situation and the expectation of a new round of ultra-loose global currency, the return is likely to be good. And there is an expectation of acceleration in recent years!