Not only are there many people trading cryptocurrencies now, but there will be more people trading cryptocurrencies in the future.

Except for a few people who are really attracted by the genius design of Bitcoin, more people are forced to this path.

Many years ago, I felt that the path from the bottom to the top was slowly narrowing, and now the speed of narrowing is still accelerating.

When there is no hope ahead, won't you find another way?

Don't say that as long as you are ordinary, maybe you are willing, but others are not willing. People have desires. This society is people stepping on people, and the structure of this society is designed to make you work all the time.

Maybe many people have not felt the feeling of breathing freely after putting down their work and mortgages or miscellaneous trivialities of life, but this does not prevent them from wanting to live such a life.

So you will find that most of the people who play cryptocurrencies or NFTs and other novel things are young people, because their enthusiasm and courage have not been wiped out. No one is born to be a cow or a horse, and no one wants to be confined to the bottom by nature.

No matter how many criticisms your currency circle has, and regardless of the fact that it is actually increasing, just treat it as a mutual stock cut, then its wealth has been transferred within the circle, and there is no lack of opportunities for equal treatment. Outside the circle, please tell me where your wealth is transferred?

The threshold of the currency circle is really low, your luck or wisdom is magnified with the fluctuation, and you don’t need too much capital. If you are willing to go, you can still find a way out, unlike you who may work all your life outside.

The currency circle is relatively free, at least the supervision is not very strict, and the hands of traditional capital have not yet fully reached in, so join as soon as possible.

Finally, if you are a pure novice, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Laying a solid foundation can go further.

#IO    #NOT    #BOME    #BTC     #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥