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The top ten “culprits” of losses No matter in which financial market, for the majority of individual investors, 80% of them are losing money, half of the remaining 20%, that is, 10%, can break even, and the other half, 5%, can make a small profit, and finally only 1% can stand at the top of the market and make long-term and stable profits. As for the cryptocurrency market, I am only at the "student" stage, with 3 years of industry experience and more than 10,000 hours of real trading experience. I don't want to discuss what the holy grail of trading is for a few people, but I hope to provide some ideas for those investors who are still losing money.

The top ten “culprits” of losses

No matter in which financial market, for the majority of individual investors, 80% of them are losing money, half of the remaining 20%, that is, 10%, can break even, and the other half, 5%, can make a small profit, and finally only 1% can stand at the top of the market and make long-term and stable profits. As for the cryptocurrency market, I am only at the "student" stage, with 3 years of industry experience and more than 10,000 hours of real trading experience. I don't want to discuss what the holy grail of trading is for a few people, but I hope to provide some ideas for those investors who are still losing money.
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Fourteen years ago, I came into contact with trading in class, and fourteen years ago, I came into contact with Texas Hold'em after school. Since then, these two "hobbies" have accompanied me throughout my youth. This process is both beautiful and painful. I spent a lot of time, energy, and money to study and understand the truth, and found that there is no difference between the two except for the factor of your "opponent". Share a few very interesting comparisons. 1. Card strength - As the name suggests, Texas Hold'em represents the strength of the starting hand. The stronger the starting hand, the greater the chance of winning. In the trading system, it is like the resonance of all the indicators you find, whether it is the shape, moving average, MACD, Bollinger Bands, RSI, K-line, the more superimposed resonance, the greater the probability of winning. 2. Position - The later the position of Texas Hold'em, the more advantages and dominance you have. It's like the trend in trading. If you follow the trend, you will take the initiative and make friends with the trend. 3. Backhand - Your backhand determines your upper and lower limits, how much you can win at most, or how much you can lose at most. The same applies to trading. 4. Betting strategy - whether it is a winning hand or a buying hand, you must calculate the appropriate odds according to the pot to achieve a long-term positive EV decision. Trading is like the profit and loss ratio you set for each order. When to choose the left side to buy the bottom and touch the top, sacrificing the winning rate in exchange for a high profit and loss ratio, or the right side to guarantee the winning rate in exchange for a stable profit and loss ratio, it is very subtle. 5. Mentality management - how to maintain a balance and not get carried away every time a small probability appears, just like how to maintain a calm mentality in trading regardless of the rise and fall, how the market gives you to go, you just follow it. 6. Fund management (risk management) - how to "survive" for a long time, as long as you are alive, there is hope! 7. Volatility management - After forming your own system, if you want to make stable profits in Texas Hold'em and stable profits in trading, I think the most important thing is to control the retracement. At the beginning, I often worked hard for a long time but ended up with nothing. The reason was that the retracement control was too poor. So if you want to make money in this market or at the poker table, think about how to lose less money first. This reverse thinking is very important. Losing less money is making money, that is, "less is more". 8. The only difference: opponents. If you want to make a profit in Texas Hold'em, you just need to find a group of guys who are weaker than you, or poorer than you.But in the secondary market, your opponent will be an extremely smart guy with unlimited backhands, so you must be more careful at every step and always be in awe of the market! Share this with those of us who love playing Texas Hold'em and trading. I hope that we can make stable profits whether playing Texas Hold'em or trading, and I also hope that these two "hobbies" can continue to accompany me through the next 15 years😅😅$BTC
Fourteen years ago, I came into contact with trading in class, and fourteen years ago, I came into contact with Texas Hold'em after school. Since then, these two "hobbies" have accompanied me throughout my youth. This process is both beautiful and painful. I spent a lot of time, energy, and money to study and understand the truth, and found that there is no difference between the two except for the factor of your "opponent". Share a few very interesting comparisons.
1. Card strength - As the name suggests, Texas Hold'em represents the strength of the starting hand. The stronger the starting hand, the greater the chance of winning. In the trading system, it is like the resonance of all the indicators you find, whether it is the shape, moving average, MACD, Bollinger Bands, RSI, K-line, the more superimposed resonance, the greater the probability of winning.
2. Position - The later the position of Texas Hold'em, the more advantages and dominance you have. It's like the trend in trading. If you follow the trend, you will take the initiative and make friends with the trend.
3. Backhand - Your backhand determines your upper and lower limits, how much you can win at most, or how much you can lose at most. The same applies to trading.
4. Betting strategy - whether it is a winning hand or a buying hand, you must calculate the appropriate odds according to the pot to achieve a long-term positive EV decision. Trading is like the profit and loss ratio you set for each order. When to choose the left side to buy the bottom and touch the top, sacrificing the winning rate in exchange for a high profit and loss ratio, or the right side to guarantee the winning rate in exchange for a stable profit and loss ratio, it is very subtle.
5. Mentality management - how to maintain a balance and not get carried away every time a small probability appears, just like how to maintain a calm mentality in trading regardless of the rise and fall, how the market gives you to go, you just follow it.
6. Fund management (risk management) - how to "survive" for a long time, as long as you are alive, there is hope!
7. Volatility management - After forming your own system, if you want to make stable profits in Texas Hold'em and stable profits in trading, I think the most important thing is to control the retracement. At the beginning, I often worked hard for a long time but ended up with nothing. The reason was that the retracement control was too poor. So if you want to make money in this market or at the poker table, think about how to lose less money first. This reverse thinking is very important. Losing less money is making money, that is, "less is more".
8. The only difference: opponents. If you want to make a profit in Texas Hold'em, you just need to find a group of guys who are weaker than you, or poorer than you.But in the secondary market, your opponent will be an extremely smart guy with unlimited backhands, so you must be more careful at every step and always be in awe of the market!
Share this with those of us who love playing Texas Hold'em and trading. I hope that we can make stable profits whether playing Texas Hold'em or trading, and I also hope that these two "hobbies" can continue to accompany me through the next 15 years😅😅$BTC




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【Bull Faith Recharge】The whole market is looking at the "M" head, so I can only show the bulls "Bull Chess" ~ "Trends have inertia" from last October's unilateral rise to the highest point 150 days, now adjusted 120 days, a few more days, isn't it just the right time for the "time dimension" adjustment to end? Don't lose heart, there are dark moments before dawn! #Btc #BTC走势预测 $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
【Bull Faith Recharge】The whole market is looking at the "M" head, so I can only show the bulls "Bull Chess" ~ "Trends have inertia" from last October's unilateral rise to the highest point 150 days, now adjusted 120 days, a few more days, isn't it just the right time for the "time dimension" adjustment to end? Don't lose heart, there are dark moments before dawn! #Btc #BTC走势预测 $BTC
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I am really laughing so hard! The community is so nice. After a one-day decline, I saw two K-lines rise, and it was all bullish! #牛回,速归
I am really laughing so hard! The community is so nice. After a one-day decline, I saw two K-lines rise, and it was all bullish! #牛回,速归
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The big "A" market has a new term "financial consumer" 🫣 Then let's consume and buy some cakes today
The big "A" market has a new term "financial consumer" 🫣 Then let's consume and buy some cakes today




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emmm, after watching the A-share market defending 3,000 points, and seeing that Ethereum is still supported by the daily channel line, I feel more balanced.#eth $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT)
emmm, after watching the A-share market defending 3,000 points, and seeing that Ethereum is still supported by the daily channel line, I feel more balanced.#eth
When I was young, I didn’t know the benefits of US stocks, and I mistakenly took cryptocurrencies as treasures~hahaha #BTC #BTC走势预测 #Btcoin $BTC
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The position near #Btc #BTC走势预测 60000 is the last position worth defending for "bulls". If the "real" price breaks down, the two positions of "58000" and "56600" seen by the market are really very weak. In my eyes, the "16000" point from 60000 to 44000 is all white. If it can't be stuck here, then it will really start to "torture people"~$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
The position near #Btc #BTC走势预测 60000 is the last position worth defending for "bulls". If the "real" price breaks down, the two positions of "58000" and "56600" seen by the market are really very weak. In my eyes, the "16000" point from 60000 to 44000 is all white. If it can't be stuck here, then it will really start to "torture people"~$BTC
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Large-level support + micro-level 2b In one sentence, just do it $BTC
Large-level support + micro-level 2b In one sentence, just do it $BTC
2024年7月3日BTC,ETH日内行情分析。继续看多!按计划执行,减少情绪化操作!SATS BCH TURBO有没有布局机会?(下半部分,主要聊SATS BCH TURBO)

2024年7月3日BTC,ETH日内行情分析。继续看多!按计划执行,减少情绪化操作!SATS BCH TURBO有没有布局机会?(下半部分,主要聊SATS BCH TURBO)

2024年7月3日BTC,ETH日内行情分析。继续看多!按计划执行,减少情绪化操作!SATS BCH TURBO有没有布局机会?(上半部分,主要说BTC+ETH)

2024年7月3日BTC,ETH日内行情分析。继续看多!按计划执行,减少情绪化操作!SATS BCH TURBO有没有布局机会?(上半部分,主要说BTC+ETH)

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#ETHFI⁩ I sold ETHFI. There is no bottom below. There is no desire to rebound. Three ways to change positions 🔸 1. Change positions in the same track (LDO OP, the entire Ethereum system is very sluggish, but these two large structures still have support and can see the bottom. If the Ethereum system rebounds in the future, there will not be too much loss.) 🔸2. Change positions for strong varieties that continue the daily trend (OM ONDO TON SOL, the overall trend has been continuing. The downward rebound is also quite strong. If the big cake stabilizes, these will be the first to run out, and there are fewer locked-in positions.) 🔸3. Cut losses and wait for the daily level big cake buying point. (Although Bitcoin is still bullish at the daily level, the "emotional cycle" has already turned bearish. The market has no confidence. There is no need to explore why it has risen or what anyone said. Just look at the US stock market and you will find that it is not weak at all. This is the emotional cycle. As long as you have confidence, no matter what Master Bao or Junior Bao says, the trend cannot be reversed. However, the current environment does lack confidence. The copycats dare not pull, and they are all afraid of a deep correction of Bitcoin. The overall market sentiment is low, so you can also wait patiently for Bitcoin to stabilize and make some safe transactions on the right side.)$ETHFI {future}(ETHFIUSDT)
#ETHFI⁩ I sold ETHFI. There is no bottom below. There is no desire to rebound. Three ways to change positions

🔸 1. Change positions in the same track (LDO OP, the entire Ethereum system is very sluggish, but these two large structures still have support and can see the bottom. If the Ethereum system rebounds in the future, there will not be too much loss.)
🔸2. Change positions for strong varieties that continue the daily trend (OM ONDO TON SOL, the overall trend has been continuing. The downward rebound is also quite strong. If the big cake stabilizes, these will be the first to run out, and there are fewer locked-in positions.)
🔸3. Cut losses and wait for the daily level big cake buying point. (Although Bitcoin is still bullish at the daily level, the "emotional cycle" has already turned bearish. The market has no confidence. There is no need to explore why it has risen or what anyone said. Just look at the US stock market and you will find that it is not weak at all. This is the emotional cycle. As long as you have confidence, no matter what Master Bao or Junior Bao says, the trend cannot be reversed. However, the current environment does lack confidence. The copycats dare not pull, and they are all afraid of a deep correction of Bitcoin. The overall market sentiment is low, so you can also wait patiently for Bitcoin to stabilize and make some safe transactions on the right side.)$ETHFI
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The bulls of the big cake have been "massaging their spirits" every day for a week, from 59,000 to 63,800, and have fully realized that "emotional value" is the meaning of a higher level of "value". I just felt like taking a breath and found that the community needs to massage the "copycats" again❓️ ❓️ But some copycats are really not worth supporting... In the future, I will pick 2-3 hot copycats in the daily video to chat (and scold). $WLD {future}(WLDUSDT) $ETHFI {future}(ETHFIUSDT) $TIA {future}(TIAUSDT)
The bulls of the big cake have been "massaging their spirits" every day for a week, from 59,000 to 63,800, and have fully realized that "emotional value" is the meaning of a higher level of "value". I just felt like taking a breath and found that the community needs to massage the "copycats" again❓️ ❓️ But some copycats are really not worth supporting... In the future, I will pick 2-3 hot copycats in the daily video to chat (and scold). $WLD


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Many people ask me what books to read, so I recommend a few here. The DC channel has been organized and you can download it directly to your phone. It is very convenient. It also holds weekly internal activities! It is never too late to read books. It has always been the best strategy to invest in yourself! $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
Many people ask me what books to read, so I recommend a few here. The DC channel has been organized and you can download it directly to your phone. It is very convenient. It also holds weekly internal activities! It is never too late to read books. It has always been the best strategy to invest in yourself! $BTC
2024年7月2日BTC,ETH日内行情分析。BTC日内绝佳买点马上来了!我该如何布局?我买了“WLD TIA ETHFI”现在该怎么办?(下半部分,主要说WLD,TIA,ETHFI)

2024年7月2日BTC,ETH日内行情分析。BTC日内绝佳买点马上来了!我该如何布局?我买了“WLD TIA ETHFI”现在该怎么办?(下半部分,主要说WLD,TIA,ETHFI)

2024年7月2日BTC,ETH日内行情分析。BTC日内绝佳买点马上来了!我该如何布局?我买了“WLD TIA ETHFI”现在该怎么办?(上部分,主要说BTC,ETH)

2024年7月2日BTC,ETH日内行情分析。BTC日内绝佳买点马上来了!我该如何布局?我买了“WLD TIA ETHFI”现在该怎么办?(上部分,主要说BTC,ETH)

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