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Dezvăluirea lui $Barney: A Fusion of Nostalgie și BlockchainIntroducere: O odisee digitală vă așteaptă$Barney îi întâmpină pe entuziaști într-o convergență unică de Nostalgie, Meme, Film Marvel Hype și Excelență comunitară pe Ethereum Blockchain, oferind o experiență captivantă de amintiri prețuite și anticipare pentru un viitor film $Barney.De ce să alegeți $Barney: Crearea unor călătorii distinctive$Barney se remarcă prin caracteristicile sale distinctive: o aprovizionare totală de 100.000.000 de jetoane, o aprovizionare circulantă de 60.000.000 și o aprovizionare arsă de 40.000.000, asigurând deficit și valoare. Statutul de renunțare la contract dă putere comunității, iar tranzacțiile fără taxe, jetoanele LP arse și guvernarea colaborativă contribuie la o călătorie unică pentru fiecare participant.

Dezvăluirea lui $Barney: A Fusion of Nostalgie și Blockchain

Introducere: O odisee digitală vă așteaptă$Barney îi întâmpină pe entuziaști într-o convergență unică de Nostalgie, Meme, Film Marvel Hype și Excelență comunitară pe Ethereum Blockchain, oferind o experiență captivantă de amintiri prețuite și anticipare pentru un viitor film $Barney.De ce să alegeți $Barney: Crearea unor călătorii distinctive$Barney se remarcă prin caracteristicile sale distinctive: o aprovizionare totală de 100.000.000 de jetoane, o aprovizionare circulantă de 60.000.000 și o aprovizionare arsă de 40.000.000, asigurând deficit și valoare. Statutul de renunțare la contract dă putere comunității, iar tranzacțiile fără taxe, jetoanele LP arse și guvernarea colaborativă contribuie la o călătorie unică pentru fiecare participant.
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Exploring Cronos (CRO): puterea pentru adoptarea globală a criptomonedelorCronos (CRO), simbolul nativ de criptomonedă al lanțului Cronos de la, este în centrul atenției ca un blockchain descentralizat care conduce misiunea companiei de a accelera adoptarea criptomonedelor la nivel mondial. Lansat la sfârșitul anului 2018, CRO alimentează aplicația de plăți mobile Pay și pune bazele extinderii viitoare în alte produse CRO este adaptat utilizatorilor serviciilor de plată, tranzacționare și financiare ale Proprietarii își pot miza monedele pe lanțul, acționând ca validatori și câștigând taxe pentru procesarea tranzacțiilor. Monedele CRO sunt, de asemenea, parte integrantă în decontarea taxelor de tranzacție pe lanțul Cronos.

Exploring Cronos (CRO): puterea pentru adoptarea globală a criptomonedelor

Cronos (CRO), simbolul nativ de criptomonedă al lanțului Cronos de la, este în centrul atenției ca un blockchain descentralizat care conduce misiunea companiei de a accelera adoptarea criptomonedelor la nivel mondial. Lansat la sfârșitul anului 2018, CRO alimentează aplicația de plăți mobile Pay și pune bazele extinderii viitoare în alte produse CRO este adaptat utilizatorilor serviciilor de plată, tranzacționare și financiare ale Proprietarii își pot miza monedele pe lanțul, acționând ca validatori și câștigând taxe pentru procesarea tranzacțiilor. Monedele CRO sunt, de asemenea, parte integrantă în decontarea taxelor de tranzacție pe lanțul Cronos.
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„Adresa Ethereum îndelungată prinde viață după 8,5 ani în mijlocul speculațiilor ETH ETF” O adresă Ethereum inactivă timp de 8,5 ani a devenit recent activă, transferând 2000 ETH, evaluați la aproximativ 506.140 USD, conform datelor Etherscan. Portofelul deținea ETH achiziționat între 0,42 USD și 1,39 USD în primele zile ale criptomonedei. Acest lucru coincide cu speculațiile tot mai mari despre un fond tranzacționat la bursă (ETF) ETH. ETH a crescut cu 17% în ultima săptămână, tranzacționându-se în prezent la 2.511 USD, marcând o creștere uluitoare de 180.558,27% față de zilele sale de exploatare. CEO-ul BlackRock, Larry Fink, și-a exprimat interesul pentru un ETF Ethereum, considerând-o un pas către tokenizare. Capitalistul de risc cripto Vance Spencer anticipează etape semnificative în industria blockchain, inclusiv a patra reducere la jumătate a Bitcoin, aprobarea unui ETF Ethereum și adoptarea instituțională sporită până în 2024. Cu toate acestea, TD Cowen, o bancă de investiții, sugerează că obstacolele SEC ar putea întârzia deciziile Ethereum ETF până în 2024. cel puțin termenul limită de aprobare din mai. *Renunțare la răspundere: informațiile furnizate se bazează pe AzCryptoReviews, iar cititorii sunt încurajați să verifice detaliile în mod independent, deoarece condițiile pieței se pot schimba.* #ETH $ETH
„Adresa Ethereum îndelungată prinde viață după 8,5 ani în mijlocul speculațiilor ETH ETF”

O adresă Ethereum inactivă timp de 8,5 ani a devenit recent activă, transferând 2000 ETH, evaluați la aproximativ 506.140 USD, conform datelor Etherscan. Portofelul deținea ETH achiziționat între 0,42 USD și 1,39 USD în primele zile ale criptomonedei. Acest lucru coincide cu speculațiile tot mai mari despre un fond tranzacționat la bursă (ETF) ETH. ETH a crescut cu 17% în ultima săptămână, tranzacționându-se în prezent la 2.511 USD, marcând o creștere uluitoare de 180.558,27% față de zilele sale de exploatare.

CEO-ul BlackRock, Larry Fink, și-a exprimat interesul pentru un ETF Ethereum, considerând-o un pas către tokenizare. Capitalistul de risc cripto Vance Spencer anticipează etape semnificative în industria blockchain, inclusiv a patra reducere la jumătate a Bitcoin, aprobarea unui ETF Ethereum și adoptarea instituțională sporită până în 2024. Cu toate acestea, TD Cowen, o bancă de investiții, sugerează că obstacolele SEC ar putea întârzia deciziile Ethereum ETF până în 2024. cel puțin termenul limită de aprobare din mai.

*Renunțare la răspundere: informațiile furnizate se bazează pe AzCryptoReviews, iar cititorii sunt încurajați să verifice detaliile în mod independent, deoarece condițiile pieței se pot schimba.* #ETH $ETH
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Tocmai: prețul Bitcoin a crescut astăzi peste 48.000 de dolari, deoarece primele ETF-uri Bitcoin spot au început să se tranzacționeze în SUA, în urma aprobării recente de către Comisia pentru Valori Mobiliare. 📈🚀#Bitcoin#ETF-uri #CryptoNews $BTC #BTC
Tocmai: prețul Bitcoin a crescut astăzi peste 48.000 de dolari, deoarece primele ETF-uri Bitcoin spot au început să se tranzacționeze în SUA, în urma aprobării recente de către Comisia pentru Valori Mobiliare. 📈🚀#Bitcoin#ETF-uri #CryptoNews $BTC #BTC
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ETF-urile Bitcoin asigură aprobarea la 15 ani după tweetul emblematic al lui Hal FinneyÎntr-o dezvoltare semnificativă, ETF-urile Bitcoin și-au asigurat aprobarea la exact 15 ani după tweet-ul revoluționar al lui Hal Finney „Running Bitcoin”. Legenda cypherpunk, care a murit în august 2014, nu numai că deține distincția de a fi prima persoană, în afară de Satoshi Nakamoto, care a descărcat și rulat software-ul Bitcoin, dar a prevăzut și creșterea rapidă a acestuia. Într-un e-mail către Nakamoto, Finney a estimat un viitor în care fiecare dintre cele 21 de milioane de monede ar putea avea o valoare uimitoare de 10 milioane de dolari.Călătoria de la „Running Bitcoin” la Adopția Wall Street

ETF-urile Bitcoin asigură aprobarea la 15 ani după tweetul emblematic al lui Hal Finney

Într-o dezvoltare semnificativă, ETF-urile Bitcoin și-au asigurat aprobarea la exact 15 ani după tweet-ul revoluționar al lui Hal Finney „Running Bitcoin”. Legenda cypherpunk, care a murit în august 2014, nu numai că deține distincția de a fi prima persoană, în afară de Satoshi Nakamoto, care a descărcat și rulat software-ul Bitcoin, dar a prevăzut și creșterea rapidă a acestuia. Într-un e-mail către Nakamoto, Finney a estimat un viitor în care fiecare dintre cele 21 de milioane de monede ar putea avea o valoare uimitoare de 10 milioane de dolari.Călătoria de la „Running Bitcoin” la Adopția Wall Street
🚨 Just In: OpenAI in Talks with CNN, Fox, and Time for Content Licensing amid Ongoing Lawsuit with New York Times. Dynamic developments in the AI landscape as negotiations unfold. More details at #OpenAI #AI #MediaTalks #LegalUpdate" #BTC #AIsignals
🚨 Just In: OpenAI in Talks with CNN, Fox, and Time for Content Licensing amid Ongoing Lawsuit with New York Times. Dynamic developments in the AI landscape as negotiations unfold. More details at #OpenAI #AI #MediaTalks #LegalUpdate" #BTC #AIsignals
After how many followers should we have our first $1000 giveaway ? #USDTGiveaway #CryptoContest #EngageAndWin #FreeUSDT #CryptoGiveaway #WinCrypto #USDTContest
After how many followers should we have our first $1000 giveaway ? #USDTGiveaway #CryptoContest #EngageAndWin #FreeUSDT #CryptoGiveaway #WinCrypto #USDTContest
2 votes • Voting closed
While the initial excitement and subsequent disappointment in the Bitcoin market highlight its vulnerability to misinformation, it also emphasizes the need for a discerning and cautious approach. Investors must stay vigilant and verify information from reliable sources before reacting to market movements. This incident underscores the importance of due diligence in the crypto space, where rapid shifts in sentiment can have a profound impact on prices. As the market continues to mature, it becomes imperative for participants to exercise prudence and critical thinking amid the dynamic nature of cryptocurrency trading.
While the initial excitement and subsequent disappointment in the Bitcoin market highlight its vulnerability to misinformation, it also emphasizes the need for a discerning and cautious approach. Investors must stay vigilant and verify information from reliable sources before reacting to market movements. This incident underscores the importance of due diligence in the crypto space, where rapid shifts in sentiment can have a profound impact on prices. As the market continues to mature, it becomes imperative for participants to exercise prudence and critical thinking amid the dynamic nature of cryptocurrency trading.
Bitcoin Jumps, Then Dumps to $45K As Fake News About Spot Bitcoin Approval Liquidates $50M
Bitcoin [BTC] endured wild swings during Tuesday's trading session as a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) social media post about approving spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF) turned out to be false, leaving market participants baffled.

BTC first rallied 2.5% to a fresh 19-month high of $47,900 immediately following the official SEC account's shared on X (formerly Twitter) about the bitcoin ETF approval, attracting massive attention with crypto observers prematurely celebrating the landmark decision.

Then, bitcoin sharply declined nearly 6% to as low as $45,100 when it turned out the SEC's account was compromised, and SEC Chair Gary Gensler denied the news.

Read more: SEC Has Not Approved Bitcoin ETFs, but Its Hacked X Account Briefly Said Otherwise

The wild price action liquidated over $50 million worth of derivatives trading positions on crypto exchanges within an hour, CoinGlass data shows. Liquidations occur when an exchange forcefully closes a trader's open position using borrowed money due to loss of margin.

Recently, BTC changed hands slightly below $46,000 at press time, down some 2% over the past 24 hours.

This was the second instance during the day when a false social media post triggered massive volatility. Earlier Tuesday, dogecoin [DOGE] jumped as much as 9% on an X post about the death of the token's mascot, then declined as the news turned out to be false.

Alex Krüger, co-founder of Asgard Markets, noted that today's events suggested bitcoin might not rally as much as bulls hope when the real news about an approval arrives.

"Fake ETF news showed BTC upside is clearly capped until we see actual ETF inflows," Krüger said in an X post. "Time for ETH to take over."
BREAKING NEWS: CBOE Greenlights Bitcoin Spot ETFs for US Trading** In a groundbreaking move, CBOE and SEC reportedly grant approval for the listing of Bitcoin Spot ETFs in the United States. Despite the official announcement from the SEC still pending, CBOE confidently declares that trading for the ETFs will commence tomorrow, indicating a high certainty of approval. The journey to this pivotal moment traces back to the Winklevoss twins' initial application for the first Bitcoin Spot ETF in 2013. The approval marks a historic milestone for Bitcoin, as the SEC has long been advocating for spot ETFs that directly invest in BTC, following the previous approval of BTC Futures ETFs. Yesterday, after the U.S. markets closed, a post from the SEC's official Twitter account suggested approval for Bitcoin Spot ETFs. Subsequently, it was uncovered that the SEC's Twitter account had been compromised, and SEC Chair Gary Gensler clarified that the ETFs were not approved. Despite this confusion, Bloomberg analyst James Seyffart reassured the public that the fake approval news would not alter the anticipated approval, expecting the ETFs to initiate trading tomorrow. Stay tuned for further updates on this historic development in the cryptocurrency space. *Disclaimer: The information is sourced from AzCryptoReviews, and readers are advised to conduct their own research before making financial decisions.* #BitcoinSpotETF #CBOEApproval #CryptoNews #BTCInvesting #BlockchainRevolution #CryptocurrencyMarket #FinancialInnovation #BitcoinETFApproval #InvestmentOpportunity #BreakingCryptoNews #SECDecision #HistoricCryptoMoment #BTC #SECApprovalJourney $BTC
BREAKING NEWS: CBOE Greenlights Bitcoin Spot ETFs for US Trading**

In a groundbreaking move, CBOE and SEC reportedly grant approval for the listing of Bitcoin Spot ETFs in the United States. Despite the official announcement from the SEC still pending, CBOE confidently declares that trading for the ETFs will commence tomorrow, indicating a high certainty of approval.

The journey to this pivotal moment traces back to the Winklevoss twins' initial application for the first Bitcoin Spot ETF in 2013. The approval marks a historic milestone for Bitcoin, as the SEC has long been advocating for spot ETFs that directly invest in BTC, following the previous approval of BTC Futures ETFs.

Yesterday, after the U.S. markets closed, a post from the SEC's official Twitter account suggested approval for Bitcoin Spot ETFs. Subsequently, it was uncovered that the SEC's Twitter account had been compromised, and SEC Chair Gary Gensler clarified that the ETFs were not approved. Despite this confusion, Bloomberg analyst James Seyffart reassured the public that the fake approval news would not alter the anticipated approval, expecting the ETFs to initiate trading tomorrow.

Stay tuned for further updates on this historic development in the cryptocurrency space.

*Disclaimer: The information is sourced from AzCryptoReviews, and readers are advised to conduct their own research before making financial decisions.*

#BitcoinSpotETF #CBOEApproval #CryptoNews #BTCInvesting #BlockchainRevolution #CryptocurrencyMarket #FinancialInnovation #BitcoinETFApproval #InvestmentOpportunity #BreakingCryptoNews #SECDecision #HistoricCryptoMoment
#BTC #SECApprovalJourney $BTC
**Polygon's Potential Surge: Could It Be the Dark Horse in the Next Bull Market?** Polygon, the blockchain network, might emerge as a surprise contender in the upcoming bullish market, as revealed by co-founder Sandeep Nailwal. In a social media post, he disclosed that Polygon's Proof-of-Stake (POS) system outpaced Ethereum in trading volume, boasting a lead of around $93,000. Notably, Polygon's (MATIC) current price is $0.82. In a recent development, Fox Corporation has teamed up with Polygon to authenticate news content through a program called Verify. Publishers can register their content on the Polygon blockchain, named "Verify," to validate its origin and authenticity. This collaboration aims to assist users in distinguishing accurate sources from unreliable ones. Cryptocurrency influencer Lark Davis highlighted to his 1.1 million followers that Polygon POS has surpassed Solana in daily active addresses, further emphasizing the network's growing prominence. Despite Polygon's recent bounce in MATIC's price following an upgrade in transaction fee calculations, BeInCrypto reports that MATIC is still ensnared in a bearish pattern, persisting for nearly 60 days. Additionally, MATIC's price descended below a long-term resistance trend line since its all-time high of $2.90 in December 2021, reaching a low of $0.32 in June. *Disclaimer: The information provided is based on the content published by AzCryptoReviews, and users are encouraged to conduct their own research before making any financial decisions.* #BTC #PolygonPotentialSurge #DarkHorseCrypto #BullMarket #MATIC #CryptoNews #FoxCorporation #VerifyProgram #BlockchainInnovation #LarkDavisInfluence #CryptoAnalysis #BearishPattern #CryptocurrencyUpdates #FinancialDisclaimer
**Polygon's Potential Surge: Could It Be the Dark Horse in the Next Bull Market?**

Polygon, the blockchain network, might emerge as a surprise contender in the upcoming bullish market, as revealed by co-founder Sandeep Nailwal. In a social media post, he disclosed that Polygon's Proof-of-Stake (POS) system outpaced Ethereum in trading volume, boasting a lead of around $93,000. Notably, Polygon's (MATIC) current price is $0.82.

In a recent development, Fox Corporation has teamed up with Polygon to authenticate news content through a program called Verify. Publishers can register their content on the Polygon blockchain, named "Verify," to validate its origin and authenticity. This collaboration aims to assist users in distinguishing accurate sources from unreliable ones.

Cryptocurrency influencer Lark Davis highlighted to his 1.1 million followers that Polygon POS has surpassed Solana in daily active addresses, further emphasizing the network's growing prominence.

Despite Polygon's recent bounce in MATIC's price following an upgrade in transaction fee calculations, BeInCrypto reports that MATIC is still ensnared in a bearish pattern, persisting for nearly 60 days. Additionally, MATIC's price descended below a long-term resistance trend line since its all-time high of $2.90 in December 2021, reaching a low of $0.32 in June.

*Disclaimer: The information provided is based on the content published by AzCryptoReviews, and users are encouraged to conduct their own research before making any financial decisions.* #BTC #PolygonPotentialSurge #DarkHorseCrypto #BullMarket #MATIC #CryptoNews #FoxCorporation #VerifyProgram #BlockchainInnovation #LarkDavisInfluence #CryptoAnalysis #BearishPattern #CryptocurrencyUpdates #FinancialDisclaimer
Opinion: The recent false information on Bitcoin ETF approval, attributed to the SEC's compromised social media account, underscores the susceptibility of the crypto market to external factors. While the initial rally showcased the market's eagerness for positive news, the subsequent sharp decline exposes the fragility and volatility inherent in cryptocurrency trading. This incident fuels the ongoing debate on the need for enhanced security measures and highlights the impact of misinformation on crypto markets. What are your thoughts on the role of regulatory bodies and market participants in preventing such incidents? Let's debate. #BTC #BTC #SECApprovalJourney
Opinion: The recent false information on Bitcoin ETF approval, attributed to the SEC's compromised social media account, underscores the susceptibility of the crypto market to external factors. While the initial rally showcased the market's eagerness for positive news, the subsequent sharp decline exposes the fragility and volatility inherent in cryptocurrency trading. This incident fuels the ongoing debate on the need for enhanced security measures and highlights the impact of misinformation on crypto markets. What are your thoughts on the role of regulatory bodies and market participants in preventing such incidents? Let's debate. #BTC #BTC #SECApprovalJourney
Bitcoin Jumps, Then Dumps to $45K As Fake News About Spot Bitcoin Approval Liquidates $50M
Bitcoin [BTC] endured wild swings during Tuesday's trading session as a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) social media post about approving spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF) turned out to be false, leaving market participants baffled.

BTC first rallied 2.5% to a fresh 19-month high of $47,900 immediately following the official SEC account's shared on X (formerly Twitter) about the bitcoin ETF approval, attracting massive attention with crypto observers prematurely celebrating the landmark decision.

Then, bitcoin sharply declined nearly 6% to as low as $45,100 when it turned out the SEC's account was compromised, and SEC Chair Gary Gensler denied the news.

Read more: SEC Has Not Approved Bitcoin ETFs, but Its Hacked X Account Briefly Said Otherwise

The wild price action liquidated over $50 million worth of derivatives trading positions on crypto exchanges within an hour, CoinGlass data shows. Liquidations occur when an exchange forcefully closes a trader's open position using borrowed money due to loss of margin.

Recently, BTC changed hands slightly below $46,000 at press time, down some 2% over the past 24 hours.

This was the second instance during the day when a false social media post triggered massive volatility. Earlier Tuesday, dogecoin [DOGE] jumped as much as 9% on an X post about the death of the token's mascot, then declined as the news turned out to be false.

Alex Krüger, co-founder of Asgard Markets, noted that today's events suggested bitcoin might not rally as much as bulls hope when the real news about an approval arrives.

"Fake ETF news showed BTC upside is clearly capped until we see actual ETF inflows," Krüger said in an X post. "Time for ETH to take over."
JUST IN: ChatGPT forecasts Ethereum's price in case of Bitcoin ETF approval. 📈 $BTC $ETH #CryptoPrediction
JUST IN: ChatGPT forecasts Ethereum's price in case of Bitcoin ETF approval. 📈 $BTC $ETH #CryptoPrediction
Bitcoin ETF approval in a 'rehearsal' mode: Analysts anticipate a sell-the-news reaction. Industry leaders, including ARK's Cathie Wood, had foreseen a short-term market sell-off in response to the approval news. #Bitcoin #ETFApproval #CryptoMarket
Bitcoin ETF approval in a 'rehearsal' mode: Analysts anticipate a sell-the-news reaction. Industry leaders, including ARK's Cathie Wood, had foreseen a short-term market sell-off in response to the approval news. #Bitcoin #ETFApproval #CryptoMarket
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