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Financial blogger: Xiong Jianhua, the community's specially invited analyst has been deeply involved in the cryptocurrency circle for more than ten years and focuses on the analysis and guidance of mainstream digital currencies. He is good at short-term, wave band, medium and long-term layout. Follow him to keep up with the daily thinking. Technology is the support, and character is the backing. #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH $BNB
Financial blogger: Xiong Jianhua, the community's specially invited analyst has been deeply involved in the cryptocurrency circle for more than ten years and focuses on the analysis and guidance of mainstream digital currencies. He is good at short-term, wave band, medium and long-term layout. Follow him to keep up with the daily thinking. Technology is the support, and character is the backing. #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH $BNB
#美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? 本轮CPI,浅谈后市哆箜,说下我的看法~ 关键的嚸,就是降息幅度!8月的CPI比市场预期的2.6%还要好,比如2.5%/2.3%,说明什么?说明通胀大幅度下降,美联储加息是正确的,不排除降息50个基点,最起码市场会这么认为。会直接推高比特币突破。 其次,如公布值在2.6%~2.9%之间,没有预期的低,这一点会利空比特币,但比上个月2.9%下降,就出现利空不跌,走出先跌后涨的格调。(这一点像非农:比预期的小,比上个月强,先涨后跌) 就本轮数据来看,我认为偏向于在32.6%~2.9%之间,8月CPI对市场的影响应该没有以前大,降息如果板上钉钉已经敲定了,只是会影响短期情绪和预期而已,如果处于2.6%~2.9%的范围,那比特币应该是先跌后涨,数据利空但不跌的节奏。也就是说,不管它公布几何,大跌的可能性较低。 现在,重新回到非农下跌高点区域,临近前高点就差临门一脚,当下要做多一定是等到美盘前有一次下跌,形成压力有效的假象,否则破位前高点,反而说明数据后可能出现兑现预期出现下跌。 综合日内的节奏幅度,今晚cpi的操作,大概率是先跌后涨,美盘前回踩可考虑回踩分批进场,只要不跌破55000,在其上方,那么都是多嚸,看至59500区域。 上一轮非农给到大家3000嚸单边,先涨后跌提示,今晚本人继续将在一线即使指导,现价给出指示,自己看不准多空,认不准趋势信号,分辨不了消息面,认准建华路!一起翱翔币圈天空!
#美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? 本轮CPI,浅谈后市哆箜,说下我的看法~






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9.11 Tuesday noon operation suggestions and ideas Big cake was under pressure at the 58,000 mark in the early morning, and went out of the 2,000 classic retracement, with the lowest at around 56,000. It is currently in a fluctuating upward trend, not a strong unilateral trend. This is how we did it when we did the retracement these two days! 9.11 Tuesday noon analysis From the current market hourly perspective, after the market bottomed out, the K-line lower shadow tested the lower track and then rebounded to a positive K recovery. The current market has given two consecutive positive recovery, and the KDJ indicator line has also begun to shrink upward to form a golden cross. The low-level bullish operation remains unchanged. Friends who enter the market at a low level like us can hold on patiently 9.11 Tuesday noon operation suggestions Big cake operation suggestions are directly long near 56,500, with the target looking at the 57,500 area, and the defense zone has 800 points of space If you don’t grasp it well and can’t see the trend, look for Jianhua’s ideas! After all, it only takes a week to get ashore! In the golden month of September, with interest rate cuts, we will make every effort to build a dream climbing plan, let's go together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #OpenSea收到韦尔斯通知 #Telegram创始人获保释
9.11 Tuesday noon operation suggestions and ideas

Big cake was under pressure at the 58,000 mark in the early morning, and went out of the 2,000 classic retracement, with the lowest at around 56,000. It is currently in a fluctuating upward trend, not a strong unilateral trend. This is how we did it when we did the retracement these two days!

9.11 Tuesday noon analysis

From the current market hourly perspective, after the market bottomed out, the K-line lower shadow tested the lower track and then rebounded to a positive K recovery. The current market has given two consecutive positive recovery, and the KDJ indicator line has also begun to shrink upward to form a golden cross. The low-level bullish operation remains unchanged. Friends who enter the market at a low level like us can hold on patiently

9.11 Tuesday noon operation suggestions
Big cake operation suggestions are directly long near 56,500, with the target looking at the 57,500 area, and the defense zone has 800 points of space

If you don’t grasp it well and can’t see the trend, look for Jianhua’s ideas! After all, it only takes a week to get ashore! In the golden month of September, with interest rate cuts, we will make every effort to build a dream climbing plan, let's go together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #OpenSea收到韦尔斯通知 #Telegram创始人获保释
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9.11 Wednesday morning operation suggestions and ideas Yesterday afternoon has been showing a trend of oscillating operation. After the retracement, it also hit the low in the evening and then quickly pulled up. In the early morning, the coin price also broke through the 58,000 mark again. Yesterday morning, the coin price also broke through the 58,000 mark. From this, it can be seen that it has set a new high in a short time, and the low position has not moved up in a short time. The long orders we arranged last night were also perfectly taken, and they also reached our target point exactly. The current market is running around 57,500 9.11 Wednesday morning analysis Last night, the coin price ran down along the middle track of the Bollinger band to the upper track of the Bollinger band and then began to rebound after getting support. It ran directly from the upper track of the Bollinger band to the lower track of the Bollinger band, and the trend was upward. MACD two lines are running forward, and the trend is looking at Duo. The short-selling momentum has been completely converted to a Duo trend, and the Duo momentum has a trend of continuing to increase! KDJ three lines are running upward, and the trend is looking at Duo! Overall, Strontium Lu mainly does Duo in the morning! 9.11 Wednesday morning operation suggestions The operation suggestions for Bitcoin are to look long around 57000-56500, with the target at 58000-58500, and the defense zone has 800 points of space In the golden September and silver October, Jianhua is in a hot state. Friends who can't do well on their own can identify the ideas, recover their capital, turn over their positions, and laugh at the currency market together! #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB
9.11 Wednesday morning operation suggestions and ideas

Yesterday afternoon has been showing a trend of oscillating operation. After the retracement, it also hit the low in the evening and then quickly pulled up. In the early morning, the coin price also broke through the 58,000 mark again. Yesterday morning, the coin price also broke through the 58,000 mark. From this, it can be seen that it has set a new high in a short time, and the low position has not moved up in a short time. The long orders we arranged last night were also perfectly taken, and they also reached our target point exactly. The current market is running around 57,500

9.11 Wednesday morning analysis

Last night, the coin price ran down along the middle track of the Bollinger band to the upper track of the Bollinger band and then began to rebound after getting support. It ran directly from the upper track of the Bollinger band to the lower track of the Bollinger band, and the trend was upward. MACD two lines are running forward, and the trend is looking at Duo. The short-selling momentum has been completely converted to a Duo trend, and the Duo momentum has a trend of continuing to increase! KDJ three lines are running upward, and the trend is looking at Duo! Overall, Strontium Lu mainly does Duo in the morning!

9.11 Wednesday morning operation suggestions
The operation suggestions for Bitcoin are to look long around 57000-56500, with the target at 58000-58500, and the defense zone has 800 points of space

In the golden September and silver October, Jianhua is in a hot state. Friends who can't do well on their own can identify the ideas, recover their capital, turn over their positions, and laugh at the currency market together! #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB
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9.10 Tuesday intraday summary and midnight thoughts Good evening, friends in the currency circle, here is Jianhua who leads the real deal🥩. The public reminder gave us a wave of multi-dan layout, and we won more than 1780 points of space. In the evening, multiple layouts were given, and a total of 1780 points of space were obtained for one order. Jianhua never closes at midnight The layout looks like this At midnight 56111-57899 came out and won 1780 points of space. Easily win 1780 points of space midnight analysis Judging from the technical analysis at the hourly level, although the price retraced somewhat after experiencing stretching, after the retracement, the price once again showed an upward stretching trend. As the support level below continues to move upward, the bulls are gradually regaining their lost ground, and the strength of the retracement is gradually weakening. The price is currently running near the middle track of the Bollinger Band and showing signs of upward continuation. At the same time, the lows are constantly rising, which provides clear guidance for evening operations. Based on this, it is recommended to use long low positions as the main operating strategy in the evening. Midnight operation suggestions For pie operation, it is recommended to go long near 56900-56400, with a target of 58000 area and a defensive space of 800 points. In the gold, nine and silver ten stages, Jianhua is in a hot state. If you are not a good friend, you can have a clear idea, recover your capital, turn over your position, and be proud of the currency market together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #OpenSea收到韦尔斯通知
9.10 Tuesday intraday summary and midnight thoughts

Good evening, friends in the currency circle, here is Jianhua who leads the real deal🥩. The public reminder gave us a wave of multi-dan layout, and we won more than 1780 points of space. In the evening, multiple layouts were given, and a total of 1780 points of space were obtained for one order. Jianhua never closes at midnight

The layout looks like this
At midnight 56111-57899 came out and won 1780 points of space.
Easily win 1780 points of space

midnight analysis

Judging from the technical analysis at the hourly level, although the price retraced somewhat after experiencing stretching, after the retracement, the price once again showed an upward stretching trend. As the support level below continues to move upward, the bulls are gradually regaining their lost ground, and the strength of the retracement is gradually weakening. The price is currently running near the middle track of the Bollinger Band and showing signs of upward continuation. At the same time, the lows are constantly rising, which provides clear guidance for evening operations. Based on this, it is recommended to use long low positions as the main operating strategy in the evening.

Midnight operation suggestions
For pie operation, it is recommended to go long near 56900-56400, with a target of 58000 area and a defensive space of 800 points.

In the gold, nine and silver ten stages, Jianhua is in a hot state. If you are not a good friend, you can have a clear idea, recover your capital, turn over your position, and be proud of the currency market together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #OpenSea收到韦尔斯通知
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9.10 Tuesday night operation suggestions and ideas The market saw a small increase in volume again in the afternoon, with the bulls pulling up to 57366 and then retreating to the lowest point of 56300 at noon. After the intraday correction, the overall trend is still dominated by shock correction. 9.10 Tuesday night From the hourly line, although there was a retracement after the price was stretched, the price ratio stretched upward again after the retracement. As the downward pin continued to move upward, the bulls slowly recovered most of the lost ground, and the retracement force gradually decreased. At present, the price ratio is running on the middle track of the Bollinger Bands, with signs of upward continuation, and the low point is constantly rising. It is recommended to carry out low-long operations in the evening. 9.10 Tuesday night operation suggestions Big cake operation suggestions are around 56000, the target is 57500-58000 area, and the defense zone is 800 points $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
9.10 Tuesday night operation suggestions and ideas

The market saw a small increase in volume again in the afternoon, with the bulls pulling up to 57366 and then retreating to the lowest point of 56300 at noon. After the intraday correction, the overall trend is still dominated by shock correction.

9.10 Tuesday night

From the hourly line, although there was a retracement after the price was stretched, the price ratio stretched upward again after the retracement. As the downward pin continued to move upward, the bulls slowly recovered most of the lost ground, and the retracement force gradually decreased. At present, the price ratio is running on the middle track of the Bollinger Bands, with signs of upward continuation, and the low point is constantly rising. It is recommended to carry out low-long operations in the evening.

9.10 Tuesday night operation suggestions
Big cake operation suggestions are around 56000, the target is 57500-58000 area, and the defense zone is 800 points $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
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9.10 Tuesday morning operation suggestions and ideas Last night, the market bottomed out at 5475 and then began to rise steadily. Jianhua reminded everyone to enter the market at midnight yesterday, which was perfectly verified. This morning, the market once again ushered in a strong pull-up, and the highest was also 58153. It is currently falling back. The current market is running around 56900. 9.10 Tuesday morning analysis From the 4-hour chart, the market showed a strong stretching and breaking trend after a shock upward movement. The short-term price fell back under pressure after touching the 58000 area, which is in line with the regular correction law after a big rise or fall in the market. At present, the market has a certain degree of correction after the upward movement, but this trend should be regarded as a normal correction. From the daily line structure, the bullish trend still has continuity. Therefore, in terms of operation strategy, we should adopt a low-multiple idea and follow the main trend of the market. 9.10 Tuesday morning operation suggestions Big cake operation suggestions are bullish around 56700-56200, target 57700-58700 area, and defend 800 points of space If you can't grasp it well and can't see the trend, identify Jianhua's ideas! After all, it only takes a week to get ashore! In the golden autumn of September, the interest rate cut market, we will make every effort to create a dream climbing plan, and rush together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS #BNBChainMemeCoin
9.10 Tuesday morning operation suggestions and ideas

Last night, the market bottomed out at 5475 and then began to rise steadily. Jianhua reminded everyone to enter the market at midnight yesterday, which was perfectly verified. This morning, the market once again ushered in a strong pull-up, and the highest was also 58153. It is currently falling back. The current market is running around 56900.

9.10 Tuesday morning analysis

From the 4-hour chart, the market showed a strong stretching and breaking trend after a shock upward movement. The short-term price fell back under pressure after touching the 58000 area, which is in line with the regular correction law after a big rise or fall in the market. At present, the market has a certain degree of correction after the upward movement, but this trend should be regarded as a normal correction. From the daily line structure, the bullish trend still has continuity. Therefore, in terms of operation strategy, we should adopt a low-multiple idea and follow the main trend of the market.

9.10 Tuesday morning operation suggestions
Big cake operation suggestions are bullish around 56700-56200, target 57700-58700 area, and defend 800 points of space

If you can't grasp it well and can't see the trend, identify Jianhua's ideas! After all, it only takes a week to get ashore! In the golden autumn of September, the interest rate cut market, we will make every effort to create a dream climbing plan, and rush together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS #BNBChainMemeCoin
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How many friends have grasped the good market trend of gold nine and silver ten? Friends who have no direction🧭 ideas👫, friends who are still swimming in the water👫, Jianhua gave three small benches to interested friends⭐me, and took me to the bank for free, and returned to Xuejie T➕to turn over the position. We will act together later. Friends, are you ready? The situation is hot and I need to find my teacher’s friends! ​​​$BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS #Telegram创始人获保释
How many friends have grasped the good market trend of gold nine and silver ten?
Friends who have no direction🧭 ideas👫, friends who are still swimming in the water👫,
Jianhua gave three small benches to interested friends⭐me, and took me to the bank for free, and returned to Xuejie T➕to turn over the position.
We will act together later. Friends, are you ready?

The situation is hot and I need to find my teacher’s friends! ​​​$BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS #Telegram创始人获保释
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The long orders we arranged at midnight also perfectly won the 1780 point space. How many friends followed the prompt to do more? The friends who followed have already made a lot of money. The friends who didn't follow up are your teacher's thinking is wrong or there is no direction. If there is no direction, you might as well take a look at Jianhua's post. If you want to find a teacher, come and return to the snow in an instant. I don't know if the friends who are short are okay? ​​​$BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿DOGS #美联储何时降息? #Telegram创始人获保释
The long orders we arranged at midnight also perfectly won the 1780 point space. How many friends followed the prompt to do more? The friends who followed have already made a lot of money. The friends who didn't follow up are your teacher's thinking is wrong or there is no direction. If there is no direction, you might as well take a look at Jianhua's post. If you want to find a teacher, come and return to the snow in an instant. I don't know if the friends who are short are okay? ​​​$BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿DOGS #美联储何时降息? #Telegram创始人获保释
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No closing at midnight With such a big market today, I wonder how many of my friends who are empty-handed are doing now? I provide three small benches online. For friends who are still swimming in the water👫, and for friends who have no direction🧭ideas👫, I will take you to the village for free and go back to the snow to solve the problem. I am in a hot state and have a winning streak all the way. Friends who are not doing well have a look. Friends who are looking for teachers. Friends who want to keep up have a look at the homepage.
No closing at midnight
With such a big market today, I wonder how many of my friends who are empty-handed are doing now? I provide three small benches online. For friends who are still swimming in the water👫, and for friends who have no direction🧭ideas👫, I will take you to the village for free and go back to the snow to solve the problem.
I am in a hot state and have a winning streak all the way. Friends who are not doing well have a look. Friends who are looking for teachers. Friends who want to keep up have a look at the homepage.
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9.9 Monday takeoff summary and midnight thoughts Today is another perfect eating day, with 3 consecutive orders totaling 2506 points. The idea of ​​​​not being tight has been verified, and the positions of Panzhong players are also continuing to grow. The intraday ideas are made public on the entire network and are given before the market quotation. Anyone who is interested in the ideas has more or less got it. Simple navigation information, simple operation, and picking up oil are also quite simple. The layout looks like this Slot 55526-55065 at noon, winning 460 points of space Sell ​​55750-54866 at night and win 880 points of space More 54843-56010 were sold in the evening, gaining 1160 points of space. midnight analysis Judging from the current situation, the intraday shipping conditions have completed the trend change from Kong to Duo, and the resistance on Duo Tou's slopes has reached around 56,000. At the four-hour level, it can be seen that Duo Tou is still increasing in volume, and the midnight announcement is We can change the direction and take advantage of the trend and take a closer look. Midday operation suggestions The big pie operation is bullish near 56300-55700, the target is the 57400-58400 area, and the defensive zone is 800 points. Recently, the market has been relatively big every day. If you feel uncomfortable in it and your ability cannot satisfy you, to be honest, you really need to stop and learn. At this stage, you only need a trend, a rhythm, and time. It’s also very fast, you can reach the other side in a week! Jianhua Jinjiuyinshihui has opened a discipleship class to teach you step by step. If you don’t grasp the trend well, look for Jianhua’s ideas! After all, it’s only been a week since we landed! In the golden autumn of September, with interest rate cuts in the market, we will go all out to create a dream climbing plan, let’s go for it together! $ETH $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS #Telegram创始人获保释 #以太坊基金会
9.9 Monday takeoff summary and midnight thoughts

Today is another perfect eating day, with 3 consecutive orders totaling 2506 points. The idea of ​​​​not being tight has been verified, and the positions of Panzhong players are also continuing to grow. The intraday ideas are made public on the entire network and are given before the market quotation. Anyone who is interested in the ideas has more or less got it. Simple navigation information, simple operation, and picking up oil are also quite simple.

The layout looks like this
Slot 55526-55065 at noon, winning 460 points of space
Sell ​​55750-54866 at night and win 880 points of space
More 54843-56010 were sold in the evening, gaining 1160 points of space.

midnight analysis

Judging from the current situation, the intraday shipping conditions have completed the trend change from Kong to Duo, and the resistance on Duo Tou's slopes has reached around 56,000. At the four-hour level, it can be seen that Duo Tou is still increasing in volume, and the midnight announcement is We can change the direction and take advantage of the trend and take a closer look.

Midday operation suggestions
The big pie operation is bullish near 56300-55700, the target is the 57400-58400 area, and the defensive zone is 800 points.

Recently, the market has been relatively big every day. If you feel uncomfortable in it and your ability cannot satisfy you, to be honest, you really need to stop and learn. At this stage, you only need a trend, a rhythm, and time. It’s also very fast, you can reach the other side in a week!

Jianhua Jinjiuyinshihui has opened a discipleship class to teach you step by step. If you don’t grasp the trend well, look for Jianhua’s ideas! After all, it’s only been a week since we landed! In the golden autumn of September, with interest rate cuts in the market, we will go all out to create a dream climbing plan, let’s go for it together! $ETH $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS #Telegram创始人获保释 #以太坊基金会
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9.9 Monday night operation suggestions and ideas The market in the morning of Monday gradually calmed down and entered a small range of fluctuations. Although the overall fluctuation range is relatively narrow, the downward trend in the afternoon was interrupted again from the hourly level. Although the current market has shown a continuous rise, the trading volume has not been able to provide strong support. The rebound is an opportunity for us 9.9 Monday night analysis In the 4-hour level, although the market has been rising, it seems to lack effective support. The resistance is becoming more and more obvious, and the three lines of the Bollinger Bands are converging. The space above is already limited, and we expect a wave of decline in the evening. The operation suggestion is to focus on high altitude. 9.9 Monday night operation suggestions The operation suggestions for Bitcoin are to be bearish around 55600-56200, with a target of 54500-54000 area and a 600-point space for defense In the golden September and silver October, Jianhua is in a hot state. Friends who can't do well on their own can identify the ideas, recover their capital, and turn over their positions, and laugh at the currency market together $BTC $ETH $SOL #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿DOGS #美联储何时降息? #以太坊基金会
9.9 Monday night operation suggestions and ideas

The market in the morning of Monday gradually calmed down and entered a small range of fluctuations. Although the overall fluctuation range is relatively narrow, the downward trend in the afternoon was interrupted again from the hourly level. Although the current market has shown a continuous rise, the trading volume has not been able to provide strong support. The rebound is an opportunity for us

9.9 Monday night analysis

In the 4-hour level, although the market has been rising, it seems to lack effective support. The resistance is becoming more and more obvious, and the three lines of the Bollinger Bands are converging. The space above is already limited, and we expect a wave of decline in the evening. The operation suggestion is to focus on high altitude.

9.9 Monday night operation suggestions
The operation suggestions for Bitcoin are to be bearish around 55600-56200, with a target of 54500-54000 area and a 600-point space for defense

In the golden September and silver October, Jianhua is in a hot state. Friends who can't do well on their own can identify the ideas, recover their capital, and turn over their positions, and laugh at the currency market together $BTC $ETH $SOL #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿DOGS #美联储何时降息? #以太坊基金会
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Has Crypto Entered a Bear Market? — 5 Things to Know About Bitcoin This Week Outflows from Bitcoin and Institutional Crypto Products Highlight the Standard for BTC Price Performance in September. The week began with a fight to hold key support as the market braces for a torrent of macroeconomic volatility. Bitcoin/USD holds $54,000 at the weekly close, giving traders some confidence in BTC’s short-term price action. CPI and PPI lead the way for important US macroeconomic data releases this week, both coming less than ten days before the Fed’s rate decision. Crypto funds lost $600 million in the past week, and Bitcoin spot ETFs also saw steady net outflows. Based on a fractal that has been in effect this year, BTC’s price performance looks “strikingly similar” to 2019. Bulls eye 20% rally possibility as BTC/USD continues to trade in sloping channel since all-time high in March$BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS
Has Crypto Entered a Bear Market? — 5 Things to Know About Bitcoin This Week

Outflows from Bitcoin and Institutional Crypto Products Highlight the Standard for BTC Price Performance in September. The week began with a fight to hold key support as the market braces for a torrent of macroeconomic volatility.

Bitcoin/USD holds $54,000 at the weekly close, giving traders some confidence in BTC’s short-term price action.

CPI and PPI lead the way for important US macroeconomic data releases this week, both coming less than ten days before the Fed’s rate decision.

Crypto funds lost $600 million in the past week, and Bitcoin spot ETFs also saw steady net outflows.

Based on a fractal that has been in effect this year, BTC’s price performance looks “strikingly similar” to 2019.

Bulls eye 20% rally possibility as BTC/USD continues to trade in sloping channel since all-time high in March$BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊基金会 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS
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9.9 Monday noon operation suggestions and ideas After two days of shock repair over the weekend, the price ratio also ushered in a small rebound this morning. After rebounding above 55300, the price ratio did not continue, but fell under pressure and fluctuated downward. We have been focusing on short-term trading recently. Currently, the big cake is fluctuating in the 54800 area. 9.9 Monday noon analysis From the current market, the two pull-ups in the white market were under great pressure. The frequent upper and lower shadows in the morning are enough to show that it is difficult to clearly define the long and short directions. On the hourly line, the continuous small broken positive lines show an upward trend, but the longer upper shadow line reflects the obvious upper resistance, indicating the possibility of a later decline. In the short term, the price ratio is in a wide range of fluctuations and is expected to continue. We will maintain a high-altitude and low-multiple thinking before the trend is clear. 9.9 Monday noon operation suggestion Big cake operation suggestion is to be bearish around 55300-55900, and the target is 64000 area. The defense zone has 800 points of space If you can't grasp it well and can't see the trend, look for Jianhua's ideas! After all, it only takes a week to get ashore! In the golden autumn of September, the interest rate cut market, we will make every effort to create a dream climbing plan, and rush together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS
9.9 Monday noon operation suggestions and ideas

After two days of shock repair over the weekend, the price ratio also ushered in a small rebound this morning. After rebounding above 55300, the price ratio did not continue, but fell under pressure and fluctuated downward. We have been focusing on short-term trading recently. Currently, the big cake is fluctuating in the 54800 area.

9.9 Monday noon analysis

From the current market, the two pull-ups in the white market were under great pressure. The frequent upper and lower shadows in the morning are enough to show that it is difficult to clearly define the long and short directions. On the hourly line, the continuous small broken positive lines show an upward trend, but the longer upper shadow line reflects the obvious upper resistance, indicating the possibility of a later decline. In the short term, the price ratio is in a wide range of fluctuations and is expected to continue. We will maintain a high-altitude and low-multiple thinking before the trend is clear.

9.9 Monday noon operation suggestion
Big cake operation suggestion is to be bearish around 55300-55900, and the target is 64000 area. The defense zone has 800 points of space

If you can't grasp it well and can't see the trend, look for Jianhua's ideas! After all, it only takes a week to get ashore! In the golden autumn of September, the interest rate cut market, we will make every effort to create a dream climbing plan, and rush together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS
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9.9 Monday morning operation suggestions and ideas Good morning, everyone, in the new week. In view of the market ripples caused by the US icon August non-farm employment data, the shadow of economic recession looms, Bitcoin has plummeted from the high of 57,000 last Friday, and hit a low of 52,550 at midnight on Saturday before taking a short breath, but the 54,000 support was in danger again at night. The price has recovered slightly at present, and the future trend is confusing, and the suspense of the second bottoming out remains to be solved. Analysis on Monday morning on September 9 Compared with the current daily trend, the overall trend is still in a weak structure. The price of the currency has continued to weaken since it was under pressure at 65,000. The K-line is mainly a negative line stepping back. Even if it rebounds, it will be stepped back and contracted. The moving average and Bollinger band on the daily structure are both extending downward. Although there is a rebound in the short term on the 4-hour chart, the overall structure is still in a downward trend. The market cannot effectively change the weak structure. Therefore, it is enough to be bearish on the rebound. The specific guidance is mainly based on real-time guidance Operation suggestions on Monday morning on September 9 It is recommended to be bearish around 55,400-55,900 for big cake operations, with a target of 54,000 area and a defense zone of 800 points It is recommended to be bearish around 2,335-2,365 for Ethereum operations, with a target of 2,270 area and a defense zone of 30 points In the golden September and silver October period, Jianhua is in a hot state. Friends who can't do well by themselves can identify the idea, recover the capital, turn over the position, and laugh at the currency market together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS
9.9 Monday morning operation suggestions and ideas

Good morning, everyone, in the new week. In view of the market ripples caused by the US icon August non-farm employment data, the shadow of economic recession looms, Bitcoin has plummeted from the high of 57,000 last Friday, and hit a low of 52,550 at midnight on Saturday before taking a short breath, but the 54,000 support was in danger again at night. The price has recovered slightly at present, and the future trend is confusing, and the suspense of the second bottoming out remains to be solved.

Analysis on Monday morning on September 9

Compared with the current daily trend, the overall trend is still in a weak structure. The price of the currency has continued to weaken since it was under pressure at 65,000. The K-line is mainly a negative line stepping back. Even if it rebounds, it will be stepped back and contracted. The moving average and Bollinger band on the daily structure are both extending downward. Although there is a rebound in the short term on the 4-hour chart, the overall structure is still in a downward trend. The market cannot effectively change the weak structure. Therefore, it is enough to be bearish on the rebound. The specific guidance is mainly based on real-time guidance

Operation suggestions on Monday morning on September 9
It is recommended to be bearish around 55,400-55,900 for big cake operations, with a target of 54,000 area and a defense zone of 800 points
It is recommended to be bearish around 2,335-2,365 for Ethereum operations, with a target of 2,270 area and a defense zone of 30 points

In the golden September and silver October period, Jianhua is in a hot state. Friends who can't do well by themselves can identify the idea, recover the capital, turn over the position, and laugh at the currency market together! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS
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Time goes by, but the original intention remains the same. September has already started for a week. Have you grasped this wave of gold, nine and silver? Have you realized your original intention? The cabin space has come to a new level again. This week, Jianhua led all the students in the short-term band and made great progress. The cabin space is guaranteed to increase by 5 times. Is it enough for you to climb into and fill the hole? If you are still confused at the moment, you might as well keep up and put on the wings of salvation! From now on, I will be your beacon in your darkest moment, carrying out your direction! Next, I will review the layout of this week. Everyone participated in this week, and I ate a lot and my mouth was full of oil. Our operation this week also took off directly, with a total of 14 orders, ✓ 14 orders, and 12,460 points of space together. For students who are lying flat in the pan, the cabin space has also been doubled, and there is no wave of trends in any difficulties. If Zuo doesn't come back, if he does, it will be two waves! Always be ready to lead the way forward for your friends who swim in the water! There are many people who can go from 1w to 5w, from 2w to 10w, and from 5w to 15w. It is not difficult. The layout looks like this No. 9.3 laid out four pills in the sky, perfectly winning 1830 points of space. The layout of No. 9.4 is three over and one short, perfectly capturing 4020 points of space. No. 9.5 layout has two more and one empty, perfectly winning 2750 points of space No. 9.6 layout has three empty spaces and one over, perfectly capturing 3860 points of space. The total layout of the pie is 14, and the pie has won 12,460 points of space. This week is also a week of direct take-off. The friends who have followed have at least doubled their positions. What are you still hesitating about? Take action, friends. However, Jianhua has been able to rely on his keen sense of play and excellent insight to overcome all obstacles and create an undefeated legend. The road to sailing is moving forward quickly. At the same time, bench reservations will begin next week, and he will lead every friend with ideas in this market. Good luck again! Looking forward to holding hands with you! Friends who have ideas, come close to me to warm you#BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS #Telegram创始人获保释 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Time goes by, but the original intention remains the same. September has already started for a week. Have you grasped this wave of gold, nine and silver? Have you realized your original intention? The cabin space has come to a new level again. This week, Jianhua led all the students in the short-term band and made great progress. The cabin space is guaranteed to increase by 5 times. Is it enough for you to climb into and fill the hole? If you are still confused at the moment, you might as well keep up and put on the wings of salvation! From now on, I will be your beacon in your darkest moment, carrying out your direction! Next, I will review the layout of this week. Everyone participated in this week, and I ate a lot and my mouth was full of oil.

Our operation this week also took off directly, with a total of 14 orders, ✓ 14 orders, and 12,460 points of space together. For students who are lying flat in the pan, the cabin space has also been doubled, and there is no wave of trends in any difficulties. If Zuo doesn't come back, if he does, it will be two waves! Always be ready to lead the way forward for your friends who swim in the water! There are many people who can go from 1w to 5w, from 2w to 10w, and from 5w to 15w. It is not difficult.

The layout looks like this
No. 9.3 laid out four pills in the sky, perfectly winning 1830 points of space.
The layout of No. 9.4 is three over and one short, perfectly capturing 4020 points of space.
No. 9.5 layout has two more and one empty, perfectly winning 2750 points of space
No. 9.6 layout has three empty spaces and one over, perfectly capturing 3860 points of space.

The total layout of the pie is 14, and the pie has won 12,460 points of space. This week is also a week of direct take-off. The friends who have followed have at least doubled their positions. What are you still hesitating about? Take action, friends.

However, Jianhua has been able to rely on his keen sense of play and excellent insight to overcome all obstacles and create an undefeated legend. The road to sailing is moving forward quickly. At the same time, bench reservations will begin next week, and he will lead every friend with ideas in this market. Good luck again! Looking forward to holding hands with you! Friends who have ideas, come close to me to warm you#BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS #Telegram创始人获保释 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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9.7 Saturday noon operation suggestions and ideas Bitcoin ushered in a grand carnival of bears after yesterday's non-agricultural data. The exchange rate has been falling from 57,000 to 52,500 so far, with an overall drop of nearly 5,000 points. As a member of the air force, you must have eaten a lot of oil. Currently, Hangqing is fluctuating around 54,100. The trend is still bearish and the continuity is still strong. You can just go short in the operation 9.7 Saturday noon analysis At present, the daily level is already an obvious weak structure. The currency price continues to be weak and downward, and the K line has fallen back in succession. The four-hour level is also a very obvious Kongtou trend. The rebound has been recovered by the Kongtou, so there is no doubt that the high Kong operation is maintained. Due to the weekend, the market is likely to fluctuate. For the subsequent Buju, we can focus on its rebound strength over the weekend to arrange Kongdan! 9.7 Saturday noon operation suggestions Big cake operation suggestions are bearish around 54600-55200, target 63500, and defense with 800 points of space Ether operation suggestions are bearish around 2290-2340, target 2240, and defense with 30 points of space In the golden September and silver October, Jianhua is in a hot state. Friends who can't do well by themselves can identify the idea, recover the capital, turn over the position, and laugh at the currency market together! #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH $BNB
9.7 Saturday noon operation suggestions and ideas

Bitcoin ushered in a grand carnival of bears after yesterday's non-agricultural data. The exchange rate has been falling from 57,000 to 52,500 so far, with an overall drop of nearly 5,000 points. As a member of the air force, you must have eaten a lot of oil. Currently, Hangqing is fluctuating around 54,100. The trend is still bearish and the continuity is still strong. You can just go short in the operation

9.7 Saturday noon analysis

At present, the daily level is already an obvious weak structure. The currency price continues to be weak and downward, and the K line has fallen back in succession. The four-hour level is also a very obvious Kongtou trend. The rebound has been recovered by the Kongtou, so there is no doubt that the high Kong operation is maintained. Due to the weekend, the market is likely to fluctuate. For the subsequent Buju, we can focus on its rebound strength over the weekend to arrange Kongdan!

9.7 Saturday noon operation suggestions
Big cake operation suggestions are bearish around 54600-55200, target 63500, and defense with 800 points of space
Ether operation suggestions are bearish around 2290-2340, target 2240, and defense with 30 points of space

In the golden September and silver October, Jianhua is in a hot state. Friends who can't do well by themselves can identify the idea, recover the capital, turn over the position, and laugh at the currency market together!
#BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH $BNB
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What should I do if I get stuck during the transaction? Here are some tips to help you get out of the trap! 1. According to the position you hold 1. If you are a coin friend with a shallow order, you can use the rebound market to get out of the trap, or reduce your position when the price is high. 2. If you are a coin friend with a deep order, you can make a partial position opening operation at a high price or make up for the position to lower the average price, so that you can take the psychological initiative before the market comes. 2. According to the trend status of the purchased currency 1. If the purchased currency is in a downward trend, once the downward trend is confirmed and the trend has been formed, it is recommended to stop loss immediately, and you must not have illusions about gains and losses. Hesitation and hesitation may cause deep traps in the future, which will eventually make it difficult to extricate yourself. 2. If the purchased currency is in a balanced oscillation trend, you don’t have to stop loss immediately. Wait patiently for the currency to enter the high position of the oscillation cycle. Once the coin is untied or the loss is small, you should decisively leave the market. 3. If the currency you bought is in an upward trend, you don't need to stop loss. Hold it patiently for a period of time, and you will inevitably get out of the trap and even have a greater profit possibility$BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS
What should I do if I get stuck during the transaction? Here are some tips to help you get out of the trap!
1. According to the position you hold
1. If you are a coin friend with a shallow order, you can use the rebound market to get out of the trap, or reduce your position when the price is high.
2. If you are a coin friend with a deep order, you can make a partial position opening operation at a high price or make up for the position to lower the average price, so that you can take the psychological initiative before the market comes.
2. According to the trend status of the purchased currency
1. If the purchased currency is in a downward trend, once the downward trend is confirmed and the trend has been formed, it is recommended to stop loss immediately, and you must not have illusions about gains and losses. Hesitation and hesitation may cause deep traps in the future, which will eventually make it difficult to extricate yourself.
2. If the purchased currency is in a balanced oscillation trend, you don’t have to stop loss immediately. Wait patiently for the currency to enter the high position of the oscillation cycle. Once the coin is untied or the loss is small, you should decisively leave the market. 3. If the currency you bought is in an upward trend, you don't need to stop loss. Hold it patiently for a period of time, and you will inevitably get out of the trap and even have a greater profit possibility$BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS
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