#SpaceCatch a cutting-edge augmented reality game, provides players with an unparalleled gaming adventure and a chance to make real money while engaging in physical activity.

Augmented reality games

In recent years, we have witnessed a significant increase in interest in mobile games that utilize augmented reality (AR). These games serve not only as a tool for entertainment and relaxation but can also have a positive impact on players' health. AR games bring a new level of interaction between the player and the surrounding world, allowing developers to create games with a unique experience for players.

One of the main benefits of playing games with integrated augmented reality for players' health is the increase in physical activity. These games force players to move and travel around, which increases their daily dose of movement and can help with overall physical fitness. Games like Pokémon Go and Ingress are good examples of games that stimulate movement and allow players to explore the surrounding world.

AR game developers can also utilize special features for tracking players' health, such as measuring steps, monitoring heart rate, and tracking calories burned. These features can help players track their overall physical activity and health and provide useful information for their training goals. Playing these games thus no longer represents just a time killer but has a deeper meaning and purpose for players' health.

Blockchain makes AR games better and more effective

The only disadvantage of augmented reality games may be what is also their advantage - they require movement. In the case of low player motivation and their unwillingness to engage in physical activity, traditional AR games like Pokémon GO may not appeal to them and effectively convince them to be physically active.

However, in the case of blockchain games, players will find this motivation. This technology, together with NFT technology, allows for the creation of a completely new economic model that allows players to earn real money by playing the game and engaging in physical activity.

Most importantly, augmented reality games that motivate movement have a bright future. In the world, the rate of obesity is increasing rapidly, which brings not only health but also economic burdens to the states. From this perspective, the use of such games will be beneficial and in demand.

SpaceCatch – New generation AR game

SpaceCatch is the first game of its kind that combines mobile gaming with augmented reality support, along with #blockchains and #NFTS technologies. This opens up completely new possibilities for players. In addition to experiencing a completely new gaming experience, players can also profit from playing the game and earn real money, which increases the attractiveness and motivation for physical activity.

This combination creates great conditions for players. Firstly, it motivates them to engage in physical activity, which significantly improves their health and physical condition. Secondly, thanks to the sophisticated game mechanics, engaging storyline, and augmented reality support, players will fully enjoy the game. The icing on the cake for this great concept are blockchain and NFT technologies, which allow players to earn real money by playing the game.