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Do you still remember the ups and downs along the way?In this cryptocurrency world full of unknowns and variables, my journey has been a road that is both grueling and full of hope. Since 2015, I have entered this emerging field with an unknown vision of digital currency. At that time, I was full of youthful energy and unlimited dreams for the future, thinking that I could make a difference in this brand new market. I had been comfortable in the more traditional stock index futures and ETF options markets, so I felt confident that I could easily navigate this freer, more active market. However, reality soon hit me hard. In the first few months, I experienced liquidation almost every month. Each time was a heavy blow, which kept me awake at night and almost lost all my confidence and hope. I started to question myself, am I really suitable for this market? Is it really possible to find a place in this volatile field? But in the most confusing and difficult moments, I told myself that I couldn’t just give up. Because although the past cannot be undone, the future is still in my hands. So, I began to slowly adjust my strategy, learning how to find lessons in losses and stay humble in victories. I gradually learned to control risks and no longer blindly pursue dreams that seemed to make me rich overnight. I began to seriously study market dynamics, analyze various trading tools and strategies, and strive to improve my skills and knowledge. Over time, I began to find my niche in this volatile market. I am no longer the eager newbie, but have become more mature and stable. I learned to stay calm in trading and not be affected by short-term fluctuations in the market. I began to focus on building a solid trading system that helped me maintain a clear mind and firm determination in the complex and ever-changing market. I also began to realize that trading is not only a game of technology and strategy, but also a psychological and emotional battle. Every fluctuation in the market is a test of my mentality. I learned how to manage my emotions, how to stay calm in the face of losses, and stay humble in the face of gains. I started paying more attention to mental health and life balance because I know that only by being mentally strong can you survive in this challenging market for the long term. Now I am a full-time trader. Although the market is still full of uncertainty, I have learned how to find opportunities in changes and seek growth in risks. I know that this road will never be smooth, but I also believe that as long as I stay determined and patient, I will be able to realize my dreams one day. On this journey, I also hope to be able to move forward with more like-minded friends. Because I know that no matter whether it is good times or bad times, you should not face it alone. Let's share experiences together, face challenges together, and celebrate every small victory together. Because in the end, we are all fighting for the same goal - to find our own piece of sky in this volatile market. Therefore, to all my friends who are struggling in the currency circle, I want to say: Don’t be afraid of failure and don’t give up easily. Every fall is the strength to stand up next time, and every failure is the only way to succeed. As long as you persist, one day you will find that all the hardships and challenges are worth it. Let's move forward together and create our own legends in this world full of possibilities.

Do you still remember the ups and downs along the way?

In this cryptocurrency world full of unknowns and variables, my journey has been a road that is both grueling and full of hope. Since 2015, I have entered this emerging field with an unknown vision of digital currency. At that time, I was full of youthful energy and unlimited dreams for the future, thinking that I could make a difference in this brand new market. I had been comfortable in the more traditional stock index futures and ETF options markets, so I felt confident that I could easily navigate this freer, more active market. However, reality soon hit me hard. In the first few months, I experienced liquidation almost every month. Each time was a heavy blow, which kept me awake at night and almost lost all my confidence and hope. I started to question myself, am I really suitable for this market? Is it really possible to find a place in this volatile field? But in the most confusing and difficult moments, I told myself that I couldn’t just give up. Because although the past cannot be undone, the future is still in my hands. So, I began to slowly adjust my strategy, learning how to find lessons in losses and stay humble in victories. I gradually learned to control risks and no longer blindly pursue dreams that seemed to make me rich overnight. I began to seriously study market dynamics, analyze various trading tools and strategies, and strive to improve my skills and knowledge. Over time, I began to find my niche in this volatile market. I am no longer the eager newbie, but have become more mature and stable. I learned to stay calm in trading and not be affected by short-term fluctuations in the market. I began to focus on building a solid trading system that helped me maintain a clear mind and firm determination in the complex and ever-changing market. I also began to realize that trading is not only a game of technology and strategy, but also a psychological and emotional battle. Every fluctuation in the market is a test of my mentality. I learned how to manage my emotions, how to stay calm in the face of losses, and stay humble in the face of gains. I started paying more attention to mental health and life balance because I know that only by being mentally strong can you survive in this challenging market for the long term. Now I am a full-time trader. Although the market is still full of uncertainty, I have learned how to find opportunities in changes and seek growth in risks. I know that this road will never be smooth, but I also believe that as long as I stay determined and patient, I will be able to realize my dreams one day. On this journey, I also hope to be able to move forward with more like-minded friends. Because I know that no matter whether it is good times or bad times, you should not face it alone. Let's share experiences together, face challenges together, and celebrate every small victory together. Because in the end, we are all fighting for the same goal - to find our own piece of sky in this volatile market. Therefore, to all my friends who are struggling in the currency circle, I want to say: Don’t be afraid of failure and don’t give up easily. Every fall is the strength to stand up next time, and every failure is the only way to succeed. As long as you persist, one day you will find that all the hardships and challenges are worth it. Let's move forward together and create our own legends in this world full of possibilities.
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The self-cultivation of retail investors basically has to go through these 1. When the market rises sharply, it is so regretful, because the position is not full, and they say they will wait for the decline to sell the house and go all in. 2. Then it comes, when it just falls sharply, they are talking and laughing, why is it only falling so little, waiting to add positions. 3. After the second exploration, it falls, and they start to curse, and it doesn’t rebound. 4. It keeps fluctuating, and no one talks. 5. No one talks about bottom fishing, always thinking that there will be a big drop, and no one talks about the blockchain revolution. 6. Occasionally someone comes out and says: Brothers, are you still awake? I have delivered ten takeaways. 7. Finally, it reversed, and I am still waiting for a callback, thinking it is a rebound, and continue to wait. 8. It seems wrong, chase in, and it is another stage top. 9. The same operation, over and over again, finally the bear comes. The bull goes away, I bottomed out, got trapped, and lost money and quit the circle.
The self-cultivation of retail investors basically has to go through these

1. When the market rises sharply, it is so regretful, because the position is not full, and they say they will wait for the decline to sell the house and go all in.

2. Then it comes, when it just falls sharply, they are talking and laughing, why is it only falling so little, waiting to add positions.

3. After the second exploration, it falls, and they start to curse, and it doesn’t rebound.

4. It keeps fluctuating, and no one talks.

5. No one talks about bottom fishing, always thinking that there will be a big drop, and no one talks about the blockchain revolution.

6. Occasionally someone comes out and says: Brothers, are you still awake? I have delivered ten takeaways.

7. Finally, it reversed, and I am still waiting for a callback, thinking it is a rebound, and continue to wait.

8. It seems wrong, chase in, and it is another stage top.

9. The same operation, over and over again, finally the bear comes. The bull goes away, I bottomed out, got trapped, and lost money and quit the circle.
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If you hold a large position in a coin and want to hold it for the long term, you have held it for several months, and the return is very low, and then it suddenly rises by 30% today. Will you continue to hold it or sell some? If it falls again tomorrow, will you feel bad? The most difficult thing about long-term investment is: you have formulated a strategy in advance, and countless interferences make you give up or adjust the strategy in the middle. Can you firmly implement the original strategy? Just like you told your ex-girlfriend that we must be together for a lifetime, and many of them became ex-girlfriends later, and you can't stick to the original promise and strategy.
If you hold a large position in a coin and want to hold it for the long term, you have held it for several months, and the return is very low, and then it suddenly rises by 30% today.

Will you continue to hold it or sell some?
If it falls again tomorrow, will you feel bad?

The most difficult thing about long-term investment is: you have formulated a strategy in advance, and countless interferences make you give up or adjust the strategy in the middle. Can you firmly implement the original strategy?

Just like you told your ex-girlfriend that we must be together for a lifetime, and many of them became ex-girlfriends later, and you can't stick to the original promise and strategy.
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There are still 16 days until the Bitcoin mining halving, which is expected to be on April 21, 2024. There will be big shocks before and after the halving, which will make the high-leverage bulls and bears fall to their knees and cry for their parents. Whether it is a recent plunge or a surge, it is not the end of the bull market, but a cleanup of floating chips. The big bull market is still behind, and there are still many opportunities to make a fortune in the currency circle. At present, Bitcoin fluctuates slightly up and down at $67,000, and is in a temporary equilibrium state. Once there is a slight disturbance, the market will fluctuate greatly. At the highest level of the currency circle, I think there is a kind of ruthless person. Buy and lock the position, delete the copy currency APP, and delete irrelevant currency circle groups. Don't look at the market, don't analyze, don't sell until the target price, and be considered one of the ruthless people in the currency circle! There is nothing much to say in the currency circle. Trading is originally waiting for empty positions and opening positions. Waiting for positions and closing positions. Most of the time is waiting. Watching the market is useless. You can go out and pick up girls and have more children for the country. The core of currency circle trading lies in waiting
There are still 16 days until the Bitcoin mining halving, which is expected to be on April 21, 2024. There will be big shocks before and after the halving, which will make the high-leverage bulls and bears fall to their knees and cry for their parents. Whether it is a recent plunge or a surge, it is not the end of the bull market, but a cleanup of floating chips. The big bull market is still behind, and there are still many opportunities to make a fortune in the currency circle.
At present, Bitcoin fluctuates slightly up and down at $67,000, and is in a temporary equilibrium state. Once there is a slight disturbance, the market will fluctuate greatly.

At the highest level of the currency circle, I think there is a kind of ruthless person. Buy and lock the position, delete the copy currency APP, and delete irrelevant currency circle groups. Don't look at the market, don't analyze, don't sell until the target price, and be considered one of the ruthless people in the currency circle!
There is nothing much to say in the currency circle. Trading is originally waiting for empty positions and opening positions. Waiting for positions and closing positions. Most of the time is waiting. Watching the market is useless. You can go out and pick up girls and have more children for the country.

The core of currency circle trading lies in waiting
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The people in the cryptocurrency circle are all making money every day and then quitting the circle. In fact, after a bull market, it is good if 10% of people can make money. Why lose money? Why lose money? Why lose money? 1. Short-term chasing ups and downs, frequent operations, constant wear and tear. 2. Can't hold on to the medium and long term. At the beginning, I vowed to buy and hold, but after several roller coasters and some bad news, I was scared away. 3. Leverage to pursue high returns, the result is that your money goes to other people's wallets. 4. At the end of the bull market, you are reluctant to leave after making money, and then the sharp drop takes away all your profits and loses your principal. 5. Being cheated by others
The people in the cryptocurrency circle are all making money every day and then quitting the circle. In fact, after a bull market, it is good if 10% of people can make money.

Why lose money?
Why lose money?
Why lose money?

1. Short-term chasing ups and downs, frequent operations, constant wear and tear.

2. Can't hold on to the medium and long term. At the beginning, I vowed to buy and hold, but after several roller coasters and some bad news, I was scared away.

3. Leverage to pursue high returns, the result is that your money goes to other people's wallets.

4. At the end of the bull market, you are reluctant to leave after making money, and then the sharp drop takes away all your profits and loses your principal.

5. Being cheated by others
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Recent Crypto News The developers of the Ordinals protocol announced that Runestone NFT holders will receive an airdrop of three Runes Memecoins. AAVE - AAVE founder hints at good news next week ATLAS - Star Atlas unveiled gameplay footage of the "Surge" game mode, which will launch on April 20. BICO - The Biconomy team may be planning an airdrop for BICO stakeholders. ETHFI - Etherfi announced the launch of its second Liquid Vault next week, a USD market-neutral strategy. NMT - NetMind Power announced the upcoming release of a fiat payment option for its inference platform and GPU leasing next week. WOO - Expect an "airdrop announcement" on April 8.
Recent Crypto News

The developers of the Ordinals protocol announced that Runestone NFT holders will receive an airdrop of three Runes Memecoins.

AAVE - AAVE founder hints at good news next week

ATLAS - Star Atlas unveiled gameplay footage of the "Surge" game mode, which will launch on April 20.

BICO - The Biconomy team may be planning an airdrop for BICO stakeholders.

ETHFI - Etherfi announced the launch of its second Liquid Vault next week, a USD market-neutral strategy.

NMT - NetMind Power announced the upcoming release of a fiat payment option for its inference platform and GPU leasing next week.

WOO - Expect an "airdrop announcement" on April 8.
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I can already feel the despair of the group members: When they make money, the coins they buy don’t violently pull up the price When the price falls, none of them are bad. There is no pull up, and they are gradually cutting their losses. The next group has seen 50,000 US dollars of Bitcoin. This is really desperate. Bitcoin has not fallen much, and the altcoins in their hands have fallen but not risen.
I can already feel the despair of the group members:
When they make money, the coins they buy don’t violently pull up the price
When the price falls, none of them are bad.
There is no pull up, and they are gradually cutting their losses.
The next group has seen 50,000 US dollars of Bitcoin.
This is really desperate. Bitcoin has not fallen much, and the altcoins in their hands have fallen but not risen.
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About Ethereum: More and more people are bearish First, this is because the so-called Ethereum killer in this bull market is too crazy. It outperforms not only Ethereum but also Bitcoin. Second, from the experience of the bull market cycle, Ethereum is not strong, which proves that the bull market is far from over. This is the rule of every bull market. Third, the worst plan and operation ideas. Don't touch Ethereum before the Ethereum exchange rate rises.
About Ethereum:
More and more people are bearish
First, this is because the so-called Ethereum killer in this bull market is too crazy. It outperforms not only Ethereum but also Bitcoin.
Second, from the experience of the bull market cycle, Ethereum is not strong, which proves that the bull market is far from over. This is the rule of every bull market.
Third, the worst plan and operation ideas. Don't touch Ethereum before the Ethereum exchange rate rises.
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The biggest Air Force boss turns out to be here, and hedge funds are shorting the market at record levels.
The biggest Air Force boss turns out to be here, and hedge funds are shorting the market at record levels.
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What does BTC halving mean? BTC halving refers to the halving of Bitcoin's block reward, which is a built-in mechanism of Bitcoin that is designed to control the supply of Bitcoin and to a certain extent affect the price and market supply and demand. The occurrence of BTC halving means the following: 1. Reduced supply: BTC halving means that Bitcoin's mining reward is halved, that is, the reward for each block mined is halved. This leads to a decrease in the output of new Bitcoins, thereby slowing the growth rate of Bitcoin's supply. 2. Increased scarcity: As mining rewards are halved, Bitcoin becomes more scarce, which may have a positive impact on prices. According to the supply and demand relationship, if demand continues to grow and supply decreases, prices are likely to rise. 3. Market impact: Bitcoin halving events are often seen as a signal that the market is optimistic about the future value of Bitcoin. Therefore, halving events may stimulate investor interest and trigger short-term and long-term fluctuations in the market. 4. Reduced income for miners: For Bitcoin miners, halving means that the Bitcoin reward they receive for mining each block is reduced by half. This may have an impact on the profitability of mining activities, especially for miners who rely on mining rewards to pay for electricity and maintenance costs. In general, the Bitcoin halving is an important event that has a significant impact on Bitcoin supply, price and market sentiment. However, the specific impact will be affected by the market environment, sentiment and other factors, so it is necessary to carefully observe market dynamics and adjust investment strategies when the halving event occurs.
What does BTC halving mean? BTC halving refers to the halving of Bitcoin's block reward, which is a built-in mechanism of Bitcoin that is designed to control the supply of Bitcoin and to a certain extent affect the price and market supply and demand.

The occurrence of BTC halving means the following:

1. Reduced supply: BTC halving means that Bitcoin's mining reward is halved, that is, the reward for each block mined is halved. This leads to a decrease in the output of new Bitcoins, thereby slowing the growth rate of Bitcoin's supply.

2. Increased scarcity: As mining rewards are halved, Bitcoin becomes more scarce, which may have a positive impact on prices. According to the supply and demand relationship, if demand continues to grow and supply decreases, prices are likely to rise.

3. Market impact: Bitcoin halving events are often seen as a signal that the market is optimistic about the future value of Bitcoin. Therefore, halving events may stimulate investor interest and trigger short-term and long-term fluctuations in the market.

4. Reduced income for miners: For Bitcoin miners, halving means that the Bitcoin reward they receive for mining each block is reduced by half. This may have an impact on the profitability of mining activities, especially for miners who rely on mining rewards to pay for electricity and maintenance costs. In general, the Bitcoin halving is an important event that has a significant impact on Bitcoin supply, price and market sentiment. However, the specific impact will be affected by the market environment, sentiment and other factors, so it is necessary to carefully observe market dynamics and adjust investment strategies when the halving event occurs.
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No matter how much people outside slander this circle, I really have to admit that this is the circle where ordinary people can easily turn around. No doubt about it.
No matter how much people outside slander this circle, I really have to admit that this is the circle where ordinary people can easily turn around. No doubt about it.
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For spot players, as long as you are sure that in this bull market, Bitcoin will rise to at least more than 100,000 US dollars, you can ignore the callbacks in the middle. If you have bullets, you will increase your position every time there is a callback. If you don’t have bullets, you will keep holding until the price rises. , until BTC exceeds 100,000, then consider exiting in batches, speculating in the band, it is easy to be thrown off the car
For spot players, as long as you are sure that in this bull market, Bitcoin will rise to at least more than 100,000 US dollars, you can ignore the callbacks in the middle. If you have bullets, you will increase your position every time there is a callback. If you don’t have bullets, you will keep holding until the price rises. , until BTC exceeds 100,000, then consider exiting in batches, speculating in the band, it is easy to be thrown off the car
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In the currency circle, you must learn to think independently and not be influenced by outside voices. Only by having your own opinions can you stay calm in the market fluctuations, and review the rules of the last bull market without faith. What we have to do now is to wait for the opportunity, not to sell, not to trade, not to listen to any news, and not to be fooled by any bad news or good news, in order to develop a silent heart. This method is called Buddhist currency speculation.
In the currency circle, you must learn to think independently and not be influenced by outside voices.
Only by having your own opinions can you stay calm in the market fluctuations, and review the rules of the last bull market without faith.
What we have to do now is to wait for the opportunity, not to sell, not to trade, not to listen to any news, and not to be fooled by any bad news or good news, in order to develop a silent heart. This method is called Buddhist currency speculation.
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Don't be unrealistic about how much you expect to earn in a bull market. In reality, it is reasonable to earn 5-10 times in a bull market. If you want to earn a hundred times or a thousand times, you can only do this if you forget. If you buy too much, you will never forget it.
Don't be unrealistic about how much you expect to earn in a bull market. In reality, it is reasonable to earn 5-10 times in a bull market. If you want to earn a hundred times or a thousand times, you can only do this if you forget. If you buy too much, you will never forget it.
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What is the most exciting thing about playing local dog? One second, the profit was ten times, and everyone in the group was cheering for financial freedom. The next second, the pool was directly withdrawn and returned to zero…
What is the most exciting thing about playing local dog? One second, the profit was ten times, and everyone in the group was cheering for financial freedom. The next second, the pool was directly withdrawn and returned to zero…
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We will not identify the wind outlet in advance, we will just chase it. If we look at it on an annual basis, Bitcoin has been the biggest trend in the last 10 years and the next 10 years. Whether to pursue or not is entirely your choice. You may ask, since you are so sure, not everyone will get rich if they buy it. Then whoever still works should buy this. The fallacy of this logic is that there is no situation where everyone will buy it. If you can buy it, if you buy it, you can hold it. There will be no more than one person in a hundred miles, and no more than ten people in a thousand miles. Those who can hold it are truly unique. There is no 100% certainty when it comes to risk compensation. However, when a man is established in the world, why should he care about 100% certainty? So what if it fails? Who in this world is not a fleeting thing? Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters, and those who care too much about gains and losses will lose easily. People who are too cautious and dare not take any risks are destined to live a mediocre life! People who don’t know the risks but pretend not to be afraid of them, such risk-blind people, will naturally end up out of the game. The fundamental reason why buying Bitcoin can make you a lot of money is that Bitcoin is a highly efficient tool for exchanging social resources. The higher its value, the greater the value it carries, the more people recognize it, and the more resources it can replace. If you switch back and forth in the same resource pool, the number of resources will not increase. If you have more, he will have less; if you have less, he will have more. Just like the resource pool of playing contracts, so many people exchange resources with each other. The same goes for the resource pool for trading. So many people are changing back and forth, and the total amount of resources does not change. If you work hard, your company's performance cannot be increased, and the performance of your company's industry cannot be increased. It's still a bunch of people trading around, and you still can't get rich. Only Bitcoin is constantly exchanging resources externally. We who engage in arbitrage never compete with others or exchange resources with others in the same circle. All we do is abide by the laws of the market. Because we abide by the laws, the market rewards us with some points, that's all.
We will not identify the wind outlet in advance, we will just chase it. If we look at it on an annual basis, Bitcoin has been the biggest trend in the last 10 years and the next 10 years.

Whether to pursue or not is entirely your choice.

You may ask, since you are so sure, not everyone will get rich if they buy it. Then whoever still works should buy this. The fallacy of this logic is that there is no situation where everyone will buy it. If you can buy it, if you buy it, you can hold it. There will be no more than one person in a hundred miles, and no more than ten people in a thousand miles.

Those who can hold it are truly unique.

There is no 100% certainty when it comes to risk compensation.

However, when a man is established in the world, why should he care about 100% certainty?

So what if it fails? Who in this world is not a fleeting thing?

Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters, and those who care too much about gains and losses will lose easily.

People who are too cautious and dare not take any risks are destined to live a mediocre life!

People who don’t know the risks but pretend not to be afraid of them, such risk-blind people, will naturally end up out of the game.

The fundamental reason why buying Bitcoin can make you a lot of money is that Bitcoin is a highly efficient tool for exchanging social resources. The higher its value, the greater the value it carries, the more people recognize it, and the more resources it can replace.

If you switch back and forth in the same resource pool, the number of resources will not increase. If you have more, he will have less; if you have less, he will have more.

Just like the resource pool of playing contracts, so many people exchange resources with each other.

The same goes for the resource pool for trading. So many people are changing back and forth, and the total amount of resources does not change.

If you work hard, your company's performance cannot be increased, and the performance of your company's industry cannot be increased.

It's still a bunch of people trading around, and you still can't get rich.

Only Bitcoin is constantly exchanging resources externally.

We who engage in arbitrage never compete with others or exchange resources with others in the same circle.

All we do is abide by the laws of the market. Because we abide by the laws, the market rewards us with some points, that's all.
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In the past few days, market funds have been very shabby, as if they are waiting for some news, waiting for some sector to rotate. Until there is no rotation, no one knows which direction the market will choose for the next small trend. In the past few days, I pulled and pledged the track, then pulled old POW coins, and then pulled mem coins. The rhythm of meme coins is basically like this. When the hat dog pulls, sol pulls, and then doge also pulls. Finally pepe also pulled it. The shib is also pulled down. But they are all small-capital pulls. Why do they want to pull the market? In fact, the logic is very simple, because if they don't pull the market, then the users of their currency will be sucked away by other coins. Therefore, the pull of the entire market is basically the same as that of the sector. If someone pulls 20 points, but you don’t pull 5 points, others will be disappointed, and I will think that you have no main force here, or are you quietly selling? Damn it, since the business is like this and I run away, I can't be cut off by you for nothing, right? People's hats are so high. So at this moment, the bankers have spent a lot of money to build positions and build momentum. They can't let you go. If they can't let you go, I can only choose to pull the market. Use profits to keep you, use increases to confuse you If any currency keeps falling, it will definitely be reviled. The inscription section was also pulled a little today, but it was obviously an extremely wretched little fund. Don't dare to pull too much, and it won't work if you pull too much. When other sectors fall, these people may still have to sell to pick up other sectors. Everyone hopes to earn more. I also want to transfer the price difference back and forth. If you leave and never come back, you will be attracting high-quality users in vain. To put it simply, you are a user of the currency you hold. If you lose money, you will hate it. If you make money, you will like it. If you make too much money all at once, you will drift off. So you have to be careful about it. Recently, An'an's currency growth rankings have no rules and are basically chaotic. Coins that have not appeared before have all increased by 50% in one day. Even the MOB in the zero section has increased by 200%. It can be seen that the funds are really real. There is nowhere to go The market does not lack funds now, but what it lacks is the momentum to guide the market. It is estimated that this momentum will not be fully realized until the Bitcoin halving. Now it is best for everyone to hold on to their chips and not move them. It is extremely easy to lose money if you move around at this time. Maybe the sector you are ambushing will be activated at some point.
In the past few days, market funds have been very shabby, as if they are waiting for some news, waiting for some sector to rotate. Until there is no rotation, no one knows which direction the market will choose for the next small trend.

In the past few days, I pulled and pledged the track, then pulled old POW coins, and then pulled mem coins. The rhythm of meme coins is basically like this. When the hat dog pulls, sol pulls, and then doge also pulls. Finally pepe also pulled it. The shib is also pulled down. But they are all small-capital pulls.

Why do they want to pull the market? In fact, the logic is very simple, because if they don't pull the market, then the users of their currency will be sucked away by other coins.

Therefore, the pull of the entire market is basically the same as that of the sector. If someone pulls 20 points, but you don’t pull 5 points, others will be disappointed, and I will think that you have no main force here, or are you quietly selling? Damn it, since the business is like this and I run away, I can't be cut off by you for nothing, right? People's hats are so high. So at this moment, the bankers have spent a lot of money to build positions and build momentum. They can't let you go. If they can't let you go, I can only choose to pull the market. Use profits to keep you, use increases to confuse you

If any currency keeps falling, it will definitely be reviled. The inscription section was also pulled a little today, but it was obviously an extremely wretched little fund.

Don't dare to pull too much, and it won't work if you pull too much. When other sectors fall, these people may still have to sell to pick up other sectors. Everyone hopes to earn more. I also want to transfer the price difference back and forth. If you leave and never come back, you will be attracting high-quality users in vain. To put it simply, you are a user of the currency you hold. If you lose money, you will hate it. If you make money, you will like it. If you make too much money all at once, you will drift off. So you have to be careful about it.

Recently, An'an's currency growth rankings have no rules and are basically chaotic. Coins that have not appeared before have all increased by 50% in one day. Even the MOB in the zero section has increased by 200%. It can be seen that the funds are really real. There is nowhere to go

The market does not lack funds now, but what it lacks is the momentum to guide the market. It is estimated that this momentum will not be fully realized until the Bitcoin halving.

Now it is best for everyone to hold on to their chips and not move them. It is extremely easy to lose money if you move around at this time. Maybe the sector you are ambushing will be activated at some point.
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In a bull market, only 20% of people can really make money, which is the so-called 80/20 rule. For every valuable coin and potential coin, there are very few people who can hold it all the time. In an upward trend, some people do swing trading and cannot get it back after selling; some people play contracts and lose their principal due to liquidation. These are all very common situations. For ordinary people, you can't be clever, you must have patience and perseverance to be the minority of 20%.
In a bull market, only 20% of people can really make money, which is the so-called 80/20 rule.
For every valuable coin and potential coin, there are very few people who can hold it all the time.
In an upward trend, some people do swing trading and cannot get it back after selling; some people play contracts and lose their principal due to liquidation. These are all very common situations.
For ordinary people, you can't be clever, you must have patience and perseverance to be the minority of 20%.
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A friend told me that there must be an epic plunge before the halving. Remember to take a short position, because there was one in the last bull market. It is foreseeable that if there is no sharp drop after the halving, he will say, look, I bought it back in advance. Money is so easy to make, I even deceived myself...
A friend told me that there must be an epic plunge before the halving. Remember to take a short position, because there was one in the last bull market.

It is foreseeable that if there is no sharp drop after the halving, he will say, look, I bought it back in advance.

Money is so easy to make, I even deceived myself...
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Many people cannot make money in the bull market. Why? If it goes up, you think the bull market is still there, and you chase it crazily. If it goes down, you worry that the bull market has run away, and you frantically cut the meat. You go back and forth like this several times, but the price is still there and the principal is gone. In this way, how can you make money in the bull market? ? ? The bull market fluctuates upward, and a line only rises but never falls. Intermediate adjustments, callbacks, and sideways trading are all normal. If you want to make money, you must have a firm idea and a firm trading strategy. Although there is indeed a risk of standing at the top, the price/performance ratio is indeed very high at this stage, and it is worth a try! Now that the market has fallen, many people are saying that the bull market is gone and the bear market is coming. It’s funny even thinking about it. Maybe your point of view is right, maybe you can escape from the top, but seriously think about how likely this is, is it worth taking the gamble? If you want to make money, the most important thing is to identify the trend. Don't doubt or hesitate, just be firm on your idea and go for it. Sometimes it is bullish and sometimes it is bearish. This is not trading, it is funny. If you still think the bull is gone, it’s a good idea to clear your position as soon as possible. Although you won’t have a chance at the next big bull market, at least you will be safe. There is no right or wrong, only choice. For those who want to make money but don’t want to take risks, chasing when it rises and losing money when it falls, I sincerely advise you to go to bed as soon as possible. Investment is not suitable for you. This is for your own good. Otherwise, if you continue to toss, the final result will be zero. !
Many people cannot make money in the bull market. Why?

If it goes up, you think the bull market is still there, and you chase it crazily. If it goes down, you worry that the bull market has run away, and you frantically cut the meat. You go back and forth like this several times, but the price is still there and the principal is gone. In this way, how can you make money in the bull market? ? ?

The bull market fluctuates upward, and a line only rises but never falls. Intermediate adjustments, callbacks, and sideways trading are all normal.

If you want to make money, you must have a firm idea and a firm trading strategy. Although there is indeed a risk of standing at the top, the price/performance ratio is indeed very high at this stage, and it is worth a try!

Now that the market has fallen, many people are saying that the bull market is gone and the bear market is coming. It’s funny even thinking about it.

Maybe your point of view is right, maybe you can escape from the top, but seriously think about how likely this is, is it worth taking the gamble?

If you want to make money, the most important thing is to identify the trend. Don't doubt or hesitate, just be firm on your idea and go for it. Sometimes it is bullish and sometimes it is bearish. This is not trading, it is funny.

If you still think the bull is gone, it’s a good idea to clear your position as soon as possible. Although you won’t have a chance at the next big bull market, at least you will be safe. There is no right or wrong, only choice.

For those who want to make money but don’t want to take risks, chasing when it rises and losing money when it falls, I sincerely advise you to go to bed as soon as possible. Investment is not suitable for you. This is for your own good. Otherwise, if you continue to toss, the final result will be zero. !

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