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My altcoin investment strategy is based on one core criterion: whether the project shows growth potential that exceeds Bitcoin. Considering that Bitcoin has not yet risen 5 times since the market low this year, any altcoin that fails to achieve at least this level of appreciation means that its return on capital is not ideal. As many professional traders on Wall Street have shown, even in the professional field, most people's investment returns are difficult to exceed the performance of index funds. Therefore, I recommend reducing investment in non-mainstream altcoins and avoiding relying on luck or speculative psychology. Instead, we should focus on investment opportunities with clear growth logic and market potential, and appropriately increase investment positions in these areas. In short, altcoin investment should seek high-potential targets, avoid unfounded risks, and achieve effective use of funds and maximize returns through in-depth analysis and reasonable layout.
My altcoin investment strategy is based on one core criterion: whether the project shows growth potential that exceeds Bitcoin.
Considering that Bitcoin has not yet risen 5 times since the market low this year, any altcoin that fails to achieve at least this level of appreciation means that its return on capital is not ideal.
As many professional traders on Wall Street have shown, even in the professional field, most people's investment returns are difficult to exceed the performance of index funds.
Therefore, I recommend reducing investment in non-mainstream altcoins and avoiding relying on luck or speculative psychology. Instead, we should focus on investment opportunities with clear growth logic and market potential, and appropriately increase investment positions in these areas.
In short, altcoin investment should seek high-potential targets, avoid unfounded risks, and achieve effective use of funds and maximize returns through in-depth analysis and reasonable layout.
我的山寨币投资策略基于一个核心标准:项目是否展现出超越比特币的增长潜力。 考虑到比特币自今年市场低点以来的涨幅尚未达到5倍,任何山寨币若未能实现至少这一水平的增值,就意味着其资金回报率并不理想。 正如许多华尔街的专业操盘手所展示的,即便是在专业领域,大多数人的投资回报也难以超越指数基金的表现。 因此,我建议减少对非主流山寨币的投资,避免依赖运气或投机心理。相反,我们应该专注于那些具有明确成长逻辑和市场潜力的投资机会,并在这些领域适当增加投资仓位。 简而言之,山寨币投资应寻求高潜力的标的,避免无根据的冒险,通过深入分析和合理布局,以期实现资金的有效利用和最大化回报。
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The WIF daily level is currently in the bullish position. As long as it does not fall below the antenna long and short price near 2.0268, the intraday market will remain bullish. It is recommended to go to the 4-hour level to wait for the long buy signal point (i.e. the yellow dot). If it successfully stands above 2.2211 today, you can enter the long position after the yellow dot appears and confirms. The target is set at around 2.2818 to 2.3631. If the long and short prices at the 4-hour level are broken, the market may turn to the short side. At this time, you need to pay attention to the lower target around 2.1370 to 2.0430. {future}(WIFUSDT)
The WIF daily level is currently in the bullish position. As long as it does not fall below the antenna long and short price near 2.0268, the intraday market will remain bullish.
It is recommended to go to the 4-hour level to wait for the long buy signal point (i.e. the yellow dot).
If it successfully stands above 2.2211 today, you can enter the long position after the yellow dot appears and confirms.
The target is set at around 2.2818 to 2.3631.
If the long and short prices at the 4-hour level are broken, the market may turn to the short side.
At this time, you need to pay attention to the lower target around 2.1370 to 2.0430.
你以为的币圈是你拿一万块钱出来,十年不去看他,到了100万后卖掉。 真实的币圈是,一万块钱进去,第二天就剩下5000,而这一个夜晚你夜不能寐,这一年你在被尿憋醒上厕所的每一个夜晚,都会打开APP看一下行情。 好不容易熬过一年,你的币价值在1000-6000之间波动,你下定决心,说到了9000亏本就要割肉了。 遇到一个牛市来临,你的币子好不容易涨到了8500,你觉得按照已往的经验肯定要回调到6000,于是你卖掉了8500,准备做空回调到6000的时候买入,这样你就还能赚2500,事实上经过你多次操作,开始确实赚了一波,结果这次,你再也上不了车,直接到了 9000. 于是你心一横,再不上车就来不及了,于是你拿着卖掉的8500重新接回了9000的仓位,你的币少了。 然后又从9000回调到了7000,你又后悔了,你忍不住又要去操作,慢慢的看着一路涨到了12000,你赚钱了,等了一年。 于是你卖掉了币,靠,年化利润20%,你觉得你是巴菲特。 梭哈,满仓、割肉,追涨杀跌这才是小白新手的样子。$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) #币安合约锦标赛
遇到一个牛市来临,你的币子好不容易涨到了8500,你觉得按照已往的经验肯定要回调到6000,于是你卖掉了8500,准备做空回调到6000的时候买入,这样你就还能赚2500,事实上经过你多次操作,开始确实赚了一波,结果这次,你再也上不了车,直接到了 9000.
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In the past, as long as you know how to buy and hold in the bull market, it will be fine. In this round of bull market, the funds switch faster. For the cottage, you must know how to sell and be able to lock in the profits. Selling fast will always make money. Don't be too patterned and throw away all the profits in the bear market. After this wave of reshuffle is completed, the cottage market will rise again, but it will no longer be the overall rise of the past bull market. Good targets may be able to run dozens of times, while bad targets are very likely to not outperform the market. It is important to choose a good target. If you choose the wrong one, it is more important to dare to change the position. Don't be dragged down by the cost of silence. $BTC
In the past, as long as you know how to buy and hold in the bull market, it will be fine. In this round of bull market, the funds switch faster. For the cottage, you must know how to sell and be able to lock in the profits. Selling fast will always make money. Don't be too patterned and throw away all the profits in the bear market.
After this wave of reshuffle is completed, the cottage market will rise again, but it will no longer be the overall rise of the past bull market. Good targets may be able to run dozens of times, while bad targets are very likely to not outperform the market.
It is important to choose a good target. If you choose the wrong one, it is more important to dare to change the position. Don't be dragged down by the cost of silence. $BTC
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You can make money if you know how to open a short position. (With stop loss) At least retreat to 61500, and the subsequent rebound will continue to decline if it is weak, breaking 58300$BTC
You can make money if you know how to open a short position. (With stop loss)
At least retreat to 61500, and the subsequent rebound will continue to decline if it is weak, breaking 58300$BTC
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Today's market, Cake lures shorts, relay race in the early morning, daily closing is bullish at 64700! I mentioned it roughly before going to bed last night, Cake will test 62000-63000 points in the early morning. But 63000 only stayed for a while, and a positive line was pulled to 63800. It did not reach 64000. Personally, I think this rebound is not over yet. It is currently in a trend of inducing shorts. From the early morning to 8 o'clock in the morning, it is likely to go above 64000, and strong cottages will also rise. Logic is roughly speaking, this wave is just a rebound, and the main purpose is to clear the upper short position funds. After the rebound is over, there is a high probability that there will be a deep callback, and continue to detect the position of 58000. The specific operation of Cake can be to build a bottom position at 64100, cover at 64700, and stop loss at 66000. Old link: two orders Market price or 0.00974 to enter, 0.0096 stop loss. $BOME 0.0108 stop profit. Market price or 0.0926 entry, 0.091 stop loss, 0.1 stop profit#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 $PEPE
Today's market, Cake lures shorts, relay race in the early morning, daily closing is bullish at 64700!
I mentioned it roughly before going to bed last night, Cake will test 62000-63000 points in the early morning.
But 63000 only stayed for a while, and a positive line was pulled to 63800.
It did not reach 64000. Personally, I think this rebound is not over yet.
It is currently in a trend of inducing shorts. From the early morning to 8 o'clock in the morning, it is likely to go above 64000, and strong cottages will also rise. Logic is roughly speaking, this wave is just a rebound, and the main purpose is to clear the upper short position funds.
After the rebound is over, there is a high probability that there will be a deep callback, and continue to detect the position of 58000.
The specific operation of Cake can be to build a bottom position at 64100, cover at 64700, and stop loss at 66000.
Old link: two orders
Market price or 0.00974 to enter, 0.0096 stop loss. $BOME
0.0108 stop profit.
Market price or 0.0926 entry, 0.091 stop loss, 0.1 stop profit#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 $PEPE
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LRC: At 6 o'clock in the morning, a yellow dot appeared at the two-hour level, which is a long buy signal. If it can effectively break through the position of 0.17618, it is necessary to wait for the next yellow dot to appear and stabilize before going long. Note the pressure level: It is located near 0.18534, and the expected profit is about 5.20%. Key points: The same direction large level meets the two-hour long order strategy. $LRC #非农就业数据即将公布
LRC: At 6 o'clock in the morning, a yellow dot appeared at the two-hour level, which is a long buy signal.
If it can effectively break through the position of 0.17618,
it is necessary to wait for the next yellow dot to appear and stabilize before going long.
Note the pressure level: It is located near 0.18534, and the expected profit is about
Key points: The same direction large level meets the two-hour long order strategy. $LRC #非农就业数据即将公布
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Bitcoin short-term support is $61,000-62,000, and short-term pressure is $63,500-64,500. Since its launch, the US Bitcoin spot ETF has accumulated a net inflow of $14.525 billion. It can be said that it has become the main force for long Bitcoin this year. But Ajie believes that the real large capital inflow still depends on when the US cuts interest rates. Today's panic and greed index is 47, which has fallen slightly. Bitcoin rebounded in the short term. If it does not break $62,500, the short-term downward trend will be effectively reversed, but the mid-line must break through the pressure zone of $65,000-66,000, otherwise it is likely to form a new shock range of $60,000-65,000. Big Auntie short-term support is $3,350-3,400, and short-term pressure is $3,480-3,520. The Ethereum network destroyed a total of about 4.337 million Ethereum. In addition, the Ethereum spot ETF may be passed in the early July, so the probability of Ethereum's subsequent rise is relatively high. If it does not fall below $3,350, you can continue to increase your position and go long. {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(ETHUSDT) $BTC
Bitcoin short-term support is $61,000-62,000, and short-term pressure is $63,500-64,500. Since its launch, the US Bitcoin spot ETF has accumulated a net inflow of $14.525 billion. It can be said that it has become the main force for long Bitcoin this year. But Ajie believes that the real large capital inflow still depends on when the US cuts interest rates. Today's panic and greed index is 47, which has fallen slightly. Bitcoin rebounded in the short term. If it does not break $62,500, the short-term downward trend will be effectively reversed, but the mid-line must break through the pressure zone of $65,000-66,000, otherwise it is likely to form a new shock range of $60,000-65,000.
Big Auntie short-term support is $3,350-3,400, and short-term pressure is $3,480-3,520. The Ethereum network destroyed a total of about 4.337 million Ethereum. In addition, the Ethereum spot ETF may be passed in the early July, so the probability of Ethereum's subsequent rise is relatively high. If it does not fall below $3,350, you can continue to increase your position and go long.

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The weekend market is still volatile, which is unrelated to the previous weekend market. 1. BTC can't even reach 62,000, what else can we expect? 2. ETH is affected by the problem of ETF submitting documents and continues to fluctuate between 3,300 and 3,500: 3. BNX has staged another good show, controlling the market at a high level, pulling and smashing at the same time. Except for those who have information, no one should dare to buy it$BTC #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低
The weekend market is still volatile, which is unrelated to the previous weekend market.
1. BTC can't even reach 62,000, what else can we expect?
2. ETH is affected by the problem of ETF submitting documents and continues to fluctuate between 3,300 and 3,500:
3. BNX has staged another good show, controlling the market at a high level, pulling and smashing at the same time. Except for those who have information, no one should dare to buy it$BTC #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低
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June 30, 2024 1. Biden's election probability hits a new record low of 16%; 2. The IRS has finalized new regulations for taxing cryptocurrencies; 3. A U.S. federal judge upholds "most" of the SEC's charges against Binance; 4. Curve founder: The 30 million CRVs sold to Christian will be delivered in batches in mid-August; 5. CoinRoutes CEO: The court ruling against the U.S. SEC has reached a critical point; 6. Former SEC Chairman: The burden of proof always lies with the SEC to prove that a product is a security; 7. The U.S. SEC returns the S-1 form to the Ethereum spot ETF issuer for further revision; 8. The Supreme Court: "A Token" network platform collects more than 9 million virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Tether, and EOS from members; 9. Jupiter Lianchuang: Will provide $100,000 in funding to support the new Discord and launch the upcoming ZAO; 10. Nigerian officials advocate the use of blockchain and artificial intelligence to combat illegal capital flows. *The above consultation comes from the Internet and does not constitute any investment advice {future}(BTCUSDT) $BTC #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
June 30, 2024
1. Biden's election probability hits a new record low of 16%;
2. The IRS has finalized new regulations for taxing cryptocurrencies;
3. A U.S. federal judge upholds "most" of the SEC's charges against Binance;
4. Curve founder: The 30 million CRVs sold to Christian will be delivered in batches in mid-August;
5. CoinRoutes CEO: The court ruling against the U.S. SEC has reached a critical point;
6. Former SEC Chairman: The burden of proof always lies with the SEC to prove that a product is a security;
7. The U.S. SEC returns the S-1 form to the Ethereum spot ETF issuer for further revision;
8. The Supreme Court: "A Token" network platform collects more than 9 million virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Tether, and EOS from members;
9. Jupiter Lianchuang: Will provide $100,000 in funding to support the new Discord and launch the upcoming ZAO;
10. Nigerian officials advocate the use of blockchain and artificial intelligence to combat illegal capital flows.
*The above consultation comes from the Internet and does not constitute any investment advice

$BTC #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
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The short-term support of the big cake is 59500-60800, and the short-term pressure is 62000-63000. The short-term support of the big cake is 3300-3350, and the short-term pressure is 3440-3480.$BTC
The short-term support of the big cake is 59500-60800, and the short-term pressure is 62000-63000.
The short-term support of the big cake is 3300-3350, and the short-term pressure is 3440-3480.$BTC
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Bitcoin's short-term support is $59,000-60,000, and its short-term pressure is $61,500-62,500. The three major U.S. stock indexes fell across the board. The PCE index announced last night was in line with expectations, and the positive realization became negative. On the positive side, the U.S. spot Bitcoin ETF increased its holdings by a total of 596 bitcoins on June 28. Whether $60,000 can be maintained depends largely on the strength of ETF buying. From a technical point of view, Bitcoin has begun to fall back for the second time, which is expected. The key is to see the effectiveness of the $58,300 needle. Generally speaking, after Bitcoin has fallen for a period of time, the daily level needle will be a stage bottom. It depends on this time. If it does not break, it is expected to pick up the upward trend in July, realizing the so-called 5 poor, 6 absolute, and 7 turnaround. If it breaks, the support below is $56,500 and $53,800. $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(ETHUSDT) #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
Bitcoin's short-term support is $59,000-60,000, and its short-term pressure is $61,500-62,500. The three major U.S. stock indexes fell across the board. The PCE index announced last night was in line with expectations, and the positive realization became negative. On the positive side, the U.S. spot Bitcoin ETF increased its holdings by a total of 596 bitcoins on June 28. Whether $60,000 can be maintained depends largely on the strength of ETF buying. From a technical point of view, Bitcoin has begun to fall back for the second time, which is expected. The key is to see the effectiveness of the $58,300 needle. Generally speaking, after Bitcoin has fallen for a period of time, the daily level needle will be a stage bottom. It depends on this time. If it does not break, it is expected to pick up the upward trend in July, realizing the so-called 5 poor, 6 absolute, and 7 turnaround. If it breaks, the support below is $56,500 and $53,800. $BTC

#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
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The short-term support of Bitcoin is 59,500-60,600 US dollars, and the short-term pressure is 62,500-63,000 US dollars. The three major US stock indexes rose across the board. Fed Bostic: Interest rates may be cut in the fourth quarter of this year, and it is expected to fall by 25 basis points each quarter in 2025. It seems that the real "water buffalo" will have to wait until 2025. On June 27, US spot ETFs reduced their holdings of a total of 548 bitcoins. The main funds are still leaving the battlefield in small steps, and the market reversal still needs to be waited. From a technical point of view, Bitcoin closed with a continuous star line, and the long and short sides temporarily reached a balance. It remains to be seen who will win. I personally think that only when Bitcoin stands above 63,000 US dollars can the short-term decline risk be lifted, and only when it stands above 65,000 US dollars can the medium-term risk be lifted. The short-term focus below is on the gains and losses of 59,500 US dollars, and the medium-term focus is on the gains and losses of 56,500 US dollars. {future}(BTCUSDT) $BTC #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF
The short-term support of Bitcoin is 59,500-60,600 US dollars, and the short-term pressure is 62,500-63,000 US dollars. The three major US stock indexes rose across the board. Fed Bostic: Interest rates may be cut in the fourth quarter of this year, and it is expected to fall by 25 basis points each quarter in 2025. It seems that the real "water buffalo" will have to wait until 2025. On June 27, US spot ETFs reduced their holdings of a total of 548 bitcoins. The main funds are still leaving the battlefield in small steps, and the market reversal still needs to be waited. From a technical point of view, Bitcoin closed with a continuous star line, and the long and short sides temporarily reached a balance. It remains to be seen who will win. I personally think that only when Bitcoin stands above 63,000 US dollars can the short-term decline risk be lifted, and only when it stands above 65,000 US dollars can the medium-term risk be lifted. The short-term focus below is on the gains and losses of 59,500 US dollars, and the medium-term focus is on the gains and losses of 56,500 US dollars.
$BTC #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF
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Bitcoin's short-term support is $58,300-59,500, and its short-term pressure is $62,000-63,000. The three major U.S. stock indexes rose across the board. U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs reduced their holdings of 214 bitcoins on June 26. The U.S. government address sent 4,000 bitcoins to Coinbase. It seems that the recent selling pressure on Bitcoin is indeed very heavy. Bitcoin rebounded to around $62,500 and began to explore again. The trend is in line with expectations. We still have to observe whether $58,300 can be held and whether a new bottom structure can be formed. If it breaks, pay attention to the support of $56,500-67,000 and $53,000-55,000 below. Short-term stabilization must at least stand at $63,000, and mid-term stabilization must return to $65,000-66,000. Be cautious in operation and focus on high altitude. $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
Bitcoin's short-term support is $58,300-59,500, and its short-term pressure is $62,000-63,000. The three major U.S. stock indexes rose across the board. U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs reduced their holdings of 214 bitcoins on June 26. The U.S. government address sent 4,000 bitcoins to Coinbase. It seems that the recent selling pressure on Bitcoin is indeed very heavy. Bitcoin rebounded to around $62,500 and began to explore again. The trend is in line with expectations. We still have to observe whether $58,300 can be held and whether a new bottom structure can be formed. If it breaks, pay attention to the support of $56,500-67,000 and $53,000-55,000 below. Short-term stabilization must at least stand at $63,000, and mid-term stabilization must return to $65,000-66,000. Be cautious in operation and focus on high altitude. $BTC
#以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
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#ETH today’s operation ideas and suggestions Ether experienced a rebound yesterday. The daily structure tested MA60 upwards and then fell back to around 3395. It closed above MA90 and the top pressure was around MA14. Short positions at MACD were shrinking. The four-hour structure currently has multiple tests on the MA360 annual line to form pressure. If an effective breakthrough is formed, the short position increase at the MACD near MA90 can be seen to form a golden cross. In the short term, the target is around 3270-3225 to buy long, and the rebound target can be around 3335-3490. {future}(BTCUSDT) $BTC
#ETH today’s operation ideas and suggestions
Ether experienced a rebound yesterday. The daily structure tested MA60 upwards and then fell back to around 3395. It closed above MA90 and the top pressure was around MA14. Short positions at MACD were shrinking.
The four-hour structure currently has multiple tests on the MA360 annual line to form pressure. If an effective breakthrough is formed, the short position increase at the MACD near MA90 can be seen to form a golden cross.
In the short term, the target is around 3270-3225 to buy long, and the rebound target can be around 3335-3490.
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Bitcoin's short-term support is $59,500-60,200, and its short-term pressure is $62,600-63,600. The three major U.S. stock indexes rose and fell one. On June 25, the U.S. spot Bitcoin ETF reduced its holdings of a total of 2,145 bitcoins. In July, Mentougou will also begin to reduce its holdings of BTC and BCH. This may be the key factor causing Bitcoin's decline. Supply has increased and demand has decreased. The real test will be in July. Bitcoin rebounded in the short term, but the rebound was not strong. It is estimated that there will be a second bottoming out. If it does not break $58,300, it can be actively bought if the bottoming out is successful. If it breaks, pay attention to the support of $56,500-67,000 and $53,000-55,000. To stabilize in the short term, it must at least stand at $63,000, and to stabilize in the medium term, it must return to $65,000-66,000. #Meme板块普涨 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC
Bitcoin's short-term support is $59,500-60,200, and its short-term pressure is $62,600-63,600. The three major U.S. stock indexes rose and fell one. On June 25, the U.S. spot Bitcoin ETF reduced its holdings of a total of 2,145 bitcoins. In July, Mentougou will also begin to reduce its holdings of BTC and BCH. This may be the key factor causing Bitcoin's decline. Supply has increased and demand has decreased. The real test will be in July. Bitcoin rebounded in the short term, but the rebound was not strong. It is estimated that there will be a second bottoming out. If it does not break $58,300, it can be actively bought if the bottoming out is successful. If it breaks, pay attention to the support of $56,500-67,000 and $53,000-55,000. To stabilize in the short term, it must at least stand at $63,000, and to stabilize in the medium term, it must return to $65,000-66,000. #Meme板块普涨 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC
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Bitcoin's short-term support is 58,300-59,500 US dollars, and its short-term pressure is 61,800-63,000 US dollars. The three major US stock indexes rose and fell. Yesterday, it was announced that the Mentougou claims would start from July to October, and Bitcoin accelerated its decline under this influence. Some experts say that the selling pressure of Bitcoin caused by Mentougou will be less than expected. However, if the selling pressure of Bitcoin current price ETF does not stop, the downward pressure of Bitcoin will still exist. From the technical trend, Bitcoin broke down and went down. At present, there are signs of closing the pin on the daily line. I personally think that there is a high possibility of forming a second leg above 56,500 US dollars. Once the pin is successfully inserted at 58,300 US dollars, Bitcoin will enter a bottoming stage. The short-term stop loss must at least stand at 63,000 US dollars, and the medium-term stop loss must return to 65,000-66,000 US dollars. Now it is in a period of volatility. It is recommended to make small positions or open positions at low levels. But the allocation ratio should be lowered. $BTC
Bitcoin's short-term support is 58,300-59,500 US dollars, and its short-term pressure is 61,800-63,000 US dollars. The three major US stock indexes rose and fell. Yesterday, it was announced that the Mentougou claims would start from July to October, and Bitcoin accelerated its decline under this influence. Some experts say that the selling pressure of Bitcoin caused by Mentougou will be less than expected. However, if the selling pressure of Bitcoin current price ETF does not stop, the downward pressure of Bitcoin will still exist. From the technical trend, Bitcoin broke down and went down. At present, there are signs of closing the pin on the daily line. I personally think that there is a high possibility of forming a second leg above 56,500 US dollars. Once the pin is successfully inserted at 58,300 US dollars, Bitcoin will enter a bottoming stage. The short-term stop loss must at least stand at 63,000 US dollars, and the medium-term stop loss must return to 65,000-66,000 US dollars. Now it is in a period of volatility. It is recommended to make small positions or open positions at low levels. But the allocation ratio should be lowered. $BTC
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The short-term support of the big cake is $59,800-61,800, and the short-term pressure is $64,800-65,800. The US Bitcoin spot ETF sold 7,690 BTC in the past week; according to other news, Bitcoin miners have sold more than 30,000 BTC since June, equivalent to about $2 billion. It is also reported that the US government has 217,400 Bitcoins and 53,900 Ethereums, which may all be short-selling bullets. The short-term big cake has pierced the key support of $63,000 in the plate. If it cannot be effectively recovered, Leng Feng believes that it may go out of the second mode. If you buy again, you have to wait for its dynamic bottom to appear. From the weekly structure, the support of the big cake is around $60,000 and the other is around $58,000. Moreover, the weekly MACD continues to cross and decline. Unless there is a positive warning or a needle to test the bottom, the decline will continue.
The short-term support of the big cake is $59,800-61,800, and the short-term pressure is $64,800-65,800. The US Bitcoin spot ETF sold 7,690 BTC in the past week; according to other news, Bitcoin miners have sold more than 30,000 BTC since June, equivalent to about $2 billion. It is also reported that the US government has 217,400 Bitcoins and 53,900 Ethereums, which may all be short-selling bullets. The short-term big cake has pierced the key support of $63,000 in the plate. If it cannot be effectively recovered, Leng Feng believes that it may go out of the second mode. If you buy again, you have to wait for its dynamic bottom to appear. From the weekly structure, the support of the big cake is around $60,000 and the other is around $58,000. Moreover, the weekly MACD continues to cross and decline. Unless there is a positive warning or a needle to test the bottom, the decline will continue.
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The low point has to come again, the lower boundary of the falling channel is back to the position, continue to be bearish, the falling target seems to be about the same, oscillate and wait for a reversal $BTC
The low point has to come again, the lower boundary of the falling channel is back to the position, continue to be bearish, the falling target seems to be about the same, oscillate and wait for a reversal $BTC
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