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我现在根本不适合币圈,特别是不适合做短线。 为什么呢? 现在的交易习惯就是,涨了一点心里就按捺不住了就想赶紧入袋为安,特别是涨了一点稍微回调一下,简直受不了,深怕卖不出去一样。 但是亏了又缺斗志昂扬,哪怕跌它个二三十个点都无所畏惧只想拿着等回本。 哎这种趋利避害的行为是人性使然,但是呢币圈是反人性的。 需要调整啊




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Some professionals are also bearish on xai!
Some professionals are also bearish on xai!
Quoted content has been removed
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$XAI It is already 0.3, and it will be 0.28 in two days at most. If you hurry up, you may see it tomorrow. Have you shorted it? Have you made money? Don't have illusions about its rise. It hasn't risen yet. You can continue to short it at the end of the month or if there are favorable projects to pull it up.
$XAI It is already 0.3, and it will be 0.28 in two days at most. If you hurry up, you may see it tomorrow. Have you shorted it? Have you made money? Don't have illusions about its rise. It hasn't risen yet. You can continue to short it at the end of the month or if there are favorable projects to pull it up.
操作体系: (1)准备在这波行情中赚取多少钱;从摩根大厦的第一层走到顶楼,要好几个小时。但是从楼顶纵身跳下,只要几十秒,就可以回到楼底。 (2)我最大接受多少亏损,如果行情回撤,亏损多少我必须立刻出局;无论你过去曾经,有过多少个100%的优秀业绩,现在只要损失一个100%,你就一无所有了。 (3)每次操作赚取利润的的几分之几一定要落袋为安; (4)逐步加仓的方式,避免全仓交易,随着利润上升不断的提高盈利止损位,绝不让已经拥有的利润变成亏损; (5)永远给自己一个再来一次的交易机会,严格按照自己的交易体系操作。 (6)趋势来时, 应之,随之。无趋势时, 观之,静之,做好当下,跟随,应对!
(6)趋势来时, 应之,随之。无趋势时, 观之,静之,做好当下,跟随,应对!
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$XAI This coin is at 0.28 this time. Go, go ...
$XAI This coin is at 0.28 this time. Go, go ...
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$XAI is really rubbish. It's a good news. Others are pulling up the price, but he just pulls up and sells out. The price is lower than before. I'm speechless. This bastard has no pattern. I'd better short him at a high point! Everyone is doing this.
$XAI is really rubbish. It's a good news. Others are pulling up the price, but he just pulls up and sells out. The price is lower than before. I'm speechless. This bastard has no pattern. I'd better short him at a high point! Everyone is doing this.
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#bond I learned something again today. The delisted coin dropped more than 30% from 1.8 to 1.2 in 2 minutes, but it recovered in 1 hour and is now only down about 12%. It's really amazing. Bond, I really can't figure it out. I don't understand it. None of the previous delisted Omg and XEM had this situation! If it is a strong dealer, it is estimated that it will not be pulled up after being delisted. For example, Zen has been removed from the watch list. Why did this happen to this bond? If anyone knows, please tell me!
#bond I learned something again today. The delisted coin dropped more than 30% from 1.8 to 1.2 in 2 minutes, but it recovered in 1 hour and is now only down about 12%. It's really amazing. Bond, I really can't figure it out. I don't understand it. None of the previous delisted Omg and XEM had this situation!

If it is a strong dealer, it is estimated that it will not be pulled up after being delisted. For example, Zen has been removed from the watch list. Why did this happen to this bond? If anyone knows, please tell me!
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Come and see, new airdrop
Come and see, new airdrop
MANTRA is excited to announce an exciting new giveaway for the Sherpa community 🎁

Head over to Binance Square Giveaway and follow the steps to participate!
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I just saw this article posted by someone on the square and it seems to make sense. I was just looking at how to tell that the experts are selling. That's it. 1. Rapid rise and slow fall means someone is selling You can refer to #not 2. Rapid fall and slow rise, or someone is absorbing On June 5,#wiffell to around 3.2, and I was still wondering how this could happen. Suddenly, it fell a big negative line, and then it rose for a long time, and then another big negative line. 3. Rise with enlarged trading volume often ushered in a decline This has not been observed 4. Fall with enlarged trading volume is often accompanied by a rebound This has not been observed 5. Rise with shrinking trading volume may continue the upward trend This has not been observed 6. Fall with shrinking trading volume may continue to fall This has not been observed 7. The trading volume is enlarged but the price of the currency does not rise, suggesting that the market outlook is weak This has not been observed Will the big cake continue to rise? It is said that there will be some news in the next two days, which should affect its trend. It is better not to operate in the next two days, stable!
I just saw this article posted by someone on the square and it seems to make sense. I was just looking at how to tell that the experts are selling. That's it.
1. Rapid rise and slow fall means someone is selling
You can refer to #not
2. Rapid fall and slow rise, or someone is absorbing
On June 5,#wiffell to around 3.2, and I was still wondering how this could happen. Suddenly, it fell a big negative line, and then it rose for a long time, and then another big negative line.

3. Rise with enlarged trading volume often ushered in a decline
This has not been observed
4. Fall with enlarged trading volume is often accompanied by a rebound
This has not been observed
5. Rise with shrinking trading volume may continue the upward trend
This has not been observed
6. Fall with shrinking trading volume may continue to fall
This has not been observed
7. The trading volume is enlarged but the price of the currency does not rise, suggesting that the market outlook is weak
This has not been observed

Will the big cake continue to rise? It is said that there will be some news in the next two days, which should affect its trend. It is better not to operate in the next two days, stable!
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Today I did two airdrop projects, plus the two I did in the past two days, a total of 4, but I already understood how to do it in the early stage, but I still have no experience in how to cash out after completing the tasks in the later stage, so I don’t understand it very well. I also asked my predecessors for advice. The predecessors said a lot. I will summarize a few points for you to compare the pits. 1: There are many pitfalls in airdrop projects, and there are relatively few that really produce u. Many projects cannot last on the exchange, so the points made are useless. 2: You must create a new wallet to get airdrops. Don’t put too much money in your wallet, otherwise someone can take away the u in your wallet. 3: Get it from Binance, it’s guaranteed and the price is high😄 Just received an email notifying me that Binance’s new round of airdrop projects has started. Get ready and get ready. Let’s get started together #MegadropLista It’s been sideways recently, and it feels good. I make a little money every day, , nice₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑
Today I did two airdrop projects, plus the two I did in the past two days, a total of 4, but I already understood how to do it in the early stage, but I still have no experience in how to cash out after completing the tasks in the later stage, so I don’t understand it very well. I also asked my predecessors for advice. The predecessors said a lot. I will summarize a few points for you to compare the pits.
1: There are many pitfalls in airdrop projects, and there are relatively few that really produce u. Many projects cannot last on the exchange, so the points made are useless.
2: You must create a new wallet to get airdrops. Don’t put too much money in your wallet, otherwise someone can take away the u in your wallet.
3: Get it from Binance, it’s guaranteed and the price is high😄
Just received an email notifying me that Binance’s new round of airdrop projects has started. Get ready and get ready. Let’s get started together #MegadropLista

It’s been sideways recently, and it feels good. I make a little money every day, , nice₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑
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Today's #pepe⚡ is a big rise day. Since the ETH ETF passed two days ago, I bought it at a better price and it has fallen for several days. I originally placed an order before the high and low, thinking that it would rise tentatively like yesterday, and then I sold it, and it would fall behind and I bought it back. It went up and there was no fall back. It kept rising and rising, and there was no chance to pull back and get on the train. This afternoon, the VIP group held a meeting and said that you can buy it at the current price, and it can't go back to the past, and then I bought it back. I was really convinced. I was the one who chased the rise and killed the fall. I really couldn't have fun! I bought it back again, and then it started to fluctuate and adjust again. I don't know if it will rise or fall. Can the great god analyze it?
Today's #pepe⚡ is a big rise day. Since the ETH ETF passed two days ago, I bought it at a better price and it has fallen for several days. I originally placed an order before the high and low, thinking that it would rise tentatively like yesterday, and then I sold it, and it would fall behind and I bought it back. It went up and there was no fall back. It kept rising and rising, and there was no chance to pull back and get on the train.

This afternoon, the VIP group held a meeting and said that you can buy it at the current price, and it can't go back to the past, and then I bought it back. I was really convinced. I was the one who chased the rise and killed the fall. I really couldn't have fun! I bought it back again, and then it started to fluctuate and adjust again. I don't know if it will rise or fall. Can the great god analyze it?
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It's a mess. I haven't done anything, but the coins in my hand have been falling, falling, and falling. I'll put it somewhere and ignore it, and wait and see what happens tomorrow. First learn the information sent by the big guys. 1. Don't rush to stop loss when the market falls sharply in the morning. It is usually an overreaction to the negative news the night before. You can wait for the repair and reversal. Personal understanding: The market started to fall this morning, but it was not very strong. I got stuck after entering the market. It kept falling. The teacher said that you should either go all in or use part of it for emergency. Then I didn't listen and went all in. The meme coins have been rising for the past few days, so it's not a big problem. If they fall, there will be problems. I want to do a contract hedging, but I don't have any coins. I learned another lesson. I think the market will be repaired tonight. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 2 Don't blindly chase the rise at the end of the market. Some main players like to test the market and lure more, and they will open low the next day to suppress and absorb funds. I haven't encountered this yet, so I don't understand it.
It's a mess.
I haven't done anything, but the coins in my hand have been falling, falling, and falling. I'll put it somewhere and ignore it, and wait and see what happens tomorrow.
First learn the information sent by the big guys.
1. Don't rush to stop loss when the market falls sharply in the morning. It is usually an overreaction to the negative news the night before. You can wait for the repair and reversal.
Personal understanding: The market started to fall this morning, but it was not very strong. I got stuck after entering the market. It kept falling. The teacher said that you should either go all in or use part of it for emergency. Then I didn't listen and went all in. The meme coins have been rising for the past few days, so it's not a big problem. If they fall, there will be problems. I want to do a contract hedging, but I don't have any coins. I learned another lesson. I think the market will be repaired tonight. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
2 Don't blindly chase the rise at the end of the market. Some main players like to test the market and lure more, and they will open low the next day to suppress and absorb funds.

I haven't encountered this yet, so I don't understand it.
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#w I heard that this coin is going to rise, but I don’t know if it’s true or not. I bought less now. If it rises tomorrow, I will regret not buying more. If it falls, I will feel that I bought too much. What is this? It’s just gambling. There is no way for us small leeks to have any advantages. We don’t have so many Us, and we still need to recharge for experience. We can only gamble. If there is a reference to the VIP community, the interest rate will be higher, and we know that those 🐶dog dealers are going to pull the market. But the price of entering a community is half of my net worth, and I don’t know when I can get my money back. #edu Today’s receipts are not much, about 1U. ETH ETF This matter really affects me. I don’t dare to start this volatile market. I didn’t dare to buy it when it really rose. I bought it in the morning of #TRB妖币 , and then it rose to the highest point of 114.95. Unfortunately, I was driving and didn’t see it. When I saw it, it fell back. I was helpless! This #EDUChain is the same. I saw it yesterday and also saw the push for it. It has risen by 10%, so I thought I didn’t buy it at the highest point. It rose even higher today. #PEPE创历史新高 was shorted at the high point of 0.000014 today, and then it reached a higher point. Haha, you really can’t go against the trend! At that time, I wanted to go long and make another profit, but I didn’t react at the time. I was thinking about how to get out of the trap. Why didn’t it follow the K-line form? Hum╯^╰It’s the dog dealer who is pulling the market👿
I heard that this coin is going to rise, but I don’t know if it’s true or not. I bought less now. If it rises tomorrow, I will regret not buying more. If it falls, I will feel that I bought too much. What is this? It’s just gambling. There is no way for us small leeks to have any advantages. We don’t have so many Us, and we still need to recharge for experience. We can only gamble. If there is a reference to the VIP community, the interest rate will be higher, and we know that those 🐶dog dealers are going to pull the market. But the price of entering a community is half of my net worth, and I don’t know when I can get my money back.
Today’s receipts are not much, about 1U. ETH ETF This matter really affects me. I don’t dare to start this volatile market. I didn’t dare to buy it when it really rose. I bought it in the morning of #TRB妖币 , and then it rose to the highest point of 114.95. Unfortunately, I was driving and didn’t see it. When I saw it, it fell back. I was helpless! This #EDUChain is the same. I saw it yesterday and also saw the push for it. It has risen by 10%, so I thought I didn’t buy it at the highest point. It rose even higher today.
#PEPE创历史新高 was shorted at the high point of 0.000014 today, and then it reached a higher point. Haha, you really can’t go against the trend! At that time, I wanted to go long and make another profit, but I didn’t react at the time. I was thinking about how to get out of the trap. Why didn’t it follow the K-line form? Hum╯^╰It’s the dog dealer who is pulling the market👿
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Today is a day without any gains in the account, but the knowledge has increased. I found two things. First, there will be a decline before a big rise📉, and second, Binance's operation is really not as simple as Ouyi. First, $BTC should be sold directly when it falls to the point when it falls but does not understand it, instead of holding it in your hand and letting it rise and fall in your hand. Now I found this problem after reviewing it. I didn't realize it before. Second, you must do a stop loss on the contract. You must do a stop loss. You must do a stop loss. MD has stopped losses for all other MDs, but I forgot this one, and it happened to him. And I found that when there is a loss, the loss is more than the profit loss. The short position earns 1u and the long position loses 3u. I don't know why this happens? Is there any big guy who can explain it to me? I will be grateful. Third, don't operate frequently. I made 9% in three transactions yesterday. I have been trading all day today. In the end, the account has not grown. I just saw a kol in the square saying that he only makes a few transactions a month and can withdraw cash every month. I am really envious. Go and learn right away, and improving is also improving yourself. You can't just do nothing.
Today is a day without any gains in the account, but the knowledge has increased. I found two things. First, there will be a decline before a big rise📉, and second, Binance's operation is really not as simple as Ouyi.
First, $BTC should be sold directly when it falls to the point when it falls but does not understand it, instead of holding it in your hand and letting it rise and fall in your hand. Now I found this problem after reviewing it. I didn't realize it before.
Second, you must do a stop loss on the contract. You must do a stop loss. You must do a stop loss. MD has stopped losses for all other MDs, but I forgot this one, and it happened to him. And I found that when there is a loss, the loss is more than the profit loss. The short position earns 1u and the long position loses 3u. I don't know why this happens? Is there any big guy who can explain it to me? I will be grateful.
Third, don't operate frequently. I made 9% in three transactions yesterday. I have been trading all day today. In the end, the account has not grown. I just saw a kol in the square saying that he only makes a few transactions a month and can withdraw cash every month. I am really envious.
Go and learn right away, and improving is also improving yourself. You can't just do nothing.
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