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#pepe神币 《The star of hope has appeared, why is it facing the dilemma of falling instead of rising?》 PEPE has suffered countless abuses and slanders, especially in the past few days, which has caused many brothers' assets to shrink. You are allowed to criticize it verbally, but don't give up paying attention to it, because good things are coming In the MEME sector, PEPE has many advantages and has attracted much attention. Recently, the daily line has shown the strange phenomenon that the star of hope has not risen but fallen. PEPE has an innovative model, decentralization makes transactions transparent and fair, reduces the risks of intermediate links and manipulation, has a high degree of community activity, and user participation and consensus are constantly increasing. However, why is it falling instead of rising despite its advantages? Tucker has three points of analysis First, the overall market sentiment is pessimistic, and most people are highly sensitive to risks. Even if the target has potential, they dare not invest easily, and the buying power is insufficient. Second, short-term negative news may be over-amplified, such as German and American shipments and Mentougou compensation, which trigger panic selling. In addition, the market competition is fierce, and the rise of other emerging investment products has dispersed the capital flow, and the support for PEPE has been relatively weakened. Third, there are new capital forces that want to get more cheap chips, and now they have not absorbed enough chips, so they are deliberately suppressing the price. Long-term investors should remain calm and rational, and deeply analyze its fundamentals and future trends. I believe that after the market returns to rationality and the panic dissipates, PEPE is expected to get rid of the predicament with its own advantages and resume its upward trend. Now try to reduce operations, do not buy at the bottom, do not increase positions, and wait until the market is clear, PEPE will apologize to those who scold it with a big positive column. #PEPE创历史新高 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《The star of hope has appeared, why is it facing the dilemma of falling instead of rising?》

PEPE has suffered countless abuses and slanders, especially in the past few days, which has caused many brothers' assets to shrink. You are allowed to criticize it verbally, but don't give up paying attention to it, because good things are coming

In the MEME sector, PEPE has many advantages and has attracted much attention. Recently, the daily line has shown the strange phenomenon that the star of hope has not risen but fallen.

PEPE has an innovative model, decentralization makes transactions transparent and fair, reduces the risks of intermediate links and manipulation, has a high degree of community activity, and user participation and consensus are constantly increasing.

However, why is it falling instead of rising despite its advantages? Tucker has three points of analysis

First, the overall market sentiment is pessimistic, and most people are highly sensitive to risks. Even if the target has potential, they dare not invest easily, and the buying power is insufficient.

Second, short-term negative news may be over-amplified, such as German and American shipments and Mentougou compensation, which trigger panic selling. In addition, the market competition is fierce, and the rise of other emerging investment products has dispersed the capital flow, and the support for PEPE has been relatively weakened.

Third, there are new capital forces that want to get more cheap chips, and now they have not absorbed enough chips, so they are deliberately suppressing the price.

Long-term investors should remain calm and rational, and deeply analyze its fundamentals and future trends. I believe that after the market returns to rationality and the panic dissipates, PEPE is expected to get rid of the predicament with its own advantages and resume its upward trend. Now try to reduce operations, do not buy at the bottom, do not increase positions, and wait until the market is clear, PEPE will apologize to those who scold it with a big positive column.

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#IOTX物联网+AI 《Explore the unique advantages of IO coins and open up new investment horizons》 Let's take a look at Tucker's research on io projects, analysis of advantages, and the best time to enter the market. IO is the native token of the IO.NET project. IO.NET is a decentralized artificial intelligence computing and cloud platform. It builds a distributed GPU system based on Solana, Render, Ray and Filecoin, aiming to use distributed GPU resources to solve computing challenges in the fields of AI and machine learning. The advantages are summarized in 5 points 1. Innovative application scenarios: associated with decentralized artificial intelligence computing and cloud platforms, it provides unique solutions for computing challenges of AI and machine learning, and has potential in emerging technology fields. 2. Reduce costs: Using IO coins to pay GPU rental fees may have no handling fees or the handling fees are lower than other methods, which can reduce user costs. 3. Incentive mechanism: GPU suppliers can get idle rewards by staking a certain amount of IO coins, which encourages more suppliers to participate and enrich resource supply. 4. Participate in platform governance: Coin holders can participate in platform governance decisions and have a say in development direction and rule-making. 5. Potential value-added space: The platform is successfully developed and widely used, and the demand for IO coins increases, which may lead to currency value growth. About 2.11 million IO coins will be unlocked at 8 pm Beijing time on July 11, 2024, which is 2.22% of the current circulation and worth about 4.4 million US dollars. That time may be the best time to enter the market. Follow Tucker and enjoy the latest news first. #io项目 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《Explore the unique advantages of IO coins and open up new investment horizons》

Let's take a look at Tucker's research on io projects, analysis of advantages, and the best time to enter the market.

IO is the native token of the IO.NET project. IO.NET is a decentralized artificial intelligence computing and cloud platform. It builds a distributed GPU system based on Solana, Render, Ray and Filecoin, aiming to use distributed GPU resources to solve computing challenges in the fields of AI and machine learning.

The advantages are summarized in 5 points

1. Innovative application scenarios: associated with decentralized artificial intelligence computing and cloud platforms, it provides unique solutions for computing challenges of AI and machine learning, and has potential in emerging technology fields.

2. Reduce costs: Using IO coins to pay GPU rental fees may have no handling fees or the handling fees are lower than other methods, which can reduce user costs.

3. Incentive mechanism: GPU suppliers can get idle rewards by staking a certain amount of IO coins, which encourages more suppliers to participate and enrich resource supply.

4. Participate in platform governance: Coin holders can participate in platform governance decisions and have a say in development direction and rule-making.

5. Potential value-added space: The platform is successfully developed and widely used, and the demand for IO coins increases, which may lead to currency value growth.

About 2.11 million IO coins will be unlocked at 8 pm Beijing time on July 11, 2024, which is 2.22% of the current circulation and worth about 4.4 million US dollars. That time may be the best time to enter the market. Follow Tucker and enjoy the latest news first.

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#Xai质押 《Unlocking chips is surging, can XAI break through the waves?》 Brothers who own XAI, please pay attention. There are only 34 hours left before the tsunami lands on Binance Square. At that time, it may cause a major earthquake in the price of XAI. Please pay attention at any time and pay attention to risks. Tucker got the news that Xai will unlock about 198.4 million tokens at 5:30 pm Beijing time on July 9, 2024, which is 71.59% of the current circulation and worth about 55 million US dollars. As a new project, XAI has potential, but its shortcomings are also obvious. The technology and products have not been fully verified by the market, and the stability and reliability may be insufficient. There may be problems in actual application. Although there is team support, it takes time for the new team to collaborate and run-in, which affects the speed and efficiency of the project and is not conducive to development. The market competition is fierce, and there are many similar projects. XAI faces competitive pressure and it is not easy to stand out. The unlocking of a large number of chips will increase the supply, and price fluctuations may intensify. If it cannot solve its own problems and improve its competitiveness, the price may face greater downward pressure. We must fully understand the risks and not be confused by the advantages and ignore the problems. Before making a decision, we must conduct a comprehensive research and analysis, including in-depth understanding of the project, accurate judgment of market trends, and clear understanding of our own risk tolerance. We must be calm and rational, and not blindly follow the trend. In short, the unlocking of a large number of XAI chips has both opportunities and risks. We should carefully weigh the pros and cons and make wise choices. Please treat it rationally when you know that the risks are greater than the benefits. #Xai质押 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《Unlocking chips is surging, can XAI break through the waves?》

Brothers who own XAI, please pay attention. There are only 34 hours left before the tsunami lands on Binance Square. At that time, it may cause a major earthquake in the price of XAI. Please pay attention at any time and pay attention to risks.

Tucker got the news that Xai will unlock about 198.4 million tokens at 5:30 pm Beijing time on July 9, 2024, which is 71.59% of the current circulation and worth about 55 million US dollars.

As a new project, XAI has potential, but its shortcomings are also obvious. The technology and products have not been fully verified by the market, and the stability and reliability may be insufficient. There may be problems in actual application. Although there is team support, it takes time for the new team to collaborate and run-in, which affects the speed and efficiency of the project and is not conducive to development.

The market competition is fierce, and there are many similar projects. XAI faces competitive pressure and it is not easy to stand out. The unlocking of a large number of chips will increase the supply, and price fluctuations may intensify. If it cannot solve its own problems and improve its competitiveness, the price may face greater downward pressure.

We must fully understand the risks and not be confused by the advantages and ignore the problems. Before making a decision, we must conduct a comprehensive research and analysis, including in-depth understanding of the project, accurate judgment of market trends, and clear understanding of our own risk tolerance. We must be calm and rational, and not blindly follow the trend.

In short, the unlocking of a large number of XAI chips has both opportunities and risks. We should carefully weigh the pros and cons and make wise choices. Please treat it rationally when you know that the risks are greater than the benefits.

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#edu "EDU Symmetrical Fluctuation: The Game of Risk and Return" I would like to call him a painter of symmetry. In the 4-hour trend of EDU, there is a symmetrical trend. The target pie has temporarily stopped falling. This is good news. The new week is about to begin. EDU deserves your attention. , one day it will give you an unexpected surprise. In the past, Lao Zhao has repeatedly mentioned the importance of the education sector, which attracted much attention to EDU, the only son of the education sector. In the past week, it followed the big pie and experienced a decline in the market, and today it has gained a firm foothold. EDU exhibits many significant advantages in the field of education. First, the educational resources represented by EDU are often highly professional and systematic and can provide learners with a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge system. Secondly, it is highly flexible. Learners can arrange their learning process according to their own time and rhythm, breaking the limitations of time and space. Furthermore, EDU uses advanced technological means, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc., to bring a richer experience to learning and make learning more interesting and attractive. Finally, EDU can achieve widespread sharing of educational resources, allowing more people to have access to high-quality education and promoting educational equity. For those who are optimistic about EDU, Tucker analyzed that as long as the position is gradually opened below 0.45, the benefits will outweigh the risks. #edu #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

"EDU Symmetrical Fluctuation: The Game of Risk and Return"

I would like to call him a painter of symmetry. In the 4-hour trend of EDU, there is a symmetrical trend. The target pie has temporarily stopped falling. This is good news. The new week is about to begin. EDU deserves your attention. , one day it will give you an unexpected surprise.

In the past, Lao Zhao has repeatedly mentioned the importance of the education sector, which attracted much attention to EDU, the only son of the education sector. In the past week, it followed the big pie and experienced a decline in the market, and today it has gained a firm foothold.

EDU exhibits many significant advantages in the field of education. First, the educational resources represented by EDU are often highly professional and systematic and can provide learners with a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge system.

Secondly, it is highly flexible. Learners can arrange their learning process according to their own time and rhythm, breaking the limitations of time and space.

Furthermore, EDU uses advanced technological means, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc., to bring a richer experience to learning and make learning more interesting and attractive.

Finally, EDU can achieve widespread sharing of educational resources, allowing more people to have access to high-quality education and promoting educational equity.

For those who are optimistic about EDU, Tucker analyzed that as long as the position is gradually opened below 0.45, the benefits will outweigh the risks.
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#PEOPLE 《When profits withdraw, you need to calm down to break through》 Do you feel deeply guilty and regretful every time you fail to cash in your profits and cause your funds to withdraw? If it touches your heart, then read this article written by Tucker carefully. If you think it is helpful to you, liking and commenting is the greatest support for Tucker. After we make a profit, how can we ensure that our mentality is not greatly impacted and maintain a firm heart? There are two feasible ways. The first way is to withdraw the principal after making a profit and use the profit to win the satisfaction in your heart. The advantage of doing this is that even if there is a market correction later, only the profit part will be lost, and the principal has been guaranteed. This method can satisfy our desire to continue to pursue higher returns to a certain extent, while not putting ourselves in the risk of losing the principal. The second way is to sell the principal and interest together after making a profit. This is a more stable and conservative strategy. It ensures that the results we have obtained can be held in our hands in a real way and avoids the profit withdrawal that may be caused by market fluctuations. This is a wise choice for investors who have low risk tolerance or have already reached their predetermined profit targets. However, no matter which method you choose, the key is to have a clear understanding of your investment goals and risk tolerance. When facing profit drawdowns, you cannot be swayed by emotions and make decisions blindly. Only by maintaining a calm mind and calmly and rationally analyzing the market situation can you make the best choice. The weekly line will be closed soon. We will soon know what the direction will be next week. It is likely to go in a good direction. Mentougou is already paying compensation, and the German and American selling of big cakes has also temporarily ended. The negative impact is good news. I believe that the trapped brothers will soon be able to get out of the trap. #PEOPLE #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《When profits withdraw, you need to calm down to break through》

Do you feel deeply guilty and regretful every time you fail to cash in your profits and cause your funds to withdraw? If it touches your heart, then read this article written by Tucker carefully. If you think it is helpful to you, liking and commenting is the greatest support for Tucker.

After we make a profit, how can we ensure that our mentality is not greatly impacted and maintain a firm heart? There are two feasible ways.

The first way is to withdraw the principal after making a profit and use the profit to win the satisfaction in your heart. The advantage of doing this is that even if there is a market correction later, only the profit part will be lost, and the principal has been guaranteed. This method can satisfy our desire to continue to pursue higher returns to a certain extent, while not putting ourselves in the risk of losing the principal.

The second way is to sell the principal and interest together after making a profit. This is a more stable and conservative strategy. It ensures that the results we have obtained can be held in our hands in a real way and avoids the profit withdrawal that may be caused by market fluctuations. This is a wise choice for investors who have low risk tolerance or have already reached their predetermined profit targets.

However, no matter which method you choose, the key is to have a clear understanding of your investment goals and risk tolerance. When facing profit drawdowns, you cannot be swayed by emotions and make decisions blindly. Only by maintaining a calm mind and calmly and rationally analyzing the market situation can you make the best choice.

The weekly line will be closed soon. We will soon know what the direction will be next week. It is likely to go in a good direction. Mentougou is already paying compensation, and the German and American selling of big cakes has also temporarily ended. The negative impact is good news. I believe that the trapped brothers will soon be able to get out of the trap.


《PEOPLE Starts a New Journey: The Starting Point of the Rising Sun》

People are the ones who have been scolded the most during the decline in the past two days.
Now the rebound wind has finally blown to people's face, and your bloody mouth has slowly closed. The 4-hour line has walked out of the rising sun. The 4-hour line continues to be bullish. Pay attention to Tucker for the subsequent trend and bring news as soon as possible.

In the volatile situation of cryptocurrency in the past few days, PEOPLE has experienced countless abuses. Now, the rebound wind has finally blown, like the dawn, bringing new hope and opportunities.

For a long time, PEOPLE has been forging ahead in the market wave, and investors are anxious and expectant. When the market turns, the expected rebound wind quietly arrives. This is the result of market adjustments and the recognition of PEOPLE's own value.

Under the rebound wind, PEOPLE is like the rising sun, showing strong vitality and potential, prices have rebounded, and market confidence has been rebuilt, which makes investors who stick to it happy and attracts new attention.

However, we must be aware that the cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainty and risks. Although the rebound trend is good, we still need to be cautious and rational, not blindly follow the trend, and should study the fundamentals and market trends to make wise decisions.

The rebound trend brings development opportunities to PEOPLE and is full of hope. But we must remain rational and patient in the process of moving forward. It seems that the increase is more than 30, but this price has to double to reach the cost price of some brothers. If there is a profit in the rebound, the principal will be paid first, and the profit will be used to bet on a rebound. This will reduce the risk of being trapped. At present, the 4-hour bullish outlook is maintained. I hope that the trapped brothers will be released as soon as possible, and the brothers who are not trapped will make profits as soon as possible.
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#mln 《When MLN is not in demand, it is time to pay attention to it》 These two days, all sectors are very lively. MLN, which has just removed the observation label, seems a little shy and dare not show up, but it was still discovered by the careful Tucker. Now please pay attention to it. Today is the weekly closing. It is approaching the 7th anniversary of Binance. I believe it will go in a good direction next week. The market conditions of digital currency are fickle. Starting yesterday, the big cake led the rebound of various sectors, bringing a little relief to the panic of the market. MLN, which has not been in demand, may usher in the opportunity to enter the market. The good news of just removing the observation label may bring it more attention and liquidity. From a technical perspective, its technical team has worked hard to improve performance and functions. The characteristics of decentralized asset management are attractive in the DeFi craze, which means wider recognition for MLN. Of course, the risks in the digital currency market cannot be ignored, and price fluctuations are inevitable. Investors should be rational and calm. Overall, MLN has a chance to rebound in the next week. Opportunities often hide when no one is interested. Investors with foresight and courage may be able to seize the rebound of MLN and reap rich rewards. Now, as long as there is a slight correction, you can gradually build a position. #mln #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《When MLN is not in demand, it is time to pay attention to it》

These two days, all sectors are very lively. MLN, which has just removed the observation label, seems a little shy and dare not show up, but it was still discovered by the careful Tucker. Now please pay attention to it. Today is the weekly closing. It is approaching the 7th anniversary of Binance. I believe it will go in a good direction next week.

The market conditions of digital currency are fickle. Starting yesterday, the big cake led the rebound of various sectors, bringing a little relief to the panic of the market. MLN, which has not been in demand, may usher in the opportunity to enter the market. The good news of just removing the observation label may bring it more attention and liquidity.

From a technical perspective, its technical team has worked hard to improve performance and functions. The characteristics of decentralized asset management are attractive in the DeFi craze, which means wider recognition for MLN.

Of course, the risks in the digital currency market cannot be ignored, and price fluctuations are inevitable. Investors should be rational and calm. Overall, MLN has a chance to rebound in the next week.

Opportunities often hide when no one is interested. Investors with foresight and courage may be able to seize the rebound of MLN and reap rich rewards. Now, as long as there is a slight correction, you can gradually build a position.

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#NOT🔥🔥🔥 《NOT Peak: Is it alarmist or reality approaching?》 It seems that the increase of more than 40 is dazzling, but Tucker wants to ask, have you recovered your investment? From the technical form, the 4-hour has gone out of the acceleration line, which generally releases the peak signal during the rise. In plain words, it cannot rise all the time, and it is unhealthy to rise all the time. Now wait patiently for the callback, and please take the profit. Taking the profit is a strategy that needs to be seriously considered. When the market has a certain increase, cashing in part or all of the profits in time can avoid profit taking caused by market callbacks. Market fluctuations are unpredictable. Even if the current situation looks good, it may change at any time. Putting the profits in your pocket can make us have a more calm mentality when facing market uncertainties. At the same time, it is also an important reminder not to buy at the bottom easily. The temptation to buy at the bottom often comes from the desire for low prices and the expectation of future rebounds, but the market trend is not always as we wish. During the decline, there may be many situations that seem to be the bottom, but in fact they are just short pauses on the way down. If you don't have enough patience and risk tolerance, blindly buying the bottom may lead to greater losses. Wait for a callback and choose the timing based on the trend of the big cake, so that both investment returns and risks can be well controlled. #NOT还会上涨吗 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《NOT Peak: Is it alarmist or reality approaching?》

It seems that the increase of more than 40 is dazzling, but Tucker wants to ask, have you recovered your investment?

From the technical form, the 4-hour has gone out of the acceleration line, which generally releases the peak signal during the rise. In plain words, it cannot rise all the time, and it is unhealthy to rise all the time. Now wait patiently for the callback, and please take the profit.

Taking the profit is a strategy that needs to be seriously considered. When the market has a certain increase, cashing in part or all of the profits in time can avoid profit taking caused by market callbacks. Market fluctuations are unpredictable. Even if the current situation looks good, it may change at any time. Putting the profits in your pocket can make us have a more calm mentality when facing market uncertainties.

At the same time, it is also an important reminder not to buy at the bottom easily. The temptation to buy at the bottom often comes from the desire for low prices and the expectation of future rebounds, but the market trend is not always as we wish. During the decline, there may be many situations that seem to be the bottom, but in fact they are just short pauses on the way down. If you don't have enough patience and risk tolerance, blindly buying the bottom may lead to greater losses.

Wait for a callback and choose the timing based on the trend of the big cake, so that both investment returns and risks can be well controlled.
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#PEOPLE 《PEOPLE Starts a New Journey: The Starting Point of the Rising Sun》 People are the ones who have been scolded the most during the decline in the past two days. Now the rebound wind has finally blown to people's face, and your bloody mouth has slowly closed. The 4-hour line has walked out of the rising sun. The 4-hour line continues to be bullish. Pay attention to Tucker for the subsequent trend and bring news as soon as possible. In the volatile situation of cryptocurrency in the past few days, PEOPLE has experienced countless abuses. Now, the rebound wind has finally blown, like the dawn, bringing new hope and opportunities. For a long time, PEOPLE has been forging ahead in the market wave, and investors are anxious and expectant. When the market turns, the expected rebound wind quietly arrives. This is the result of market adjustments and the recognition of PEOPLE's own value. Under the rebound wind, PEOPLE is like the rising sun, showing strong vitality and potential, prices have rebounded, and market confidence has been rebuilt, which makes investors who stick to it happy and attracts new attention. However, we must be aware that the cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainty and risks. Although the rebound trend is good, we still need to be cautious and rational, not blindly follow the trend, and should study the fundamentals and market trends to make wise decisions. The rebound trend brings development opportunities to PEOPLE and is full of hope. But we must remain rational and patient in the process of moving forward. It seems that the increase is more than 30, but this price has to double to reach the cost price of some brothers. If there is a profit in the rebound, the principal will be paid first, and the profit will be used to bet on a rebound. This will reduce the risk of being trapped. At present, the 4-hour bullish outlook is maintained. I hope that the trapped brothers will be released as soon as possible, and the brothers who are not trapped will make profits as soon as possible. #PEOPLE #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《PEOPLE Starts a New Journey: The Starting Point of the Rising Sun》

People are the ones who have been scolded the most during the decline in the past two days.
Now the rebound wind has finally blown to people's face, and your bloody mouth has slowly closed. The 4-hour line has walked out of the rising sun. The 4-hour line continues to be bullish. Pay attention to Tucker for the subsequent trend and bring news as soon as possible.

In the volatile situation of cryptocurrency in the past few days, PEOPLE has experienced countless abuses. Now, the rebound wind has finally blown, like the dawn, bringing new hope and opportunities.

For a long time, PEOPLE has been forging ahead in the market wave, and investors are anxious and expectant. When the market turns, the expected rebound wind quietly arrives. This is the result of market adjustments and the recognition of PEOPLE's own value.

Under the rebound wind, PEOPLE is like the rising sun, showing strong vitality and potential, prices have rebounded, and market confidence has been rebuilt, which makes investors who stick to it happy and attracts new attention.

However, we must be aware that the cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainty and risks. Although the rebound trend is good, we still need to be cautious and rational, not blindly follow the trend, and should study the fundamentals and market trends to make wise decisions.

The rebound trend brings development opportunities to PEOPLE and is full of hope. But we must remain rational and patient in the process of moving forward. It seems that the increase is more than 30, but this price has to double to reach the cost price of some brothers. If there is a profit in the rebound, the principal will be paid first, and the profit will be used to bet on a rebound. This will reduce the risk of being trapped. At present, the 4-hour bullish outlook is maintained. I hope that the trapped brothers will be released as soon as possible, and the brothers who are not trapped will make profits as soon as possible.
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#ENS 《ENS rises: the rising channel has been opened, seize the opportunity》 Tucker said earlier that ENS must be part of the rebound, and it is here. Now the 4-hour line of Bitcoin has broken through the middle track. We all know that it is easy to build a kingdom, but difficult to defend it. Now it depends on whether it can stabilize and not fall below the middle track. Brothers who have listened to Tucker's advice can first lock in profits and wait for the next wave of market conditions. Now that the 4-hour line of Bitcoin has broken through the middle track, it brings positive signals to the market and reduces certain panic. In addition, the approval of ETH's ETF has increased the attention and value of ETH, and ENS, which is closely related to it, has also benefited. Now we should always pay attention to the rising trend of ENS. The cryptocurrency market is changing rapidly. We should fully understand the general situation and sentiment of the market, and make planned and targeted investments. In this way, after accumulating experience for a long time, young leeks will become old leeks. In short, the rising channel of ENS is opened, coupled with the benefits of Bitcoin and ETH, I believe that ENS will play an important role in the blockchain field. #ENS #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《ENS rises: the rising channel has been opened, seize the opportunity》

Tucker said earlier that ENS must be part of the rebound, and it is here. Now the 4-hour line of Bitcoin has broken through the middle track. We all know that it is easy to build a kingdom, but difficult to defend it. Now it depends on whether it can stabilize and not fall below the middle track. Brothers who have listened to Tucker's advice can first lock in profits and wait for the next wave of market conditions.

Now that the 4-hour line of Bitcoin has broken through the middle track, it brings positive signals to the market and reduces certain panic. In addition, the approval of ETH's ETF has increased the attention and value of ETH, and ENS, which is closely related to it, has also benefited.

Now we should always pay attention to the rising trend of ENS. The cryptocurrency market is changing rapidly. We should fully understand the general situation and sentiment of the market, and make planned and targeted investments. In this way, after accumulating experience for a long time, young leeks will become old leeks.

In short, the rising channel of ENS is opened, coupled with the benefits of Bitcoin and ETH, I believe that ENS will play an important role in the blockchain field.

《When the rebound comes, ENS will take the lead》

ENS can actively promote the development and popularization of ETH, and enhance the overall competitiveness and application value of Ethereum.
ENS embodies the decentralized spirit of Ethereum, reduces dependence on centralized domain name services through distributed naming services, and strengthens the decentralized characteristics of the Ethereum network.

If the market picks up, Tucker believes that ENS is expected to rebound first.
First, the approval of ETH's ETF is a major positive. It allows more traditional financial funds to easily enter the Ethereum market, bringing a broader investor base, injecting vitality and confidence into the entire market, and Ethereum ecosystem-related projects ENS will also benefit.

Second, V God's clear support for ENS is an important driving factor. V God has a great influence, and his statement can attract market attention and capital flow. His optimism about ENS adds strong momentum to its development. Under the celebrity effect, everyone's interest and confidence in ENS has increased.

Under the influence of these two factors, when the rebound comes, ENS has the conditions to rebound first. On the one hand, ETH's ETF creates a favorable environment for ENS by bringing in funds and confidence; on the other hand, V God's support attracts more attention and resources for ENS.

When expecting ENS to rebound first and bring profits, we must remain rational and calm, fully understand market dynamics, wait for the right time to enter the market, and not operate blindly to avoid unnecessary losses.
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#pepe⚡ "PEPE is working hard from all sides, and the dawn of breakthrough is gradually emerging" The continuous decline in the past few days has made the trapped brothers worried. Tucker observed that in the past few hours, the gap has shown signs of closing. PEPE bulls have exerted their strength, and the 4-hour line of the pie has been added. It is expected to reach the middle track. Regardless of whether the breakthrough is successful or not, this is a good sign. PEPE coin has attracted much attention since its birth. Its community and team have been promoting the development of the project and making significant progress in ecological construction. The team is actively preparing an exclusive NFT trading platform to provide users with a digital art trading space. Users can buy, sell and create Pepe-themed NFTs to enrich its ecology. In the field of DeFi, PEPE coin will soon launch products such as pledge lending and liquidity mining, bringing holders multiple ways to earn income. In addition, we cooperate with a number of well-known institutions to promote the construction of the ecosystem and create rich and convenient usage scenarios. Looking at the 4-hour line of the pie, it is about to touch the middle track. The middle track is an important technical indicator, and its trend may affect the market. If the pie successfully breaks through the middle track and stands firm, it will bring confidence and motivation to the market and promote price increases. When PEPE currency is making efforts from many parties, if it takes advantage of the trend of the big pie, it is expected to have a greater breakthrough. Brothers who are worried, please relax, the market is developing in a good direction, and pay attention to Tucker. Once the breakthrough is successful, it will trigger a big wave of market conditions. #pepe神币 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

"PEPE is working hard from all sides, and the dawn of breakthrough is gradually emerging"

The continuous decline in the past few days has made the trapped brothers worried. Tucker observed that in the past few hours, the gap has shown signs of closing. PEPE bulls have exerted their strength, and the 4-hour line of the pie has been added. It is expected to reach the middle track. Regardless of whether the breakthrough is successful or not, this is a good sign.

PEPE coin has attracted much attention since its birth. Its community and team have been promoting the development of the project and making significant progress in ecological construction. The team is actively preparing an exclusive NFT trading platform to provide users with a digital art trading space. Users can buy, sell and create Pepe-themed NFTs to enrich its ecology. In the field of DeFi, PEPE coin will soon launch products such as pledge lending and liquidity mining, bringing holders multiple ways to earn income. In addition, we cooperate with a number of well-known institutions to promote the construction of the ecosystem and create rich and convenient usage scenarios.

Looking at the 4-hour line of the pie, it is about to touch the middle track. The middle track is an important technical indicator, and its trend may affect the market. If the pie successfully breaks through the middle track and stands firm, it will bring confidence and motivation to the market and promote price increases. When PEPE currency is making efforts from many parties, if it takes advantage of the trend of the big pie, it is expected to have a greater breakthrough.

Brothers who are worried, please relax, the market is developing in a good direction, and pay attention to Tucker. Once the breakthrough is successful, it will trigger a big wave of market conditions.
See original
#WLD​​​ 《WLD Token Unlocking Crisis: Beware of Potential Economic Losses》 Friends who own WLD must be focused. The daily circulation has increased by 1 million since July. Pay attention to the risks. Faced with so many chips being sold to the market, what is the probability that the market can catch them? If the market sentiment is high and investors are confident, the situation may be better, but now the market is panicking, the big cake plummets, and the copycats are bleeding, it is difficult to have funds to catch them. It has not yet reached the 24th of July, and the daily circulation has increased by 1 million per day. The 24th is a critical and severe test for the WLD token. At that time, it will usher in a large amount of linear unlocking, reaching 6.62 million per day, and the unlocking will last for 730 days, covering the community, the initial development team and investors. Such a large-scale and long-term unlocking may cause serious economic losses if not taken seriously. This is worrying. In the digital currency market, liquidity and confidence are crucial. Now that market sentiment is low, WLD is facing a large-scale unlocking, which casts a shadow on investors. If the market cannot digest the unlocked tokens, the oversupply will depress the price and cause the holders' assets to shrink. This is also a critical moment for the community, whose support and participation are crucial to the direction of the WLD token, but the current deadlock has made members anxious and confused. The unlocking behavior of the initial development team and investors may affect the market's long-term confidence in the WLD token, and the release of a large number of tokens may be seen as an uncertain signal of project development. Brothers must keep their eyes open to avoid property losses. #WLD🔥🔥🔥 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《WLD Token Unlocking Crisis: Beware of Potential Economic Losses》

Friends who own WLD must be focused. The daily circulation has increased by 1 million since July. Pay attention to the risks.

Faced with so many chips being sold to the market, what is the probability that the market can catch them? If the market sentiment is high and investors are confident, the situation may be better, but now the market is panicking, the big cake plummets, and the copycats are bleeding, it is difficult to have funds to catch them.

It has not yet reached the 24th of July, and the daily circulation has increased by 1 million per day. The 24th is a critical and severe test for the WLD token. At that time, it will usher in a large amount of linear unlocking, reaching 6.62 million per day, and the unlocking will last for 730 days, covering the community, the initial development team and investors.

Such a large-scale and long-term unlocking may cause serious economic losses if not taken seriously.

This is worrying. In the digital currency market, liquidity and confidence are crucial. Now that market sentiment is low, WLD is facing a large-scale unlocking, which casts a shadow on investors. If the market cannot digest the unlocked tokens, the oversupply will depress the price and cause the holders' assets to shrink.

This is also a critical moment for the community, whose support and participation are crucial to the direction of the WLD token, but the current deadlock has made members anxious and confused.

The unlocking behavior of the initial development team and investors may affect the market's long-term confidence in the WLD token, and the release of a large number of tokens may be seen as an uncertain signal of project development.

Brothers must keep their eyes open to avoid property losses.

See original
#zro 《Rise in adversity! ZRO tops the growth list》 Someone commented on my post saying that he wanted to short ZRO. It has a total of 1 billion coins, but only 110 million are in circulation. If you short it, it will be like an egg hitting a meteorite. This kind of coin controlled by a strong dealer cannot be shorted When the market trend is unclear and many currencies are wandering in confusion, ZRO is like a bright new star. It has grown strongly in adversity with its own advantages and topped the growth list. I remind you again to pay attention to it ZRO can stand out in a complex market environment. The key lies in its solid technical foundation and innovative application scenarios. Its team is committed to technology research and development, optimizing and improving the underlying architecture, so that it has advantages such as efficiency, security and scalability, laying the foundation for competition in the field of digital assets. At the same time, ZRO has strong community support. When the market fluctuates, community members have firm confidence and actively promote development projects. The cohesion and consensus of the community provide it with power to help it stick to breakthroughs in adversity. Unlike other projects, ZRO focuses on ecological construction and cooperates with multiple partners to expand application areas, covering finance, games, supply chain, etc. Diversified scenarios increase the use value and strongly support price increases. The most important thing is that 90% of the chips are not circulated. Please treat them rationally, don't waste your bullets, wait for a callback, and enter the first position to win steadily. #zro #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《Rise in adversity! ZRO tops the growth list》

Someone commented on my post saying that he wanted to short ZRO. It has a total of 1 billion coins, but only 110 million are in circulation. If you short it, it will be like an egg hitting a meteorite. This kind of coin controlled by a strong dealer cannot be shorted

When the market trend is unclear and many currencies are wandering in confusion, ZRO is like a bright new star. It has grown strongly in adversity with its own advantages and topped the growth list. I remind you again to pay attention to it

ZRO can stand out in a complex market environment. The key lies in its solid technical foundation and innovative application scenarios. Its team is committed to technology research and development, optimizing and improving the underlying architecture, so that it has advantages such as efficiency, security and scalability, laying the foundation for competition in the field of digital assets.

At the same time, ZRO has strong community support. When the market fluctuates, community members have firm confidence and actively promote development projects. The cohesion and consensus of the community provide it with power to help it stick to breakthroughs in adversity.

Unlike other projects, ZRO focuses on ecological construction and cooperates with multiple partners to expand application areas, covering finance, games, supply chain, etc. Diversified scenarios increase the use value and strongly support price increases.

The most important thing is that 90% of the chips are not circulated. Please treat them rationally, don't waste your bullets, wait for a callback, and enter the first position to win steadily.

《ZRO has fallen the hardest, when will it bottom out and rebound?》

No target🎯, please hold the bullet in your hand and wait for the right time to act decisively

ZRO has always been the focus of attention. It experienced a sharp drop today, which made many investors sad. However, just as there will be a rainbow after the storm, when the big cake rebounds, ZRO will most likely have a good opportunity to rebound.

The plunge of ZRO has caused panic and disappointment to investors. But you must understand that market fluctuations are normal, and the hardest drop does not mean there is no hope. Past experience shows that asset prices usually rebound in similar situations.

When the big cake warms up, market sentiment will improve and capital flows will become active again. As a potential asset, ZRO has obvious advantages. It has an efficient transaction speed and can process a large number of transactions in a short period of time to meet the needs of investors for fast buying and selling. Moreover, ZRO uses advanced encryption technology to ensure the security and privacy of transactions and enhance investors' trust. Its decentralized nature makes transactions free from the control of centralized institutions and more free and fair.

There are several possible predictions for the future development of ZRO coins. If its development team can continue to innovate, continuously optimize technology, and enhance the performance and application scenarios of ZRO coins, it is possible to stand out in the highly competitive cryptocurrency market, attract more users and investors, and thus drive prices up significantly.
See original
#PEOPLE 《People Price: Repeated Cuts》 In the past two days, the price of People has been cut below half, and the market is in panic and wailing. From the picture drawn by Tucker yesterday, the daily trend is symmetrical and the overall trend is still downward. The first daily line is as shown in the picture. If you want to buy the bottom or increase your position, you need to wait. It should also be noted that Bitcoin is an important benchmark in the cryptocurrency market. It has not yet stabilized and has a great impact. People is also difficult to be immune, causing market panic, lack of confidence, and limited capital inflow. From a technical analysis point of view, the symmetrical trend of People's price may be a rest in the decline. Although there is a small rebound, it is mostly a short breather, not a trend reversal. Due to insufficient buying support, the rebound is difficult to sustain. In this context, the overall price of People is likely to continue to fall. We must be more cautious and not blindly buy the bottom. However, the market is full of variables, and new technological breakthroughs, favorable policies or changes in market sentiment may change its trend. However, the current market is not stable and the market trend is downward, so we must remain sober and vigilant about the future trend of People prices. In short, People prices face many challenges and there is great downward pressure in the short term. Investors should treat it rationally according to their own situation and wait patiently for a turnaround. #PEOPLE #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《People Price: Repeated Cuts》

In the past two days, the price of People has been cut below half, and the market is in panic and wailing. From the picture drawn by Tucker yesterday, the daily trend is symmetrical and the overall trend is still downward. The first daily line is as shown in the picture. If you want to buy the bottom or increase your position, you need to wait.

It should also be noted that Bitcoin is an important benchmark in the cryptocurrency market. It has not yet stabilized and has a great impact. People is also difficult to be immune, causing market panic, lack of confidence, and limited capital inflow.

From a technical analysis point of view, the symmetrical trend of People's price may be a rest in the decline. Although there is a small rebound, it is mostly a short breather, not a trend reversal. Due to insufficient buying support, the rebound is difficult to sustain.

In this context, the overall price of People is likely to continue to fall. We must be more cautious and not blindly buy the bottom.

However, the market is full of variables, and new technological breakthroughs, favorable policies or changes in market sentiment may change its trend. However, the current market is not stable and the market trend is downward, so we must remain sober and vigilant about the future trend of People prices.

In short, People prices face many challenges and there is great downward pressure in the short term. Investors should treat it rationally according to their own situation and wait patiently for a turnaround.

《No hope for good data, PEOPLE expects a breakthrough》

Do you think the trend drawn by Tucker makes sense? If you really follow this symmetrical trend, you will buy at the top of the mountain if you buy at the bottom now.

Given today's negative non-agricultural data and positive unemployment rate, the data immediately came out with a needle in the sky and the earth. The two offset each other and there is not much impact.

In the current market, the trend of PEOPLE has attracted much attention and has trapped many people. However, there is no positive sign in the data so far, and its rising trend may take more time to brew. Therefore, I remind everyone to stay sober and not be confused by market fluctuations and blindly buy at the bottom. This move is very risky and may lead to serious capital losses. Market uncertainty makes it extremely difficult to predict the bottom of PEOPLE. It seems that the price has been cut in half, but it may not be the real bottom.
Moreover, market changes are complex and new negatives may appear at any time. When there is no clear rising signal and good data, impulsive bottom buying is easy to fall into passivity.

In short, there is no hope for positive data at the moment, so everyone should be cautious about PEOPLE, wait patiently for the opportunity, and avoid blindly buying at the bottom and causing losses
See original
#BOME🔥🔥🔥 《BOME Market Interpretation: The Star of Hope Has Not Been Seen, and the Probability of Continued Falling》 Many friends have fallen in BOME, and many friends are tempted by the price that has been cut in half and cut in half again, and want to buy the bottom to get a share, but now is not the time. This has attracted great attention to BOME, but the "Star of Hope" has not appeared, and it is likely to continue to fall. At the same time, there is no obvious rebound trend in BOME, which has cast a veil on the already unclear market, making it even more puzzling. From the technical level, Tucker analyzed that BOME's trend lacks strong support, and the reversal expectations have failed. The "Star of Hope" has not been formed, and the decline may continue. BOME, as an important indicator, has not rebounded, which has suppressed BOME and others. It repeatedly tests key support levels, and the market hesitates to wait and see. If it tests too much and too long, the probability of breaking will increase. In terms of market sentiment, panic is still there, and most people are mainly on the sidelines. There is a lack of positive factors, insufficient buying motivation, and it is difficult to rebound effectively. There is no major positive fundamentals. However, the investment market is full of variables. Although the current situation is weak, we need to pay close attention to the dynamics. Any news, policies or actions of big investors may cause fluctuations. Short-term investors need to pay attention to risk management, avoid blindly following the trend and over-trading, and reduce the cost of trial and error. In short, BOME's "star of hope" has not been seen, the rebound of the big cake is weak, and the downward trend is likely to continue. #BOME🔥🔥🔥 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《BOME Market Interpretation: The Star of Hope Has Not Been Seen, and the Probability of Continued Falling》

Many friends have fallen in BOME, and many friends are tempted by the price that has been cut in half and cut in half again, and want to buy the bottom to get a share, but now is not the time.

This has attracted great attention to BOME, but the "Star of Hope" has not appeared, and it is likely to continue to fall. At the same time, there is no obvious rebound trend in BOME, which has cast a veil on the already unclear market, making it even more puzzling.

From the technical level, Tucker analyzed that BOME's trend lacks strong support, and the reversal expectations have failed. The "Star of Hope" has not been formed, and the decline may continue. BOME, as an important indicator, has not rebounded, which has suppressed BOME and others. It repeatedly tests key support levels, and the market hesitates to wait and see. If it tests too much and too long, the probability of breaking will increase.

In terms of market sentiment, panic is still there, and most people are mainly on the sidelines. There is a lack of positive factors, insufficient buying motivation, and it is difficult to rebound effectively. There is no major positive fundamentals.

However, the investment market is full of variables. Although the current situation is weak, we need to pay close attention to the dynamics. Any news, policies or actions of big investors may cause fluctuations. Short-term investors need to pay attention to risk management, avoid blindly following the trend and over-trading, and reduce the cost of trial and error.

In short, BOME's "star of hope" has not been seen, the rebound of the big cake is weak, and the downward trend is likely to continue.
See original
#BOME🔥🔥🔥 《When the Star of Hope is formed, BOME rebounds and opens the curtain》 The Star of Hope appears on the way down, consisting of 3 K-lines, the first is a Yin line, the second is a cross line, and the third is a Yang line. The third K-line entity goes deep into the first K-line entity The technical meaning is the bottom signal. BOME is expected to form a Star of Hope pattern, bringing positive expectations. The Star of Hope is usually a bullish pattern, suggesting that prices may rebound or rise. Although it cannot be determined that BOME will rise, it brings optimistic signals to investors. At the same time, the big cake breaks through the middle track, an important technical indicator. Big cake plays a leading role in the field of digital currency. Breaking through the middle track means that market sentiment may change. The middle track is often regarded as the dividing line between long and short forces. Breaking through may indicate that the long force is strengthened. If the market stabilizes, BOME's star of hope will be formed with a high probability. Otherwise, if the market continues to fall, we need to wait and it will fall again. #bome潜力无限 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析

《When the Star of Hope is formed, BOME rebounds and opens the curtain》

The Star of Hope appears on the way down, consisting of 3 K-lines, the first is a Yin line, the second is a cross line, and the third is a Yang line. The third K-line entity goes deep into the first K-line entity
The technical meaning is the bottom signal.

BOME is expected to form a Star of Hope pattern, bringing positive expectations. The Star of Hope is usually a bullish pattern, suggesting that prices may rebound or rise. Although it cannot be determined that BOME will rise, it brings optimistic signals to investors.

At the same time, the big cake breaks through the middle track, an important technical indicator. Big cake plays a leading role in the field of digital currency. Breaking through the middle track means that market sentiment may change. The middle track is often regarded as the dividing line between long and short forces. Breaking through may indicate that the long force is strengthened.

If the market stabilizes, BOME's star of hope will be formed with a high probability. Otherwise, if the market continues to fall, we need to wait and it will fall again.

See original
#edu 《EDU, the extraordinary road as the only currency in the education sector》 As the leader of the education sector, Lao Zhao has repeatedly mentioned that we should pay attention to education. Health and education have always been the top priority. Health generally depends on everyone's self-disciplined life, and education can be achieved through too many ways. I believe that when Lao Zhao returns as a king, EDU will definitely have a good performance EDU is the native token of the Open Campus blockchain ecosystem, and Open Campus is a decentralized Web3 educational content platform that aims to create a fairer education system through blockchain technology and provide educators with new opportunities to earn income. Lao Zhao has repeatedly proposed to pay attention to the education sector. He believes that education is an important force to promote social progress and personal development, and should receive more attention and support. At the same time, Lao Zhao also sees some problems in the field of education, such as uneven distribution of educational resources and uneven quality of education. He hopes to bring more innovation and changes to the field of education through the application of blockchain technology and digital currency, so that more people can enjoy high-quality educational resources. Regarding the future development of EDU coins, some people believe that it has certain potential. As the digital currency market continues to develop and mature, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to and accept digital currency as a means of payment and investment. As a digital currency based on the field of education, EDU coin has the value of promoting educational development, safe and reliable transactions, and promoting the sharing of global educational resources. If EDU coin can be widely used and recognized in the field of education, its value may also rise accordingly. Follow Tucker and be informed of the entry as soon as possible. #edu #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《EDU, the extraordinary road as the only currency in the education sector》

As the leader of the education sector, Lao Zhao has repeatedly mentioned that we should pay attention to education. Health and education have always been the top priority. Health generally depends on everyone's self-disciplined life, and education can be achieved through too many ways. I believe that when Lao Zhao returns as a king, EDU will definitely have a good performance

EDU is the native token of the Open Campus blockchain ecosystem, and Open Campus is a decentralized Web3 educational content platform that aims to create a fairer education system through blockchain technology and provide educators with new opportunities to earn income.

Lao Zhao has repeatedly proposed to pay attention to the education sector. He believes that education is an important force to promote social progress and personal development, and should receive more attention and support. At the same time, Lao Zhao also sees some problems in the field of education, such as uneven distribution of educational resources and uneven quality of education. He hopes to bring more innovation and changes to the field of education through the application of blockchain technology and digital currency, so that more people can enjoy high-quality educational resources.

Regarding the future development of EDU coins, some people believe that it has certain potential. As the digital currency market continues to develop and mature, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to and accept digital currency as a means of payment and investment. As a digital currency based on the field of education, EDU coin has the value of promoting educational development, safe and reliable transactions, and promoting the sharing of global educational resources. If EDU coin can be widely used and recognized in the field of education, its value may also rise accordingly.

Follow Tucker and be informed of the entry as soon as possible.
See original
#BTC☀ 《BTC has jumped above the middle track, has the market reversed?》 Big Pie has taken the lead and sounded the horn of counterattack. Can we buy the bottom now? Is this big mouth that eats people going to close or open wider next time? Tucker believes that although the BTC price hourly line has jumped above the middle track, many investors are thinking whether this means a market reversal. This can only be temporarily bullish, because the data released today is not good, which is likely to be a lure to buy. The specific direction still needs to wait for market signals. The surface breakthrough may not be a true trend reversal. It is common to lure more. The main force may temporarily raise the price to attract retail investors to buy, and then sell at a high price to hurt retail investors. This possibility cannot be ruled out in the current BTC situation. To judge whether it is a market reversal or a lure to buy, multiple factors must be considered. First, look at the trading volume. If the price rises and the volume rises, the possibility of a reversal is high. If the volume does not cooperate, be alert to the lure to buy. Secondly, the overall market trend and the macro environment are important. If the market rises, the policy is friendly, and the technology is innovative, the rise of BTC will be sustainable. Otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee a reversal. In short, we can only say that the downward trend has been temporarily stabilized. If there is no new good news, it will continue to fall. Try to watch more and do less. Keep your bullets. There will be many opportunities. If the bullets are eaten up, it will be difficult to deal with. #BTC☀ #BTC走势分析 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息?

《BTC has jumped above the middle track, has the market reversed?》

Big Pie has taken the lead and sounded the horn of counterattack. Can we buy the bottom now? Is this big mouth that eats people going to close or open wider next time?

Tucker believes that although the BTC price hourly line has jumped above the middle track, many investors are thinking whether this means a market reversal. This can only be temporarily bullish, because the data released today is not good, which is likely to be a lure to buy. The specific direction still needs to wait for market signals. The surface breakthrough may not be a true trend reversal.

It is common to lure more. The main force may temporarily raise the price to attract retail investors to buy, and then sell at a high price to hurt retail investors. This possibility cannot be ruled out in the current BTC situation.

To judge whether it is a market reversal or a lure to buy, multiple factors must be considered. First, look at the trading volume. If the price rises and the volume rises, the possibility of a reversal is high. If the volume does not cooperate, be alert to the lure to buy. Secondly, the overall market trend and the macro environment are important. If the market rises, the policy is friendly, and the technology is innovative, the rise of BTC will be sustainable. Otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee a reversal.

In short, we can only say that the downward trend has been temporarily stabilized. If there is no new good news, it will continue to fall. Try to watch more and do less. Keep your bullets. There will be many opportunities. If the bullets are eaten up, it will be difficult to deal with.
See original
#PEOPLE 《No hope for good data, PEOPLE expects a breakthrough》 Do you think the trend drawn by Tucker makes sense? If you really follow this symmetrical trend, you will buy at the top of the mountain if you buy at the bottom now. Given today's negative non-agricultural data and positive unemployment rate, the data immediately came out with a needle in the sky and the earth. The two offset each other and there is not much impact. In the current market, the trend of PEOPLE has attracted much attention and has trapped many people. However, there is no positive sign in the data so far, and its rising trend may take more time to brew. Therefore, I remind everyone to stay sober and not be confused by market fluctuations and blindly buy at the bottom. This move is very risky and may lead to serious capital losses. Market uncertainty makes it extremely difficult to predict the bottom of PEOPLE. It seems that the price has been cut in half, but it may not be the real bottom. Moreover, market changes are complex and new negatives may appear at any time. When there is no clear rising signal and good data, impulsive bottom buying is easy to fall into passivity. In short, there is no hope for positive data at the moment, so everyone should be cautious about PEOPLE, wait patiently for the opportunity, and avoid blindly buying at the bottom and causing losses #PEOPLE #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #BTC走势分析 #PEOPLE.智能策略库

《No hope for good data, PEOPLE expects a breakthrough》

Do you think the trend drawn by Tucker makes sense? If you really follow this symmetrical trend, you will buy at the top of the mountain if you buy at the bottom now.

Given today's negative non-agricultural data and positive unemployment rate, the data immediately came out with a needle in the sky and the earth. The two offset each other and there is not much impact.

In the current market, the trend of PEOPLE has attracted much attention and has trapped many people. However, there is no positive sign in the data so far, and its rising trend may take more time to brew. Therefore, I remind everyone to stay sober and not be confused by market fluctuations and blindly buy at the bottom. This move is very risky and may lead to serious capital losses. Market uncertainty makes it extremely difficult to predict the bottom of PEOPLE. It seems that the price has been cut in half, but it may not be the real bottom.
Moreover, market changes are complex and new negatives may appear at any time. When there is no clear rising signal and good data, impulsive bottom buying is easy to fall into passivity.

In short, there is no hope for positive data at the moment, so everyone should be cautious about PEOPLE, wait patiently for the opportunity, and avoid blindly buying at the bottom and causing losses
See original
#非农就业数据即将公布 《Heavy news! Non-farm data is coming, where is the economic trend going》 The latest non-farm data previous value is 27.2, the expected value is 19, and the announced value is 20.6. The announced value is higher than the expected value. [The US unemployment rate rises above 4%] On July 5, the US unemployment rate in June was 4.1%, the highest since November 2021. One positive, one negative, offset each other, continue to wait In the adult world, there is no direct acceptance, it is rejection. Since there is no data that is good for the market, it is bad, and it will go down. Stay rational. The direction is unclear and it is the best choice to stop. #非农就业数据即将公布 #失业率 #BTC走势分析 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《Heavy news! Non-farm data is coming, where is the economic trend going》

The latest non-farm data previous value is 27.2, the expected value is 19, and the announced value is 20.6. The announced value is higher than the expected value.

[The US unemployment rate rises above 4%] On July 5, the US unemployment rate in June was 4.1%, the highest since November 2021.

One positive, one negative, offset each other, continue to wait
In the adult world, there is no direct acceptance, it is rejection. Since there is no data that is good for the market, it is bad, and it will go down. Stay rational. The direction is unclear and it is the best choice to stop.
See original
#ZEN 《ZEN's new label shows its power, dominating the growth list》 The cryptocurrency world has been changing in the past two days. Bitcoin plummeted, and many altcoins were bleeding, but ZEN grew against the trend, showing extraordinary resilience and potential. ZEN is a unique cryptocurrency. Its team is committed to technological innovation and optimization, improving the blockchain architecture, fast transaction processing speed, low handling fees, and bringing a convenient and efficient experience. Moreover, ZEN has an active and creative community, and members actively participate in it, making suggestions for promotion and application, forming a strong consensus and cohesion. In the current market environment, the Bitcoin plummeted and brought panic and uncertainty. ZEN relied on its own advantages and characteristics to resist the impact. Its growth against the trend is not accidental, but the result of the joint effect of technical strength, community support and market positioning. Continue to pay attention. Since it can be removed from the observation area, it will definitely do something. Tucker believes that this is a major positive for Binance. Along with it, MLN has plummeted in the past two days. These two have not been affected. If there is an impact, it is to affect their takeoff. The current price is not suitable for entry. When the time for washing comes, I believe there will be good gains. #ZEN #BTC走势分析 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

《ZEN's new label shows its power, dominating the growth list》

The cryptocurrency world has been changing in the past two days. Bitcoin plummeted, and many altcoins were bleeding, but ZEN grew against the trend, showing extraordinary resilience and potential.

ZEN is a unique cryptocurrency. Its team is committed to technological innovation and optimization, improving the blockchain architecture, fast transaction processing speed, low handling fees, and bringing a convenient and efficient experience. Moreover, ZEN has an active and creative community, and members actively participate in it, making suggestions for promotion and application, forming a strong consensus and cohesion.

In the current market environment, the Bitcoin plummeted and brought panic and uncertainty. ZEN relied on its own advantages and characteristics to resist the impact. Its growth against the trend is not accidental, but the result of the joint effect of technical strength, community support and market positioning.

Continue to pay attention. Since it can be removed from the observation area, it will definitely do something. Tucker believes that this is a major positive for Binance. Along with it, MLN has plummeted in the past two days. These two have not been affected. If there is an impact, it is to affect their takeoff. The current price is not suitable for entry. When the time for washing comes, I believe there will be good gains.

"New Label, New Starting Point: Zen's Magnificent Transformation"

Brothers who have zen and brothers who are about to have zen must watch it

In the world of digital currency, ZEN coin is opening its own glorious chapter with a new attitude and its unique advantages.

ZEN Coin has strong privacy protection features, which is one of its most significant advantages. In this era of highly transparent information, people pay more attention to personal financial privacy than ever before. ZEN Coin uses advanced encryption technology to ensure that users’ transaction information and asset status are strictly confidential, allowing users to have no worries when conducting digital asset transactions.

At the same time, ZEN coins have efficient transaction speeds. Compared with many traditional digital currencies, it is able to process a large number of transactions in a short period of time, which means that users do not have to wait for transaction confirmation for a long time, greatly improving the efficiency of the use of funds.

Security is also a highlight of ZEN Coin. It adopts multiple security protection mechanisms to effectively resist various network attacks and fraud, providing a solid guarantee for user asset security.

In addition to this, ZEN Coin has an active and innovative community. Community members actively participate in the development and promotion of the project, constantly putting forward new ideas and suggestions, and injecting continuous power into the continued progress of ZEN Coin.

The new label means that ZEN currency will usher in more opportunities and challenges. With the continuous development and popularization of blockchain technology, ZEN coins are expected to be applied in more fields, such as cross-border payments, supply chain finance, etc. It will bring greater efficiency, lower costs and greater security to these areas. #ZEN #以太坊ETF批准预期 #POW #ZEN.智能策略库
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