Currently, the vast majority of tap-to-earn games are available on Telegram. The problem is that this trend has become so widespread that it's practically impossible to find a new project where you can be profitable.

Due to the enormous number of emerging projects every day, users' attention is significantly fragmented. What doesn't help is that these projects don't have their own token launched until the very last moment, so you can't tell whether it's worth playing these games.

However, we have great news for you! A new tap-to-earn/play-to-earn game, SpaceCatch, is launching soon, and it has a huge advantage – its token $CATCH is already live and traded on multiple CEX and DEX platforms. Given the known number of tokens that will be available as rewards and their price, you can calculate your potential reward and the time invested in advance.

SpaceCatch Classic
SpaceCatch Classic is a browser mini-game where you battle in PVP against other aliens. Unlike TG games, it's practically available anywhere – you can run it on mobile in any built-in browser in a mobile wallet. It's also available on PC. This gives the game tremendous potential, as the target audience is broad.

For every win, you earn 5 points toward the ranking, and for a loss, you lose 2. The game has implemented microtransactions and direct support for the $CATCH token for these purchases.

Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, animácia, animák<br /><br />Automaticky generovaný popis

The game is currently in closed testing, with an average rating of 9.3/10! The full version of the game is set to launch next month, along with a large $CATCH prize pool for players.

Unlike TG games without their own token, this gives you a unique opportunity to know in advance how much money you can earn and how you can earn it. A key factor here is that #SpaceCatch Classic is just one part of the larger #SpaceCatch  ecosystem.

Given the current boom around the GameFi sector, analysts expect that the #CATCH  token, thanks to its finished and functional products, could reach a price of up to $4.5 USD during Q4 2024 – Q1 2025, representing an increase of nearly 1000% from current levels.

In addition, technical analysis of $CATCH shows a confirmed accumulation breakout! After surpassing the $0.4 – $0.6 USD range, the path to $4.5 USD is practically clear.

Obrázok, na ktorom je snímka obrazovky, text, multimediálny softvér, grafický softvér<br /><br />Automaticky generovaný popis