Binance Square
#BinanceWish Binance Nation has recently seen the appearance of a white-bearded man in a red suit. He always roams the snowy streets at night, adorned with a blanket of white snowflakes falling around him. He has prepared numerous gifts and warm meals for the children, ensuring they have a joyous holiday season. He patiently waits until the children are asleep before quietly entering their homes through the chimney, placing many gifts under the Christmas tree. In the morning, the children wake up to unexpected surprises, eagerly unwrapping gifts that include clothes, socks, keyboards, scarves, food, and various gift cards. The common theme among these gifts is the Binance logo, featuring a harmonious combination of yellow and black, radiating warmth in the cold winter. A card accompanying one of the gifts reads: "Children, this is an educational fund I've prepared for you. You can use Binance Pay and cryptocurrency to purchase your stationery and books. May you grow up to help those in need." Groups of children, simultaneously rushing out the door to find the white-bearded man in the red suit, discover that he has vanished without a trace. However, at the doorstep of every home, there remains a Binance snowman, donning a Christmas hat and smiling – almost like the embodiment of the white-bearded man in the red suit. @Square-Creator-478627776 @Square-Creator-481435742


Binance Nation has recently seen the appearance of a white-bearded man in a red suit. He always roams the snowy streets at night, adorned with a blanket of white snowflakes falling around him. He has prepared numerous gifts and warm meals for the children, ensuring they have a joyous holiday season.

He patiently waits until the children are asleep before quietly entering their homes through the chimney, placing many gifts under the Christmas tree. In the morning, the children wake up to unexpected surprises, eagerly unwrapping gifts that include clothes, socks, keyboards, scarves, food, and various gift cards. The common theme among these gifts is the Binance logo, featuring a harmonious combination of yellow and black, radiating warmth in the cold winter.

A card accompanying one of the gifts reads: "Children, this is an educational fund I've prepared for you. You can use Binance Pay and cryptocurrency to purchase your stationery and books. May you grow up to help those in need."

Groups of children, simultaneously rushing out the door to find the white-bearded man in the red suit, discover that he has vanished without a trace. However, at the doorstep of every home, there remains a Binance snowman, donning a Christmas hat and smiling – almost like the embodiment of the white-bearded man in the red suit.



Binance Square Official
We’re giving away $150,000 in $BNB to make your Christmas wishes come true 🎅

Six of you stand to win $25k each, and here’s how:

🔸 Follow us @Binance_Square_Official on Binance Square
🔸 Quote this post, share your wish with #BinanceWish and mention 2 friends in your post.

We’ll pick 6 to win across all our platforms, with 2 lucky ones chosen from Binance Square, so think big & be creative!

Find the T's&C's and further details on how to enter 👉🏻
BinanceWish Announcement
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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#Xai质押 $XAI 1.質押帶來的好處,可以獲得更多的獎勵及空投,在遊玩遊戲上也有許多便利之處。 2.質押有助於幣價的上漲,但前提是必須當前市場環境較為良好! 3.以長遠來看,對於區塊鏈遊戲而言XAI針對鏈遊的網路客製化,對於區塊鏈遊戲產業的潛力及成長空間非常巨大,可以在早期佈局,尤其當幣價有較大回調時可以逢低佈局,對於想要質押的夥伴而言,不僅可以賺到漲幅,也可以拿到更多的幣。 4.目前加密貨幣市值排名為281名,對比GALA(69名)、SAND(81名)、AXS(77名)、IMX(41名),仍舊有成長空間,亦可利用這些幣的市值去換算XAI的幣價成長空間。 5.若能和傳統遊戲產業接軌,勢必能帶來許多幣圈外的玩家進入,流量將會非常驚人。 6.透過質押生態,來達到永續經營的目標,解決區塊鏈遊戲常見的問題,同時也可提升生態安全性。 7.除了獎勵外,另一個質押重點是可以節省GAS FEE,減少操作時的資金磨損,這也是鏈遊玩家所看重的。 8.隨著BTC減半的即將到來,也意味著新一輪牛市的開啟,當前山寨幣的漲幅仍舊比以往還少,可以等待資金輪動進入XAI。 9.每次大回調時都可逢低加倉佈局山寨幣,尋找有潛力及應用性的項目,鏈遊相關也可能是下一輪的熱點。 10.山寨幣風險較高,除了留意宏觀經濟還有國際情勢外,也要做好風險管理!
#IOTX物联网+AI $IOTX IoTeX(IOTX)較為看好有以下幾點原因: 一.應用性 1.近期熱點DePIN模塊化以及AI的整合應用,可以讓區塊鏈應用有更多不同的面相,加上WEB 2物聯網的概念引入,有機會成為下一個劃時代的去中心化物聯網。 2.目前有許多機構投資,當前高達五千萬美元的融資,由Borderless Capital、Amber Group、Foresight Ventures、FutureMoney Group、SNZ、Metrics Ventures、EV3 和Waterdrip Capital 投資,代表強而有力的後盾,支持其生態擴展。 3.與以太坊相容,著重在隱私及安全性,搭配智慧型穿戴設備,例如智慧手錶以及支付等功能,接軌於現實世界的應用,將可引入更多WEB 2人群。 4.未來是一個數據及算力的時代,每一筆數據資料及運算都有其價值,特別是與人相關的隱私資料需要得到一定程度的保護,也符合IoTeX的目的和初衷,也和去中心化的精髓不謀而合。 5.使用Ucam的安全攝像頭,透過去中心化端到端加密來防護,讓隱私數據得到保障。 6.另外使用Pebble Tracker的感應裝置來蒐集氣候、運動、位置等即時數據,並可轉換成去中心化資料來使用,在設備上已發展到一定程度。   7.當主鏈附載較大時,還有側鏈可以幫忙減輕負擔,同時每個側鏈都有相對應的裝置設備,不僅提升擴容性,在運算速度上也非常優秀。 8.每條側鏈都有自身的防護措施,也就是信任等級,設備以及應用程式的連接需通過信任驗證,才能正常使用,若是發生側鏈遭到攻擊的事件,也可確保區塊鏈不受影響。   二.代幣分析及宏觀經濟   1.目前加密貨幣市值排名為127名,仍舊有一定的成長潛力,有機會進入前百名甚至是五十名內。 2.上輪牛市其幣價高點為0.26附近,目前為0.077,仍舊有不錯的上漲空間,至少會上來0.26附近測試(1~2倍漲幅),加上本輪牛市許多山寨幣都還未達到上輪牛市的高點,可以等待資金輪動。   3.隨著比特幣現貨ETF的通過,隨之而來帶動了整體加密貨幣產業的復甦,加上比特幣減半的即將到來以及美聯儲的貨幣寬鬆政策等,有極大的機率推動本輪牛市的前進,這也意味著將有更多的熱錢湧入IOTX。   三.未來展望 隨著近期AI產業的蓬勃發展,我們可以看到許多智能家電、機器人以及大數據的整合應用,而這些都是IoTeX的前景,透過區塊鏈及加密貨幣的擴展應用,相信未來將會有更便利的生活型態!

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