Oops, fellow poker fans! ♠️♥️♣️♦️ Today A10JQK brings you a political hand!

Biden, this old fox, plays his cards very well! ♠️ Wearing the "Trump 2024" hat seems to agree with the opponent, but in fact it hides a secret.

♥️ The White House said this is true, but there are "very positive reasons" behind it. Doesn't this imply that Biden has a bigger plan?

♣️ The 9/11 commemoration event mentioned the unity of the two parties and said that the United States should return to that time. This old guy wants to use his unity card to counter Trump’s divisive card!

♦️ Put a Trump hat on your supporters and put one on yourself too. This trick of "using the other person's way to do the same to the other person" is really smooth!

Biden is playing a big game of chess! Is he trying to show he can accommodate different voices? Or do you want to blur political opposition? Or is it trying to secretly attract some swing voters?

Dear poker players, what do you think of this hand? Is Biden’s move a clever one or a risk? Come to the comment area to express your opinions!

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