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coin scam. chạy ngay đi trước khi mọi điều tồi tệ hơn
#AIAgent AI Agent板款异动,多关注aixbt、swarm,目前这两个已经跌了十来倍,机会还是有的(尤其aixbt) aixbt 借助智能分析工具,实时跟踪 X 平台的加密行业动态和市场趋势,为用户提供深刻的市场洞察。部分分析结果会直接发布在 X 平台,而其他内容则仅供代币持有者通过专属终端访问,并支持与智能体的互动交流。与传统意义上的交易员不同,aixbt 更像是一个 AI Agen­t,或者可以理解为一个由 AI 驱动的加密领域 KOL $AIXBT

AI Agent板款异动,多关注aixbt、swarm,目前这两个已经跌了十来倍,机会还是有的(尤其aixbt)

aixbt 借助智能分析工具,实时跟踪 X 平台的加密行业动态和市场趋势,为用户提供深刻的市场洞察。部分分析结果会直接发布在 X 平台,而其他内容则仅供代币持有者通过专属终端访问,并支持与智能体的互动交流。与传统意义上的交易员不同,aixbt 更像是一个 AI Agen­t,或者可以理解为一个由 AI 驱动的加密领域 KOL

AI Agent đang hồi mạnh, còn $COOKIE chưa tăng, dump bữa giờ cũng sml, giờ hồi nào 🫡🫡 #cookie #aiagent
AI Agent đang hồi mạnh, còn $COOKIE chưa tăng, dump bữa giờ cũng sml, giờ hồi nào 🫡🫡
#cookie #aiagent
Bon Ben:
Ko tăng ko giảm thì ko bán đc hàng. Ng mua đâu có ngu.
EXCITING NEWS! 📢 @Hi_PoPPOfficial announced its collaboration with @Aiathenax9! 🤝 PoPP is building a next-gen Web3 ecosystem, and AthenaX9 brings cutting-edge AI market agents to enhance trading intelligence. A match made for the future of decentralized tech! I believe AI-driven tools like AthenaX9 are game-changers for traders in Web3. The fusion of AI + blockchain is the revolution we’ve been waiting for! 🔥 #Athenax9 #AiAgent

@Hi_PoPPOfficial announced its collaboration with @Aiathenax9! 🤝

PoPP is building a next-gen Web3 ecosystem, and AthenaX9 brings cutting-edge AI market agents to enhance trading intelligence. A match made for the future of decentralized tech!

I believe AI-driven tools like AthenaX9 are game-changers for traders in Web3. The fusion of AI + blockchain is the revolution we’ve been waiting for! 🔥

#Athenax9 #AiAgent unveils a partnership with SQD #Fetchai partners with #SQD , the first emergent data base network for the #AIAgent economy, to drive AI Agent innovation in #Web3 . and SQD are partnering to enhance AI agents' blockchain interactions, enabling automation, transactions, and #DeFi analysis. By leveraging SQD’s structured data,’s agents can optimize DeFi operations with real-time insights, streamline complex workflows across Web3 applications, and enhance data-driven decision-making in DeFi, #NFT markets, and asset tokenization. (Artificial Superintelligence Alliance member) is an AI-backed blockchain environment that helps users create a decentralized digital economy within a single ledger. 👉 unveils a partnership with SQD

#Fetchai partners with #SQD , the first emergent data base network for the #AIAgent economy, to drive AI Agent innovation in #Web3 . and SQD are partnering to enhance AI agents' blockchain interactions, enabling automation, transactions, and #DeFi analysis. By leveraging SQD’s structured data,’s agents can optimize DeFi operations with real-time insights, streamline complex workflows across Web3 applications, and enhance data-driven decision-making in DeFi, #NFT markets, and asset tokenization. (Artificial Superintelligence Alliance member) is an AI-backed blockchain environment that helps users create a decentralized digital economy within a single ledger.

Bot AIXBT bị xâm nhập, báo động rủi ro bảo mật của AI agent Hacker giành quyền truy cập trái phép vào dashboard bảo mật của hệ thống tự động AIXBT. Theo phân tích ban đầu, hacker sử dụng hai phản hồi sai lệch để thao túng bot chuyển khoảng 55 ETH (tương đương 100,000 USD) từ ví nạn nhân sang ví của hacker. Đây là ví mô phỏng mà AIXBT sử dụng để xây dựng danh mục đầu tư mẫu, không liên quan đến hệ thống cốt lõi. Dù chưa có báo cáo kỹ thuật chi tiết, nhiều chuyên gia nghi ngờ hacker đã thực hiện một dạng "chèn lệnh" sai lệch qua các bài đăng trên mạng xã hội để đánh lừa bot. Thông tin về vụ việc được 0rxbt, người quản lý tài khoản AIXBT, công bố đầu tiên qua bài đăng trên X. 0rxbt xác nhận đây là sự cố bảo mật liên quan đến truy cập trái phép nhưng khẳng định không phải do AI agent bị thao túng trực tiếp. Giá token AIXBT sau đó giảm mạnh hơn 21%, xuống còn khoảng 0.094 USD. Hiện tại, token phục hồi nhẹ lên 0.096 USD, giảm gần 10% trong 24h. Vốn hóa dự án hiện ở mức 82.46 triệu USD. Đội ngũ AIXBT cho biết đã hoàn tất việc di chuyển server và nâng cấp bảo mật. 0rxbt có kế hoạch cải thiện hệ thống sau sự cố, đồng thời khẳng định vụ tấn công không làm thay đổi giá trị cơ bản của AIXBT. Mặc dù dự án khẳng định số tiền bị mất không ảnh hưởng đến hoạt động cốt lõi, sự sụt giảm giá token phản ánh tâm lý lo ngại của nhà đầu tư về tính bảo mật của nền tảng. Cộng đồng chờ đợi báo cáo chi tiết để hiểu rõ hơn về cách hacker vượt qua lớp bảo vệ ban đầu. #Coinbay #AIXBT #AIagent
Bot AIXBT bị xâm nhập, báo động rủi ro bảo mật của AI agent

Hacker giành quyền truy cập trái phép vào dashboard bảo mật của hệ thống tự động AIXBT. Theo phân tích ban đầu, hacker sử dụng hai phản hồi sai lệch để thao túng bot chuyển khoảng 55 ETH (tương đương 100,000 USD) từ ví nạn nhân sang ví của hacker.

Đây là ví mô phỏng mà AIXBT sử dụng để xây dựng danh mục đầu tư mẫu, không liên quan đến hệ thống cốt lõi. Dù chưa có báo cáo kỹ thuật chi tiết, nhiều chuyên gia nghi ngờ hacker đã thực hiện một dạng "chèn lệnh" sai lệch qua các bài đăng trên mạng xã hội để đánh lừa bot.

Thông tin về vụ việc được 0rxbt, người quản lý tài khoản AIXBT, công bố đầu tiên qua bài đăng trên X. 0rxbt xác nhận đây là sự cố bảo mật liên quan đến truy cập trái phép nhưng khẳng định không phải do AI agent bị thao túng trực tiếp.

Giá token AIXBT sau đó giảm mạnh hơn 21%, xuống còn khoảng 0.094 USD. Hiện tại, token phục hồi nhẹ lên 0.096 USD, giảm gần 10% trong 24h. Vốn hóa dự án hiện ở mức 82.46 triệu USD.

Đội ngũ AIXBT cho biết đã hoàn tất việc di chuyển server và nâng cấp bảo mật. 0rxbt có kế hoạch cải thiện hệ thống sau sự cố, đồng thời khẳng định vụ tấn công không làm thay đổi giá trị cơ bản của AIXBT.

Mặc dù dự án khẳng định số tiền bị mất không ảnh hưởng đến hoạt động cốt lõi, sự sụt giảm giá token phản ánh tâm lý lo ngại của nhà đầu tư về tính bảo mật của nền tảng. Cộng đồng chờ đợi báo cáo chi tiết để hiểu rõ hơn về cách hacker vượt qua lớp bảo vệ ban đầu.

#Coinbay #AIXBT #AIagent
xâm nhập cái lol scam lừa đảo. Đồng coin này lừa cả thế giới
bAI Fund:AI 基金的新玩法,Morph 链的风口来了?🔔 前言: 这波市场叙事我想已经很清楚了,就是 AI 正在全面渗透,现在连基金都 AI 化了。这不 bAI Fund 直接空降 @Morph 生态! 它号称用 AI Agent + TEE 技术 + DAO 治理 来玩转投资。说白了,就是让 AI 负责交易策略、TEE 保障安全、DAO 让持有者有参与感。这一套组合拳下来,确实戳中了市场对“AI+投资”的想象。 1️⃣ Forest Bai 又一次“神预判”? 要说 bAI Fund,那绕不开 Forest Bai。每次市场节奏一换,它总能提前埋伏进去,这次又押中了 AI+投资。再加上和 Foresight Ventures 绑定,带来了更强的资源加持。 @BulbaSwap 市场向来信任有前瞻性的投资人,尤其是新赛道,大家更愿意跟着有成绩的金主走。所以 bAI Fund 一上线就成了热门,除了 AI 叙事的推力,Forest Bai 的影响力也是关键因素。 2️⃣ bAI Fund 的经济模型:代币 $BAI 的价值支撑 🔸 治理权 + 参与感:BAI 代币是交易媒介,还可以让持有者投票参与基金治理,让大家有共建的感觉。 🔸 AI 交易策略 + TEE 安全保障:AI 负责交易决策,减少人为干预,TEE 技术确保交易过程透明安全,这俩搭配让基金的投资逻辑更严谨。 🔸 做市策略 + 生态扩展:bAI Fund 已经成为 IKKYU 代币的做市商,并上线了 ETH/MPH 交易对,流动性稳步提升。后续如有更多交易对和做市支持,BAI 代币的市场影响力也会跟着进一步增强。 3️⃣ 现在 bAI Fund 的玩法主要还是二级市场交易,但后续肯定不止步于此。可能的方向包括: ➤ 一级市场投资 & 项目孵化:如果 AI 交易策略跑得通,完全可以扩展到投资早期项目,甚至孵化 AI 相关的加密项目。 ➤ 更多交易对 & 做市支持:已经开始做 IKKYU 的做市,未来可能会涉足更多资产类别,增加基金的资金流动性。 ➤ Foresight Ventures 生态联动:FV 本身在行业内资源丰富,bAI Fund 如果和它深度绑定,可能会成为 AI 赛道里的关键资金方。 🎯 总结:AI 基金的未来 bAI Fund 现在热度很高,但 AI 真的能全面替代传统基金吗?说到底这事儿还得看时间和成绩。要是 AI 交易策略真的能持续跑赢市场,那确实是一次范式变革。反之,它可能只是另一场 FOMO 的实验。 所以不管怎样,市场愿意给“AI+投资”这个概念时间去验证,而 bAI Fund 作为这个赛道的“版本 Alpha”,至少目前是站在风口上。至于未来怎么样,咱们就边关注边聊吧! 本文不构成任何投资建议!投资者需要谨慎评估风险和市场表现! #DYOR 🤝 Thank you everyone! #AIAgent #Morph

bAI Fund:AI 基金的新玩法,Morph 链的风口来了?

🔔 前言:

这波市场叙事我想已经很清楚了,就是 AI 正在全面渗透,现在连基金都 AI 化了。这不 bAI Fund 直接空降 @Morph 生态!

它号称用 AI Agent + TEE 技术 + DAO 治理 来玩转投资。说白了,就是让 AI 负责交易策略、TEE 保障安全、DAO 让持有者有参与感。这一套组合拳下来,确实戳中了市场对“AI+投资”的想象。

1️⃣ Forest Bai 又一次“神预判”?

要说 bAI Fund,那绕不开 Forest Bai。每次市场节奏一换,它总能提前埋伏进去,这次又押中了 AI+投资。再加上和 Foresight Ventures 绑定,带来了更强的资源加持。

@BulbaSwap 市场向来信任有前瞻性的投资人,尤其是新赛道,大家更愿意跟着有成绩的金主走。所以 bAI Fund 一上线就成了热门,除了 AI 叙事的推力,Forest Bai 的影响力也是关键因素。

2️⃣ bAI Fund 的经济模型:代币 $BAI 的价值支撑

🔸 治理权 + 参与感:BAI 代币是交易媒介,还可以让持有者投票参与基金治理,让大家有共建的感觉。
🔸 AI 交易策略 + TEE 安全保障:AI 负责交易决策,减少人为干预,TEE 技术确保交易过程透明安全,这俩搭配让基金的投资逻辑更严谨。
🔸 做市策略 + 生态扩展:bAI Fund 已经成为 IKKYU 代币的做市商,并上线了 ETH/MPH 交易对,流动性稳步提升。后续如有更多交易对和做市支持,BAI 代币的市场影响力也会跟着进一步增强。

3️⃣ 现在 bAI Fund 的玩法主要还是二级市场交易,但后续肯定不止步于此。可能的方向包括:

➤ 一级市场投资 & 项目孵化:如果 AI 交易策略跑得通,完全可以扩展到投资早期项目,甚至孵化 AI 相关的加密项目。
➤ 更多交易对 & 做市支持:已经开始做 IKKYU 的做市,未来可能会涉足更多资产类别,增加基金的资金流动性。
➤ Foresight Ventures 生态联动:FV 本身在行业内资源丰富,bAI Fund 如果和它深度绑定,可能会成为 AI 赛道里的关键资金方。

🎯 总结:AI 基金的未来

bAI Fund 现在热度很高,但 AI 真的能全面替代传统基金吗?说到底这事儿还得看时间和成绩。要是 AI 交易策略真的能持续跑赢市场,那确实是一次范式变革。反之,它可能只是另一场 FOMO 的实验。

所以不管怎样,市场愿意给“AI+投资”这个概念时间去验证,而 bAI Fund 作为这个赛道的“版本 Alpha”,至少目前是站在风口上。至于未来怎么样,咱们就边关注边聊吧!

本文不构成任何投资建议!投资者需要谨慎评估风险和市场表现! #DYOR

🤝 Thank you everyone!

#AIAgent #Morph
🚀 $ACH Masterclass: Perfect Bullish Pattern with 20.82% Gains - Here's Why! 📊 Textbook Bullish Signals: - Synchronized upward trends in both spot & futures fund flows - Open Interest steadily climbing (57.94M) - Long/Short ratio: 48.35%/51.65% (shorts about to get squeezed) - Strong capital inflows across ALL timeframes - 7D futures flow: +54.09M - 7D spot flow: +3.18M 💡 Trading Lesson: This is a perfect example of how to trade with fund flows. When spot & futures capital flows align upward with rising Open Interest, it's one of the most reliable bullish setups. Perfect for beginners learning fund flow trading! 📈 #TradingSignals #AImodel #AIAgent $ACH {spot}(ACHUSDT)
🚀 $ACH Masterclass: Perfect Bullish Pattern with 20.82% Gains - Here's Why!

📊 Textbook Bullish Signals:
- Synchronized upward trends in both spot & futures fund flows
- Open Interest steadily climbing (57.94M)
- Long/Short ratio: 48.35%/51.65% (shorts about to get squeezed)
- Strong capital inflows across ALL timeframes
- 7D futures flow: +54.09M
- 7D spot flow: +3.18M

💡 Trading Lesson:
This is a perfect example of how to trade with fund flows. When spot & futures capital flows align upward with rising Open Interest, it's one of the most reliable bullish setups.

Perfect for beginners learning fund flow trading! 📈

#TradingSignals #AImodel #AIAgent $ACH
热门板块AI Agents都有哪些币种?#AIAgent
热门板块AI Agents都有哪些币种?#AIAgent
Craving for some alpha on #AIAgent ? 🤖 Join our exclusive "Finding Alpha" series featuring Cookie3, MindAI, LinqAI & ZESH AI Chain on #Binance LIVE!📺 💬Hear from Krystyna (Cookie3 CMO), Jayden A (MindAI COO), Logan Audie (LinqAI CEO), and Marius (ZESH AI Chain CEO) as they spill the beans on how AI Agents are transforming Web3. 📣Agenda: Role of AI Agents in Web3 🗓️12th December, 2 PM UTC 🔔Set your reminders: []( $UFT
Craving for some alpha on #AIAgent ? 🤖

Join our exclusive "Finding Alpha" series featuring Cookie3, MindAI, LinqAI & ZESH AI Chain on #Binance LIVE!📺

💬Hear from Krystyna (Cookie3 CMO), Jayden A (MindAI COO), Logan Audie (LinqAI CEO), and Marius (ZESH AI Chain CEO) as they spill the beans on how AI Agents are transforming Web3.

📣Agenda: Role of AI Agents in Web3

🗓️12th December, 2 PM UTC

🔔Set your reminders:

Are you aware that the Big Bull is happening‼️ As soon as the recession started in the meme token rally, someone pressed the button and the #AIAgent rally started. The $MAX we bought last month made 30x in a month from the correction price. What happened after that, ''AI Agents'' tweets come from big accounts? The Solana network is leading in this regard, 5 million dollars of volume is circulating in coins with a market cap of 500 thousand dollars. An incredible volume and event is happening. So why are only the coins in the #solana network benefiting from this hype? Crazy numbers are circulating there. The reason I don't share it with you is because it is very volatile and there are a lot of rugpull events. You should be active, you should follow, you bought it, it made 10x, you didn't sell it, you will have 0 dollars left in 1 hour 😀 Hundreds of projects come out, only 4-5 of them survive. But 10x -20x are flying in the air every day. So your basket losing value is not money leaving the market. It is money shifting to another area due to hype. Don't worry, those profits will soon return to this side to buy the coins in your hands. This hype will end and a new hype will start. That's why I write to you to always keep cash. You are fully loaded and can't move. If you had some cash, you could try something here. So, no offense, we are in Taurus and it is a very strong Taurus. In February-March, sellers and buyers who make crazy profits from coins will start a big rush on the yellow site. #BullCyclePrediction
Are you aware that the Big Bull is happening‼️

As soon as the recession started in the meme token rally, someone pressed the button and the #AIAgent rally started.
The $MAX we bought last month made 30x in a month from the correction price.
What happened after that, ''AI Agents'' tweets come from big accounts?
The Solana network is leading in this regard, 5 million dollars of volume is circulating in coins with a market cap of 500 thousand dollars.
An incredible volume and event is happening.
So why are only the coins in the #solana network benefiting from this hype?
Crazy numbers are circulating there. The reason I don't share it with you is because it is very volatile and there are a lot of rugpull events. You should be active, you should follow, you bought it, it made 10x, you didn't sell it, you will have 0 dollars left in 1 hour 😀 Hundreds of projects come out, only 4-5 of them survive. But 10x -20x are flying in the air every day.
So your basket losing value is not money leaving the market. It is money shifting to another area due to hype. Don't worry, those profits will soon return to this side to buy the coins in your hands. This hype will end and a new hype will start. That's why I write to you to always keep cash. You are fully loaded and can't move. If you had some cash, you could try something here. So, no offense, we are in Taurus and it is a very strong Taurus. In February-March, sellers and buyers who make crazy profits from coins will start a big rush on the yellow site.
$SUI is likely to flip $SOL this bullrun $DOGE will maintain its dominance in the Memecoin ecosystem PNUT and CHILLGUY will pull massive surprises FARTCOIN will ment faces in the #AIAgent ecosystem BIO is dominate the #DeSci ecosystem as well This bullrun is about investing where attention is shifted coz the money flows where the attention is
$SUI is likely to flip $SOL this bullrun

$DOGE will maintain its dominance in the Memecoin ecosystem

PNUT and CHILLGUY will pull massive surprises

FARTCOIN will ment faces in the #AIAgent ecosystem

BIO is dominate the #DeSci ecosystem as well

This bullrun is about investing where attention is shifted coz the money flows where the attention is
MAP Protocol unveils an integration of DeepSeek AI #MAPProtocol will integrate #DeepSeekAI to explore innovative #AIAgent applications and pave the way for new advancements in #AI development. MAP Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain interoperability solution functioning as a #Layer2 on #Bitcoin. It enables secure, trustless asset transfers and data exchanges across multiple blockchains. 👉
MAP Protocol unveils an integration of DeepSeek AI

#MAPProtocol will integrate #DeepSeekAI to explore innovative #AIAgent applications and pave the way for new advancements in #AI development.

MAP Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain interoperability solution functioning as a #Layer2 on #Bitcoin. It enables secure, trustless asset transfers and data exchanges across multiple blockchains.

12🈷️快过半 有不少老铁感叹行情太墨迹不够刺激 看不上二级币慢慢变富 那就链上博弈能刺激肾上腺素😂 剩余的12月还能来个百倍冲刺的 最具潜力的必选#DeSci 板块 近期最火的仍是#AIAgent 要找性价比稍高的 短期爆发快的 关注base链+AI 市值$10-40m左右的 老铁们看好哪个? #BTC重返10万


最具潜力的必选#DeSci 板块
要找性价比稍高的 短期爆发快的
关注base链+AI 市值$10-40m左右的

很高兴看到BNB Chain上的AI龙头$aicell和DeSci龙头$onc携手合作,实现双赢。 BNB Chain的特点在于不内卷,之前的meme双星$koma和$cheems也常互相支持,最终双双进入币安合约。如今这两个新领袖继续维持BNB Chain的和谐氛围。其他链也有精彩之处,但BNB Chain的平和或许成为币圈的一片净土,累了就来这里休息,稳定不剧烈。#AIAgent
很高兴看到BNB Chain上的AI龙头$aicell和DeSci龙头$onc携手合作,实现双赢。
BNB Chain的特点在于不内卷,之前的meme双星$koma和$cheems也常互相支持,最终双双进入币安合约。如今这两个新领袖继续维持BNB Chain的和谐氛围。其他链也有精彩之处,但BNB Chain的平和或许成为币圈的一片净土,累了就来这里休息,稳定不剧烈。#AIAgent
牛市还未落幕!AI代理赛道强势崛起,HOOK、METAV领衔,明年或掀“DeFi 2.0”浪潮,AI+区块链创新来袭!比特币目前处于上升趋势,跌破下轨后曾一度下探至92169。随后反弹,当前价格在96490附近震荡。只要94150支撑位未被突破,整体趋势仍看涨,首个目标位为99960。 今天的山寨市场反弹乏力,多为小市值山寨的市场,当前多看少动。目前山寨币整体走势跟随以太坊,重点可关注强势币种: 新币 ME:前四天涨幅达 50%,势头逐步走强。目前大幅回调,重点关注回踩 3.4 -3 两个关键位置后的企稳机会,可适时介入体验。 AI板块:龙头 FET 和 WLD 值得继续关注。 游戏板块:热门币种 GALA 表现突出,可持续跟进。 RWA 赛道:强势币种 RSR 在弱势行情中表现抗跌,建议继续关注。 注意:AI Agent 或将成为改变我们与链上和在线世界互动方式的关键节点。 12月灰度报告来了!相信灰度!灰度昨晚增持数据:$SOL:5278枚 $LINK:1104枚 $FIL:100,492枚 今天山寨币中,AI代理板块表现最强,Virtual、ai16z、ELIZA等涨幅超20%。在比特币回调中,Virtual、AIXBT、Game等AI项目表现坚挺,显示市场对AI应用类项目的共识和大资本的青睐。当前AI代理板块有望成为下一个DeFi Summer,明年或迎来大爆发,各种AI+区块链的新玩法将陆续登场。 近期Ai16z爆火,带动底层协议TEE技术相关币种上涨,首选PHA和ATA。由于PHA目前已经安全下车,留了一层的利再格局!3小时前微薄博文公开让埋伏ATA进场。理由:价格处于底部,周线、月线刚抬头,刚起量,潜力可期。建议避免追涨,目标波段收益17%-40%,回撤后再关注布局机会。 AI+教育:HOOK Hook近期与TON、SUI合作,未来有望迎来大行情!当前价格约0.4,值得提前埋伏。 这是CZ在职时精心挑选的币,当前专注于AI与教育结合应用,未来将与CZ的项目合作。目前处于底部区域,跌幅有限,持续吸筹,突破后有望迎来大涨。可以现价入场,等待拉升。 AI + TEE(可执行环境):METAV METAV 是一个极具潜力的新项目,背靠强大背景,叙事创新,结合 TEE 技术、AI 和预售模式,有望成为未来 AI Agent 资产发行的重要方式。项目无老鼠仓、无科学家狙击、无领导跑路和 rug 风险,所有操作除代码升级外均由 AI 自动执行。 关于METAV,小喵这不止说一次:往期文章:《AI池首个自主预售代币「$METAV」开盘市值破亿,能否成为下一个GOAT?》 今天也提醒让大家卜菊进去!前面说完后面小时线就开始拉涨了! AI Agent 已成为公认的未来趋势,各大公链势必不会错过这一赛道。优秀的 AI 团队与大公链生态深度绑定,强强联合推动创新已成必然。目前可见的有 Virtuals 与 Base 的绑定,Ai16z 与 Solana 的合作。 今日文章就到这里了,目前身处牛市,风云涌动,我们每天都有密码分享。牛市不知道怎么做,欢迎关注,牛市现货密码,布局策略,可无偿分享。 #2025有哪些关键叙事? #AIAgent

牛市还未落幕!AI代理赛道强势崛起,HOOK、METAV领衔,明年或掀“DeFi 2.0”浪潮,AI+区块链创新来袭!



新币 ME:前四天涨幅达 50%,势头逐步走强。目前大幅回调,重点关注回踩 3.4 -3 两个关键位置后的企稳机会,可适时介入体验。
AI板块:龙头 FET 和 WLD 值得继续关注。
游戏板块:热门币种 GALA 表现突出,可持续跟进。
RWA 赛道:强势币种 RSR 在弱势行情中表现抗跌,建议继续关注。
注意:AI Agent 或将成为改变我们与链上和在线世界互动方式的关键节点。

12月灰度报告来了!相信灰度!灰度昨晚增持数据:$SOL:5278枚 $LINK:1104枚 $FIL:100,492枚
今天山寨币中,AI代理板块表现最强,Virtual、ai16z、ELIZA等涨幅超20%。在比特币回调中,Virtual、AIXBT、Game等AI项目表现坚挺,显示市场对AI应用类项目的共识和大资本的青睐。当前AI代理板块有望成为下一个DeFi Summer,明年或迎来大爆发,各种AI+区块链的新玩法将陆续登场。


AI + TEE(可执行环境):METAV
METAV 是一个极具潜力的新项目,背靠强大背景,叙事创新,结合 TEE 技术、AI 和预售模式,有望成为未来 AI Agent 资产发行的重要方式。项目无老鼠仓、无科学家狙击、无领导跑路和 rug 风险,所有操作除代码升级外均由 AI 自动执行。

AI Agent 已成为公认的未来趋势,各大公链势必不会错过这一赛道。优秀的 AI 团队与大公链生态深度绑定,强强联合推动创新已成必然。目前可见的有 Virtuals 与 Base 的绑定,Ai16z 与 Solana 的合作。

#2025有哪些关键叙事? #AIAgent
There's relatively good traction around $SONIC launch, a lot of users are anticipating it as the first Solana Virtual Machine project. Boasting of a high transaction throughput and other features, there's alot in the offing for it. Other centralised platforms have announced intent to list the token and events to earn from, bitget is particularly allowing users to lock BGB to earn more SONIC. I'm looking forward to an extensive traction for $SONIC on other exchanges like Binance. #AIagent $BTC
There's relatively good traction around $SONIC launch, a lot of users are anticipating it as the first Solana Virtual Machine project.

Boasting of a high transaction throughput and other features, there's alot in the offing for it.
Other centralised platforms have announced intent to list the token and events to earn from, bitget is particularly allowing users to lock BGB to earn more SONIC.

I'm looking forward to an extensive traction for $SONIC on other exchanges like Binance.

#AIagent $BTC
Join us in welcoming COTI Agents in our ecosystem!🎉 🤖COTI Agents is the first AI Agent platform on the COTI network that focuses on privacy and ease of use. Users can launch, train, and trade AI agents with just one click! 🤝Together, we’ll harness our synergies to unlock fresh opportunities and fuel innovation in the #AIAgent space! ✅Stay tuned—this journey is just getting started! $UFT
Join us in welcoming COTI Agents in our ecosystem!🎉

🤖COTI Agents is the first AI Agent platform on the COTI network that focuses on privacy and ease of use. Users can launch, train, and trade AI agents with just one click!

🤝Together, we’ll harness our synergies to unlock fresh opportunities and fuel innovation in the #AIAgent space!

✅Stay tuned—this journey is just getting started!

Join us in welcoming NOVA to our ecosystem!🎊 🤖NOVA is an #AIagent born in the trenches, characterized by her emotionally driven and unpredictable personality. 🤝Together, we’re set to unlock synergies that will power innovation and push the boundaries of #Aİ ✨Here’s to a new era of possibilities! $UFT
Join us in welcoming NOVA to our ecosystem!🎊

🤖NOVA is an #AIagent born in the trenches, characterized by her emotionally driven and unpredictable personality.

🤝Together, we’re set to unlock synergies that will power innovation and push the boundaries of #Aİ

✨Here’s to a new era of possibilities!

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