According to Odaily, Galxe has announced the introduction of Smart Savings, an expansion of the multifunctionality of Smart Balance. This upgrade will incorporate seamless cross-chain transactions, full-chain earnings, and instant liquidity.

The new feature, Smart Savings, is designed to enhance the existing capabilities of Smart Balance. It aims to provide users with a more comprehensive and efficient financial management tool. The upgrade will enable seamless cross-chain transactions, allowing users to effortlessly transfer assets across different blockchain networks.

In addition to this, the upgrade will also introduce full-chain earnings. This feature will enable users to earn rewards on all chains, further enhancing the profitability of their investments. Moreover, the upgrade will provide instant liquidity, ensuring that users can quickly and easily convert their assets into cash.

This announcement by Galxe is a significant step towards improving the functionality and efficiency of blockchain transactions. It is expected to greatly benefit users by providing them with more flexible and profitable investment options.