Yesterday, people were howling like ghosts and wolves, but today, some people are singing and dancing.

The leeks who were dying yesterday are now fully revived and looking forward to financial freedom.

See, leeks are so forgetful.

Do you say that the market has rebounded a lot? No, it is just a typical oversold rebound.

The victims of this round of market decline are the altcoins, which have now reached the bottom range where they can no longer fall.

There is a possibility that today's rebound is to leave room for the next wave of corrections. There is really no room for further decline.

The dealer is also afraid that the leeks will suddenly have a seizure and start to buy the altcoins at a low level, which will make it difficult to control the market. So after the oversold, there is a rebound, so that the leeks think you are doing well again, so they chase high and get on the train, and then continue to pull back, and the leeks' mentality explodes again... After repeating this several times, the leeks will be heartbroken and hand over their chips.

Seeing that the leeks are cheering and jumping for joy, yesterday's panic did not continue to today. Lao Li is actually quite worried. This situation belongs to the room for decline.

At least in the short term, it seems so. Yesterday, many friends couldn't stand the decline and sold their stocks at a low price, intending to buy them back at a lower price. Faced with today's correction, they were confused.

Finally, if you are a complete novice and you are excited to enter the cryptocurrency circle after seeing BTC hit a record high, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle from me, and improve your basic skills. A tall building is built from the ground, and glory can only be achieved by yourself. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

#IO  #NOT  #BOME  #BTC  #美联储何时降息?