Common trading mistakes simplified:

1. Avoid using too much leverage on assets with high daily volatility. Let the asset's natural fluctuations work for you, not against you.

2. Don't set stop-loss orders too close. If you're aiming for significant gains in volatile assets, tight stops can prematurely exit you from trades.

3. Avoid constantly switching investments. Stick with your choices for longer trends instead of reacting to short-term market shifts.

4. Don't confuse a period of stability with weakness. Market consolidation can be a chance to buy into investments you previously missed.

5. Manage trades based on the timeframe of your investment goals. For long-term trades, avoid making decisions based on short-term market movements.

6. Resist overtrading your main investments. Constantly trying to time the market for small advantages can lead to missing out on significant gains.

7. Limit the number of trades you're managing at once. Focus on a few, high-confidence trades rather than spreading your attention too thin.

8. Don't let social media influence your trading decisions. Remember, social media showcases the highlights, not the losses or average outcomes.

In short: Stick to your trading plan, avoid overreacting to market changes, and focus on long-term strategies over short-term gains.