In a general sense, all significant indicators pointing towards market peaks tend to align with a common concept.

This concept revolves around the arrival of latecomers to the market cycle, who anticipate further upside potential despite the limited remaining opportunities.

It's crucial to distinguish this scenario because I believe many are adjusting their strategies to appeal to more conservative investors rather than these latecomers.

For instance, a widely accepted "top signal" among many is when a cryptocurrency exchange hits the top rank in app downloads.

While many might sell based on this signal, in my opinion, the majority of retail investors now fall into the "conservative" category.

These individuals are familiar with cryptocurrency and may have experimented with it in the past, but they are not inclined to take significant risks until prices have significantly increased.

For them, higher prices signify stronger conviction and lower risk.

Therefore, their entry into the market won't mark the exact peak.

Selling during a retail frenzy is akin to leaving the game in the early innings; you may earn profits and later feel content with your decision to sell, but you won't maximize your potential gains from the market.

In this cycle, latecomers could be represented by countries and governments.

When governments begin to explore the issuance of debt and new fiat currencies backed by Bitcoin, that's precisely the moment to consider selling.